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    15 Questions You Have Every Time You Watch 'Gossip Girl'

    It's not a question of whether you love Gossip Girl, it's a question of how MUCH. You obviously have been a fan of this show since it first premiered in the fall of 2007. You love Serena and Blair's friendship/enemy-ship (which should totally be a word), the fashion, and the crazy storylines. This is definitely one of your favorite shows and you often miss it the way that you miss the best times of your life that have passed by. Of course, you can still watch it anytime that you want thanks to the magical world of streaming (and the amazing fact that DVDs exist). But just because you adore this show doesn't mean that there aren't a few things that always make you wonder and think. Specifically, you have a lot of questions. Here are 15 questions you have every time you watch Gossip Girl. It's time to be honest.

    15 How Much Does Everyone's Outfits Cost?!

    If there's one thing that is pretty confusing about Gossip Girl, it's how expensive the clothes and shoes and bags that everyone wears are. Yeah, you get that every teenage character has really rich family members. Like really, really rich. But… haven't their parents gone broke buying them their clothes? How does that really work? You feel like Serena wears $500 t-shirts and that she wouldn't ever shop at a regular store (you know, like the kind of places that you and your best friends shop). Every time that you watch this show, you can't help but wonder how everyone can afford their outfits. It's a pretty distracting thought and it's impossible to stop thinking about this and focus on the storylines. Yeah, that's not the worst thing in the world because you love fashion and you love the clothing on this show in particular, but you still want to know the answer to this very important question.

    14 WHY Does Lily Keep Getting Married?

    You totally get that Lily wants to be married and have a stable and steady family life… so why does she keep getting married? More importantly, why does she keep getting married to the worst men ever? You just can't even with this, especially since you know that she and Rufus are totally meant to be together and always have been and that's just the way that it's going to be. End of story. She knows it too and it makes zero sense for her to date and marry the wrong guys instead of just admitting who she should really be with. It's also pretty boring to keep watching someone make the wrong choices when it comes to love and romance. Yup, you said it. Because it's totally true. How many times did she make the wrong decision about who she should marry? Way too many to even count. You're not into watching these scenes again.

    13 What's Up With Jenny?

    You totally understand Jenny Humphrey wanting to be popular and be accepted by girls like Blair. That's a common thing and it's human nature, especially for someone who has grown up without a mom and is definitely insecure. But… you don't get most of the things that Jenny does. You don't get why she wants to be popular so badly that she becomes kind of a bully and you definitely don't get when she leaves school and home so she can become a fashion designer. Um, you're in high school, Jenny! You're way too young to be doing these things! This is also really confusing because let's face it, Jenny has the best family unit ever. Sure, she doesn't have her mother around and that's a shame and it sucks, but her brother Dan and their dad Rufus are the best. They're a sweet family and always talk to each other and spend time together. You just don't understand this.

    12 Does Nate Have A Personality?

    Sorry Nate. Well, not really. But kind of. Nate seems like a really nice guy… but that's kind of all that he is, right? Does he have a personality? You're not actually sure and that's why this is one of the questions that is always at the top of your mind when you binge this show (for the 100th time, of course). You keep watching and waiting for him to show that he has some emotions and some opinions, but he never really develops as a character, and that's a shame since this show has six entire seasons. That's a lot of time and a lot of episodes for someone not to grow and change. Maybe he's just not as interesting as Chuck or the girls and that's why he's the way that he is. Maybe he's meant to be a stable, steady kind of nice dude and that's all that he is. You've always wanted to see him get excited about something, but sadly this never really happens.

    11 Is Serena A Criminal?

    It can be pretty hard to like Serena at times. You love Blake Lively so you automatically like Serena van der Woodsen because that's just the way that these things go. But… Serena has done some awful and shady and creepy things, right? She's gotten super drunk and made the wrong choices, she killed someone, she slept with Blair's boyfriend Nate. Yeah, these are not things that a good person does. You like her even though she's made mistakes because come on, everyone makes mistakes and you totally get that. You don't expect anyone to be perfect, whether that's a TV character or someone in real life. But… does the fact that she killed someone make her a criminal? Sure, it was an accident but the whole thing is just really confusing and weird for you. You totally wish this had never happened.

    10 Is Georgina Sparks Actually Awful?

    Sometimes some characters are truly evil and you know that's all there is to them. You don't even think twice about them. Sure, you might feel that way about Georgina Sparks, but do you really? Do you sometimes wonder if she's really that bad? You probably do and that's why this is another question that you ask yourself whenever you tune into this fabulous show. You have to wonder if she's insecure, if she's had a rough childhood, and if she's just looking for love and friendship and trying to make herself feel better. She could be super lonely, don't you think? She seems pretty lonely. The truth is that no one can really be that bad, can they? It always seems like she wants love and acceptance from the gang and that if they were super sweet to her, she would change her ways and stop making their lives miserable. Or maybe you're just a sweetheart and you're being too naive!

    9 Why Couldn't Hilary Duff Stick Around?

    You LOVE Hilary Duff and you always have. You probably watched her on Lizzie McGuire back in the day and have enjoyed her various movies like A Cinderella Story. And, yes, you've listened to her pop music too. You're not ashamed. Because her tunes are good. So you were absolutely thrilled and excited when you learned that Hilary Duff would be starring on Gossip Girl in the third season aka when everyone goes to college and leaves their high school lives behind (but not the drama, of course). She plays Olivia Burke, a movie star who shakes things up. You have one question time and time again when you watch this season and when you even think about it: why can't Hilary Duff stick around? You would have definitely enjoyed seeing her in the forth, fifth, and sixth seasons because, well, she's Hilary Duff and she's awesome.

    8 Why Are There Scenes NOT In NYC?

    Sure, you guess it's pretty cool that Serena goes to L.A. to try her hand at making it in Hollywood in the season five premiere. And yeah, Paris is pretty fabulous, so of course it makes sense that an equally fabulous show would film in that city in the sixth season. But… you have to admit that you don't understand why everything doesn't happen in the best city of all, New York City. Setting is always a massive part of any television show, and you have to argue that NYC IS Gossip Girl. This big and interesting and beautiful city is where all the magic started and you don't think it's crazy to think that you wish that the characters had always stayed here. Sure, they do stay in the city for college and you're happy about that, but you could have done without the California and the Paris diversions. Just saying.

    7 Why Would Dan Write About Chuck?

    You get that Dan figured that Chuck's dark history would make an amazing short story… because, well, it would. Chuck tells Dan that his mom died when she was giving birth to him so, therefore, he feels like he's responsible for her untimely and tragic death. They always say that truth is stranger than fiction, right?! When Chuck finds out that Dan wrote about him, he's super pissed, which you totally get and you're on his side for sure. You always ask yourself why Dan would write about Chuck. You love Dan and think that he's a really good guy. He's one of the only good guys, really, and he's supposed to be different from the wealthy, conceited boys at his school. You hate that he did something that would make him seem no different from them and like he's only out for himself and doesn't care about anyone else.

    6 Why Is Rufus So Insecure?

    It's impossible to watch Gossip Girl and not think that Rufus seems really, really insecure. He's a former rock star, and yet he doesn't seem to realize it! You are driven pretty crazy by this thought since come on, this guy is super hot and amazing. He's sweet, he's funny, and he's humble, and those things don't usually go together. But since he figures that he's not good enough (or wealthy enough) for Lily, it's like that totally shatters his self-confidence and self-esteem and he can't get past that. It's seriously frustrating to watch because you really think that if he could become more confident, he could have the life that he's always wanted. And he would honestly be living the dream a lot earlier if he could have admitted his feelings for Lily. It's pretty nuts that they couldn't get it together and end up as a couple. You still don't get that.

    5 What's Up With Blair Wanting To Marry A Prince?

    Yeah, sure, Blair wants to be a princess. Most girls grow up wanting to be a princess. It's not supposed to be something that you actually go after as a life goal, though, and that's why you're not a big fan of this storyline. When Blair dates Prince Louis Grimaldi, she wants them to get married… so she can become a princess, as previously mentioned. Um, Blair, what's up with that? What are you honestly thinking? Everyone knows that Blair and Chuck are a thing and that they're always going to love each other, and even back when they were broken up and it seemed like they would stay that way, every single fan understood that they would find their way back to each other eventually. Sorry but this was honestly a pretty silly storyline and you're just not on board with it. You would have rather seen Blair date a normal guy instead of a member of royalty.

    4 WHY Do Dan And Blair Date?

    In season five, Dan and Blair date, and every time that you watch them together, you ask yourself WHY this had to happen. You want Dan to be with Serena and Blair to be with Chuck and that's just the way that things have to be. You totally get that on a teen drama, a lot of characters date each other. It's always fun to see different couples and figure out who should really be with whom. But in this case, you have to ask yourself why these two particular characters have to date and it's just way too annoying for you. There must have been a lot of fans out there who weren't thrilled about this, right? Don't your BFFs feel the same way as you? They totally do. Or at least they should if you guys are going to keep hanging out. Okay, maybe you wouldn't dump your lovely friends for disagreeing with you, but either way, you can't help but wonder what these two people were thinking when they figured that they should give romance a go.

    3 Why Can't Serena And Blair Stop Competing Already?

    It's one thing for Serena and Blair to compete over boys aka Nate, it's totally another for them to let this silly rivalry ruin their futures… and their college plans and dreams in particular. Since apparently only one student at the high school can want to go to a certain college, Blair is dreaming about Yale and Serena is dreaming about Brown. Well, Serena is dreaming about Brown until she decides to set her sights on Yale and totally competes with Blair. It's confusing because you know that they both know this is going to cause more harm than good. Yeah, it makes for good drama, but come on, guys. You're smarter than that! You know that your friendship is more important than a competition. They both can be pretty immature sometimes and this is definitely one of those times, and it's not a pretty sight for either one of them.

    2 Is Dan REALLY GG?

    Yeah, you totally understand that Dan Humphrey is Gossip Girl. You've watched this entire show and you definitely watched the series finale (probably more than once) and you've seriously studied the scene where his secret was finally let out into the open. And… you have some questions. One in particular. Is Dan REALLY GG? You find this totally and completely hard to believe, even though it's been several years since the show ended and you've definitely had enough time to wrap your head around this news. You just don't see this happening. You feel like you would have figured this out yourself because, come on, you watch TV shows like it's your job. Or like they're going out of style. Or something like that. You usually are pretty good at guessing things like this and yet this was a total surprise. Then there's the fact that you don't buy that Dan would do this. Nope. Not buying it.

    1 Is Blair The Best Or The WORST?

    Blair Waldorf is pretty much the most confusing character out there. You love her for sure. You want her and Chuck Bass to be together forever and ever and they are seriously #relationshipgoals. But… you don't love a whole lot of things that she does and a whole bunch of personalty traits that you have. You don't love that she's jealous AF, that she is really mean to Serena for a long time, and that she's always scheming and plotting some form of revenge. Does she really want to hurt everyone so she can feel better about herself? How far would she really go? Wondering who Blair really is and whether or not she's actually a good person is a very confusing experience for you and it never gets any easier, no matter how many times you watch this show. Yup, you love Gossip Girl but you definitely have a ton of questions and you need answers, ASAP.