15 Reasons Being A Blond Is So Much Better
They always say being a blonde is more fun. Over the years, scientists have spent large amounts of time studying why this could be. It may seem like it is just a stereotype and that being a blonde versus being a brunette is no difference except for color. That is where you are wrong! Studies have actually proven that there are minor differences in personality, amount of hair, and how it affects you! Sure they may not all be guaranteed facts, but it is good to know that there are differences.
So why does everyone want to be a blonde? There are many reasons why blonde hair is so desired and it all has to do with the way it looks and the way others see it. Blonde hair is associated with fun, kindness, and stereotypical ignorance. But the fact is that almost everyone has (or has wanted) to go blonde at some point in their lives. No matter if your hair is black, brown, red, or white, being a blonde is the ultimate goal for some. So what are the reasons behind this need to be blonde? There are many!
For those out there who haven't considered blonde hair, maybe you should think again. If you associated blonde with negative characteristics, be sure to know exactly why being blonde is better before you disregard it completely! Time to wipe away all of those stereotypes and misconceptions you have about blondes because these are 15 reasons why being a blonde is way better!
15 What Gray Hair?
Aging always comes along with the annoying gray hairs showing up all over your head. But have you ever seen a blonde with gray hairs? Probably not! One of the reasons being a blonde is so much better is because white hairs are not a problem for them! Their blondes are bright enough that any white hairs that appear are easily hidden amongst the light tones. Not only does this make blondes look younger longer, but also there is no need to pay for constant touch-ups! Brunettes will have to spend tons of money on getting their hair dyed darker to hide those pesky white and gray hairs that stick out. These constant touch-ups can add up and become expensive and time-consuming. Not for blondes! Blondes can embrace age with ease and not have to worry about covering up those markings that come along with growing old.
14 Earn More
Studies have been done to see whether hair color can affect a variety of different things. For one study, they wanted to see if hair color affected the amount of money made. Sure enough, it was found that blondes were more likely to marry wealthier. It was also found that blondes were the ones to earn more tips when serving. From the various studies, it can be understood that blondes earn more and end up with more money! Why this is the case is a question we may never 100% be able to answer. No matter what the reason, making more money is never a bad thing and is definitely a perk for being blonde. Perhaps it is time to head to the salon for a color change to see if there is truth behind the theory! Earing more is definitely a reason that being a blonde is way better!
13 Can Pull Off Other Hair Colors
Throughout your life, you may suddenly feel the urge to change your hair color to something different. Perhaps you want to try being a redhead! For blondes, this is easily done, as it only requires putting dark dye over your blondes. For those with dark hair, they have to use extra strong dyes and may have to go to extreme lengths to strip their hair color, which can be very bad for hair health, but for blondes it is easy to dye their hair. Additionally, their eyebrows will match any color. Whatever color they choose, their eyebrows always seem to match and not look strange. For those with dark hair, dying hair blonde can look funny because their eyebrows are jet black. Blondes who dyed their hair look natural no matter what color. Just take a look at all the natural blondes (Amy Adams for one!) who changed their hair color and look fabulous.
12 The Sun Makes it Better
For blondes, the sun is their best friend! Prolonged sun exposure can bleach your blondes even more and make your hair bright and looking sun-kissed. It is a goal for many blondes to have their color just a bit brighter. Many blondes will get highlights to make their hair stand out a bit more. But if you have access to the sun, highlights aren't necessary. Spending time outside can be all the help you need to get your colors brightened and lovely! For those with brown or black hair, the sun doesn't do much to the color, but it can sometimes make it look faded. The sun bleaches and if dark hair gets bleached, it can make it look worn and faded -- not a hair goal for most. The sun making blonde hair even brighter is just another one of the awesome reasons that being a blonde is better!
11 Matches and Enhances Your Friendliness
There is a positive stereotype that blondes are bubbly and friendly. This is a great stereotype to go along with a hair color and can give people a good first impression of you from far away. Although some believe that bubbliness and friendliness can be paired with ignorance, this is not always the truth. If people believe that you are friendly because of you blonde hair, you are more easily able to meet with people and for them to like you. Your blonde hair will only accentuate and enhance your already existing friendliness. And if you are friendly and happy, most likely those around you will be too! People will leave thinking you are such a sweet person and could do no wrong. Being a bubbly blonde is a good stereotype to embrace about yourself if you are blonde! Getting in the good books because of your blondes are a great perk to have!
10 Dry Shampoo Actually Works
Beauty products have evolved over time and left us with some amazing cheats to battle the beauty struggles. Dry shampoo is one of these wonderful inventions. It allows you to be anywhere and if you hair is looking dirty or greasy, give a quick spray, and voila! Beautiful clean hair in seconds! The problem with dry shampoo is that it is usually a powder or spray that is white in color. For those with darker hair, it can leave your hair looking cleaner but probably with some white stuff in it. This can look like dandruff and your hair looks no better than when you started. Being a blonde is better because dry shampoo actually works with no negative side effects. Once it is sprayed, there will be no white spots evident in your hair. The blondes will camouflage any remaining bits of dry shampoo and it will have accomplished its purpose!
9 Look Tropical With a Tan
As we know, the sun can kiss our hair leaving us looking blonder than before. The sun can also do some other amazing things for us to make our hair look better. For a blonde, getting a nice golden tan is one of the best things you can do to accentuate your beautiful blondes. When women with blonde hair have a gorgeous tan, their skin appears darker and their hair stands out even more. It gives them the look of a tropical princess! People will instantly assume that with your blondes and tanned skin, you are from somewhere tropical. They may even be expecting an Australian accent! If you also have bright blue or green eyes, the blonde hair and the tan of your skin will make your eyes pop and have everyone staring at the wonderful things nature has done for you! Looking tropical with a tan is one reason why being a blonde is better!
8 Dyed Colors Show Better
Over the years, getting highlights or dying your hair another color has always been a trend that many people pursue. Whether it is getting those red streaks in your hair, or dip-dying the ends of your hair blue, it can be a lot of fun to show off your personality through color in your hair! For those with dark hair colors, it can cost them a lot of time and effort to get the color to actually show. Reds, blues, and other hues that are lighter will have a harder time showing up over the dark hair. Ever seen a brunette try and get red streaks? That bright red isn't going to happen without going to extreme measures, which will damage the hair. For blondes, adding color is an easy change. Any color whatsoever will be visible and stand out just as they wanted, giving them the flare and personality they desired.
7 Have More Hair
Science has figured out much about our bodies and how they are different from person to person. Some people have sensitive skin, some have high metabolisms, and other people have thin hair. Thin hair can be a problem for some as it can cause their hair to look stringy and dirty more often than those with thick hair. Well, if you are a blonde, you are in luck! Science has suggested that people with blonde hair will actually have MORE hair! This means you are able to have thicker, longer, and healthier looking hair than others. The struggle of thin greasy hair will likely not affect a blonde! Your hair is more prone to look cleaner simply because you have more hair on your head. This is just one great advantage of being a blonde and is one reason why being blonde is better than having any other hair color!
6 Stand Out
Blonde hair is definitely a color that is bright and visible against dark colors. One reason why being a blonde is better is because you will stand out! That bright yellowy-white color on your head is the perfect accent to any color you wear. Blonde hair stands out against almost all colors and will draw people's eyes to your hair. Wearing dark colors like black will give your hair that look-at-me vibe and you will be amazed at how many compliments you will get. For those with dark hair, wearing dark colors can make your whole body blend in, from head to toe. But for blondes, wearing black accentuates the color of their hair, while getting that slim black look at the same time! If you are a blonde, you are easily picked out among the crowd as well because blonde hair stands out more! Standing out is just another reason why being a blonde is better!
5 Men Love It
As we found out, having blonde hair can increase your chance of getting tipped better and marrying wealthy. One of the reasons for this could be because men love blonde hair the best! It is suggested that men are more attracted to women with blonde hair and prefer it to other colors. Sure, this may not be totally confirmed by science, and it might not be the case for every man, but the majority of the time, it is understood that blonde is loved more. This could be the reason why blondes earn more, since men love blonde hair and therefore tip higher because of the attraction! If you have darker hair and are single, maybe it is time to try out a new blonde hair color out and see what happens! Hear that ladies? If you have blonde hair, keep rocking it because it is sure to draw some guy's eye in time!
4 No Dandruff Problem
There are many hair problems that can occur: oily hair, damaged hair, or dry hair. One of the worst and possibly most embarrassing hair problems is having dandruff. Little white skin flakes that appear on your scalp can be embarrassing if anyone comes close enough to see them. One reason why being a blonde is better is that dandruff is not a a major cause for concern because the blonde hair color hides any of those skin flakes and there is very minimal chance of seeing it! For those with dark hair, it can look like your head just got snowed on at some points and can be extremely humiliating to try to fight and control it. Perhaps it is time to consider being a blonde because they are the ones who don't have to be embarrassed if they have dandruff. This is just one of the great advantages of being a blonde!
3 They Are Not Dumb
Almost everyone has seen the film Legally Blonde, where Reese Witherspoon breaks the stereotype of the “dumb blonde.” It is unclear where the stereotype first arose, but it has created an impression that just because a person has blonde hair, it means they are not as intelligent as others. But consider this: this stereotype, although it is negative, can also be a good thing for blondes! When people treat you as though you are a dumb blonde, you have the opportunity to show them just how wrong they are. You have the element of surprise to shock all of those people who carry the stupid misconception that blondes are dumb. Show them just how smart you are and wow them with your intelligence. They may have thought originally that you would be dumb because of your hair, but now that you have blown their minds with your smarts, you will leave them confused and in awe!
2 Use the "Blonde" Card and Get Away With It
We know that blondes are easily able to break the stereotype of being dumb by demonstrating their intelligence and proving people wrong. But the stereotype can also be helpful if you are a blonde. Because the “dumb blonde” stereotype exists, you can use that to your advantage. If you are having one of those days where your brain is just not working, you can easily use the “blonde” card and get away with it. If you do something stupid or forgot something important, simply say “Oh sorry, I'm having a serious blonde moment” and you are instantly forgiven for your forgetfulness or temporary ignorance! No one else with any other color hair can do that and therefore you have the superior ability to be ignorant and excuse it easily by blamin the color of our hair. Being able to use the blonde card is just one reason why being a blonde is better!
1 Being a Natural Blonde is Rare
How many people do you know that are actually a NATURAL blonde? The number of people that do not highlight their hair or get touch-ups to keep the blonde is surprisingly low! Many individuals will dye their hair lighter and constantly get their roots done to keep the illusion that they are natural blondes. It has been found that being a natural un-touched blonde is actually very rare! There are so many people who want that bright color that they will pay whatever the cost to make it look like they are blonde. But for those out there that are blonde from birth, be proud and honored that you are one of the rare species out there. This makes you a rare commodity and you should feel special that you have been blessed with the bright colored hair that you have. Being a natural rare blonde is just one reason why being a blonde is better!