15 Reasons Carrie Bradshaw Is Actually The Worst
Carrie Bradshaw is one of the most beloved TV characters of all time… if not the most beloved. She's fashionable, funny, and quirky. She's got charm and good looks and brains, too, and oh yeah, she's a really good friend. Which is pretty much the entire point of S.A.T.C since it's a comedy about four best friends navigating love and life in NYC. But have you ever stopped to think about how Carrie might not be a really good person… or even a good person at all? What about how your desire to be her BFF and your jealousy directed toward her closet might be totally misdirected? The truth hurts. But it can be necessary in order to move forward. When you get super attached to TV characters, it can be hard to let go and to realize that they might not be that great after all. It's like breaking up with an actual friend.
But it's time to admit the truth. Here are 15 reasons Carrie Bradshaw is actually the worst.
15 She's Flakey
You just can't argue that Carrie isn't flakey. You just get the feeling that Carrie really does whatever she wants, whenever she wants. You can tell that she's a total flake by her super messy apartment, the fact that she doesn't seem to keep a regular work schedule (seriously, how does her column ever get written?!) and the fact that she seems to change her mind about anything all the time. You're never really sure what guy she likes or what friend she's mad at because she changes her mind so much. In one awful example, Carrie is supposed to have dinner with fans in Paris… and she doesn't go. She actually doesn't go. This is pretty hard to believe, but the reason that this makes her a flake? That would be because she ditches the dinner for a guy. But you knew she would because that's just the kind of person that she is. Ugh.
14 She's Indecisive
Think about any episode when Carrie meets cute with a cute guy that she might actually like. Do you ever really know how she feels about him? Definitely not. She never really seems to know how she feels about anyone… and yeah, that weirdly goes for Mr. Big, too. When they get back together for the first time (aka when they're together for the second time… yeah, that's kind of confusing and yet it makes sense within the S.A.T.C worldview), she's not totally sure that he's the right one for her. She's also not sure that he's ever really going to commit. Of course, you know that she's right to think that way because he's not the most "boyfriend" guy around… but she should definitely be more certain that she likes him, shouldn't she? Every woman falls for a guy that she's not totally sure will ever reciprocate her feelings, so it's kind of strange that she's always so indecisive about the guys that she is supposedly falling in love with.
13 She's Insecure
Carrie is crazy insecure, despite the fact that it seems like the total opposite would be true. But she seems insecure about her job, her relationship status (or lack of one), and even the way that she looks. She just seems to get down in the dumps about being single a whole lot, and that's really weird. Shouldn't the opposite be true? Okay, so maybe being okay with being on your own and being confident is a new thing since more and more young women are staying single longer and longer these days, for a bunch of reasons that are both depressing and really awesome. Funny how that works. But Carrie is just so insecure. Seriously, watch this show again and you will notice how unsure she seems about herself in pretty much every episode. It's interesting how something can be true and yet you don't always notice it at first.
12 She's Needy
When Carrie dates Mr. Big the first time around (and the second… ), she is so needy it is hard to watch. Like really, really hard to watch. She forces Big to meet her and her besties for dinner so he can meet him… even though she knows that would make him super uncomfortable and that he really didn't want to. But she didn't care about his feelings or his comfort level. Nope. She wanted to show him off and she was also pretty desperate to hold onto him and keep him in her life. It seemed super early on in their relationship for him to meet her social circle, so she really didn't need to freak out so much about it. But that's Carrie for you. Let's not even talk about the super needy speeches she gave Big in so many episodes in the early seasons. It's just so embarrassing and cringe-worthy. Carrie, if a guy likes you, you will know and you won't have to try so hard.
11 She Commands Attention
Think about how many times Carrie just randomly showed up at Big's apartment when they were dating. So many, right? She also would get mad when he didn't call (even when it seemed like a legit amount of time… hey, the guy is busy, he has a thriving career and a life, too). She would command so much attention from him, it was crazy. But he wasn't the only person that she wanted a lot of attention from. She also needed way too much attention from her friends. When she was upset over her first break-up with Big, she was moping around and Miranda got really mad at her for not being enough of a cool, confident feminist and for complaining too much about a guy. While Miranda was not being the number one BFF that you are supposed to be (especially on a show that revolves around female friendship), she wasn't totally wrong. She really wasn't. But Carrie, in true Carrie fashion, got all bent out of shape.
10 She's Judgmental
Carrie just wouldn't be Carrie if she wasn't crazy judgmental… but that's also what makes her actually the worst character ever. She's so judgmental, she's made a total career out of it. Yup, her column gives her the physical space to judge all kinds of people and situations. While some people say this is totally cool because she's thinking about important societal issues, she's also being just plain mean sometimes. You know it's true, even if you love her. She's also really mean about her best friends, and that's just not that cool. You get the feeling that she never thinks that Miranda, Samantha or Charlotte are doing the right thing in their dating lives, and really, who is she to judge? She never makes the right decision when dating and she has the worst taste in guys. She really can't judge anyone else's love life at all… and yet she's made a whole career out of it. Just one of life (or TV's) strange little mysteries.
9 She's A Know-It-All
Some people would say yeah, of course, Carrie's a know-it-all because she's a writer and she writes about people that she knows and situations that she observes. But that doesn't have to happen, does it? She's honestly a know-it-all because of who she is as a person and it really has nothing to do with the whole topics behind her column that she writes. She tends to believe that she knows absolutely everything about the people in her life, from her best friends to her acquaintances to people she knows around town. It's really, really annoying. If you've never noticed this, then just watch a single episode of this beloved show and you will realize how often she does this. She doesn't know it all, even if she thinks that she does because no one can. No one is perfect… but she seems to think that she is. She really isn't, though.
8 She Gives Writers A Bad Name
If you go by Carrie Bradshaw, you would think that all writers are pretty ridiculous… and pretty much the worst. She's all of the negative things on this list (and more). She doesn't seem to keep a normal writing schedule… and as every professional writer knows, that's absolutely what you have to do. You have to act like you have a normal job, even if you freelance and work for yourself. You can't just stay out all night and stay up all night, too. You can't drink a ton on a weeknight and wake up having zero idea where you are. You can't just write whenever the inspiration strikes, which is absolutely what Carrie does. Every single time. she likes to sit at her window desk and write, usually at night, and that's all well and good… except that in real life, that would never work. That would just never, ever pay the bills. You would need a real routine, an actual schedule, and some motivation. Otherwise, you would have to get a traditional 9-to-5 job.
7 She's Too Boy Crazy
Of course, S.A.T.C is about dating and love and bedroom fun. So naturally, Carrie is kind of boy crazy… and so are her friends. But what really sets her apart (and not in a good way) from her besties? That would be how totally and completely boy crazy she is. You get the feeling that Miranda and Charlotte care about finding true love, but they also adore their careers and their lives and try to focus on other stuff. Which is a really, really healthy and happy way to be single… and pretty much the only way that you're going to survive. Samantha, of course, doesn't want to fall in love but is perfectly happy to fall into someone's bed, but you already knew that. But Carrie really seems more boy crazy than her friends, especially since she spends so much time in her head, wondering why she's single and whether she's going to end up with the guy she's currently obsessing over.
6 She Makes Zero Sense
Just think about Carrie's relationship with Aiden. A lot of fans absolutely love this character and think that she should have ended up with him (yes, even above Big). But Carrie seemed to really and honestly take him for granted, don't you think? Sure, she said yes when he asked her to marry him, but then she basically freaked out and had a nervous breakdown about the whole deal. She swore that she wasn't interested in the relationship anymore and thought that he was ruining things by not totally trusting her. Fans, however, never really got this because they always thought that Aiden was totally and completely adorable and a great boyfriend. Carrie makes zero sense when it comes to this storyline (and others) since why would she feel like getting engaged to an awesome guy was such a problem? Didn't she say all along that she wanted to fall in love for real? Well, didn't she have that with him?
5 She's Neurotic
Being neurotic in real life can be kind of annoying (for both you and the people around you). But on TV, it's usually hilarious. Just look at Seinfeld. The thing about Carrie, though, is that while she is definitely pretty neurotic, it's not actually super positive. In fact, it's kind of strange. Case in point: early on in the show, she and her BFFs are invited to a baby shower outside the city. She acts like she's going to the ends of the earth and like leaving NYC is a fate worse than death… which is really, really weird. Pretty sure that New Yorkers don't actually feel that way and that they are happy to leave and go on vacation. Because sure, it may be a massive city and it may be the city that is awesome and never, ever sleeps, but that doesn't mean that you have to stay there 100 percent of the time. Carrie is way too annoyed about going to this baby shower. Like, come on. Just go and have fun. Or don't go.
4 She's Unfair
A lot of people hate the fact that Carrie wanted Charlotte to give her some money for an apartment, back when she was dating Aiden and that whole thing fell apart. Which just proves that money and friendships don't mix… especially best friendships (which should totally be a phrase). How could Carrie really think that her friend would give her so much cash? Doesn't that seem like the worst idea in the universe? Carrie is really, really unfair. She should know that you don't ask a friend to do that for you unless you just got cancer or something and need money for your recovery. An apartment is really not the biggest deal in the world. It's not as important as getting sick or anything like that. But again, just proves how totally and completely in her own head Carrie is all the time. Like all the time. She never seems to think about anyone else.
3 She's Not Responsible
Sure, part of the quirk and charm of Carrie is that she loves to shop. Like a lot. And what does she love to buy? Well, shoes, of course. The character adores shoes so much that Sarah Jessica Parker has even said that she can no longer wear high heels because she feels that playing Carrie for years and wearing these uncomfortable shoes has totally messed up her feet. Ouch. They do say that you have to suffer in order to look good, but that's really painful. It's just so hard to love Carrie when she shops so much. She's not making a ton of money -- at least, it doesn't seem like she is since she doesn't have the biggest or fanciest of apartments (which is saying something, since, in TV land, characters always live in unrealistic places). Okay, okay, so without her shopping addiction, the show might not be as funny or as girly. But it does make her really irresponsible since she never seems to think about her finances or even save money.
2 She's Not The Best BFF
A lot of fans have said that they do not think that Carrie is actually a great BFF… and unfortunately, watching the show in this day and age, that seems to be true. After all, if you are totally and completely into yourself and your life and you only want to talk about that, guess what? You are going to lose friends. That's just what is going to happen. Your former besties won't love that you can't seem to talk about anything other than yourself, and they're going to wish that you could take an interest in their lives and give them some actual advice. You know. That's what best friends are supposed to do. It's part of the contract. It may seem like she gives advice, but really, she makes sarcastic comments or random off-the-cuff remarks, and you never get the feeling that she's trying to help her best friends.
1 She's Self-Absorbed
There's selfish… and then there's self-absorbed. While people who are selfish are usually both of these things, the latter is really the worst. So, of course, Carrie is totally self-absorbed. Just think about all the monologues on the show and times when she goes "I couldn't help but wonder… " You either love or hate this format, and chances are, you secretly hate this. Because how can you not?! It's pretty annoying when you think about it. Why is Carrie wondering so much? Why can't she just talk to her friends about this stuff like a normal person would? That's what friends are for… and especially best friends. You're supposed to grab drinks or dinner or brunch with them and talk about everything under the sun. Oh wait, this group of besties does that. They pretty much invented brunch. So she has to stop with the wondering. Please and thank you.