Laman » Hiburan » 15 Reasons Why Ed Sheeran Is PERFECT

    15 Reasons Why Ed Sheeran Is PERFECT

    In celebration of Ed Sheeran's new record ÷ (divide), which has done some pretty serious damage to the charts, we are officially declaring our love for the British superstar with the voice like velvet. Perfection is a very difficult thing to achieve (some would say it's impossible) but we think Ed's actually done it! He might have a flaw or two, but in a weird way they make him even better. We can't get enough of him as a singer, we can't get enough of him as a songwriter, and we definitely can't get enough of watching his one-man performances on YouTube into the early hours of the morning! As an artist, he's original. As a celebrity, he's refreshing. And as a man, he's downright lovely! It was hard to narrow down our reasons for loving him to just 15, but here they are. The following reasons are why Ed Sheeran is perfect!

    15 He Isn't Addicted To Social Media

    There isn't anything inherently wrong with social media-in fact it's an integral part of our world now. The earth just wouldn't spin without Facebook! But more people than you'd think are actually addicted to social media sites, and celebrities being addicted too doesn't really help the situation. While so many celebrities are obsessed with snapping their lives for the world to lust over, Ed realized that he was spending too much time chronicling and not enough living. So he took a huge break from all social media, after sending fans a cute message about how he needed to stop seeing the world through the lens of a camera, and start seeing it through his own eyes. Not only do we respect Ed for having the self-control and wisdom to make this decision, but the fact that he spread the message to his fans has to be a good thing!

    14 He Is Starring On Game Of Thrones

    Yes, you read that correctly. Ladies and gentleman, in case you hadn't heard, Ed Sheeran will be making an appearance on Season 7 of everybody's favorite fantasy TV show, Game of Thrones. To say we are excited would be a huge understatement! Details are yet to be released regarding Ed's appearance, but all we care about is that he's there in the first place! There are endless possibilities as to what we can expect though, and it's hard to stop the mind from racing. Will Ed have some kind of romantic scene with Khaleesi or Sansa, which we'll forever live vicariously through? Will he play in one of the medieval bands and offer entertainment at some wedding before somebody is assassinated? Knowing the violent and brutal nature of the show, it's more than likely that Ed's poor character will meet some kind of bloody end, so we're just preparing ourselves now.

    13 He Has The Coolest Friends

    If other celebrities think that Ed is perfect, well, who are we to disagree?! Ed has a bunch of friends in the music industry who all think he's the bee's knees, and we feel like they must be onto something. You can generally tell who the jerks are in Hollywood after observing how other stars react to them! One of Ed's best buds is Taylor Swift, whom he collaborated with on the beautiful song "Everything Has Changed." Ed's even spoken about being down with Taylor's girl squad and very possibly having a secret relationship with Ellie Goulding. Good enough for Elli Goulding, good enough for us. That's our theory! Another celebrity who is good friends with Ed is Harry Styles of One Direction, who is rumored to have provided uncredited backing vocals on one of Ed's tracks. From what we can see, the bromance between these two is pretty real. The Biebs also seems to be a big fan of Ed!

    12 He Has Great Advice

    Being a great role model means acting in a way that sets an example for people who look up to you. But another part of being an awesome role model is blatantly handing out advice that people will actually listen to because, well, you're a role model. Ed is all about the great advice, and has said some things that really just make the world a better place. Although he likes to keep things light-hearted most of the time, Ed has stated in an interview before that you're never going to get anywhere without hard work. That's not exactly revolutionary, but hey, it might not have occurred to some teenagers wishing they had Kim Kardashian's wardrobe until Ed Sheeran said it. He's stressed the importance of not worrying about how you look. Also, when things get tough his go-to solution is to eat chocolate. #yes.

    11 He Was The Cutest Kid Ever

    Normally the way somebody looked when they were little really has no impact on whether we love them or not today. But Ed Sheeran was so cute as a child (no, really… the cutest little mite you've ever seen!) and it's actually made us love him more. The red hair, the oversized glasses, the freckles, and the little private school uniform are just too much for us! Several of the photos that have emerged from Ed's childhood also depict him with different musical instruments, and prove that he's been working on his craft for a very long time. We've seen photos of him strumming a cello, reading sheet music, playing the piano, and just being a talented little kid in general. He also has this cheeky look on his face in most of the pictures that says, “I may be quiet now, but I'm going to be a superstar one day.”

    10 He Appeared With Rupert Grint In His Video

    As Harry Potter fans, there is no way that this Ed Sheeran fact couldn't make us love him more. In case anybody's forgotten because it has been a while, Rupert Grint, aka Ron Weasley, appeared in Ed's music video for 'Lego House'. Apparently the two were regularly mixed up and thought to be the same person by fans (before Ed shot to international fame), so being the opportunist that he is, Ed decided to have some fun with it and used his connections with friend Tom Felton (who played Draco Malfoy) to get in touch with Rupert. In the video, Rupert is dangerously obsessed with Ed, while Ed is just a bit confused. Rupert dresses like him, gets backstage at his show, and generally acts like a bit of an insane fan. The best part is we get to see Rupert lip synching to Ed's lyrics. What more do you want out of life?

    9 He'd Make A Great Boyfriend

    Okay, so without actually knowing Ed Sheeran as a person, we're still going to go ahead and argue that he would make an amazing boyfriend. Firstly, you can tell from the songs he writes that he's totally in touch with his emotional side and probably wouldn't have any deep-rooted complexities about commitment or anything. He really seems like a sensitive person who would actually care about your problems! We also get the idea from his music and interviews that he actually respects women, which is a must. It's clear that Ed loves animals, as we've seen countless snaps of him cuddling kittens and what not. This is also pretty important in a boyfriend-imagine dating a guy who didn't get along with your dog… we know who'd be the first to go in that situation! Also, Ed knows how to dance. He learned before filming the video for his tune "Thinking Out Loud." That leaves him a solid 10/10.

    8 He Loves His Fans

    Celebrities who don't appreciate their fans lose serious points in our books. It's hard to believe that any famous person would take for granted the people who helped them achieve success in the first place, but many do. Ed, on the other hand, is absolutely grateful to his fans for everything they've done for him. TBH, the amazing music he puts out is enough of a return for us, but he also goes to extra lengths to show his appreciation. In the past he's had his team give out front-row tickets to his most enthusiastic fans. Recently, a fan got into some trouble after covering one of his songs and receiving a copyright infringement notice. Ed jumped in and said he was having it all sorted out so she could keep singing. And in case any fans are still in doubt, Ed often takes to Twitter to blatantly declare his love for them!

    7 He Loves A Good Charity

    Another reason why Ed is perfect is that he likes to give back to the community. There are a number of charities he's supported over the years, lending everything from his voice to his popularity and cultural influence. In the past he's publicly supported causes including the No Cold Homes campaign by Turn2us, and Band Aid 30. Ed is also an Ambassador for East Anglia's Children's Hospice. While monetary donations are still helpful, Ed doesn't just take two seconds to write a deposit that he won't even notice is gone and then get on with his day. He takes the time to voice his support so others will get behind the cause as well. He also takes the time to actually go and physically be there when he's needed-he's spent lots of time with sick children in hospital before, cheering them up when nothing else can. The videos are too cute for words!

    6 He's Written Songs For Other Artists

    We're obviously aware that Ed has improved our lives through his own music, but he's also written a bunch of popular songs for other artists. He's helped to pen Justin Bieber's "Love Yourself", which wasn't much of a surprise since that infectious, simple melody, and clever lyrics had Ed written all over them! One Direction fans also have Ed to thank for a number of their boy band's top hits. The super romantic "Little Things" was co-written by Ed, as was "Night Changes." He also wrote the song "Tattoo" for Hilary Duff and "Love Shine Down" by Olly Murs. Look, the best policy is that if the song you're listening to has witty, honest, and emotional lyrics, and a melody that you can't stop replaying no matter what, it's best to assume that Ed Sheeran had some part in writing it. He's just got too much talent to confine to his own career!

    5 He's A Hard Worker

    Ed was quite right in pointing out that it takes more than talent and luck to make it in the music industry. You definitely do have to be a hard worker, and he's done that! He might be at the top of the game now, but if you look back at his journey, you'll see that he had to put in a lot of effort for a long time before he started to get where he wanted to be. Pretty inspiring! In 2008, Ed had to leave home for London and start playing gigs. Over the next year, he played no less than 312 shows in order to make a name for himself. From there, he had to spend money on flights to get over to Los Angeles and begin the process again, just for some recognition. It wasn't until 2011, three years after he left home, that his song "A Team" finally entered the UK charts.

    4 He's Humble

    Ed might be at the top of his game now (how many times has he sold out Madison Square Garden? We've lost count!), but he still manages to stay humble! He's recently spoken about wanting to be the best male artist in the world, which some have taken offence to. We don't think this makes him arrogant. Who doesn't aspire to be the best in their field? He knows he's successful and is proud of it, but the difference is he doesn't believe himself to be superior to anybody else because of that. He always talks about how he's still surprised at the success he achieves, like that time he tweeted that he was thrilled with his Grammy nominations because he didn't expect to be nominated in the first place! So although he is working hard and has ambitions to be at the top, he doesn't think he's just entitled to it automatically. Bless!

    3 He's Confident

    We don't like arrogance in celebrities, but we do love us some confidence! One of our favorite things about Ed is that he looks pretty different to your typical male pop artist, and he makes no apologies for that. He's often been bullied for having ginger hair (seriously, people are weird), or for not being tanned or thin enough to meet people's expectations, but he rocks it anyway. He knows that his talent speaks for itself, and he doesn't need to change the way he looks to be the same as everybody else! In the early days, his record label told him that he could stand to lose some pounds and change his hair color for a better shot at success, but he laughed in their faces and kept trying until he found execs who accepted him the way he was. Now, that takes confidence, especially if you're at the beginning of your career!

    2 He's Very Talented

    It's clear that Ed is essentially an endless fountain of talent! You can tell just from his voice that he was put on this earth to do this job, and nothing can ever change that. Seriously, his voice actually seems like it comes from another planet. It's just so smooth and easy to listen to that it's almost a little hallucinogenic! He still does covers from time to time, and to be totally honest, he often sounds better than the original artist singing. Ed's musicianship goes way beyond his vocals, and he can play a variety of instruments. In fact, he made his way through a world tour performing without a band-just him alone on stage with a guitar and a loop machine! We can't even get our heads around that amount of talent. Singing and playing perfectly at the same time is quite enough trouble for some people!

    1 His Songs Are Amazing

    Our absolute favorite thing about Ed is his repertoire of songs. We love the tracks he's penned for other artists, but the ones he's recorded and released himself are even better. With each album he releases new tunes that we swear are the best things we've ever heard, until he outdoes himself with the next record! On his latest album ÷ we have a number of tracks that are quickly becoming new favorites, and the variety between the tracks means that there's now an Ed Sheeran song for every situation in life. We have "Barcelona" when we feel like getting a bit wild, "Nancy Mulligan" for when we want to get down to some Celtic vibes, "Castle on the Hill" for long drives with the squad and "Supermarket Flowers" when it's time for a good cry. Add this to all the amazing songs Ed already has out, and it's pretty clear that the guy is perfect!