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    15 Reasons Why We Still Love Carrie Bradshaw

    Sex and the City is one of those television shows that seems to never go out of style. Maybe it's because of the fashion, maybe it's because we like to admire a strong group of girlfriends, or maybe because the show, even after all these years, still has the same topics and issues that we talk about today. The show's main character, Carrie Bradshaw, has become an absolute staple in what it means to be a woman in modern times. We saw her struggles with friendships, work, and especially, love. Her viewpoint of love was simple-she loved love, and wasn't ashamed to admit it. Carrie is the type of character where we all could relate to her in some aspect, but at the same time, we strive to be more like her. Carrie is the kind of person to not be ashamed in what she believes, who she loves, and how she treats her incredible group of friends.

    15 She Is A Good Friend

    Throughout the entirety of the show, Carrie has shown audiences what it means to be a true friend. She was there through thick and thin when her friends needed her, and was always a source of valuable advice and comfort when they needed it. One example of Carrie being an excellent friend is when one of her best friends, Miranda, got pregnant. Not only was Carrie non-judgmental to Miranda's situation, but she was there to support her best friend's decisions regarding it. Carrie has shown us that being a good friend doesn't just mean to catch up with people's lives, but rather, she showed that being a good friend means to show up when they need you. To show up when they are hurt, happy, sad, or in need. She was always present when her friends needed her, and she did this absolutely effortlessly, generously, and courageously.

    14 She's Got Great Hair

    We can all remember the very first episode when we first see Carrie with big, curly, frizzy, dirty-blonde hair. I think that's when we all knew that she was going to be a lady who had a big personality to match her big hair. It's funny because we all seem to know what season we are watching when watching an episode from the looks of what Carrie's hair was like. She's had her famous, big, curly locks, she's straightened it before, she's had some really beautiful updos, basic ponytails, and she even had her haircut short up to her chin once! Any way that she styled her hair, it just fully embodied who Carrie was as a person, and almost complimented and emphasized what was going on in the episode. What we can learn from Carrie is that, no matter what you look like or how you style your hair, you will always still be you, and that could never change, so emphasize it!

    13 We Want Her Job

    One aspect of Carrie Bradshaw's life that we are all a bit jealous of is her job. Carrie works as a freelance writer of a relationship column in the local newspaper. She is able to essentially live her life-and then write about it (and get paid!?). If that isn't the dream job, then I don't know what is. In the show, she narrates what she is writing to tie into what she is experiencing that day. She talks about all different types of relationships-from friendships, to flings, to dates, and to serious romantic relationships. Yes, she's got deadlines, but that doesn't stop her from making her job seem like it's truly a treat. Her job almost allows her to really think and dwell about what is happening in her life, and how she is able to share that with the world.

    12 She's A New Yorker

    There is something so intriguing about New York City. It's a city that never seems to calm down, and a place where you know something is always going on. You could never be bored in New York City, which is why the fact that Carrie Bradshaw lives there makes her so fascinating. The show emphasizes New York as if it were it's own character on the show. It is always mentioned, always showed, and basically creates the perfect setting to have these group of women. Having the show set in New York shines light on what it is like to date in the big city-it's hardships and it's fun, silly moments. The fact that Carrie loves the city and emphasizes its grandness, makes us believe that she truly is a hip, cool, and trendy New Yorker.

    11 She's Independent

    Although Sex and the City is mostly centered around the concepts of love and relationships, one aspect that Carrie overwhelmingly presets is her independence. Carrie is the type of person that perfectly juxtaposes the acts of being in a committed relationship yet still keeping her independence as a woman in New York City. In a city as big as it is, she is able to triumph over it, and not let it overpower what she believes in, and to not get swallowed up in it. She is not afraid to go places alone, not afraid to trust her gut, and is definitely not afraid to speak up when she feels that something doesn't feel right. This quality of her might be another reason why people are so drawn to her character because she doesn't act like a woman who feels that the world owes her everything, but rather, she feels that the world needs her.

    10 She's Down To Earth

    We've all come across those people in our life where we think to ourselves, “man, I wish I was friends with them.” Carrie Bradshaw is one of those people. Carrie comes off as the type of person who is not stuck up and as someone who deals with things as they come. She is easy to talk to and is a person in society who is very genuine in how she treats people she has known for forever as well as strangers that she had just met. She doesn't mind being casual, and in her mind, there is no such thing as dressing up too much or dressing down. She owns her actions and if someone else has a problem with her, she tends to deal with it in a calm and understanding manner. Carrie doesn't have her head in the clouds all the time, and when she does, it's because her intentions are optimistic.

    9 She's The Master Flirter

    One huge theme that surrounds Sex and the City is the theme of love, relationships, and intimacy. And who is one lady responsible to portray and experience these themes? Yes, Carrie Bradshaw. The show depicts all kinds of dating disasters, triumphs, one-night stands, or awkward bedroom situations. Carrie and her friends are social butterflies though, and like to go out and have some fun. It is interesting to see how each woman interacts with the opposite sex, some are more forward and some are a bit shyer. Carrie seems to be right in the middle, where she flirts in a way that seems completely natural, as if she can sense how the other person is going to react. It's fascinating to watch because Carrie isn't afraid of making a fool of herself, and it's clearly seen since so many people seemed to be drawn to her flirtatious spirit.

    8 She's Not Afraid Of Going Out

    Age is brought up briefly within the series, but it doesn't seem to bother the ladies social lives. One thing we love about Carrie Bradshaw is that she is able to still go out and have fun, no matter where she is. Whether she is at a friend's house for a quiet night in, or at a loud and busy bar, she always knows how to make her time worthwhile. It is also interesting to note that it is rarely never Carrie's intention to go out and get completely wasted and drunk, but rather, she would rather use her time as the young woman she is in New York City and go out to seek some fun by dancing, flirting, or having some cosmopolitans with her best friends. She teaches us that no matter how old you may be or get, it is not taboo to have a thriving and exciting social life.

    7 She's Not Perfect

    The problem with some television shows or movies is that they create a main character that is hard to relate to. They seem like they are perfect, all from their physical appearance to their personalities. Carrie Bradshaw is a dynamic main character in Sex and the City because she is multidimensional. We have seen her at her happiest and in moments of sadness, heartbreak, and tears. We have seen her be vulnerable to the people she loves, and we have heard her struggles with self-esteem, confidence, and uncertainty. More specifically, in one episode, Carrie was invited to walk in a fashion show alongside supermodel Heidi Klum and in front of hundreds of people. She gets handed to wear a skimpy outfit that she wasn't planning on wearing, but soon realizes that she is capable of rocking anything. She goes out onto the runway and trips and falls, only to just get right back up and laugh at herself. Carrie understands that not everyone is perfect, not even a supermodel.

    6 She's A Shoe Lover

    There's something about a gorgeous heel that makes people stop and look. It makes people feel sexy, confident, and like they can rule the world. Carrie is not shy about her shoe collection, and the audience is lucky enough to see the different kinds of shoes she decides to wear on a daily basis. Carrie Bradshaw really started promoting her love of Manolo Blahnik heels, which started kind of a whirlwind of her love of all things fashion as well. Throughout the series, it seemed that her shoe style didn't necessarily change. She kept the same quirky looks to go with her different outfits. Carrie is known for her array of different shoes as well, even if they didn't seem to match her outfit, she still was able to somehow rock them, making a fashion statement. Carrie shows us that you don't have to have boring shoes, and emphasizes that a cute heel can give you that quick confidence boost!

    5 Her Fashion Sense

    Who says you can't wear a bra over your blouse? One thing that Sex and the City has proved time after time is that it is important to wear what you feel like wearing. Fashion is a way to express physically how we feel, and is a way to express who and what we are. Carrie has a fashion taste that isn't necessarily one that conforms to what society expects. She wears wacky dresses, hats, scarves, gloves, and isn't afraid to mix and match. She mixes high-end pieces with low-end pieces and isn't afraid to show a bra strap or two. Her ability to throw on an outfit and to be unexplainably confident in it completely shows the type of person she is. She is someone who doesn't care what society thinks of her, and she isn't bothered by what people expect from her as well.

    4 She Isn't Afraid To Feel

    Because the show follows Carrie and her friends as sometimes single in New York City, we are able to observe the hardships and troubles there are in the dating world. With love, comes emotion, and with emotion, comes feelings. Carrie Bradshaw has shown us time after time that she isn't afraid to feel how she feels. She doesn't ignore her feelings, and she doesn't bottle up her emotions. But rather, she is fully present in her present, feeling the ride of emotions as they come and pass. She is very vocal in her emotions as well, which may explain why she has such a tight group of friends. She isn't bothered by telling someone how she feels, how he or she are feeling, and isn't ashamed to ask and receive advice from others. In fact, Carrie seems to embrace feeling and emotion, because it truly is part of life.

    3 She Fights For Her Relationships

    One huge relationship that Carrie has in her life is her on and off rocky relationship with Mr. Big. Although they haven't had the healthiest relationship, Carrie has always found a way to fight for their relationship to work out. Carrie is not the type of person to give up on her relationships-both friendships and romantic ones. Even if she gets into a tiff with one of her best friends, she is always there to try and work it out, no matter the circumstances. She isn't one to completely ignore someone she loves, for she always finds a way to communicate. It goes along with her trait of being a loyal friend, because since she is trustworthy, she is the type to always fight for getting through hardships. We can learn that because Carrie fights for her relationships, they become stronger and more resilient over time.

    2 She's A Hopeless Romantic

    It is nice to see a character who isn't afraid to love love. Carrie loves the concept of love, and loves being in love as well. She knows the difference between loving her friends and loving a man, and treats each differently for what they are. It is interesting to see a female character fully accepting that she is a hopeless romantic, and how she isn't ashamed of that at all. It seems like society looks down upon women especially who tend to like romance, and classify it as too “girly.” Carrie doesn't care about this notion because she loves love and is always optimistic about finding the perfect man for her, and is hopeful for enriching, loving, and romantic relationships in her life. Even if she gets heartbroken, she is hopeful and learns from her mistakes, and doesn't give up on herself and what she truly deserves.

    1 We Love Her Friends

    When we think of Carrie Bradshaw, we can't help but think of her amazing group of girlfriends as well. Charlotte, Miranda, and Samantha are all completely different women, with completely different lifestyles, yet they seem to come together and create a bond that is indestructible. Carrie views her friends as if they are her family, and goes to them in times of help, advice, sadness, or even bliss. They are there for her as much as she is for them and throughout all of the obstacles and uneasiness in the dating world in New York City, Carrie knows that her relationships with her friends will never budge. It is lovely to see a series that emphasizes the empowerment of women, and how four strong women can support one another without any jealousy, hatred, or spitefulness. Their relationship is purely based on love and that's really all that matters.