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    15 Reasons You'll Always Miss Harry Potter

    Whether you're a casual fan and have seen a few of the movies or you're a crazy super fan who is absolutely obsessed, it's basically impossible to not like the Harry Potter series at least a little bit. You probably fall into the latter category since most of us are pretty into this magical book and movie series and can't believe it's over. We're still mourning that loss because, well, it was just so fun and magical. Everyone needs a bit more magic in their lives and Harry Potter and his pals provided that. Here are 15 reasons you'll always miss Harry Potter. Yeah, it might be a bit rough to go down this magical memory lane, because then you're just going to want to re-read all the books and re-watch all the movies. You have our total permission.

    15 You Wish Hogwarts Was Real

    Who didn't want to go to Hogwarts and live there, too? It is honestly the most beautiful, amazing school on the planet. You definitely believed it was real when you devoured the first few books and then saw the dining hall in all its glory on the big screen in the first movie. That was a pretty incredible moment that you'll never, ever forget. Sometimes you still daydream when you're bored at the office about what it would be like to have magical powers. You think it would be amazing -- at least you could get your boss to give you a promotion then.

    14 Hermione Is The Smartest Person Ever

    Seriously the smartest. In almost every single scene, she seemed to just totally get a new spell or wand trick before anyone else did. Every single time. She's just so amazing and brilliant and all about the girl power. So of course it's pretty fitting that in real life, Emma Watson is a super feminist who is inspiring all of us. It's like Emma is Hermione's alter ego as a Brown student/actress/feminist icon.

    13 Ron Is Adorable

    Is there a more adorable character than Ron? Probably not. He and his whole family are just the cutest people in the world. It totally makes sense that he and Hermione had a little flirtation going for a while there… and, of course, ended up happily ever after together after getting married and having kids. Although he and Harry weren't sure if they even liked her when they first met her, thinking she was super snobby, she eventually grew on them like she grew on the audience and fans.

    12 Watching The Kids Grow Up Was Fun

    The most special part about the movies? You got to watch the actors grow up from kids to actual adults. It seemed to happen so fast and like it was literally happening right before your eyes. Suddenly there they were, all grown-up, and now Emma Watson is making amazing, inspiring speeches about feminism and Daniel Radcliffe is bearing his soul (and sometimes his naked body) in plays all over. Ah, pretty different from the good old days when they were sitting in class and playing with wands.

    11 You Love J.K. Rowling

    Who doesn't love this author? She's got the most amazing rags-to-riches success story out there (apparently she wrote the first book in a cafe when she was poverty-striken and even got tons of rejection letters… yes, actually) and she's one of the world's most beloved and celebrated authors. For good reason, of course -- she's created an amazing world that kids and adults alike love to escape into. Imagine being the creator of that. It's just so cool. Sure, she's writing some adult mystery novels now under a different name, but it's just not the same as her trademark series.

    10 You're Dying To See The Play

    Did you know there's going to be a Harry Potter play? Well, you do now. It's called Harry Potter and the Cursed Child and will be performed in London in the summer of 2016. Yes, J.K. Rowling is pretty involved. It's about Harry as an actual adult -- with kids and a wife. Gulp. It's crazy to imagine Harry as a regular old (wizard) husband and father. Unless you're planning on heading to London to see this play in July, you might have to settle for just wishing and hoping that the play will tour North America.

    9 You Want One More Book

    Fans have been dying to know if the final book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, published in July 2007, was really the final say on the whole magical gang. Rowling seems to think that the play is basically the next part of the series. It would definitely make smart financial sense to publish more books, though -- since 2008 alone, the author has reportedly made £141million from her brilliant and beloved series. Yup. Of course, she's not in it for the money.

    8 You Hold Out Hope

    Okay, okay, you know that it's basically wishful thinking that there could be more books because from various interviews, Rowling seems to be finished… But you can't help but hold out tons of hope because she's always coming up with new ways to continue the Potter universe. There's the play, of course, and her website Pottermore, and that's just scratching the surface. It's such a tease and sometimes you feel like you're going crazy because you miss this world so much.

    7 The Good/Evil Battle Is Classic

    What was so cool about this series is the contrast between the good and the bad, and how although those are totally classic storytelling themes, Rowling brought lots of smarts and complications. She never made it seem boring or simply a case of bad/good -- it was always so much more than that. Classic is always best, and Harry Potter was no exception. You loved cheering Harry and his friends on, you loved rooting for them to beat every bad guy, and you were thrilled whenever you saw weird creatures in the movies.

    6 You Think Harry Is Your Friend

    Harry is just such a lovable character, isn't he? He's sweet, charming, a little awkward, a little dorky, and just has such a good heart. He makes you believe in him and you basically feel like he's a good friend. No, you don't think that's weird, because in your mind he and his gang are completely, 100 percent real.

    5 You Can Relate

    Okay, sure, you're not a wizard and you don't have magical powers (although you wish you did). But you can still relate to the childhood and teenage struggles of Harry, Hermoine, and Ron. After all, everyone goes to school, deals with first crushes, falls in love for the first time, wonders if they fit in, wonders who they should become, and maybe deal with some loneliness or family drama along the way. This series was set against a completely mysterious and magical background, but despite that, it still felt realistic and relatable.

    4 You're A Big Kid

    You may be in your mid-20s or even your 30s now, with a job and an apartment/condo and a boyfriend/husband and hobbies and friends and grocery lists and bills and all that. But you're a big kid, ultimately, and that's why you miss Harry Potter and the rest of the characters so much. You want to live in a world that celebrates bravery and courage and goodness, instead of your own world where you've got a cable bill that was due yesterday and strawberries are 10 dollars at the local market (ugh).

    3 You Want To Play Quidditch

    It's pretty thrilling when you see Harry and his pals play this game for the first time. It's supposed to be like football and is an incredibly interesting sport (and you thought you hated sports). Since you play with broomsticks, this is just the most fun sport you could possibly play. You've thought about trying to set up a Quidditch game at your lunch hour at the office but figure your coworkers might not be into it (although they might secretly want to).

    2 You Even Miss Snape

    The recent and absolutely tragic passing of Alan Rickman makes you realize how much you miss the character of Snape, even though he was pretty evil. You miss Alan Rickman because he was such an amazing, brilliant actor, and everyone absolutely loved him. He brought the character to life and you didn't even care that he was supposed to be bad, you still enjoyed watching him and reading about him. He had a twinkle in his eye that always made you think something else was going on, and of course in the end Harry learned his true identity.

    1 You Have A Crush On Harry

    Admit it, go on. It's okay, we're all friends here. You're totally in love with Harry Potter. You tried not to confess your crush at first, even to yourself, because yeah he's a fictional character and besides that, he's pretty young at the beginning of the series (although, of course, he grows up pretty nicely). But now you can admit the truth: you're seriously into him. Hey, it's okay. He's all grown up and married now, at least according to the upcoming play. Yet another reason for a trip to London?