Laman » Hiburan » 15 Ridiculous Celeb Demands

    15 Ridiculous Celeb Demands

    Famous people definitely seem like they live in a totally different world. If reports of some of the things they have asked for over the years are accurate, then they really do! We can totally understand that singers require humidified air and jars of honey to keep their voices in top shape for their shows, but is it really necessary to install a completely new toilet at every venue? Do you need to control the clothes worn by all 200 people in your entourage? It has often been said that the ridiculous demands are really just included to make sure that the venue staff are paying attention, and we sure hope that is the case! Nearly every star has had their tour rider released to the press at least once, and while some of them contain perfectly reasonable demands for performers, some of the following are on the crazier side of things.

    15 J.Lo

    Jennifer Lopez definitely is known for being a bit of a diva, so we were not all that surprised when we read her list of requests. It is not too bad compared to other requests we have seen and contains all the usual demands including lounges, chair covers, lilies and roses, candles, fish, and fruit. But according to sources, everything has to be white! The flowers, the covers on the chair and even the food are all required to be only white, and now we are struggling to brainstorm what kind of fruits they must have brought her… Peeled white peaches, perhaps? She also reportedly will only sit on a custom-made, germ-resistant toilet seat cover. We would not mind that, but it is probably not worth the effort. If these demands are anything to go by, we can assume that J.Lo is not really Jenny from the block anymore, unless everything on the block was white.

    14 Lady Gaga

    When it comes to Lady Gaga, we would be surprised if her tour rider did not include something bizarre. Her demands are not totally diva-ish, but she does have one strange item on the list: a mannequin with puffy pink hair down there. Do not worry, we are also very unsure about this. We could not possibly imagine what use she could have for it. Among the other requests she makes are white leather couches and satin black drapes, peanut butter which contains flax seeds and no more than 4 grams of fat (does that even exist?!), and vintage posters of Elton John, Queen, Billie Holiday and David Bowie. We get that she does a high-energy, intense show and needs to be comfortable, and having pictures of her idols around probably inspires her. But we have tried, and we can't get past the mannequin. And we kind of never will.

    13 Beyoncé

    Queen Bey's tour rider was released a while back and, big surprise, it's not that bad. She requests a clean toilet and for it to be exactly 78 degrees in each room, but we assume that has something to do with looking after her voice. When she performed at the 2013 Super Bowl, however, the world got wind of her demands about her daughter Blue Ivy, and to be honest, they were insane. Blue's backstage nursery needed to have rose-petal candles (we shudder to think what would happen if they were some other scent), and to be kept at exactly 26 degrees. On top of that, Blue's handmade cedar cot (which reportedly cost £14,000) was flown in from New York so she didn't miss out on any sleep whatsoever while her mom blew the world away. On one hand, we wouldn't expect anything less, and on the other, we just can't fathom the whole thing.

    12 Justin Timberlake

    JT is our favorite because not only is he super talented and attractive, but he also seems like a genuinely down-to-earth guy. When you hear him give interviews, you feel like he could be your neighbor. And then you hear about how he requires a staff member to clean all his doorknobs every two hours, and he suddenly doesn't seem so normal anymore. We could understand a cleaner to make sure he isn't staying in filth while he gets ready, but every doorknob every two hours? Seems a little excessive! We feel like if these reports are true, Justin may have a phobia of germs. That isn't his fault, so we won't hold the doorknob thing against him. But it's nice to know that it's not just female celebrities who are capable of diva-like behavior! Justin's also been accused of kicking guests out of elevators so he can use them alone.

    11 Jay-Z

    Speaking of male stars, Beyoncé's husband Jay-Z's tour rider is even more demanding than his wife's, which nobody thought was possible. First of all, he's just as picky with his alcohol as you'd expect him to be. The rider demands two bottles of $200 wine from 2004 and two bottles of $300 champagne. He has a huge entourage to consume all that alcohol with, so we say good on him! It turns out that Jay is also picky about the transportation used to bring him to and from the venues he's performing at. At all time, he requires a late-model black Maybach. We can empathize with wanting to travel in style, particularly when paparazzi are always after you. We also totally get wanting to be comfortable, especially when you've just landed from a 10-hour flight. But still, the late-model black Maybach screams diva! No wonder Blue is accustomed to such expensive bedding.

    10 Mary J. Blige

    We love Mary J. Blige, and the girl seems so real that we nearly fell off our seats when we read this one! Apparently, the singer requests a brand new toilet to be installed at every single venue while she's touring. We get that bathrooms can be dirty, and nobody wants to use a toilet that looks questionable. But couldn't they just disinfect it for her? Couldn't they clean it twice and then organize a cover of some sort? A totally new one at every venue is a big deal. We can see why you'd want that, and it does make much more sense than Gaga's mannequin to us, but we feel like it's a bit over the top. Having said that, nobody should feel guilty for spending the money they've worked hard for, and if that's what M.J. wants to spend her money on, it's up to her! It could be a lot worse, right? That's what we're going to think.

    9 Prince

    The late Prince was definitely one of a kind, and this request is definitely one we haven't heard before. According to reports, Prince liked to have everything in his dressing room cleaned, and then wrapped up in plastic, which was forbidden from being removed until he decided to do it himself. Our first thought is that the star must have really loved unwrapping presents, which if we're being real, who doesn't? We're just not sure we could be bothered going through it that often, and would probably become desensitized after a while, so the unwrapping of actual presents on birthdays and Christmas would be comparatively mundane. This may also have been about cleanliness, which again we're sorry if he was a germaphobe, but this takes it to a whole other level. At least the things he left unopened could be used after he'd left, and you'd know that they were still new!

    8 Christina Aguilera

    The tabloids labeled Christina as a diva for years, and they may have had just cause! Her rider was reported to demand vitamin C pills in the shape of The Flintstones characters. These aren't actually that hard to get your hands on since they already make them for kids, and staff probably wouldn't have been driven mad over them. But still, they do make for a very interesting request coming from an adult pop star. Maybe they're easier to swallow than the regular kind? Who knows! It's also been reported that Christina must be met by police escorts as soon as she lands at an airport, and the escorts must guide her road transportation. It'd be reasonable if there were threats on her life, but we're pretty sure it's just because she doesn't want to deal with traffic. Who wouldn't be up for this kind of treatment if they had the cash?

    7 Madonna

    There are a few things listed on Madge's past riders that make us think she might be a bit of a pain to work for. Firstly, she requires an entourage of 200 people. There's only one of her, but she apparently requires the services of 200 people to make her life easier. She needs everything from personal yoga instructors and chefs, to dry cleaners and even acupuncturists. We couldn't even come up with 200 jobs for a celebrity's entourage, but they must exist! Madonna also requests no less than 20 international phone lines to be available from her dressing room, as well as lilies and white and light-pink roses. We get that she knows people overseas she needs to keep in contact with, and the flowers are a nice touch, but did you know that each flower's stem must be exactly 6 inches long? We'll just let that sink in.

    6 Ariana Grande

    Ariana hasn't been in the fame game for a super long time compared to some of the other stars on this list, but she's already made a name for herself as something of a diva. We're not sure whether this label is warranted or not, but rumors have circulated for ages which suggest that the pop star will only allow photographers to snap shots if they're taken from the left side of her face. To us, she is gorgeous no matter which way you look at her, so this is a bit confusing! We've seen pictures taken from the right, which apparently Ariana did not approve, and there's really not a whole lot of difference. Isn't that how we all feel when it comes to what we're insecure about, right? We all believe our flaws are so much more obvious than they are, and if these rumors are true, then Ariana might be just like us. Finally, something on this list that we can relate to!

    5 Rihanna

    Rihanna seems chill on stage and in interviews, but at the same time she is incredibly fierce and you get the feeling that she's a perfectionist with the highest standards imaginable. The demands on her rider tend to support the latter! Rih requires a plush and animal print throw rug to walk on barefoot in her dressing room (leopard or cheetah patterns are fine) and needs the room to be draped in black or dark blue drapes with “icy-blue chiffon” layered on top. Her candles reportedly also need to be scented “Archipelago Black Forest”, and no, we can't tell you what that smells like. She also likes small, clear and square vases to hold white tulips, no foliage. None of it is really crazy, but very lavish indeed! The venue staff shouldn't worry if they can't get the tulips because Riri will also accept lilies or freesias, but no foliage.

    4 Will Ferrell

    For his promotional comedy tour Semi-Pro, Will Ferrell included some pretty strange items on his rider. The weirder requests included a 15-foot fake tree on wheels, a rainbow on wheels (which could be painted on canvas) and a flight of stairs on wheels. The more we think about it, the more we're convinced that the rider itself must have been a part of his comedy routine, because if not, a serious explanation is needed. He also demanded an electric three-wheel mobility scooter, and a headset microphone similar to what Janet Jackson would wear. The other bizarre (and almost certainly purely comedic) request, were raw and roasted almonds. If anybody can figure out how to roast almonds while keeping them raw, let us know! There were a few normal things on the list too, like Coke and Diet Coke, protein bars, Guinness beer and water, but nobody took any notice of those.

    3 Katy Perry

    Katy Perry has some very specific food and drink requests on her rider, but that's not what caught our attention. She also allegedly has some very specific rules for her staff. The rider released to the internet states that anybody who drives Katy isn't allowed to look at her in the rear-view mirror. They're also not allowed to talk to her at all. Now, we get wanting your driver to keep their eyes and attention on the road, but forbidding them to glance at you in the rear-view mirror seems a bit intense. Her list of food includes blue corn tortilla chips, freeze-dried strawberries, Santa Margarita Pinot Grigio and organic fresh fruit. Katy is apparently fussy when it comes to her flowers as well! She can handle seasonal white flowers which include white orchids, or white and purple hydrangeas or pink and white roses, but can't cope with carnations under any circumstances.

    2 Kanye West

    Yup, you guessed correctly. Kanye West definitely made our list, and unsurprisingly, with one of the more ridiculous demands of the lot. Here it is: any chauffeur who drives Mr. West must be dressed in 100% cotton clothes. More specifically, no man-made fibers are to be worn by Kanye's drivers. Nope, we aren't joking. It doesn't stop there, though. Yeezy has also in the past requested that the carpet he was walking on be ironed as it was too bumpy (what does that even mean?) and also includes a barber's chair on his tour rider for his dressing room. We're not sure why regular chairs won't do, but whatever helps him get into show mode! He also requests a ton of alcohol, including four six-packs of Heineken Beer, one bottle of Patron Silver tequila, one bottle of Hennessey Liquor, and one bottle of Absolut Vodka. Why not when you're Yeezus Himself?

    1 Mariah Carey

    The top spot goes to the mother of all divas, Mariah Carey. Her riders have circulated for years, and we don't know which items have been embellished for the papers, but probably none since she's Mariah Freaking Carey. It's been said that Mariah requires 20 white kittens and 100 white doves backstage, and we can only hope that somebody's messing with us. She also requests that there be no “busy patterns” in the living room and that the entry door needs to open into the living room instead of the dressing room. These demands aren't limited to her tours either. Back in 2009, Mariah reportedly refused to sit on a couch without being lowered by two assistants to prevent creasing her dress and had a staff member walk backward in front of her to help her keep her balance. We feel like in this case, the fame has definitely gone to her fabulous head!