Laman » Hiburan » 15 Self-Tanning Fails That Will Make You Cringe

    15 Self-Tanning Fails That Will Make You Cringe

    Getting a fake tan is a pretty common practice nowadays. Society loves telling us that a bronzed glow is the ultimate look, and there are people who don't mind spending ridiculous amounts on achieving the perfect tan. While getting a bit bronzed every now and again is totally understandable, there are some people who take tanning too far.

    When your tan goes from bronzed to orange to just straight up baked brown, then you know you might be a bit too obsessed with the tanning booth. These people all failed when it came to achieving a perfect tan. We can't imagine how much damage these individuals have done to their skin thanks to their tanning habit. No beauty regimen is worthy damaging your body for. We hope these folks eventually grew out of their tanning phase, if not for their health then for the sake of our eyes.

    15 Getting Handsy

    They always say not to touch your spray tan while it's drying, or you might end up like this unfortunate fake tan victim. It looks like this girl got impatient with her tan and decided to see if it was dry. It obviously wasn't since her hands are a streaky mess- we can even see her handprint on her chest.

    Most people get fake tans so they can look their best in a swimsuit or another revealing outfit. This girl probably couldn't reveal any of her cleavage thanks to the god-awful handprint. She most likely had to go back to the tanning salon and get the whole thing re-done (or at least spend a few hours outside). Always follow the instructions thoroughly if you're looking to bronze up your skin. Or else…

    14 Tanned To Tears

    We'd be crying too if this was how our fake tan turned out. This girl took an epic selfie that showed her tear-stained face. It seems like she burst out crying right after her tan, which is why it dried so streaky. She definitely needed to go get this dealt with before showing her face in public, or else she'd be looking like she's crying until the tan fades away.

    The one thing we're really curious about is what made her cry. Maybe she got a heartbreaking phone call or got into a heated argument after getting her tan. Either way, it must have been something frustrating enough to burst out in tears and ruin a perfectly good (and probably expensive) tan. Hopefully she was able to save her tears for another day and go get this tanning tragedy fixed.

    13 The Two-Tone Tan

    The whole point of fake tanning is to make your body the same bronzed color. So that means your face should not be a different shade of orange than the rest of your body. Clearly these lads didn't get the hint when they showed up to an event sporting two shades of orange. These guys seemed like they've been spending way too much time in the tanning booth.

    Their torsos are already pretty tanned to begin with. Instead of looking golden and bronzed, their tan just looks orange. But the really tragic part of this tan are their unmatched faces. Seriously, their orange faces are darker than the rest of their bodies. We're not sure what they did to get such coloring, but tan lines are never cool, not even if it creates an ombre effect on your body. Actually, that just makes it especially horrible.

    12 Badly Baked

    This woman's tan is also looks more brownish-orange than an enviable bronzed glow. It actually looks like she layered the wrong color of greasy foundation over her entire body. Tans that are this extreme rarely look good on the wearer. If anything, they make your skin look unhealthy and dry. We'd be scared to know how at-risk this woman might be of skin cancer thanks to her tanning habit.

    From the bad hair streaks, poorly applied makeup, and even more atrocious tan, this woman was not having her best day. This photo looks like it might have been taken in the early 2000s, which was a time known for ridiculous beauty and fashion looks. If that's the case, then we can partially excuse her tanning fail. We just hope this woman learned to embrace her natural skin tone and gave the tanning bed a break.

    11 Crying Away The Tan

    Here's another woman who couldn't stop the tears from flowing. It looks like this lady might have received some bad news right after getting a spray tan. She has tear marks running down her face and neck, making us think she must have had a serious crying session. She looks all right in the photo, other than we're sure she's annoyed her perfectly good tan is now ruined.

    Unfortunately there's not much a person can do in this case but go back to the tanning salon. Fingers crossed this girl didn't have somewhere important to be, because this tanning fail may have taken some time to fix. More importantly, hopefully she was able to get this situation dealt with if she had some sort of event, since the last thing you want is everyone around you knowing you were crying earlier in the day.

    10 It's Not Just Makeup

    Nope, it's not just this girl's makeup that's making her look like an Oompa Loompa. This made-up blonde's tan looks so deep and orange that it makes us think it must be makeup. But, as evidenced by the photo on the right, her entire body is that same orange shade. She must have spent several hours lying in a tanning bed to get this ridiculous tan, which neither looks good nor is healthy for you.

    To be honest, there's a lot going wrong with this look aside from the orange glow, though that is the icing on the cake. This girl's makeup is just as crazy as her tan. Her eyes are over-the-top sparkly while her lips look like she used concealer on them. Her pageant-style hair, neon pink shirt, and hello kitty necklace aren't doing anything to help us take her more seriously. This is one girl who needs to go to beauty school, ASAP.

    9 Looking Patchy

    Lindsay Lohan is the Queen of bad celebrity tans. The star has had numerous poor fake tanning jobs over the years, even some that she's proudly rocked on the red carpet. In this particular photo, Lindsay's tan looks blotchy and patchy. Her face appears to be different shades of bronze in certain areas, and is especially darker directly under her nose.

    Slight facial discoloration from a tan should be easily fixable with a bit of makeup. Lindsay looked like she'd applied makeup that morning, but it was doing little to hide her bad tanning job. That's a sign that this tanning fail may be even worse than this photo is leading on. Since her face looks so poorly tanned, we can only wonder what the rest of her body must have looked like.

    8 Badly Fed

    No, this baby was not the one who received the fake tan, but they were victim to the disaster that it became! When this little boy's mother was trying to breastfeed him, her fake tan rubbed off onto his face. It seems like she didn't notice what happened until after the feeding, since the tan is pretty dark. This doesn't look like something she could easily wipe away- that baby is actually tanned!

    Women who are breastfeeding should be careful when they tan for this very reason. They should plan it so that the tan will dry before they need to breastfeed, or perhaps forgo tanning altogether until the baby is older. It can't be good for this little guy to have self tanner all over his face. He may have easily licked some off during the feeding as well, and it's definitely not good to ingest spray tan.

    7 The Runaway Tan

    Christina Aguilera had an embarrassing moment when this fake tan fail happened to her while speaking at an event. The musician looked pulled-together and professional in her black suit and heels, but the situation happening on her legs took the audience's focus away from what she was saying.

    It was easy to notice that Christina had a fake tan running all the way down her legs. It looks like she didn't wait for her tan to properly dry before getting dressed and heading out the door. Christina is known for always having a bronzed (and sometimes orange) glow, so you'd think she'd be a pro at preventing fake tan disasters. But tanning tribulations can happen to anyone, even celebrities. Luckily Xtina was able to laugh it off and carry on with her presentation.

    6 Bronzed Beauties

    Friends that tan together stay together, right? While that saying might be true, it doesn't mean that having a tanning buddy is the thing to do. These ladies proved that having a friend who shares your passion for tanning could get you in trouble.

    Both of these women had extremely orange glows when this photo was being taken. They obviously spend a serious amount of time in the tanning salon, and perhaps they even do it together as a friends bonding activity.

    As fun as it may be, there are tons of other bonding activities you can do with friends that will have better results. Maybe these ladies could take up a sport or crafting. Anything would be better than continuing to pay money to look like Donald Trump.

    5 Orange You Mad?

    Between their makeup artists, fashion stylists, and hairdressers, you wouldn't think any celebrity would rock the red carpet without looking like a ten out of ten. But there are tons of celebrity beauty and fashion disasters that happen everyday. This star is only one of many to rock a bad look to an event. And, in her case, the bad look happens to do with her horrible tan.

    This woman's tan looked patchy and different shades in certain areas, which does not make for a cute bronzed glow. She also looks like she may have tried contouring her cheekbones yet failed miserably. If you have a big event to go to, get your spray tan a few days before so it will have a chance to fade. Also make sure you know what a spray tan looks like on you, so you know what to expect and ask for. The last thing you'd want is to hate the result hours before you're supposed to be somewhere.

    4 Orange Face

    This girl may have been feeling her look when this photo was taken, but we are certainly not. We're honestly not sure what went wrong with her tan. Her torso looks like a normal skin shade, but her face is an outrageous shade of orange. It's like she only stuck her head in a tanning bed because she thought it would help her skip the bronzer in her makeup routine.

    No light color foundation would be able to match this orange disaster with the rest of this girl's body. Hopefully this tanning fail was part of some joke rather than a young girl thinking she looked good with this extreme of a tan. Someone also needs to tell her to get her eyebrows re-shaped and tone it down with the chunky mascara. This girl can totally look cute for prom (or wherever she was off to), but not if she keeps going overboard with everything.

    3 Oompa Loompa Territory

    We bet this girl cringes every time she's showed this heinous photo. Not only was this girl's tan a disaster, but so was her makeup and hair look. For starters, her tan is way too orange and blotchy. We can see the ring around her eyes where she wore her sunglasses, which is never a sign that your tan turned out well. We'd avoid going back to the tanning salon for the rest of our lives if this was the result.

    To make things worse, this girl's makeup was just not up to par. Her eyebrows are sparsely there and desperately need to be filled in. Her green eyeshadow is just making her look sick against her orange skin. The look might have been saved if she wore mascara that did something for her lashes or a flattering lip color. But this tan might just look horrible no matter what she does.

    2 The Fake Blonde

    It's obvious blonde isn't this girl's natural hair color when paired with her ridiculously deep tan. We don't want to think about how much damage this girl is doing to her skin with the amount of time she'd need to spend in a tanning booth to get that brown. Her skin has completely skipped the orange shade of a bad fake tan, and gone straight to being an unnatural brown color. Honestly, everything looks pretty fake about this girl.

    We get it. A nice tan can look amazing and can do wonders to make someone look instantly more attractive (or at least society says so). But there is a thing as taking it too far, as evidenced by all the people on this list. Go ahead and get a nice healthy bronzed glow if that's what you like, but don't kill your skin trying to look like an Oompa Loompa.

    1 The Presidential Tan

    Of course the current President of the United States deserves a spot on this list. President Trump is infamous for his always-orange skin. He clearly spends a pretty penny on tanning beds because the Donald has always sported an orange color rather than his natural skin shade. He must not even remember what he looks like pale since he's forever been an orange, tanned monster.

    Trump has never admitted to using fake tanning, but the evidence is pretty clear. In close-up photos, it's easy to see the ring where the little goggles go that protect your eyes while sitting in a tanning bed. An orange glow like this is also pretty unnatural, so it's safe to say that Trump gets a bit of help to maintain his unique look. Just like the rest of the people on this list, we have a feeling Trump would look much better if he skipped the tanning salon for a month or two.