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    15 Signs Lindsay Lohan Is Still Totally Cray

    In the past, Lindsay Lohan was known as the adorable girl who stole our hearts in the film The Parent Trap, in which she played twins who try to get their parents back together. Over the years, this sweetheart starred in other films such as Freaky Friday and Mean Girls, but unfortunately, she has since become the unstable woman she is today. Lohan's ups and downs have been broadcast throughout the news, and no one is able to predict what crazy thing she will do next. Some believe that her time in rehab should have helped her become more stable, and that over time, she would be able to deal with her famous lifestyle, but the truth is that Lindsay Lohan does not have her life together yet! In the past few years, her actions have proven that her mental state is probably no better than it was.

    Lindsay Lohan has been seen in various states of wild, whether it is drinking and driving, expecting her high demands to be met, or saying some far-out things to the media. This girl's life is definitely not normal. Despite the help she has received, it appears that Lohan's crazy is deciding to stick around a bit longer. There have been some incidents in particular that show that Lindsay Lohan is still cray cray, and many of them are not just rumors.

    The following is proof that Lohan needs a bit more help and support then she is already receiving. Here are 15 signs Lindsay Lohan is still cray cray.

    15 Russian Demands

    Recently, Lindsay Lohan was found trying to negotiate with Russia. She had been offered to appear on a popular Russian talk show, but Lindsay informed them that if she was to appear on the show, certain demands needed to be met. Lohan demanded some outrageous things including a private jet, 500,000 British pounds, a penthouse suite, and… . oh yes… Lindsay Lohan demanded that she wanted to meet President Vladimir Putin. Lohan seemed arrogant enough to believe that she was entitled to these things and that she deserved them. Not only does she want to meet Putin, she insists on taking photos with him. These outrageous demands seem to be a comfortable thing for Lindsay. Celebrities may have high demands and expect big things, but to anticipate these items seems a bit unrealistic. Currently, Lindsay is in the process of negotiating her crazy demands. It doesn't seem likely that she will get everything she wants.

    14 Bad Time To Dress Up

    Lindsay Lohan has been known to be inconsiderate and do some crazy things, but recently she has done something that is beyond bad. It was cult murder Charles Manson's birthday, not a well-known day and definitely one that is not celebrated. It was on this day that Lindsay Lohan decided to dress up like Sharon Tate, the very person that Charles Manson had murdered. Sharon Tate was stabbed to death while pregnant at the age of 26. This extremely distasteful attempt to show respect for the deceased actress on her murderer's birthday caused a lot of controversy. Perhaps Lohan was just unaware of the significance, but afterwards, she should have issued an apology. Lohan seems to be in her own world and there is nothing that will change her decisions. She simply thinks of something to do and goes and does it, no matter the impact it will have on anyone else.

    13 What Engagement?

    In early April of this year, Lindsay Lohan said yes to a proposal from her Russian boyfriend, Egor Tarabasov. The young couple flaunted their happiness and Lindsay eventually showed off her beautiful emerald engagement ring. It was said that Lohan's parents approved of the 22-year-old boy and noticed that Lohan seemed so much happier with her new man. The world breathed out a great sigh as they figured that perhaps Lohan had found the man of her dreams and was settling down. This was not the case. After a public fight a few months later, Egor and Lindsay broke off the engagement. It appears that maybe the couple wasn't as happy as they seemed, proven by the short-lived romance. Lindsay Lohan then used her social media to throw a bit of hate his way. It also appears that the ring is still in her possession! It doesn't seem like Lohan is in-tune with her emotions… perhaps the crazy is blinding her?

    12 Fighting And Hating

    Before Lindsay and Egor had broken off the engagement, the two were seen fighting publicly. One incident took place at her house, where she began screaming and shouting for him to get out of her house and screaming that he had strangled her. Neighbors, frightened by her shouts, called the cops, who they broke into Lohan's place. Reports said that no crime was committed and Lohan apparently seemed to be all right, as she went out the next day with friends. Throughout their rocky relationship, along with the fights, Lohan was seen on twitter accusing Egor of seeing a Russian hooker. Her anger with him was also apparent through her Instagram photos, which featured an image of the couple in which Egor's face was scribbled out. Lohan may be the victim in this case, but her current relationship and others over the years have been everything but normal. Perhaps it comes with the crazy lifestyle of the young star.

    11 Lindsay-Lawsuit-Lohan

    As much as Lohan is seen in the media, she sure is one who does not appreciate people using her image or name without direct permission. A few years ago, Pitbull released the song “Give Me Everything,” wherein Lohan's name was mentioned in the lyrics: “So I'm tiptoein', to keep flowin' I got it locked up like Lindsay Lohan.” Lohan filed a lawsuit against Pitbull saying that the lyrics were about her own personal information and the fact that he did so had caused her distress. Unfortunately for Lohan, the lawsuit was dismissed and she was left to be distressed without compensation. This year, Lindsay Lohan also filed a lawsuit against the publishers of the game Grand Theft Auto. In the newest game release, Lohan argued that a character in the game misrepresented who she was and that an image of her had been turned into the game character. Again, Lindsay lost because the image and character were not a direct representation and not under her name. Poor Lohan, she will do almost anything to win a lawsuit against whoever supposedly crosses her.

    10 Flaunt What He Can't Have

    Although Lindsay and Egor's engagement was short-lived, there was some bad blood after they were broken up. Lohan kept the ring, although it is not featured in all of her photos. There was one photo that she directed towards Egor Tarabasov specifically though. Lohan posted a racy photo of herself in a small bikini. She captioned the photo: “Maybe I go back to blonde? #noboyfriend #stillneedimsorry @terryrichardson #work.” No doubt the photo was made to broadcast that she is now single and Egor is missing out. By using a hashtag to passive aggressively identify that she is still waiting for an apology goes to show that her social interactions are not so normal. Sure, everyone goes through a point where they need revenge and need to shout out their hate about their boy trouble (Taylor Swift is a prime example), but that doesn't mean it is the healthy thing to do. Lohan's quick engagement and scantily clad photo was definitely a crazy way to identify that she is done with that relationship.

    9 Hate for Suicide Squad

    Lohan made her disapproval for the film Suicide Squad very apparent when she posted an image of Brandon Lee, the star of the film The Crow. In the post, she accuses the past few Jokers of stealing his image, despite the fact that the Joker has been around for many years prior to The Crow, in TV, film, and comics. Lohan went as far to direct her anger at Jared Leto, Jack Nicholson, and even the late Heath Ledger. It is one thing to be angry at a film for something with which you don't agree, but to slam actors who have made history, including those who are no longer alive, is a little disrespectful. Lohan also spoke out saying that the violence in this film was what is wrong with the world. Why hasn't she spoken out in the past against other extremely violent films? Perhaps it is just an excuse to prove her point? Lohan uses her outrageous justification to tell the world why she does not approve of this film.

    8 Blame Those Not Responsible

    Although she may blame stars like Heath Ledger, an actor who has passed and whom Hollywood sorely misses, Lindsay Lohan had no problem blaming others for the recent death of Anton Yelchin. The Star Trek celeb died due to poorly functioning breaks on his jeep, which rolled back and had him stuck between the vehicle and a brick column. The accident was terrible, but no foul play was suspected. Despite this, Lohan believes that Hollywood is the one responsible. Lohan posted to social media saying, “This is the result of #hollywood a beautiful life has come to an end… ” Although her heart is in the right place, some may question why she blames Hollywood for the freak accident. Lindsay Lohan's low ability to rationalize properly regarding things that occurred underscores just how far from normal this girl is. Instead of simply articulating her sympathy to the world, she decided to use her words to accuse Hollywood for something out of anyone's control.

    7 Baby Rumor

    While on vacation, a rumor began that Lohan might be pregnant. The rumor got around eventually to her parents, who came to Lohan and voiced their care and concern. After the matter became publicly known, Lohan and her family refused to speak on the matter and would say nothing of the rumor. There were images that made society question if she truly had a baby bump or perhaps was just a bit bloated? Social media went crazy trying to figure out whether the rumor, apparently started by Lohan herself, was actually true and she was rocking the baby bump. Later, Lindsay Lohan used her Instagram account to ease everyone's minds. She posted an image of her on the beach with a very slim stomach. Only someone a little cray cray would start a rumor saying they are pregnant, not identify whether it was a lie, and make sure the family stays quiet as well.

    6 Not Just One Arrest

    Lindsay Lohan has been arrested not once, not twice, but many times over the past few years. Being a celebrity comes with its perks, but it also has its challenges. When a celeb is arrested the first time, it usually is dismissed as one crazy outbreak, but when it occurs numerous times, people begin to think there is a problem. Lohan has been arrested for various offences as well. Some of these offences include driving under the influence more than once, failing to appear in court, theft, attacking another person, clip and run of a pedestrian, and many other incidents that put Lindsay Lohan in the hot seat. It is obvious that this girl has gone mad and continues to be so. Almost every year has a new report of something crazy that Lohan has done. The scary thing is that sometimes it involves the harm or possible harm of others!

    5 Crazy Wedding Guest

    The stereotypical one crazy guest that attends a wedding is a cliché with which we are all accustomed. Lohan once decided to try the stereotype on for size and use her own crazy to live up to the expectations. Apparently a source had stated that Lindsay went to an Italian wedding and took care of her manicure during the ceremony. She also left the reception early and began saying that someone had drugged her while she ran around naked. Although there is no photo or video evidence that this occurred, most will believe it because it was Lindsay Lohan doing it. No one would doubt for a second that the celeb would steal attention from the couple's big day and turn it into one that featured a mental breakdown that required attention to be focused on her. Although she may have looked fab, Lohan played the stereotype of the crazed wedding attendant amazingly well. It can only be hoped that the couple still was able to enjoy their special day and don't have the crazed Lohan in their minds when they think back to it.

    4 Lohan For President

    It seems that Lohan loves to share her insults, hate for others, and random ideas on her Instagram account. Last year, Lohan posted a photo with the caption referring to her newest idea. She might run for president in 2020! Who would want Lohan running their country? The answer: no one. In the post, she also gave a shout-out to Kanye West, asking him to join her little escapade. She also made various new hashtags to encourage the idea of her running in 2020. Even President Obama was tagged in the photo. Lohan then posted another photo later of her and Kanye West that was captioned, “The first thing I would like to do as president is take care of all of the suffering children in the world.” Lindsay Lohan's passion for saving the children is heartwarming, but what about running the country and all the other jobs that come along with being president?

    3 She Knows How To Party

    Lindsay Lohan is well known for her ability to party it up. It is a skill that she has only improved upon over time. Back in the day, Lohan was found to be partying a little too hard, and even today she makes sure her partying hits the news. Lohan was seen recently in London partying once again with Kourtney Kardashian. Despite the fact that these two have grown up and have tried to embrace reality (key word "tried"), the two got their photos taken while on the dance floor. At the end of the night, Kardashian was wearing Lohan's dress, captured in a photo by Lohan and put up on her Instagram. It's pretty strange, but thankfully, there was no extra drama to go along with the night, but the fact that 30-year-old Lohan and mommy Kardashian were still able to go and live it up shows that nothing will stop them.

    2 She Moves On Quickly

    Shortly after the break off of the engagement to Egor Tarabasov, Lindsay Lohan was caught in Greece sporting a new ring. Unlike the emerald engagement ring she had when engaged to Egor, this one is a yellow stone! Rumors have been floating around that Lindsay Lohan may have a new boy to call her own. Restaurant owner Dennis Papageorgiou and Lohan were seen out and about together and word has spread that maybe her heart has mended. Before the couple was seen together, Lohan shared a picture of herself saying that she was taking some time to mend. Did her new boy show up before the post or after? Is Lohan actually moving on or is this just a rebound from the recent break up? Perhaps Lohan's little stunt of posting that racy photo got the attention of another man. It even appears that the new ring could start some rumors that she has another new fiancé for 2016.

    1 Writing Her Memoir

    It can be agreed that Lindsay Lohan has had an exciting and crazy life. It turns out that the actress is currently in the process of writing her own book. When asked about it, Lohan replied that the book was being written to hopefully help those in need. She hopes that when the book is finished, it will assist people in getting to know themselves a bit better. It is unclear exactly what the book will contain, but if it is based on Lohan's life, it will definitely be an interesting read. Perhaps any wisdom she has acquired from every crazy thing she has gone through will help people identify what they should try to avoid in their own lives. The star has had a messed up life and perhaps writing this memoir will help her understand the changes she needs to make. Despite all her crazy, the whole world is still hoping to see Lohan get better.