Laman » Hiburan » 15 Signs You Totally Grew Up In The 90's

    15 Signs You Totally Grew Up In The 90's

    We are so used to living in the 21st century that we can sometimes forget where we came from. If you're reading this then it's very likely that you were born in the last century. I know this makes it sound like it was a really long time ago, and it actually was.

    When you finish reading this list it will feel like you were born in the Middle Ages and you'll probably wonder how you possibly survived back in the day. But the truth is that the 90's were awesome. They were full of color, awesome fashion trends, hotties and so much more.

    So keep on reading, take a little ride to the past and find out if you truly are a girl from the 90's. It's always good to remember our roots and I bet this list will make you remember the good old days.

    15 You Know What To Do With A Pencil And A Tape

    If you wanted to listen to that song you absolutely loved again you needed to rewind the tape, but you got creative and used a pencil instead of your finger because you know how sore your finger could get after rewinding repeatedly.

    If you ask any kid who grew up in the 2000s he/she will probably have no idea how these two items relate and you'll realize just how old you truly are.

    14 You Would Spend Countless Hours Talking On A Landline

    Only rich people had cell phones in the 90's and it was ridiculously expensive to talk on a cell phone. You probably used the landline in your house to chat with your best friend. Of course you had to greet her mom, dad or sibling and ask if they could hand the phone over to your friend.

    This is something kids nowadays don't have to deal with because first of all, they use social media and second, everyone has cell phones. When was the last time you called someone on their landline? Exactly!

    13 Chokers Are Nothing New For You

    Chokers are making a comeback. They are so trendy right now and every teenage girl thinks she's the coolest person ever to wear one. But you just look at them and realize that you used to wear those when you were younger and how true it is that fashion is recycled. The old will be relabeled and sold as new. Now that they are making a comeback you might be regretting throwing them away. You've learned your lesson and you'll probably hold on to them because who knows maybe in a few decades they'll come back in style again.

    12 And Neither Are Chunky Shoes

    Chokers are not the only 90's fashion item that has come back in style. Chunky shoes have also returned and you're probably regretting getting rid of them because they would look so cool today.

    You know The Spice Girls wore the coolest chunky shoes, the bigger the better. Today, you look around and see 90's fashion everywhere. Then you realize how old you are to even notice that.

    11 MTV Was A TV Channel Just For Music

    Nowadays, MTV is dedicated mostly to TV Shows. Back in the day MTV was what you tuned into if you wanted to watch music videos and you could spend endless hours watching video after video. MTV was also used to discover the latest hot music and new artists. Today, you just need to type an artist's name into Youtube and voila.

    10 You Thought Clueless Was Awesome

    Clueless was the teenage movie that marked the 90's. Every girl wanted to be Cher and we all loved the cool clothes they wore. We envied them for having cell phones and “as if” became the hippest phrase to say.

    Girls around the world went crazy for this movie and Alicia Silverstone was considered teenage royalty. Most teenage girls in the present have no idea who she is and they think Clueless is an old movie.

    9 You Know What A Tamagotchi Is

    The Tamagotchi trend grabbed the world by surprise. It was the latest and coolest item to have and every single one of your friends had one. Recess was dedicated to feeding and cleaning your Tamagotchi because if you didn't take care of it, it would die. I bet you killed a few, don't worry most girls who grew up in the 90's killed a few, it was expected to happen.

    But we still have to admit that Tamagotchis gave us our first lessons in responsibility.

    8 You Know What These Are

    If you were lucky enough to have a computer then this is where you would keep your ultra secret diary safe. For that matter, anything you wanted to keep ultra safe, this is where you would save it. The floppy disk was the latest thing in technology which you used to store data. We didn't grow up with USB keys or Dropbox, we grew up using floppy disks and we felt like an MI6 agent carrying one. They also came in cool colors and awesome looking cases to keep them safe.

    Oh yes! And for those youngsters reading this, we didn't store photos on these because digital cameras didn't exist!

    7 Movies Came In This Format

    If you wanted to watch movies you had to go to Blockbuster and choose one. But if it was the latest release then it was very likely to be already rented and you had to wait until somebody returned it. You can probably also remember that the case had a label that said: “Please rewind the tape” or something like that, because VHS tapes needed to be rewound just like music tapes. Luckily for us the latest technology back in the 90's was a tape rewinder.

    6 You Were A Witness Of The Millennium Mania

    The world went crazy when the millennium was approaching. Everyone talked about how computers were going to go nuts and how the world was going to end. The Backstreet Boys (who were the coolest boy band in the 90's) even named one of their albums Millennium and the entire world was getting ready to welcome the new century. Everything was being advertised with the word "Millennium" in it and we thought there would be flying cars by then. I bet you're reading this and remembering where you spent that special New Year's Eve.

    5 You Had A Crush On Leonardo DiCaprio

    Leonardo DiCaprio was the leading star in the ultra BIG movie Titanic, where he played the part of Jack Dawson; this was actually the film that catapulted him to success.

    Every teenage heart around the world broke into a million pieces when he died at the end. But after the movie was finished you couldn't just hop online and read about the hot young actor who played Jack Dawson (because Google didn't exist), you actually had to read about him in magazines and you would cut his picture out so you could tape him in your locker.

    4 You Remember Victoria Beckham as a Spice Girl

    Back in the 90's Victoria Beckham was known as Victoria Adams or Posh Spice. She was the sexy Spice Girl with a killer sense of style. We see Victoria now as a big fashion designer and married with four children. But to us she will always be first a Spice Girl and then a fashion designer.

    The Spice Girls are the biggest female band that has ever existed and no other girl band will ever come close, because it was the Spice Girls who taught us GIRL POWER!

    3 If You Had A CD Player You Were The Coolest Kid On The Block

    It was during the 90's when compact discs (or CDs) had their big break and everyone started switching from tapes to CDs. But if you wanted to listen to your CDs on the go, then you needed a CD player.

    They were huge and you couldn't run with them because it would make the CD trip, they needed delicate handling and were ultra expensive when they first came out. But if you had one your were simply awesome and were one of the lucky few who didn't need to rewind tapes.

    2 You Remember Dial Up Internet

    When you were connecting, the Internet made a sound which was like a weird series of tones and scratches, but that was a good sign because it meant you were about to be online.

    Using the Internet in the 90's also meant saying goodbye to your landline because every time you were online the landline would emit a busy tone and your mom would beg you to please get off the Internet so she could make and receive phone calls.

    1 Chat Rooms Were Cool

    Chat rooms were the first form of social media. I think we all created a fake profile at some point in time and pretended to be someone else. Making friends in chat rooms was our way of getting in touch with people in other parts of the world, but it was also advised to be careful with such and our parents weren't fans of us logging into them.

    But to us chat rooms were our first exposure to the gigantic reach the Internet had and we all fell in love with one of our chat room buddies (more than once).