Laman » Hiburan » 15 Steamiest Game Of Thrones Scenes Ranked Worst To Best

    15 Steamiest Game Of Thrones Scenes Ranked Worst To Best

    Winter is upon us and Game of Thrones season 7 has made its long-anticipated arrival. We love GOT because the plot and characters never cease to keep us on our toes. Fans of HBO already know that the network pushes its limits as far as nudity and language go. GOT is no exception and everyone knows that nudity is a big staple in the series. The best looking medieval characters getting it on with people they probably shouldn't have creates an insatiable need to keep coming back for more.

    When it comes to hot scenes, there is always plenty to talk about Monday morning with our co-workers at the office. Though we have to keep the conversation PG for the sake of not losing our jobs, there is always a gleam in our eye when we refer to "that one scene from GOT." This show makes us just want to live vicariously through the characters when our typical 9-to-5 lives might dull or lack in comparison. Some of these scenes are steamy and get us in the mood while others are incestuous or just plain wrong.

    Here are some of the steamiest scenes in Game of Thrones, ranked from worst to best. (WARNING: Spoilers ahead!)

    15 Sansa Gets Violated By Ramsay Bolton (Season 5, Episode 6)

    This scene was brutal and controversial. It has received much criticism against the portrayal of assault in the media. After Sansa manages to escape the Lannister household, she is arranged by Littlefinger to marry Ramsay Snow. This scene is known as the "Black Wedding" where it is held in a gloomy looking Winterfell that has been overthrown. Though she has returned home, it was transformed into something that was far from what she grew up in. On her wedding night, Ramsay takes her back to their room and orders her to take off her clothes. He then proceeds to violate her and orders Theon to stay in the background and watch the horrors in front of him. The scene ends with a close up of Theon's reaction with Sansa's screams in the background.

    14 Jaime and Cersei's Tribute to Joffrey's Funeral (Season 4, Episode 10)

    After the Purple Wedding, the dreaded character of King Joffrey finally gets killed off to many fan's delight. The ruthless Lannister bastard's bloody reign is put to an end and Westeros finds some peace temporarily. A grief-stricken Cersei hovers over her eldest son's dead body as the priests surround her with support. As Jaime enters the room, he asks them to "leave the queen alone with her son." The doors close and there is only her and Jaime left in the room. What starts out has him comforting her turns into him getting turned on. Though these two have been getting it on since the first season, it is doubtful that Cersei was in the mood at that time. Jaime mounts her and has her right there in front of their dead son's tomb. This is another rape scene that is not to be condoned.

    13 Jaime and Cersei Caught In The Tower (Season 1, Episode 1)

    This was the first shocking sex scene that Game of Thrones fans were ever exposed to. House Lannister and House Stark met up in Winterfell for a hopeful union by marriage between Sansa and Joffrey. Then things went awry. When young Bran was deliberately instructed by his mother to quit climbing the towers, he learned his lesson the hard way. When he was climbing one of the highest towers of the kingdom, he uncovered a dirty little secret that the Lannisters have been hiding for years. He saw twins Cersei and Jaime Lannister getting it on while Cersei was still married to King Robert Baratheon. What was even more shocking is what happened after they got caught. After seeing Bran bust them, Jaime gets up and exclaims, "the things I do for love" and pushes Bran off the tower. Bran falls, lands into a coma and leaves him crippled.

    12 Theon's Ill-Fated Threesome (Season 3, Episode 7)

    For most men, having a threesome is the dream of their lifetime come true. Unfortunately for Theon, it was a fantasy that turned into the worst nightmare any red-blooded man could ever imagine. Poor Theon thought he was getting laid by two gorgeous ladies. They were foul-mouthed, but he seemed into it. After being captured by the Boltons, he was tricked into thinking he was getting a break. Little did he know that this was Ramsay giving him one last romp before getting his manhood removed. Ramsay enters the room and he realizes too late that it was a trap. He is then held down and castrated and then Reek is born. That wasn't the first time Ramsay brutally tortured someone and it wasn't the last.

    11 Margaery Consummating Her Marriage With Tommen (Season 5, Episode 3)

    Margaery Tyrell just wants to be the Queen of Westoros and is willing to have sex with boys 15 years her junior to accomplish that. At the Purple Wedding, her intended betrothed Joffrey gets poisoned in one of the most epic death scenes on the series. She then gets passed over to his younger brother, Tommen who is naîve and inexperienced when it comes to sexual experience. During their wedding, Cersei looks on her with envy as her son takes his new queen into matrimony. On their wedding night, she shows him a thing or two in the sack as the consumate their marriage. The whole bedroom scene is awkward to watch as it doesn't last very long because it is his first time. It is awkward watching a 30-year-old woman getting it on with a 16-year-old boy. He doesn't even seem comfortable with the fact that he is now officially the king.

    10 Littlefinger and His Two Brothel Employees (Season 1, Episode 7)

    In the first season, Littlefinger is the brothel owner and a sleazy one at that. The scene begins with two women "practicing" going down on each other (probably so that they can improve their skill for clients?) He casually lurks in the background as if nothing is going on. He then gets up and intervenes trying to instruct them because he doesn't think they are performing up to par. He suggests role-playing as if one women was the man and the other was the woman. As he narrates the whole act, they ask him if they want to join in on the action. He then answers, "I'm saving myself for another." He must be one of the few men that would turn down such a proposition. Rather, he would narrate his childhood story as the two women continue to fool around. What a weirdo.

    9 Stannis Baratheon and Melisandre on the Table (Season 2, Episode 2)

    After a meticulous planning of battle with Davos Seaworth, Stannis excuses the men to be alone with the Red Woman. She whispers in Seaworth's ear on his way out that the "death by fire is the purest death." After a conversation about his entitlement to winning the battle, Stannis expresses his concerns of fighting his own brother in the field. As gets more and more annoyed with Melisandre for telling him to "give faith to the lord of light," she tries to start coming onto him. At first his response is, "no thanks, I have wife and took a vow." She replies, "she is sickly and shut away in a tower and has given you no sons. I will give you a son, my king." That seems enough to convince him to start getting it one with her on the very same table where he was planning out his battle. Parts even start falling off the table. Later, she gives birth to a shadow demon fathered by Stannis.

    8 The Martell's Bangin' Party (Season 4, Episode 3)

    This scene introduces the sexy Oberyn Martell and his wife Ellaria Sand. They have an open relationship where they invite more people into their sex life. They enter Littlefinger's brothel and are presented a group of ladies to choose from by a man who hosts the establishment. As Oberyn looks at his selection, he sizes them up based on their bodies and dispositions. They choose two out of the four and as the two rejects leave, Oberyn turns to the man who presented them and says, "no you can stay." Bisexuality was apparently more practiced in medieval times. As he is hesitant to participate in this bangin' sesh, Oberyn responds, "But I am a prince. Haven't you ever wanted to be with a prince?" The more the merrier seems to be the motto of the Martells.

    7 Daenerys and Khal Drogo Become Man and Wife (Season 1, Episode 2)

    The first time Daenerys and Khal Drogo become intimate at their wedding, she is nervous and hesitant. Luckily, there is more than plenty of practice between the sheets with these two. Out of all the steamy scenes on Game of Thrones, the chemistry between these two actors is pretty undeniable. Khaleesi goes from a timid girl who doesn't really know what she's doing to a sex goddess that even keeps the King of the Dothraki on his toes. The beginning of their sex scenes is hard to watch because it seems like she really is not enjoying it. After some training from a pretty Dothraki groupie, she learns to be more confident and their sex scenes get steamier and steamier. As the series progresses, she becomes more attached to him. This is a marriage in Game of Thrones history that we really wish could have lasted.

    6 Tyrion and Shae (Multiple Moments Seasons 2-4)

    During a battle for the Seven Kingdoms with the Lannister Army, Tyrion looks to blow off some steam. He is introduced to Shae, an exotic beauty who he becomes smitten with. Their sad and strange romance blossoms and their scenes together are adorable. He is forbidden by his father to ever take her anywhere because she is a 'lady of the night', but that doesn't stop him from keeping her in hiding. The secret just adds more fuel to the fire as it builds more tension in their relationship and therefore steamier scenes. Every scene with Tyrion and Shae is endearing as it is pure and they actually are in love with one another. Most men would not dare fall in love with a night worker, but dwarfs aren't exactly in the position to be that picky. The fate of Shae is tragic but their relationship will forever be in our hearts.

    5 Red Woman Reveals Herself (Season 6, Episode 1)

    The Red Woman (AKA Melisandre) has been one of the show's biggest vixens with her Jessica Rabbit-esque appeal. One of the most shocking (yet steamy) scenes was when we find out her true identity. Unlike these other sexy scenes, there is an ugliness to it that throws us as viewers completely off-guard. After she gets naked and we see her voluptuous body like we are used to seeing her, she makes a drastic physical transformation. The Red Woman is in fact an old sorceress and it is only when she is wearing her signature necklace is when her youthful appearance is intact. The sad look in her eye before she takes off the necklace says it all. As she goes to bed, an old lady with thinning hair and a saggy body stares back in the reflection. Though there is no sex (or sexiness) involved here, we can all agree that this scene with go down in GoT history.

    4 The Moment Daenerys Gets Naked Part 1 (Season 1, Episode 10)

    At the end of season 1, Daenerys gets put through hell and back after losing her husband and son to a witch's curse. Disgruntled, grieving and frustrated at her hardships, she throws a burning funeral for her late husband (who she had to kill since he turned into a vegetable). Before she lights the fire the ceremony, she places her dragon eggs by Khal Drogo's body. Against the advice of Jorah, she declines to sell the dragon eggs and climbs on the pile before it starts to ignite. Then she passes the sentence to burn the witch that cursed her. After everyone half expects her to burn alive, something miraculous happens. She proves herself a true dragon the next morning when she is found not only A) alive and naked (only her clothes suffered in the fire) but B) surrounded by her three newly hatched baby dragons. We see her full frontal as she gets up and her people bow before her. It was a glorious ending to the first season.

    3 The Moment Daenerys Gets Naked Part 2 (Season 6, Episode 4)

    Long after the death of Khal Drogo, Daenerys is sent into exile once again after an attempt on her life by the Sons of the Harpy. After attempting to remarry and form alliances with another army, she finds herself set back. After her dragons come to rescue her, she meets the Dothraki once again but her power and influence over the people wasn't as great as it used to be. The new Khals mock her and the women give her dirty looks with envy. She proves herself the boss once again. When the new Khals meet together in their temple, they further look at her like a piece of meat and try to decide which one gets to have their way with her. They doubt her abilities to rule as queen and that pisses her off for the last time. Like a true dragon, she burns the temple to the ground as they burn alive. She already proved once that fire can kill her clothes but not her.

    2 Jon Snow and Ygritte in the Cave (Season 3, Episode 5)

    Jon Snow and Ygritte had a teasing, flirtatious courtship during the second and third seasons. As part of the Knight's Watch, he is sworn to never bed, marry or have children with any woman. Though this is completely unrealistic in terms of human nature, he was obedient to this rule up until he crossed paths with Ygritte. She lures him into a cave and tells him that she wants him to break his vows. Like most men, he can't turn down that golden opportunity. She starts stripping naked and starts to seduce him. As he tries to resist the advances, he caves in and dives into the water with her. This was the first and last time since he broke his vows but he still proved himself worthy of the Knight's Watch. Well, that is one relationship goal to aspire to: getting it on in a cave.

    1 Daenerys Hooks Up With Jon Snow (Yet To Come Hopefully)

    This is a popular fan theory that will hopefully come into fruition as this new season proceeds. It has already been implied that Jon Snow is part Targaryen in the previous season, so that would make them half siblings. That isn't a taboo on this show since the Lannisters and previous Targaryen generations have already normalized incestuous relationships. This will be a scene unlike any other steamy scenes on this list. Both Daenerys and Jon Snow have been build up as the main conquerors trailblazing through whatever challenges they faced. This will be a defining moment in Game of Thrones history when the two will finally cross paths and destiny will take it from there. The only thing we can do is tune in and find out.