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    15 Things Blac Chyna Took From Rob Kardashian

    In the last week or so, we have seen Christmas Dreams shattered for Rob Kardashian. If you haven't been on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, you may have missed it. Chances are, you know exactly what we're talking about but let's go for a quick recap. The drama started from none other than social media. Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna recently had a baby girl named Dream, and they had plans to air the baby special on E!. Chyna's Instagram was hacked early Saturday evening revealing that Chyna's ploy was to merely take the Kardashian name and leave Rob in the dust, so to speak. Everyone and their mother tuned into Snapchat as the relationship fell apart. As of now, there is no clear motive behind Chyna leaving with Rob's belongings and the need for Rob to record the aftermath, but we took inventory of what was taken for record-keeping sake.

    Here are 15 things that Blac Chyna took from Rob Kardashian.

    15 Baby Dream

    Dream was on the top of the list of what was taken from Rob's home following an alleged bad breakup. Baby Dream is only a month old and the latest addition to the Kardashian family. Shortly before the baby was born, Blac and Rob posed for a mannequin challenge in the delivery room. After she was born, Blac put her on Snapchat. While Blac was pregnant, she and Rob had been fighting quite a bit. There was even a recent paternity test to see if Rob Kardashian was, indeed, the father (and it turns out that he is). It was no surprise that if anything or anyone would be taken from the home following a breakup, it would be their first-born, Dream Kardashian. We hope that they work this out because, after only a month, we can already see the potential damage this can have on all of them.

    14 The Nursery

    Blac Chyna couldn't leave all of Dream's new baby things in the room with no baby. Yep, she went ahead and took all of the contents of the nursery. This included a crib, toys, clothes, and other belongings. What hurt Rob about this? He was seen building nursery furniture while Blac had left another time that they supposedly were apart. It seems that even his hard work in putting it together wasn't enough to stop her from taking it. After all, Dream is the one who needs this stuff, so hey, maybe it was for the best. We can't ignore how empty the baby room was after this. It looked like all of the hard work they put into it never happened, and it was even like part of an Open House for a perspective buyer. She left everything but a tiny piano and a TV. If she was out for the money, wouldn't she have taken that too?

    13 Rob's Open Bag Of Potato Chips

    Rob is really serious about his snacks. In fact, Rob and Blac started working out together and getting healthy to get him out of a decade-long slump that even his family members talk about sometimes. We saw Rob Kardashian gain weight drastically and Blac claimed to help Rob during the weight-loss process. Rob was upset when he found that she took his favorite brand of chips (but apparently didn't even eat them). We all had to laugh when he snapped this event because we all have a favorite food but dude, your baby is gone. How can you talk about a bag of potato chips at a time like this?! The nerve of some people. Anyway, she left with them, and we are going to go ahead and guess that this was no accident. Rob, was your boo trying to tell you that you really shouldn't have been snacking anyway?

    12 The Kardashian Name

    There have been a lot of rumors that Blac Chyna only wanted to be with Rob to get back at the Kardashians. Other sources say that she was eager to become a Kardashian once and for all. If you didn't know, Blac Chyna used to date Tyga (now Kylie Jenner's boyfriend) and he's the father of her first son. Since then, there has been a ton of speculation about what happened and why she decided to be with Rob in the first place. This may have illegitimately satisfied the naysayers of Blac Chyna and Rob's relationship, solidifying the fact that she's just in it for the affiliation with the Kardashian clan, but no one knows for sure, and again this is all speculation. For now, Baby Dream now holds the Kardashian name and people are saying that's all that Blac needed. Of course, she has tried to change her last name herself but the Kardashian women aren't making that easy for her.

    11 A Holly Jolly Family Christmas

    We can't begin to wrap our heads around the fact that all this happened just days before Christmas and about a week and some change before the new year. Did Blac Chyna plan on starting her 2017 single with her new baby Kardashian? We can't really guess, and of course, all we get is what we see in social media. It's safe to say that regardless, Rob Kardashian's Christmas dreams were eloquently shattered the other day when she left him. Rob Kardashian has had such bad luck in general but to have all of your Christmas spirits poured down a drain has got to be really emotional and absolutely horrible to deal with. We hope that Rob can get over this one and that they can learn to kiss and make up. It can either be the happiest or saddest part of the year, and we're hoping for the best for all 3 of them!

    10 Christmas Gifts

    It seems like all of the Christmas gifts were taken as well. With a last name like Kardashian, we have to assume that there were some great things that were going be put underneath the tree. If you thought you were doing Christmas right, Rob made a shameless brag about his two Christmas trees, and now they both would be super empty since there were no presents to put under them. He called one the smaller Christmas tree and the other one the larger one. What is the point of that? Not sure. But taking gifts is not cool, Blac Chyna. Not cool at all. We asked ourselves if Rob's family contributed to the gift giving or if it was her family. Either way, we hope all the gifts were for Dream because she is a newborn and that is really no way to celebrate your first Christmas. Talk about sad.

    9 King's Room Decor

    King is the son of Tyga and Blac Chyna and Rob even had a room designated for King. It was decked out in decor that only a baby King could truly appreciate. Rob had been taking King under his wing. As far as we know, Tyga is still in King's life but Rob made it a point to be there to help Blac Chyna. Imagine walking into your home to see not one child's room empty but two. We know this had to hurt him pretty bad. Not only was King's room empty but judging by the Snap, the floor looked like it was never even stepped on. We hope that the couple can really get it together for the sake of the kids. The abrupt breakup may have left a mark on Rob but we're going to cross our fingers and hope that they get it together and fast. Do it for the fans at least. Okay, okay, do it for Dream because she needs two parents.

    8 Eggos

    We don't know whether we should be mad at Blac Chyna for taking the box of delicious Eggo waffles or Rob for only thinking about his food. He felt the need to individually list all of the food items he lost in the breakup but didn't list all of the items in either King or Dream's bedroom. We see where your head's at, Rob. Rob was so upset about his Eggos that his complaining turned into a meme not even 24 hours after the fact. People love to take others' misfortunes and make them funny but who can really argue how ridiculous this was? We can even hear his friend in the background of his Snapchat talking about how he was hungry and says there's no food in Rob's house. Nope, we can't get over this, that's for sure. Why was the food more important than Dream?! We can't even. We have to stop thinking about this.

    7  Beverages

    How is Rob supposed to drink without anything in the fridge? Well, Blac Chyna intentionally left water which leads us to believe that he is only interested in sugary beverages or alcohol. Guys, this is kind of hilarious. Who takes all of someone's liquor? Those are fighting words (or fighting alcohol?!) as far as we're concerned. Rob doesn't seem to even see the water that's been left in the fridge for him and instead totally ignores it. Somewhere Blac Chyna is living it up with all of the essentials, including Rob's long lost beverages. Something tells us that he will be able to get over this part. We mean, with everything else missing, what are we really concerned about here? For now, we'll let Rob wallow in his sorrows over grocery store purchases. Don't worry, there's more. It gets even more petty if you didn't think that was even humanly possible.

    6 A Bag of Sugar

    Rob Kardashian wanted all of Snapchat to know that the madness didn't stop there. Blac Chyna took a bag of sugar from Rob and the thing is that Rob kind of laughed. For years, Blac has been trying to get Rob to go on a serious diet so his health wouldn't be in jeopardy any longer. Rob probably took note of this and mentioned it. Sorry Rob looks like no more sugar in your coffee or baked goods. Although, something tells us that there was no baking in Rob's agenda. Just the fact that the sugar was taken away was more symbolic than anything else. Maybe he needs to take a few steps away from the sugary foods. Rob, we're going to hope that you weren't just sitting there adding cups of sugar to your cornflakes. If you were, good riddance, sugar. See, we told you that it gets even crazier and more petty. Believe us now?

    5 Rob's Pride

    There's absolutely no question that Rob Kardashian lost some pride in the process of Blac Chyna taking off with everything. He was in tears in an entire video. It was a little bit sad to see him so torn up but what really happened? What caused all this petty theft? There's a rumor going around that her motive was to take the Kardashian last name but we can't really understand what her motive actually was. All we know is that Rob's pride was taken the moment he touched that record button on Snapchat and aired his dirty laundry to the world. There's no coming back from that. We want to root for Rob Kardashian but bud, you can't tell the world your problems. Now we think things are just as messy as we thought they were between you and Blac Chyna. Maybe he thought showing the world what Blac Chyna did would stop people from siding with her.

    4 Rob's Family

    We all know the mighty Kardashian legacy that everyone can't seem to forget about even if they tried. Blac Chyna, Rob, and Kris Jenner were seen in the labor and delivery room posing for social media so we know it was important for Kris to see another Kardashian come into the picture. Now that Baby Dream is a month old and with the last name Kardashian, she's in there like swimwear. What we're really curious about is if Blac Chyna will keep her relationship solid with the rest of the Kardashians. We all want to know what the deal is with the Kardashians and Chyna and if they are as close as media makes them out to be. Whatever the case, Blac Chyna, a once-bestie of Kim Kardashian, somehow kept herself involved with the family to the point we somehow think of her every time we see the Kardashians on TV.

    3 "The Best Year Of Rob's Life"

    Rob Kardashian said that he believed that this was supposed to be the best year of his life. Think about it: Rob started to figure out his goals and even his living situation after living with his sister Khloe for years and years. Now he's finally getting his ducks in a row and he's in a committed relationship with Blac Chyna and now he has baby Dream. But everything was ruined in just a few hours. Rob was going through some things over the years and yes, we definitely saw it all. We hoped that this wouldn't be a fling or a short-term thing for Rob and that after Adrienne Bailon, he could somehow settle down and get his life together. We will have to see if Rob and Chyna can pull some magic out of their hat before the new year. We hate to see this couple crumble. We're rooting for you, Rob!

    2 His Happiness

    Rob Kardashian was clearly happy with Blac Chyna regardless of the small arguments that they had here and there. If the arguments were much worse than what we saw, then maybe it's time for the two of them to end it for good. Either way, we know that whatever relationship they had, it kept him happy and he was in a much better place than where he was mentally and physically over the last few years. When he took to Snapchat, we could see in those moments that he was no longer happy. People got emotionally attached to him because he was the black sheep of the Kardashian family and regardless of our love/hate relationship with that super famous family, we wanted to believe that Rob would come out of this happy. He got the family that he allegedly begged Chyna for and this is a result. Sad story, bro.

    1 His Heart

    At the risk of sounding cheesy, Rob really did get his heart stomped on and taken away but whose fault was this in the first place? We will probably never understand the inner workings of Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian's relationship. But it is safe to say that we know that he loved her a lot. The sad part about love is you do not know what you have and so you abuse it and act like it is disposable. In hindsight, we are betting that Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian will return to each other but hope that they learn to love each other harder with care and understanding and trust. Blac told social media that Rob was insecure and needed some help. The latest is that Rob has acknowledged those statements and made a public apology to Chyna. We will see what happens for these lovebirds next. Stay tuned!