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    15 Things Justin Bieber Wants You To Forget

    Canadian pop star and heartbreaker, Justin Bieber, has been manning a successful singing career for close to a decade. At only 23 years old, he has experienced a level of unprecedented fame. With four studio albums under his belt, Justin has gained mainstream success in the music industry as a real contender in the pop industry. His latest album, 2015's Purpose, is his biggest achievement to date. Sales have reached a staggering 4.5 million copies and climbing. His "Purpose World Tour" is wrapping up next month in South America, and then Justin will likely take a much deserved break to recuperate from the most recent installment of Bieber Fever.

    Despite being successful, adorable, rich and famous- there are some embarrassing moments that Bieber would sooner have us forget. Since he was in the limelight from the time he was a tween, it's no surprise that his fumbles were also public. In the early years, Justin had quite a few shameful moment. This kid has been through it all. From public meltdowns and fighting with haters to being photographed in the buff on more than one occasion; our golden boy hasn't always shown been on his best behaviour.

    For better or for worse, Justin has come out stronger and better. We have a newfound appreciation for him now that he is a little bit older and wiser (and cuter). Nonetheless, it's fun to look back on the glory days and reminisce on the 15 Things Justin Bieber Wants You To Forget.

    15 Crying On Stage

    I'm not even sure if Justin really wants us to forget these episodes, cause he's had so many of them! He broke down at the 2015 VMA's, explaining later that he was simply overwhelmed with the support from the cheering crowd ( he had been boo'ed at the previous years' awards ceremony). He's shed tears at many other concerts, sparking rumours that he is a master of crying alligator tears' for attention/media coverage/adoration. Some of his episodes have been linked to love woes between him and famous ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez. Who knows what the motives are behind his crybaby ways; perhaps he is just a very emotional young guy who doesn't always know how to channel his feelings? He stated that he cried because of the way the crowd reacted to him, in a moment of serious appreciation. He is a Pisces, after all!

    14 Strolling In The Buff

    For the sake of this article, we can't share the NSFW photos of Biebs in the nude, but believe me they do exist! Justin has been photographed hanging out naked on vacation in both 2015 and 2016. He has famously said that he was "furious" about the scandal, but clearly not enough so to cover up when he goes swimming! Despite having his privacy invaded by the paparazzi, when you are Justin-Bieber-famous, you need to expect that there will be people hiding behind bushes waiting to snap photos of you in your most private moments. It comes with the territory, Justin! One gross thing that came out of all of this was that his father tweeted, "what do you feed that thing. #prouddaddy" in 2015 when the original naked photos were leaked. Ew!

    13 Throwing Up On Stage In Arizona

    Well this must have been just a little bit embarrassing! In September, 2012, Justin vomited live on stage at one of his "Believe" tour performances in Glendale, Arizona. The then-18-year-old was in the middle of "Out of Town Girl", when he suddenly turned around, doubled over and got sick on stage. With professionalism at the forefront, his backup dancers kept the show going while Biebs recovered from his illness. Justin returned to the stage just moments later and opted for a slower song with less nauseating dance moves. Poor guy. Lucky for his fans, Justin was able to properly complete the concert. He later took to social media to blame the illness on "milk". If by milk you mean tequila, Justin, yes, we know! We've all been there.

    12 Falling Down The Stairs During Performance

    Another slip-up (literally) went down during Justin's Believe tour in 2012. While performing the duet "Beautiful" with Carly Rae Jepsen, Biebs had a pretty significant stumble down the stairs. The fall took place during his Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada show. The pair were walking down a prop staircase, hand in hand, when Justin lost his footing and stumbled down half the staircase on his bum. All the way on his bum. Luckily he wasn't badly injured, and the show went on! It seems like most of Justin's bad luck happened on his Believe tour. Good thing fellow Canadian pop star Carly Rae Jepsen was there to save him. Bad luck, clumsiness or both? You never know with the Biebs. But anyone can understand that when you have hundreds of concerts a year, you are bound to slip and fall every once in a while.

    11 That Time He Got Arrested

    He might be young, but he has no shortage of rebelliousness running through his veins! Back in 2014, Justin was famously arrested in Miami for driving under the influence of alcohol, resisting arrest and driving without a valid license. The then 19-year-old was sassy with the police, and ended up behind bars for less than an hour, where his bond was set at a measly $2,500 USD. The young star was allegedly racing his yellow Lamborghini against a red Ferrari when the arrest took place. How typical of a rich teen who thinks the world belongs to him! Justin got into a few additional troubles around this time, including a domestic spat with ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez, aggression towards an old neighbour and  lashing out at the paparazzi.

    10 The Guitar Selfie

    Justin sure has a strange way of showing his love to fans. He's always shown it in such different ways. We've seen many unusual displays from him. On more than one occasion, Bieber has shared very… suggestive photos of himself on social media. Some of them we wish we had never seen. One pic in particular showcases a nude Justin, with just a guitar covering him up, yes you are seeing this right. The oversharing might be seen as egocentric to many, but to Justin it's "all love", as he famously said in response to questions about his penchant for broadcasting near-nude shots on the Internet. It wasn't the first time Justin posted sexy photos of himself, and it won't be the last. This guy seems to be pretty… proud of his body, and he certainly likes to show it off publicly!

    9 His Obsession With Selena Gomez

    Although Justin has been linked to a slew of beautiful women over the years, none quite captured his heart the way Selena Gomez did. The pair officially kicked off their romance in February, 2011, and broke up the following November, amid allegations that Justin had been unfaithful. Throughout 2013 and 2014, the lovebirds reunited and subsequently broke it off again more times than we could keep track of. The two have publicly professed love and admiration for each other one moment, and aloofness the next. And it has been very hard to keep track of this duo. So where do they stand now? Somewhere between Justin Instagramming old photos of the pair from time to time and Selena getting really fed up of his antics. Not to mention recent pics of her walking the streets with her new beau The Weeknd. Time will tell if the two will reunite… again!

    8 Peeing In A Mop Bucket

    One thing's for sure, Justin has always had a bit of an entitled diva thing going on. It could be due to the age that he became famous. He has been famous for about a decade now. He grew up as one of the most famous people in the world. But this could have had a very negative affect on him.

    In 2013, Justin proved that he was too cool to use the washrooms at a New York nightclub. Instead, he headed towards the club's kitchen, unauthorized, and proceeded to urinate into a mop bucket. To Justin's embarrassment (or pride?) someone in his tweeny-bop posse took a video of the act and it hit the Internet like a bat out of hell the next day. Justin's group seemed to think that he was the most epic dude for his super childish antics, calling him full of "swagger" on the video. Cringe! Let's hope that Justin has  grown out of his immature antics.

    7 Failure To Appear At A Meet And Greet

    In another classic act of selfishness, Justin kept fans waiting for over two hours, when he was expected to appear for a concert and meet and greet in 2013. Fans, comprised mostly of young girls, sobbed and booed in the crowd as they waited for Justin to appear. he blamed the tardiness on technical difficulties, but insider's reported that the star was in a fowl mood and opted for some solo time playing video games in his trailer when he should've been on stage. The winner of the "meet and greet" was super disappointed to only get a few moments with Justin, when she expected to have a few hours of time with him. Some of his underage fans had to leave before the concert commenced, as they had to get up for school the next day. Oh, Justin. The shame!

    6 Losing His Pants On Stage

    To nobody's surprise, Justin has had quite a few brushes with wardrobe malfunction over the years. Some may possibly be on purpose and others, well we don't know. He generally wears his pants as low as they can go, so naturally, a bit of dancing and moving, and they come loose! In 2013, at his concert in Singapore, the singer came dangerously close to completely losing his red pleather pants on stage during a dance routine. The fans were cheering, and likely hoping that he would end up in my undies up on stage. Is this just a case of Justin choosing ill-fitting pants repeatedly, or does he secretly like playing with fire? I think he has a secret exhibitionist side… just saying! His history of losing garments, forgetting garments and getting busted in the nude is getting suspicious!

    5 Spitting in Toronto

    Out all all his years in the spotlight, 2013 was really not a good year for Justin's reputation. The star got into trouble week after week for doing things that were absolutely absurd. At a hotel in Toronto, a horde of fans gathered under Justin's balcony to try and get a glimpse of the star. In true Bieber-behaving-badly fashion, instead of waving or blowing kisses, Justin decided to spit down onto his adoring fans. His reps later accused the press of editing the photos and misrepresenting what happened, but I'm not so sure! 19-year-old Justin was quite the troublemaker. He definitely lived up to his "pop brat" nickname during this era. His IDGAF attitude has mellowed out since then, at least a little bit! Could Justin actually be growing up?!

    4 Getting Aggressive With The Paparazzi

    Justin has famously had altercations with photographers that got too close to his bubble. Charging at the paparazzi, and sometimes striking them, has been the norm for young Biebs. He has famously defended that he only gets aggressive when the paparazzi provoke him or insult him. One photographer in particular called the police and went to the hospital complaining of chest pains after he and Justin got into a scuffle. The police investigated the situation, and Justin was under suspicion of misdemeanor battery, but in the end it was brushed under the rug (ahem, the pap was paid off?!). One thing's for sure, it wasn't the first or last fight Justin would have with paparazzi.

    3 Justin Punches Fan

    In November, 2016, Justin proved that his aggressive tendencies are not a thing of the past. Pulling up to his concert in Barcelona, Bieber smiled from his backseat to waiting fans. One fan made the horrible mistake of getting too close to Justin. When he leaned in to the stars car window, Justin reacted by punching him in the lip. A bloodied fan was later seen in videos on the Internet explaining what had happened. Many came to Justin's defense, supporting that fans cannot just get up close and personal like that without warning. I guess? Maybe he could've also rolled up his window before getting physical?

    2 Flashlighting Girls

    OK, this is just totally gross. At a club in the Hamptons. Justin reportedly scanned the room and "hand-picked" the girls he wanted to invite back to his private home. With the help of a bouncer and a flashlight, Justin shone light on the faces of the chosen girls. According to Justin, he has a hard time meeting people in a "regular" way, so he resorts to this method. The shocking thing is that the girls don't seem to mind. Two cocktail waitresses were chosen that night and pleased to accept Justin's proposal of going back to his place. Talk about objectifying women! Justin that's really not progressive!

    1 Cuts Disney Line In Wheelchair

    Who let Justin get away with this?! In the summer of 2014, Justin hopped into a wheelchair in order to cut lines at Disney. The star was uninjured, and simply using his star status to get ahead and do whatever he wanted to do. The sad thing? Disney execs probably would've let him skip lines anyways, just for being Bieber. But of course, the star had to behave in true douchebag fashion and do something truly despicable. He even posed for photos with fans in his unnecessary wheelchair. Justin, we're ashamed for you! This was a really tacky move!