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    15 Things That Are Missing From The New 'Gilmore Girls'

    Well people, the Gilmore Girls revival has come and gone and us super fans have watched it at least once, if not twice. Hey, we're crazy and proud of it. We just love this show and were so happy to be back in Stars Hollow this weekend. We had it all: a snowy town, Lorelai and Rory's banter, Rory's three boyfriends, celebrity cameos and Luke and Lorelai still in love. It was a truly great time and we are even a little bit sad that we no longer have these four 90 minute episodes to look forward to. That's how it always goes in life, right? We get super excited about something like a TV show or a movie or a vacation, then the thing happens, and it's over, and we have to go back to our regular old lives. Now that it's all said and done, it's time to think carefully about what this revival really means to us. Did we get everything that we wanted? While it's pretty much impossible to please everyone, we have to admit that there were a few things that we wanted to be included. Here are 15 things that are missing from the new Gilmore Girls.

    15 Rory And Lorelai Eating At Luke's

    Okay, so we did see Rory and Lorelai at Luke's. In Winter, they sit there and Rory orders take-out. Rory also goes into the diner to get some take-out coffee. But come on, that's just not good enough for us fans. We've waited this long and now we don't even get to see our fave girls eating junk food at Luke's? It's a bit crazy to think that this didn't happen. We wanted to see Lorelai and Rory order pancakes and muffins and all kinds of comfort food and hang out there for a while. We also wanted to see them order cheeseburgers and fries and have Luke argue that they hadn't eaten a salad or vegetables in forever like we have seen before. While we are okay that this didn't happen because it's really not the biggest deal in the world, we do have to say that we are pretty sad that we didn't get at least one scene like this.

    14 Movie Night With Junk Food

    Okay, let's just get this out of the way: we love watching Rory and Lorelai eating junk food. We especially love watching them eating junk food when watching a movie. So really, we're talking about movie night, which is pretty much a Gilmore tradition. Remember when Lorelai invited Dean over and he crashed their movie night? He couldn't believe that they a.) ate so much junk food and that b.) talked through the entire movie. Hey, that's just how the Gilmores do things. We're kind of shocked that we didn't see at least one movie night. Maybe because now that Luke and Lorelai are living together, Rory doesn't feel comfortable with movie night anymore? That's pretty tragic though when we stop and think about it. We just wish that we could have seen a funny scene with Lorelai and Rory watching a movie, chowing down on some candy and potato chips, and Luke being totally confused about this whole deal.

    13 Lorelai Freaking Out Over Coffee

    Okay, okay, so Lorelai does say the amazing lines "I think in a former life I was coffee" in the Fall episode. We love that moment and are pretty much going to quote that all the time now because hey, we can totally relate. But we didn't get the type of excitement that we typically do and we have to say that this is definitely something that is missing from the revival. Remember when Lorelai couldn't go to Luke's because of some drama and she went to a different restaurant and yelled "coffee coffee coffee" and she was given (oops) three coffees? That was absolutely hilarious and something that we wish had been in at least one scene. Sure, Lorelai does say some funny things about caffeine and her addiction to it throughout the revival, but we do think that it could have been a lot more fun and a lot more hilarious.

    12 Sookie As The Inn's Chef

    OMG are we upset about this. We knew that we wouldn't see Sookie in every scene, or even in every episode, because hey, Melissa McCarthy is kind of a big deal. We get that, we understand it, and we made our peace with this. But we did hope that Sookie and Lorelai would still be working together. After all, it doesn't feel like the same inn without Sookie working in the kitchen and being super hilarious and causing all kinds of chaos. We want to see her setting off fires and making a mess and just being Sookie. Sure, we loved her scene and it was definitely amazing, but we do have to say that it just sucks that she doesn't work at the inn anymore. We would have been happy if Sookie was still working in the kitchen and we just didn't see her all the time. Was that really too much to ask for? We don't think so.

    11 Rory Having A Job

    This was perhaps the most disappointing thing of all in the revival. Don't get us wrong, we loved it. We loved it so much. But there's one thing missing from the new episodes and that's Rory having a job. We never, ever expected her career to be in such an unstable and strange position in the revival. We always figured that hey, she's Rory Gilmore. She went to Chilton. She went to Yale. She read several books at once, she carried several books with her everywhere she went, and she was totally and completely devoted to her education. She was dreaming of being a journalist and she wanted to travel the world. Sure, she did that… but only kind of. Now she's 32 and seems way too old to not have a job or any kind of career prospects. She's truly falling apart and we hated seeing that. Why couldn't she have some amazing job at a newspaper or magazine?!

    10 Logan Growing Up

    We really wanted to see Logan grow up. It would just be so great. After all, Rory turned down his marriage proposal right before the season seven finale (what we thought was the series finale… ) and we thought that was the end of this relationship. Now that we know that these two have been sleeping together for years, we have to admit that we're disappointed that Logan is still the same conceited rich guy that he always was. He literally did zero growing up in the years since we last saw him. He's still making money, he's still caught up in his family's world, and he's not interested in standing up for himself… not even when it comes to the woman that his family is pressuring him to marry. While it does make sense for his character since sometimes guys like that really don't change, we do have to admit that we wish he would become a better person.

    9 Miss Patty's Dance Performance

    We love Miss Patty. She's just so fabulous. And we definitely really missed her. In so many old Gilmore Girls episodes, we always saw Miss Patty rehearsing for some fun and quirky show that she was putting on, whether it was a children's ballet performance or something related to one of those crazy town festivals that they are always putting on. We wish that we could have seen something like this. Sure, we saw a musical based on the history of Stars Hollow, and it was just as nuts as we would expect something like that to be. Why not have Miss Patty run the entire musical? Why not have her be the star of the show? We just wish that we could have seen something like this. Come on guys, we've waited so long and we would have loved to see Miss Patty in more of a featured role. Oh well. We can't have everything that we want in life and in revivals of our fave shows, right? That's just reality.

    8 Richard

    Oh Richard. We love you and we miss you. You were such a great husband to Emily and such a good grandpa to Rory… and while you were not the best dad to Lorelai, we totally forgave you. We realized that you had lots of issues and you were in a lot of pain about that whole situation, and we understand. We're glad that the show didn't decide to pretend that Richard was still alive or anything since, unfortunately, Edward Herrmann tragically passed away. But we definitely missed Richard in the new episodes and it felt like something (and someone) was missing. It was so tragic that we had to watch his funeral, watch Emily totally fall apart in the midst of her grief, and watch Lorelai be unable to move forward and figure out what she really wants in life. It's just so sad and we're never going to get over it. Richard, your presence was totally and completely missed, and we wish that you could have been a part of this.

    7 The First Snow

    Sure, we got an entire episode based on the fact that Lorelai loves snow, and we heard her classic words "I smell snow" twice (both in the beginning when they replayed some classic lines and then later when she says them out loud). But we don't get a classic Lorelai Gilmore snow moment like when she absolutely freaks out over the first snowfall. It would have been cool if she was talking about the fact that this was the first snow. But hey, we're not sure that would have worked since we have to admit that Winter was pretty much 100 percent perfect. But we can dream, right? That being said, we are still happy with this episode because it showed Stars Hollow in such a beautiful light, and we swooned every time we saw Rory and Lorelai walking around the beautiful snow globe world. It was just amazing and we have to say this was probably our all-time fave episode out of the four.

    6 Max Medina

    Max Medina (say that over and over again just like in the good old days). When we saw Rory return to Chilton with Paris in Spring, we were hoping that Max would be there. Sure, there's no way to know if he would have been still teaching at Chilton. Sure, things might be awkward if Rory saw him again because she definitely wasn't super comfortable with him being both her teacher and her mom's boyfriend (and then husband-to-be). But still, we had to admit that we felt a Max-sized hole was definitely in the Chilton scenes, and we do think that would have been pretty charming. She would be able to tell him that, oh yeah, Lorelai ended up with Luke and Max could explain that he always knew those two were totally destined to be together so he wasn't even upset in the end. He could have been married with kids and then neither Rory and Lorelai would feel guilty. Oh well.

    5 Jess And Rory With Chemistry

    We have to admit that we were totally happy with the way that Jess is portrayed in the revival. How could we not be? He's so hot! He's Jess! He's our favorite! But really, we did expect Rory and Jess to have a whole lot more chemistry in the new episodes than they ended up having. Sure, we get that now they are just friends and that nothing even remotely romantic is happening. We know that they have lead separate lives and gone down different roads and that high school was a really long time ago. After all, they're in their early 30s now. But we do think that Rory and Jess always had a common bond (their love of books) and that they always had some form of chemistry -- maybe even more than she had with her other boyfriends. Jess just always seemed to have that bad boy thing going on that she found really tempting and attractive. So it was sad to see her not seeming to have a crush on him anymore.

    4 Doyle And Paris In Love

    Oh man. Now this is something that we are really sad about. We wish that we could have seen that Paris and Doyle were still in love in the revival. But instead, they are in the process of separating after being married with two adorable children. It's so sad and we don't even know how to deal with it. There was one hilarious thing: the fact that their townhouse has way too many stairs and that nannies have even quit because of having to go up and down them all day long. But we do wish that they would have stayed together in the end. It's too upsetting to think about them breaking up and never getting back together. Sure, Doyle is getting all creative and he's now ventured into Hollywood, but what's wrong with that? Why would Paris act like that's going to keep them apart? That just doesn't make any sense at all. They are totally made for each other and we need them to get back ASAP.

    3 Happiness

    We have to say that one crazy thing about the new episodes is how totally and completely sad they are. Sure, we expected that because of Richard, and we knew that we would cry watching his funeral and seeing Emily grieving and attempting to move on. But we didn't expect to see Rory and Lorelai so totally miserable and in such rough places in their lives. We know that life isn't perfect and it's not all fun and games, and we do enjoy that this show is realistic. But we do think that the show could have used an extra dose or two (or a million) of cheer. We needed to smile more and to feel like we were back in Stars Hollow with its quirky people and fun times and a general feeling of joy and happiness. The new episodes have such a totally melancholy feel that we have to say that we do miss the good old, happier days.

    2 Rory Ending Up With An Old Boyfriend

    We knew that it probably wasn't going to happen, but we just couldn't help but wish for it: Rory ending up with an old boyfriend. We were hoping and wishing and dreaming that she would end up with Dean, Jess, and Logan. We could probably tell that this wouldn't be the case because it seems like there was a good reason that Rory didn't end up with any of those guys. Everyone has gone their separate ways and lived their own lives and ended up somewhere other than Stars Hollow. But we couldn't help but wish that Rory would end up with someone… aka Jess. We adore Jess and we think he's just the greatest ever and we wish that they could have ended up together. So no matter how much we love the revival, we do have to admit that we wish that something like this would have happened. It's hard not to.

    1 A Predictable Future

    When we last left Rory and Lorelai, we knew that things would never be the same again. Rory was leaving Stars Hollow to become a political journalist and she would have to get used to being on her own and being a true adult. Lorelai would have to get used to not having her daughter and best friend around. It was a big change for both of them but we understood that this was coming ever since the pilot aired. After all, that's what happens, right? Kids grow up, move away, and have to get a job and go out into the real world. You know, be a real adult and all that jazz. But now, what's missing from the Netflix revival of Gilmore Girls is a stable future. An expected one. Something that we can predict and feel good about. Now, sure, we have Luke and Lorelai getting married and that is amazing and all that we ever wanted. But we don't know what's going to happen to Rory and now that's another curveball for Lorelai to deal with. Oh man. We definitely need some more episodes.