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    15 Things You Didn't Know About 'This Is Us' Star Chrissy Metz

    If This Is Us is the hit TV show of the fall 2016 season, then its stars are totally on the road to fame as well. The family drama spans different time periods to tell the story of sweet couple Rebecca and Jack and their kids (aka The Big Three). Actress Chrissy Metz plays one of the kids -- hilarious Kate who is dealing with a weight loss journey, a new guy in her life, and discovering who she really wants to be -- and it's safe to say that she is incredibly talented. The show just wouldn't be the same without her. But how much do you really know about her? Probably not much, considering that this is her trendiest acting role yet.

    But that's okay. That's what we're here for. We're going to tell you everything that we know so you can be super well-informed. Here are 15 things you didn't know about This Is Us star Chrissy Metz.

    15 She Was On 'American Horror Story'

    Sometimes it's hard to realize that you totally know the actress starring in your new fave TV show. But if you're a fan of American Horror Story, then you already know Chrissy Metz, even if you couldn't place her at first. Yup, the actress starred in yet another hit show: Ryan Murphy's epic horror saga. She played Ima Wiggles in the fourth season, aka the Freak Show season. She told Yahoo TV, "Being a plus-size actress, it is slim pickings, so anytime any role comes up for a plus-size actress, my agents are all over it." She worked super hard to memorize her lines for her audition, and, thankfully all that work paid off since she landed the role of the "Fat Lady." In the same interview, she joked about being totally scared by the show. So if you're terrified of horror movies (and of this scary show), then you can definitely relate.

    14 She Made Her Mark With 'Entourage'

    The very first time Chrissy Metz found herself on the small screen? That would be way back in 2005 when she had a small part on the Hollywood show Entourage. Her part? That would be "Counter Girl." So yeah, a really small part. So it's pretty awesome that she has done so well that she's now right where she deserves to be: starring on an amazing show and proving that she's super talented. But even so, back in 2005, she must have been crazy excited to have even such a small role on the popular show since let's be real, Entourage was the best. She must have been even more thrilled that she finally landed a role because as we all know, it's not easy making it in Hollywood. Thankfully, that part seemed to have been the right place at the right time for her and now she's exactly where she wants to be.

    13 She's Confident About Who She Is

    Of course, Chrissy should be totally and completely cool with who she is because she is absolutely awesome. She is smart, sweet, funny, and talented, and oh yeah, she is starring on everyone's new favorite show. If that is not amazing, then what is? But since she is a plus-size actress, people are wondering if that means that she can relate to Kate's weight loss storyline. She definitely can and has said in several interviews that growing up, she had some problems with binge-eating and starving herself, and that it was hard to become comfortable with who she was. But today, she's totally confident and okay with who she is, and no, she's not attempting to lose any weight. So she's different from Kate in that way. But who says that she has to lose weight, anyway? Because society says? So lame. It's awesome that she's being who she is.

    12 Her Dad Was In The Navy

    According to, Chrissy's dad was in the navy which meant she actually lived in Japan for a while growing up. She was born in Florida and lived in Gainesville for a while. That was actually where she got started on her acting path (but more on that later). Since she moved around a bit as a kid, you can pretty much figure that helped her develop as a future actress. After all, no one seems to escape childhood and adolescence totally unscathed, and if you have a bit of a struggle at some point while you're growing up, that definitely gives you some material to work with and use for your art later on. It's definitely hard to move around and to be the new kid in school, and while Chrissy hasn't said anything that could make you think that it was really difficult, chances are she has her childhood and teenage years to thank for her wanting to act.

    11 She Was An Artsy Kid

    Again, thanks to an interview with, we know that Chrissy was helping her sister with a casting call when she was discovered as a budding future actress herself. Funny how that can happen and how things work out. She was a member of the school choir and was always super artistic, which is not a surprise since, of course, we were treated to her beautiful singing voice on a recent episode of This Is Us. Things totally come full circle in life and that definitely happened to Chrissy. She may have never known that one day, she would be starring in a hit show and, oh yeah, she would get to show off her gorgeous singing voice, too. She has said that she dreamed of being part of musical theater back in high school, and now she definitely got a least a small taste of it in that episode, which is pretty cool.

    10 She Loves Lipstick

    Take one brief look at Chrissy's Twitter bio and she calls herself a "lipstick enthusiast." It's pretty cool when stars can show that they are totally and completely human, and since you are obviously obsessed with lipstick since it's the best thing around, you can definitely relate. She definitely looks awesome with lipstick. She's just one of those people that can really pull it off, especially red lipstick. Which you know not everyone can do. It takes a while to learn what lipstick shades you can deal with and which ones make you look like you are the palest person around, so you can relate to the struggle of finding the best shade ever. Now you are even more convinced that you and Chrissy Metz could be the best friends around. You could talk about everything under the sun while exchanging lipsticks and trying to find the best shades for each other.

    9 The Show Makes Her Cry

    You know that you totally cry while watching This Is Us. You may try to hide it, you may act like you are too cool for emotions, but since everyone is admitting that this show is making them tear up like crazy, hey, you can totally admit it too. It's not really a big deal. You would be strange if you didn't cry and that's the honest truth. But did you know that Chrissy Metz cries a lot watching the show? Well, you do now. She has said that when she saw Mandy Moore in all her make-up and hair that made her look much older, aka for the scene at the end of episode two which made fans jaws drop everywhere, she totally cried. She got super emotional and found it hard to deal. Well, Chrissy, that makes two of us. We all found that pretty emotional… and we all were in awe of the hair and make-up team who did such an amazing and convincing job.

    8 She's In A Band

    Okay, so you know that a.) Chrissy was a musical child b.) she has the best voice around and c.) she's just majorly talented. So would it surprise you to find out that she's in a band? Probably not… but that doesn't mean it's not a super fun fact. She plays in a band called Chrissy and the Vapors… and let's just pause for a moment to think about how totally awesome that band name is. It's like there couldn't possibly be a better band name out there. Now you are really upset that you have never been able to see them perform because now this is all that you want. And hey, if Mandy Moore and Milo Ventimiglia could hang out with you while watching her band play, that would be cool, too. But no big deal. It's not like you're dying to hang out with them or anything… You just casually think this would be fun.

    7 She Loves 'Steel Magnolias'

    If you haven't seen this classic movie from 1989 starring Sally Field and Julia Roberts and Dolly Parton, then what are you waiting for? Now that you know that Chrissy Metz absolutely adores this film, are you going to watch it now? Of course, right? Yeah, that is what we thought. Chrissy recently posted a photo of the beautiful cast on her Instagram account with the hashtag #wcm (for Women Crush Wednesdays). In the caption, she included a famous quote from the movie -- "Her colors are pink and pink" -- along with, "I could quote these lovely ladies and this gem for days!" So in case you thought that she wasn't a big movie buff like you are, now you know that she totally is. Just more evidence that you should be BFFs and that it's actually a crime that you can't hang out with her and watch movies.

    6 She's A Deep Thinker

    Of course, you can tell from the intelligent way that Chrissy speaks in interviews that she is crazy smart, but she's also a deep thinker in terms of being super zen and spiritual. Just take a quick look at her Instagram account and you can see this for yourself. Almost on a daily basis, Chrissy posts inspirational quotes, whether they are from Buddist quotes or poetry. You can find quotes like, "Don't look for love. Quietly give it away and let it find you back." And if you thought that was absolutely gorgeous, then you probably want to follow her on Instagram like ASAP because that's just a small taste of what you can find her posting on a regular basis. She also has cute selfies and pop culture memes, of course, because she's a fun person and that's what you do when you're a fun person with a fun Instagram account. But the quotes are worth following.

    5 She's Relatable

    Chrissy Metz is not the kind of actress who is so unrelatable, you can barely watch her in the films and TV shows she's in. Nope. She's actually so relatable that you feel like you are her (or like you guys are the same person). She gets scared watching American Horror Story and has said in interviews that it was hard to stay in a hotel room while filming that show. You can relate since as much as you adore that show, you do find it kind of tough to watch since it is so totally terrifying. She has admitted that playing a small role on Entourage was really scary as well and that she felt freaked out. She feels pressure like anyone else, she thinks about her life and where she's going and who she wants to be just like anyone else, and she's just really relatable. Except for the fact that she hangs out with Milo Ventimiglia. But you'll forgive her for that one since you wish you could do the same.

    4 She's Normal

    Yup, Chrissy Metz is not the kind of star who walks around thinking that she is the best thing ever. She doesn't act like she's entitled to literally anything that she wants. She doesn't make crazy demands of everyone around her. She doesn't even think that she's a star. Chrissy is totally and completely normal, which of course, just makes you love and respect her even more. It's like a law of fame or something: the more famous someone acts, the more you hate them, and vice versa. It's kind of a strange system but it seems to work. Chrissy has said that she doesn't even realize that people know who she is, and when people ask for autographs or want to talk to her since they love the show, she's even kind of surprised at first… and then she remembers what's going on. It's not that she doesn't appreciate it because she really does. She just doesn't think of herself as any more special than anyone else.

    3 She's Super Inspiring

    Okay, okay, so maybe you already knew this. But it's always a good thing when something that you thought all along has been confirmed. Chrissy is definitely super inspiring and a piece in had this gem of a quote: "I'm ready to encourage and support people on their journey because I've been encouraged and supported. I just hope I make people proud. Because I waited for this for so long, I'm like, Bring it on! Let me do this! Let me show up! Let me rise to the occasion!" We just think that is the best thing we have heard in a long time and we can't think of a more inspiring person, famous or otherwise. At least not right now. We wouldn't expect anything less, of course, since her character Kate is so inspiring. It only makes sense that the brilliant woman behind her would be as well.

    2 She's Also 36

    The selling point for This Is Us? That the three main characters -- Kate, Kevin and Randall -- are all 36. And, of course, they turned 36 in the pilot. Did you know how old Chrissy Metz is? Well, now you do: she's 36. Yup. How cool is that?! She's exactly the same age as her character. It's just really awesome when you think about it since Hollywood is not exactly the land of being realistic when it comes to ages. Think about how many twentysomethings and even thirtysomethings play teenagers on teen dramas (looking at you, Dawson's Creek and Beverly Hills, 90210). Chrissy has said that she's thought about who she is and where she's going in her life since this birthday, and in that sense, she can definitely relate to what Kate and her siblings are going through. Sounds like things are going super well for her, though, and that her star is only going to rise.

    1 She Agrees With You

    You know, about that huge twist at the end of episode two of This Is Us. This is totally a spoiler-free zone (even though you should be totally caught up with this show since you love it so much) so we won't say exactly what. But in several interviews, Chrissy has said that she was really unhappy with the plot development, just like the fans. She was as surprised as you are and is also finding it hard to come to terms with the news. So that's all we're going to say about that. But really, you should be glad to know this because it just means that you and Chrissy could totally be BFFs. You already have this important thing in common, right? You can see yourself grabbing cocktails with her and chatting about the show and life and boys and all kinds of stuff. It would be super fun. And hey, if she wanted to invite Mandy Moore (and maybe Jess), that would be cool, too.