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    15 Things You Don't Know About Rob Kardashian And Blac Chyna

    There's no secret that Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna's relationship has had a whole lot of drama surrounding it since it got started. First of all, there are some weird family ties - before he became known as Kylie's main squeeze, Tyga dated Blac Chyna for quite awhile, and the two even have a son together. And they didn't always have the smoothest relationship, which could lead to some pointed comments and awkwardness around the dinner table.

    And, there's also no secret that Rob Kardashian never really got the same amount of fame from the family business that his sisters did. While Kim Kardashian essentially catapulted herself to the A-List thanks to Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Rob remained a reality show level celebrity. He also went through some public scrutiny thanks to his weight gain awhile back.

    The Kardashian girls have both criticized and accepted Blac Chyna over the years, and the reception to the duo's relationship has always been mixed, but hey - it's all about finding the person that makes you happy, and it seems like Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna do that for one another.

    Their reality television show Rob and Chyna just debuted, so why not celebrate the happy couple with 15 things you didn't know about them?

    15 They're having a baby girl

    Rob and Chyna recently announced that they were expecting a baby - and while Chyna already has one child, it's always good to have another to join North, Saint, and all of Kourtney's brood. After all, the Kardashians made their money from creating a reality show that starred their larger than average family - they're just setting the next generation up to enjoy the same successes! Chyna already has one son, King Cairo, with Tyga, and it looks like her second will be a baby girl, as they revealed on the first episode of their reality show. Rob got real in a confessional, saying that “it's an emotional moment. Me wanting to have a boy, it definitely stems from my dad but I'm sure I'll have the same relationship that I had with my father with my daughter. I'm just happy that the baby's healthy and I'm gonna be super happy with a girl.”

    14 He credits her for saving him

    Blac Chyna has gotten her fair share of hate from Kardashian fans, and from the Kardashian-Jenner sisters themselves, but in Rob's eyes she's been nothing but a positive influence in his life. As most devoted Kardashian fans will know, awhile back Rob went through a bit of a rough patch where he disappeared from the public eye a bit, gained a ton of weight, and just seemed overall fairly unhappy. And in those dark times, Chyna was a source of light. Rob has been totally honest about the impact she's had on him, saying that “she got me through my darkest times. I wasn't happy in my own skin, I missed out on so many things. Being with her got me over the insecurity of being out in public. I'm still not fully happy looking at myself in the mirror, but I'm working towards that. And I'm happy.” I mean, how cute is that?

    13 They met at a wholesome locale

    Thanks to her past as a stripper, Blac Chyna made a lot of her early connections in the entertainment industry in exotic dance clubs, performing for men and things like that. So, you might assume that she met Rob Kardashian when he was making the rounds in the Hollywood club scene - but that's not the case at all. In fact, that couldn't be further from the truth. Blac Chyna had been a friend of the Kardashian family for a while, and allegedly first met Rob at his baby sister Kendall's sixteenth birthday party celebration at Six Flags. You heard that right - the often scandalous Blac Chyna met her fiancé at a family event held at an amusement park. You can't get much more wholesome than that. We bet for their first year wedding anniversary, Rob rents out an amusement park and recreates the first time they met - he's certainly proven over the years that he likes to go big when it comes to gifts.

    12 She's planning on taking his name

    In Hollywood, it's becoming more and more common for celebrities to keep their own names when they marry other celebrities. After all, they worked for years to build their brand and establish a reputation under a certain name - why would they want to jeopardize that? At the most, some celebrities will opt to change their name for personal reasons while still going by their original professional name, or to hyphenate or combine the two names. Not Blac Chyna. According to one of her reps, when she gets wifed up, she wants to do it the traditional way - by taking his name. No, she won't be Blac Kardashian. She's going to shed her now well-known moniker and go by her real first name, Angela Kardashian. Given that the duo now have a reality television show and will likely be embarking on professional endeavours together as well as personal ones, it kind of makes sense to hitch her wagon to the Kardashian name - but it's cute nonetheless.

    11 He's a fan of big romantic gestures

    Many of the Kardashian-Jenner family's other partners, like Kanye West or Tyga, get a lot of credit for their lavish gifts and over-the-top praise of their partner, but Rob Kardashian isn't exactly a slouch in the gift-giving department. For Blac Chyna's 28th birthday, Rob stepped up to the plate by buying her 28 bouquets of flowers - that's right, not 28 single flowers, 28 whole bouquets. That over the top gesture was sweet enough, but he took it to the next level by also including 28 notes with the flowers explaining why exactly he loves her. Kanye West may talk about his now wife Kim in his songs from time to time, but has he ever written her a note for every year she was alive? Point goes to Rob in this case - the only question is, how on earth will he continue to top that kind of gift-giving year after year? We'll have to stay tuned to find out.

    10 She helped him get healthy

    Everyone who has eyes knows that Rob Kardashian went through a bit of a struggle with his weight over the past little while - he ballooned up quite rapidly and countless cruel headlines circulated in the tabloids about his weight. However, Blac Chyna wasn't going to shame or judge her man for packing on a few extra pounds - instead, she decided to support him on his healthy journey. She found him a personal trainer to kick start his fitness, she steered him towards healthier meals, and most important, she became his source of motivation, as Rob himself has said. Even though Rob Kardashian has enough money to pay someone to help him on his weight loss journey, ultimately, you can't pay someone to give you the motivation to keep going when no one else is looking - so we don't doubt that Rob's 50 pound weight loss came in large part thanks to Blac Chyna.

    9 She defends him

    Blac Chyna is no stranger to controversy - she's been torn apart in the tabloids time and time again, as has pretty much every single celebrity out there, at one point or another. However, she's not about to stand back and be silent when her partner is getting critiqued in the public eye. When a bunch of haters started making fun of Rob on his Instagram account, Chyna wasted no words in coming to her man's defense, saying that “y'all bitches need to get a life, stupid weak hoes” before following that up with “all bullies with no ambition no family no machine no money in your f---- 4 x 4 apartment.” While it's generally best to rise above it when the haters arise on social media and just ignore it, the fact that she jumped to her man's defense shows that she really loves him and won't stand to see him torn apart on social media.

    8 They beat some of the more famous members of their family to the spin-off

    While the Kardashian-Jenner family continues to return to their original money-maker, their reality show Keeping Up With The Kardashians, season after season, they also all have side projects going on, including spin-offs in different combinations of the sisters travelling around the country. Rob and Chyna aren't the first Kardashian-related couple to get a spin-off show - Khloe and Lamar are the first ones to the prize there - but the fact that Rob and Chyna beat out some of the more famous couples like Kylie and Tyga and Kim and Kanye is kind of impressive. Rob has spent a long time in the shadow of his countless gorgeous sisters, so it's kind of nice that he gets a chance to get top billing for once. Granted, there are a ton of reality shows that don't last past one season, so Rob and Chyna might not exactly be as long-lasting as the original show - but hey, even one season is pretty cool.

    7 He sprung for a big engagement ring

    Everyone knows that Kim Kardashian West's engagement ring was an absolute monstrosity of opulence, and people have been gasping lately over Kylie's giant promise ring, which is larger than most celebrities' engagement rings. However, Rob isn't exactly going for the smallest rock at the jewelry store. When he proposed to Chyna in April of 2016, he did so with an impressive 7 carat diamond engagement ring that is allegedly worth $325,000. Of course, they followed up the proposal by celebrating with Chyna's mom at a strip club, which is a little bit weird, but hey - who are we to tell people how to celebrate? We're betting that wherever she goes, Chyna's engagement ring gets a ton of oohs and aahs. Particularly in a family that's known for having huge rocks, it's nice of Rob to make sure Chyna wasn't showing up to the family dinner table with a teeny half carat ring beside all his sisters' skating rink size diamonds.

    6 He'll go the extra mile (literally) to help her out

    When it comes to relationships, many people are in the camp that you should pay attention to a person's actions, not necessarily their words - after all, you can say things without meaning them, but actually doing something requires effort. In that case, it's obvious that Rob truly cares for Chyna. A while back, Blac Chyna had a little too many of those mini bottles of booze on a flight, and was arrested in Dallas for disorderly conduct. At some point, she obviously reached out to Rob, and he didn't just send someone to collect his partner - he slipped on his shoes, got in the car, and drove 19 hours from California to Dallas to pick up his partner when she needed him. When the going gets tough, Rob Kardashian proved to Chyna that he shows up, and that's absolutely adorable. Let's just hope that from now on he's not showing up to rescue her from handcuffs.

    5 They're both entrepreneurs

    Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna are both kind of known for being famous just for being famous, as most social media and reality television stars are. However, when it comes to the business world, they aren't total rookies - both have dipped their toes in the entrepreneurial waters already. After she graduated from beauty school, Blac Chyna put her knowledge and hustle to good use by opening her own make-up bar in California - Lashed Bar. While Chyna has the lash game covered, Rob looked a little lower to the feet, and created a sock line called Arthur George. Sure, neither have discovered the next multi-million dollar company, but still - the fact that they showed the initiative to create a business is impressive. Perhaps with two minds, together they'll come up with the next big thing. Kylie Jenner has already had some highly publicized failures with her make-up line, so maybe Blac Chyna will come up with a range that truly delivers.

    4 Their 'going public' announcement was adorable

    Celebrities have a variety of different ways for going public with their relationship. Usually, the try to hide things in the first stages of the relationship - after all, no one wants a ton of paparazzi to come along on the first or second date. Some choose to announce that they're no longer single on a talk show or in a magazine interview, but Rob and Chyna decided that a picture was worth a thousand words and posted an Instagram shot of the two cuddling - although Chyna initially kept the world in suspense by not showing Rob's face in the photo. The two eventually came forward with their relationship, but we kind of love their low-key, adorable way of announcing things. It shows that they're okay with doing things their own way, and don't feel the need to only make announcements to the press or while promoting other projects - it's about love, sometimes, not always about money.

    3 He's cool with kid-friendly activities

    Given that he's going to be a father pretty soon, one would hope that Rob Kardashian is okay with giving up a few club nights for nights watching kids' shows on the couch at home, and it seems like he just might be. For Rob's 29th birthday, he wanted to hang out with his girl Chyna, and the two actually ended up going to Legoland with Chyna and Tyga's son King Cairo. The duo documented the day on their Instagram accounts, and they seemed to be having an absolute blast. We predict in a few years, Rob will be sharing pics of a birthday tea party where he's pouring faux tea into little plastic cups for his daughter. Although, when you have Kardashian money, kid-friendly activities can be pretty amazing - I mean, who can forget the epic birthday parties Kim and Kanye throw for their kids? They're basically better than any adult's birthday party.

    2 She brought him back to the headlines

    While he's certainly appeared on many episodes of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, there's no doubt that, of all the children in the family, Rob is probably the least famous. Kendall has a red hot modeling career, Kylie has catapulted herself to stardom courtesy of clever make-up and a curvy physique, Kim transformed from a curvy cover girl to one half of a rap power couple, Khloe is making headlines with her new healthy physique, Kourtney's relationship drama with the insufferable Lord Disick has kept her in the spotlight… every sister has remained in the public eye year after year, while Rob kind of sat on the sidelines. Now that he's got his own reality show with Chyna, he's able to step into the starring role and back into the spotlight - and we bet that, after years of watching his sisters skyrocket to fame, it's kind of nice to get the attention yourself.

    1 He asked her mom permission to propose

    In today's modern era, asking for a parent's permission in order to propose is no longer really necessary. And, for those who choose to, it's generally the father who is consulted when a guy wants his daughter's hand in marriage. However, Rob kept things old school with a twist when it came time to propose to Chyna. He decided to ask Chyna's mother for her permission to marry her baby girl - and, honestly, it's a pretty classy move on his part. Obviously, he could have easily asked Chyna to marry him without getting permission, so taking the time and effort to take that extra step is a lovely gesture on his part. We wonder, will Tyga bother asking Kris if he ever decides to pop the question and not just the promise ring to Kylie? To be honest, we didn't know Rob was so chivalrous - and we kind of dig it.Sources:,,,