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    15 Things You Should Know About Kim K Getting Robbed In Paris

    You may have heard by now that Monday morning at 3 a.m., Kim Kardashian was robbed in Paris. The perpetrators dressed up like cops and knocked on her door so, naturally, she assumed they were members of the police. Kim and her fam were in Paris for Fashion Week and needless to say, this story has made headlines worldwide. But how much is true and what is actually false? It can be hard to tell. Kim Kardashian West is safe but very shaken up and rightfully so. What's a girl to do in a situation like this? She was questioned by officials, of course, before she was able to go back home. But what really happened?  We (along with the rest of the world) have a ton of questions. For example, how did they get access to Kim's room? Are her children safe? We gathered a few facts about the story that you may not have come across yet. Here are 15 fast facts about Kim K getting robbed in Paris.

    15 There Were Weapons Involved

    Kim told officials that she was held at gunpoint and tied up and was thrown into the bathroom while the perpetrators robbed her. Just imagine how terrifying that must have been for her . As far as we know, Kim Kardashian was alone at the time of the incident which truly leads us to wonder why no one was there to protect her. Since she's, of course, a massive celebrity, we assume that having a bodyguard is pretty much mandatory for international travel. Maybe celebs don't really have guards on them at all times but we did hear that her bodyguard could have been watching over other Kardashians at the time. Just a few days ago, a man rushed behind Kim Kardashian West and was able to literally kiss her behind before guards took notice. How was this man able to get this close? That's just the first question on our minds.

    14 The Thieves Looked Like Cops

    The criminals were wearing police uniforms and ski masks. What is confusing about this is that if this was the case, why didn't the actual police on site or around the location notice what was going on? We have to wonder how the posers were able to make it all the way to Kim's room. The truth about this whole situation is the criminals were willing to do whatever it took to get to Kim's room. And they did not mind dressing up like members of the police to do so. Where did they even get those uniforms? Should they not have had a harder time finding them? Are they involved with law enforcement at all or did they steal the uniforms? We are guessing it is the latter since they have already proven that they are thieves. We just can't even imagine how completely terrifying this must have been for Kim.

    13 The Concierge Unlocked The Door

    Just imagine being held at gunpoint and ordered to open the door to Kim Kardashian West's room. That's exactly what happened. The concierge was threatened and ordered to open her room door. What would you do? In a super short amount of time, the assailants charged up to the room with the concierge's lead. Because this was a private residence, we can only assume that Kim K felt super safe and out of harm's way… well, before being attacked, of course. The current condition of the concierge is unknown at this time and the video footage has not been released to the public. We're going to cross our fingers and hope that he caught them in the act just before the heist transpired. There was no plan B according to reports of the heist. The concierge had to unlock the door or his or her life would have been in serious danger. 

    12 Millions Worth Of Jewellery Was Stolen

    The thieves were able to get out the door with a jewelry box valued at over $10 million dollars. Among the high-ticket gems was Kim K's wedding ring which is valued at 3.5 million. That's got to hurt. This is a heist that definitely won't be forgotten anytime soon (and chances are, we're going to bet that we will be talking about it for a really long time). There were millions at stake which of course was the appeal of targeting such a big star. We've seen plenty of Instagram pics of the star flaunting her wedding ring for the public eye. Rumor has it, you could have ice-skated on that ring. It was a beaut. We sure hope Kanye got some serious insurance on it. One must wonder how the thieves even plan on pawning or selling a ring of that magnitude. This is one bauble that we can't help but cry with Kim about.

    11 Kanye Left His Own Show

    Kanye West was right in the middle of a show when he was approached hurriedly on stage about a family emergency that he had to tend to. Once Kanye heard the news, he immediately rushed off… like any concerned husband would do, of course. Kanye was in the middle of a headlining performance at the Meadows Music and Arts Festival. According to fans, Kanye was performing "Heartless" when he seemed to receive some bad news from his assistant offstage. He then announced, "I'm sorry there's been a family emergency," and left super fast. Kanye had about 20 minutes left before the show was over but, like any person in their right mind receiving such news, had to end it abruptly to figure out what was going on with Kim K. What would you do if you were Kanye West? Would you stay and figure things out once it was over or leave when he did? We're going to go with the latter!

    10 North And Saint Are Safe

    Luckily, the babies were home and safe during the incident. Kim K told officials that she begged and pleaded for her life saying that she had kids at home. The rush that Kim Kardashian or any mother would go through with a gun pointed in your face is traumatizing to even think about. We are glad that both North and Saint West had zero to do with this incident as it could have been a much worse case scenario. Her sisters were there but not in the room at the time so no family member was harmed during the assailants' attack. According to Us Weekly, a rep for Matilda the Musical confirmed that North attended a matinee performance of the Broadway show with two other children, a nanny, and a security guard Sunday, October 2. Saint, 9 months, was not at the theater with his sister but was in NYC at the time.

    9 Kim Was Bound And Gagged

    After Kim pleaded for her life, the criminals taped her mouth and she was thrown in the bathtub as the men proceeded to take over $8 million worth of jewelry and her ring. It is clear here that the motive was theft and not harm of the A-List celeb as they bee-lined for jewelry and a quick escape thereafter. Kim Kardashian was unable to move as she was tied up with no easy way out. Kim reportedly freed herself after they left and was able to phone her hubby and officials. Needless to say, it is going to take Kim a long time to recover emotionally from this terrifying experience. Apparently afterward, the thieves did not have any getaway car to speak of and used another form of transportation (more on that below). Not really what we would expect… But then again, we didn't expect that something this horrifying would happen.

    8 The Thieves Fled On Bikes

    Really??? We can't believe that they could run away on a couple of bikes and no one was able to identify them or grab them as they left the hotel. Were these just a couple of punks or was this a well-thought out planned heist? We have to assume that even though their mode of transportation for said heist is strange, that this was a very threatening and scary situation for anyone involved in the incident. Now that we know that they traveled on bikes will there be more witnesses who can testify and point out who did it? We'll just have to wait and see what happens next. But seriously guys, what were they doing on bikes in the first place? Where did they park their bikes? Did they lock them up? This is a bit crazy and weird to think about. But we guess it's not the most important part of the whole story (which is, of course, that Kim is safe).

    7 Kim Was There For Paris Fashion Week

    Kim Kardashian posted several pictures on Instagram of her time at Paris Fashion Week. Kim has attended that event several times in the past but nothing could have compared to what she experienced this time. She was just wrapping up her time there when the attack happened. Just hours before being held at gunpoint, Kim attended an Alaïa dinner. The men entered her room at about 2:30 am. She also posted about Facetiming future sister-in-law Blac Chyna. Kim Kardashian debuted a no-makeup look to Paris Fashion Week joining other celebrities on social media to show fans and spectators that they are someone beneath their makeup and real people. We were thrilled to see that Kim K hopped on the bandwagon with this mission. Another celebrity who opted in the challenge is Alicia Keys but you may have come crossed others on Instagram lately. To think such a fun event can turn so dark. 

    6 People Think It Was A Hoax

    A few people have said that maybe this was a hoax and that it wasn't real at all. Yes, really. Some people apparently think that Kim and Kayne plotted the entire thing. We're not sure why this would ever happen or why they would ever think that was a good idea. NY Daily News says maybe they did it to boost their ratings: 'This doesn't feel like a heist. It feels like a plot twist for a season premiere. Why did West stop his concert mid-rap, citing a 'family emergency' yet not rush to Paris to be with his distraught wife? Why did Kim leave the City of Light mere hours after she was supposedly interviewed by Paris cops? Where is the concierge who was accosted by the gunmen before giving them access to the Kardashian aerie? And who is he or she?" The reporter ended by stating that solid facts would be nice but not from Kris Jenner (as in a more reliable source). We don't like pointing fingers without the facts so we have to let this one go.

    5 There Were As Many As Five Men Involved

    All five armed men were disguised as cops and they stormed the luxury residence to find Kim in her room. There has been a lot of talk about the surveillance videos of the heist and as far as reports show, all five men were actively smuggling jewelry on the scene of the crime. Until further surveillance is released, we're not really sure what happened at all. How did five men get the uniform so they could even perform this heist? It's a very unsavory thing to think about actually. Officials don't have a lead at this time but we hope that finding five men on bikes with several pounds of jewelry shouldn't be much of a race before these guys are taken into custody but who knows? Kim may have just lost millions in jewelry and belongings in the blink of an eye and without a trace. We really hope that the men who were involved are indeed prosecuted and Kim gets her belongings back.

    4 They Stole Two Phones

    We've heard reports that Kim losing two phones is about as scary as her baubles being taken. Think about it -- it's not only Kardashian's personal information that may have been breached but her family, friends and anyone she has a business relationship with. Bruce Anderson, Director of cyber security company Cyber Intelligence & Investigations., wrote, “Someone could take those phones and gain access to personal pictures, even deleted ones, personal e-mails, even deleted ones, personal text messages, geolocations, usernames and passwords to all of her accounts, banks, social media, email if they are stored on the phone and her personal phone book and all phone numbers and private emails of all of her friends and business associates." What's scary to think about is Kim Kardashian has already been ridiculed as her personal life was exposed when her celebrity status debuted but now she has to worry about anyone taking her phone data and using it against her. If they had no intention of doing this then why would they have taken the phones in the first place? Yikes!

    3 Kanye And Kim Are Silent

    The couple has nothing further to say about the story now that Kim's already made a statement to officials about the incident. We must say that this is probably the best thing that they could do right now after such a horrendous event occurred. The last thing Kim probably wants to do is talk to the press who continues to hound her on a daily basis wherever she is in the world. The last thing we heard from Kanye was an abrupt farewell to his fans during a concert and we must say it has to be hard for him to try and juggle it all especially in the wake of a complete and utter disaster involving a distraught wife and millions gone. The good thing about this story is that they are both safe with each other now and are able to mutually help each other through this tough scenario. We can't even imagine what he must have been thinking and feeling.

    2 Kim Took A Private Jet Home

    Do you blame her? Of course not. It sounds crazy to think that she would want to stay even a single second longer than she had to. We would definitely want to leave as soon as we got the chance. After Kim gave her testimony to officials, a two-van police escort blew through red lights to get Kim safely to her private jet in order to fly back home to her husband and babies. Kendall followed her shortly after and managed to avoid the paparazzi. Kim is definitely pretty shaken up but not physically harmed and who wouldn't be terrified to stay even a second after questioning about an armed robbery involving handcuffs, tape, and absolute torment. We can only imagine what was thinking and feeling on the way home from Paris. We are thinking there were a lot of tears and prayers and feeling grateful that she is alive.

    1 It Was A Building With 9 Apartments

    The mansion that Kim was staying in has nine apartments that can be rented out for long periods of time. The residence isn't easily visible from the street as there are a set of large wooden doors set in stone wall. This is pretty common for Paris. The private mansion has housed some of the most popular celebrities in the world including Kayne. The name of the mansion is Hotel de Pourtalès and it's a 19th-century neo-Renaissance estate. It was built in 1838-1839 under the direction of Count James Alexander of Pourtalès, who wanted a mansion designed in an Italian Renaissance-inspired style. You would think a hotel with no address would have been a perfect place to steer clear of complete and utter disaster. We don't think the couple has any intentions on visiting this mansion again. So until we find out more about this horrifying incident, those are the facts that we have.