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    15 Things You Will Miss About 'The Vampire Diaries'

    The end is near for fans of The Vampire Diaries and since you're probably a huge fan, that is really sad news. You might love the romances, you might love how intensely dynamic every character is, and you might love crying over it, but this show has made you cry and laugh and smile. Will Nina Dobrev return to give us the closure we've been waiting for? Will Damon and Stefan finally find their way back to each other once and for all and be BFFs and brothers for eternity? Can someone tell us what's going on with vampire hunter Jeremy at art school? There are too many questions to be answered and not enough time, and we're not exactly counting down the minutes until the series finale. We wish that it would never end. We already miss a lot of the stuff from the early seasons of the show, so the amount of nostalgia we're going to have in a few years will be pretty crazy. Here are 15 things you'll miss about The Vampire Diaries, but we know this list could easily strike one hundred.

    15 The Plot Twists

    Expecting the unexpected has always been a pretty big part of this show… and a necessary one, too. It's true that the writers have always seemed to struggle with killing anyone and letting them actually, you know, stay dead. Has anyone else lost track of how many people have died and then come back to life? Bonnie? Jeremy? Alaric? Damon? Yeah, we've definitely lost count. Despite that one flaw, the plot always swerves in the most unpredictable directions, leaving our hearts in our throats and making us pray that there must be a loophole to prevent the tragedy of every twist and turn. Whether we're discovering that Elena and Katherine are doppelgangers in the very first season or that Stefan also has a doppelganger and the world is compelling them to be together, there are so many plot twists that make this show amazing. We're all just trying to imagine how these plots are going to resolve themselves.

    14 The Sizzling Romances

    There have been beautiful and tragic aspects to every romance on this show, and we have definitely had some #relationshipgoals when it comes to the couples. It's been way too easy to hold your breath through every heart melting moment because while the romances have been sizzling, the tragedy has been explosive and can totally happen at any moment. Maybe you wanted Stefan and Elena to end up together and you hated seeing her and Damon falling hopelessly in love with each other. Or maybe you're thrilled that Stefan and Caroline have managed to stay together despite their many obstacles. The romances on this show always have the ability to blow your mind and implode your heart all at the same time. The characters are so loveable that watching them find each other is an adventure that's too painful to watch fade away, whether it's because a wedge forms between them or  because the show is ending forever.

    13 The Powerful Women

    There is nothing better than a powerful woman and The Vampire Diaries is teeming with amazing and capable women. While Katherine may have been running for hundreds of years from some evil and powerful men, she definitely is super powerful and has always held no prisoners, taking control in every way she could. It's true that she felt weak as a human, but her fiery personality still empowered her. Her sweeter twin, Elena, encapsulated both strength and vulnerability, and she loved deeply and defended her friends unconditionally as all powerful women do. The transformation of Caroline Forbes from an insecure teenager to a woman who fears nothing was one of the most remarkable arcs on the show and her character progression is one of the reasons the depths of this series is exceptional. Not to mention the witch Bonnie Bennett who, while making questionable decisions and going down peculiar roads toward darker supernatural territory, has always been a woman in control.

    12 One Word: Alaric

    This sweetheart stole our hearts from the very beginning as his tragic love life took a toll on both him and us loyal fans. We will always remember bawling our eyes out when Alaric died after a brief stint of being a vampire since he was Elena and Jeremy's guardian and one of the most likable characters on the show. It's so awesome that he came back to life, that's all we're going to say about this. His return brought back a part of the show that had been painfully absent since his departure, but that hasn't made his love life less painful to watch as the women he loves either break his heart or tragically die. Who can forget how destroyed he was after Isobel revealed the truth to him? It was harrowing, especially since he'd been so bent on finding her justice. After he finally allowed his heart to open up again to Jenna, she gets brutally sacrificed just as things are growing more intimate. We'll miss this amazing soul deeply and we need to see him have a happy ending.

    11 How Much We Love The Characters

    One thing we can say about this show is that it has definitely been a journey. We all remember the very first episode when Damon was introduced as the villain and it was easy to hate him and his behavior. As the story progressed, however, we learned the depth of all the character's history and watched their lives change. We have always felt like we were on this adventure with these characters. We've fallen in love with the character's from start to finish, as we've watched Damon's heart been broken too many times, Stefan deal with the monster inside him, Bonnie tragically watches who she loves die as her powers shift and alter with the universe, it's endless the memories we have of them. We've seen these supernatural character's at their best and at their worst, and all we want is a happy ending for all of them. It's an understatement to say we've grown to love them like family.

    10 The Villains

    Sure, we pretty much always yell at our TV screens when we see the villains on this show because they ruin so many plot lines and complicate things that should be easy. But these guys are one of the best parts of the show and we'll miss how thrilling it always is to see them. While he may be the anti-hero of his own show now, who can forget how creepy and demented Klaus was? He was probably the scariest villain of them all because he reigned in the show early enough for us to ponder how truly evil this supernatural world could become. Since him, there's been a handful of nasty devils following his shadows, such as his siblings and parents. Who can forget how determined Mikael was to kill his own children? The antics of Silas, Kai, Markos, and so many others can be mentioned as they shaped the lives of our beloved Mystic Fall supernaturals, although we can't lie; there are a few times we know they won't be missed.

    9 The Supernatural Element

    The supernatural part of this show is anything we've ever seen or could expect, and that element adds a magical tone that few other shows can boast. The allure of becoming a vampire and why Elena never wanted to be one was a core part of the show for a good reason; we were introduced to the supernatural world along with Elena, and it allowed us to understand it and experience it at her pace. The possibilities were truly endless, and they still are, which is why the ending of the show is so up in the air. How the characters can find closure is a mystery with loose ends that can be tied in a multitude of ways, and the sense of mystique has always been with the series. The answer could lie with the doppelgangers, the witches, the werewolves, and the audience was always been left guessing for a reason. It'll be a while until a show has as many open roads as The Vampire Diaries, and it's a huge reason why we'll miss it.

    8 Caroline's Transformation

    When the show began, the character of Caroline was a jealous and insecure teenager who could not cope with her jealousy of Elena. She felt like she was merely existing in her BFF's shadow. Caroline has shifted from a pawn to a queen, and her transformation began when Katherine turned her into a vampire literally just to stir the pot. She has transcended her relationships with men, and while her romances with Klaus, Tyler, and Stefan have all been different and important to her, Caroline is also fully capable of being uniquely powerful on her own without them. From hiding her vampire secret from her mother to dealing with near death experiences and torture and heartache, we will miss her inspiring journey. She became fearless as a vampire, and while there were always debates over vampire humanity, Caroline has one of the strongest morals in the show.

    7 The Flashbacks

    When flashbacks are used properly, they're pretty awesome, and this show has some of the best flashbacks out there. They help us learn more about the characters that we have grown to love. For example, we learned that Elena actually met Damon first instead of Stefan, but he compelled it away from her. We love seeing flashbacks and backstories for Damon, Stefan, and Katherine, as their existence spans over centuries and not only decades. This is one of the deeper components that made the show so gripping, and it's why we fell so insanely in love with each and every single character. Could anyone else believe it when it was revealed that it was actually Stefan who convinced Damon to become a vampire? Nobody could peel their eyes away from the screen when the history of the brothers and Katherine was being relived. We're going to miss these complex characters, that's for sure.

    6 Katherine's Character

    Is there any character on this show more powerful and amazing than this vampire? Her story is pretty tragic since she was shamed in Bulgaria for having a baby too young. Then she was chased by the terrifying vampire Klaus and then she wound up as a supernatural being sentenced to being hunted to the ends of the earth for eternity. Katerina Petrova didn't always live simply. However, no obstacle was too big for her, and while she burned some bridges and ruined lives in the process, she did it all in high heels and with attitude. While she'd almost always been the villain throughout the tale, especially as she toyed with the Salvatore brothers, she had her moments that allowed the audience to be excited to see her on the occasion, as long as it wasn't to ruin any Elena and Damon action. She was a powerful woman with a fate that she couldn't really escape, and while her selfish heart was deplorable, her power was admirable. We've been missing you for a few seasons already, Katherine, but we'll always remember.

    5 Damon And Elena's Love

    A love for the ages cloaked in harrowing heartbreak. The moments that lead up to these two falling in love have been sorely missed for a season now. Their love was as complicated as it gets, but the cries for the return of Nina Dobrev as Elena Gilbert can be heard around the planet because this love was beyond epic. Fans have been obsessing over this couple, and while the Stefan and Elena arc is still pretty good, the Damon and Elena storyline held much more weight, passion, and emotion. In truth, while her doppelganger fate would never make her life easy, the two Salvatore brothers arguably ruined her life, so should she really end up with either of them? No, probably not, but that doesn't stop the fans from pining over the intensity of the Damon and Elena romance. We've been missing them endlessly, and it will continue until hopefully the fans find some closure. One of the most heart-wrenching love stories in a series, and the world is already passionately yearning for its return.

    4 The Salvatore Brothers

    Of course, this show is definitely about Damon and Stefan vying for Elena's attention, but the series also focuses on their fractured bond and how they find their way back to each other over time. They were best friends and inseparable in 1864 before Katherine forged a wedge between them, and they were separated for over a century. But as seasons have passed, we've seen them find their love for each other again. Of course, Elena made it complicated as they both fell hopelessly in love with her, and Damon had his relapses of evil which frequently made Stefan's life hard, but it's been a lot of punishment between these two. Has one caused more harm than the other to each other? Maybe, but you could argue about it. When it counts and one needs the other, the Salvatore brothers have each other's backs. When the curtains finally close, these two need to have found each other.

    3 Family

    These characters have definitely formed bonds and alliances and become like family, and not only their characters but the actors as well, which is something that usually happens in series that go on for many seasons. Sure, they may fight and separate from each other, but when times are dark and tough, they're united and stronger than ever. Family doesn't mean who you grew up with or who you're related to in The Vampire Diaries, it's who's going to be there for you when your life is on the line. At one point or another, all these character's have had bad relationships with one or another, but the bad blood isn't as thick as the love they have for each other, as eventually, we can believe all will be forgiven. Who hasn't hated Damon at one point or another for making horrific, unforgivable mistakes? This family embodies forgiveness whether they think so or not, and that's one thing that we're definitely going to absolutely miss.

    2 Damon Salvatore

    We know that all those Stefan fans may be pretty angry, but the inner demons and complexity of Damon Salvatore trumps many of the characters on the show. He is absolutely infuriating when he's at his worst, but it's also heartbreaking to watch him derail because we know how mournfully he'll regret those actions later. The way he pledged to Elena that he couldn't be selfish with her because he loved her too much when she was still in love with Stefan was one of the saddest scenes to watch, but the joy he expressed when she confessed to loving him seasons later made the whole audience wish for Damon to have everything he wants. He is one of the most dynamic and mosaic characters's on the show, and it's why much of the audience continues to follow it after so many seasons. He drove the storyline forward more than any other characters. You will be passionately missed, Damon Salvatore.

    1 Elena Gilbert

    She has been absent for a whole season now, so while it is true you already miss her as the finale creeps closer, you are super nostalgic for the good old days when the brothers fell madly in love with her. Rumors of Nina Dobrev's return swirl endlessly, and while we are not sure what is true and what isn't, that won't stop us from holding our breath. Elena's morality was pretty frustrating sometimes, and she wasn't the most popular character on the show, but she was still a huge and integral part of the show. While some characters have managed to move on, we will want the enchanting girl that stole the Salvatore brothers' heart to return for the end. Maybe we'll get it, maybe we won't, but that doesn't stop us from missing her. But still, Elena Gilbert, we really want you to come back, and that's a fact.