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    15 Times Adele Was Real AF

    One of the craziest things about Hollywood and show business is how totally glamorous these celebrities seem all the time. Is it really possible to live life without any hardships or difficulties at all? That's what people seem to think about those who live in the spotlight as if being an actress or singer means having the best life that this world can possibly offer. No one takes photos of bad moods, cloudy days, or moments when an artist just doesn't want to get out of bed. We're not saying that show business is fake or bad for you, but just like anything else, it has its good and bad aspects.

    But one person who always seems super awesome and real to us is Adele. It's totally okay to be consumed with everything Adele. She knows us the good and the bad of her life and she is an open book. No doubt, she is one of the many artists who helped us survive 2016.

    Here are 15 times that Adele reminded us that being yourself is always the best idea.

    15 When She Says She Likes Lunch With Friends Over The Gym

    If you were to choose, would you rather go hang out with your friends while sharing a meal or go to the gym? There are tons of people who would say they'd rather go to the gym because health matters, but deep down, they're dying to eat lunch with their friends. That kind of life sucks. Why would you not do something that you want because you're molding yourself into a mannequin that fits society's standards? Will they give you a medal for this? Will you get bonus points for having a hot body? Adele got it totally right when she once said in an interview, "I'd rather have lunch with my friends than go to a gym." We're not saying skip the gym forever. We're just saying that food and friends matter more. You would agree, don't you think? And if you're now dreaming about meeting lunch with Adele, we're right there with you.

    14 When She Pulled A Kim K

    This is one of the best things about Adele: she is not a fan of sugarcoating. If you are going to interview her, you will probably get some raw, unfiltered answers. And really is that not what we all want to see from our favorite celebs? This just makes her so real and we love it! That's definitely something that is super rare today. No, Adele is not an undisciplined artist who yammers on about the smallest thing in life. She is a grown-up who knows how to express her thoughts and feelings, and she knows the importance of freedom of expression. Raise your glasses to Adele and that interview where she had this conversation:

    Adele: “At 8 o'clock I knew my first play was going to be done here and then… ”Interviewer: “And then you broke the internet.”Adele: “Yeah, and I did a Kim Kardashian. Thank god it wasn't with my a**.”

    13 When She Taught Us The Importance Of Crying

    Oh Hollywood, the world where people seem to be afraid of crying. It's not like you're going to drown in your tears, okay? It's not like you will lose fans and your record deal isn't going to be terminated ASAP. But for some unknown and unexplainable reasons, some stars are too shy to admit they cried. How many times have you done that? How many times have you tried holding back tears or told yourself that whatever you're upset about is not worthy of a good cry? In an interview, Adele once said, "That's how I know I've written a good song for myself - it's when I start crying.” Being an artist means being super emotional so it's no wonder that she admits that. If you're like Adele, crying is a sign that you've done something good. You just have to learn how to scrutinize it more. Because trying to stop yourself from crying? Now that's stressful.

    12 When She Shared Her Love For Drama

    In an interview with Vice, Adele shared her relationship with life drama, saying “oh yeah, I used to f***ing love the drama of all of it” and then, “but now I'm a mum I only have so much head space.” This is definitely the best example of setting priorities in your life. Millions of human beings have access to the internet but searching for the best way to prioritize things is still not that easy. So just remember the 28-year-old singer. If you know you have more important priorities in life, no matter how difficult it may seem to be, stop paying way too much attention to drama. Life never runs out of drama, but then you already knew that, right? The important thing is you are prioritizing the things and people you think are important, period. People will talk and will comment on your decisions and way of living but what the heck… you are one busy awesome woman and you have no time for their thoughts and drama.

    11 When She Told Us How She Deals With Toxic People

    Is there a manual on how to deal with toxic people? Seriously, is there one? We would love to have some kind of road map about this because let's face it, we've all dealt with toxic people way too many times to count. It's not about getting rid of them totally, it's about learning how to deal with them. That means accepting that no matter where we go, toxic people will always be around. Because we all have insecurities and fears and doubts about ourselves. And these people love to point those qualities out every single chance they can. That's annoying, you know. So, try to do what Adele is doing. In a magazine article, Adele said “I have insecurities, of course, but I don't hang out with anyone who points them out to me.” That's totally the key. Stop hanging out with toxic people and stop allowing them to insult you. It's just not worth it.

    10 When She Made It Clear Who She Represents

    Who do you represent? Who or what do you stand for? Is there someone in particular? Or maybe a group of people? It's the best when you are not only waking up for yourself but also for some amazing people who inspires you. We're not saying we should all be philanthropists, but don't you think it's better if you have people who keep pushing you to move forward? People who don't necessarily know they're doing it, but fill your soul with love and humility? For Adele, she represents women, as she mentioned in a piece. And she is “very proud of that.” No matter who you represent, no matter how small or big the reason is behind it, always know that you should be proud of who you are and who you're standing for. See, you knew that you loved Adele, but now that you know she has so many life lessons you are even more of a fan.

    9 When She Talks About Stage Fright

    Adele has talked about her stage fright before and she has said, “I get so nervous on stage I can't help but talk." We don't have enough words for artists who try to hide their stage fright. Or who lie about any of their fears, for that matter. What's wrong with stage fright? You don't have to be under the influence to help you out with this issue. You can just go out there on stage, be the most vulnerable human being ever, and admit to your fans that you are super frightened at the moment and you might need a minute or two to breathe. What's so wrong with that? Okay, okay, so maybe if we had to go out there in front of 50,000 people we would understand more. But Adele is not afraid to talk about what she's afraid of. And that's definitely the first step when it comes to overcoming your fears and problems. Admit its existence and talk about it. Share it with others and you will be amazed at how it will positively affect you.

    8 When She Shares What She Wants And Doesn't Want

    Adele has said,  “I've seen people where it rules their lives, you know, who want to be thinner or have bigger boobs, and it wears them down. And I don't want that in my life.” It seems like we have two sets of desires. We have desires that we share with other people and then we have desires that we don't share or, even worse, keep quiet and secret. How many times have you told a friend you don't want to go to the beach but deep inside, you're dying to feel the sand between your toes. But you have to hide this want, you have to deny to because maybe you're ashamed of your body or you don't want to have an ugly tan. But the point is, we love to walk through this world advertising the things we want but things that our souls aren't really happy about. Instead of torturing yourself, convincing yourself you want something when you don't, turn to Adele. Keep in mind that people will always talk, whether you stick with your real wants or your pretend wants. So why not go with the real ones?

    7 When She Talked About Her Looks

    Adele once said, “My life is full of drama, and I don't have time to worry about something as petty as what I look" and that's another reason that we absolutely adore her. There are probably no boring moments in Adele's life. We think that meeting her would be the most fun moment of our entire lives. It's not every day, after all, that we meet people who admit that their life is full of drama and, more than that, are honest about it. More often than not, artists either try so hard to portray a fake life with no issues or drama or they exaggerate the drama. It can be exhausting to see these kinds of people on TV and the internet every single day… especially when they act like their physical appearance is everything. Sure, they should look good, but shouldn't they act like real human beings too?

    6 When She's Honest About Her Feelings

    Adele has said, “I definitely wasn't going to write a heartbreak record cause I'm not heartbroken, but I probably won't be able to better the one I did, so what's the point?” One of the most common troubles of being a musician is that when you made a record that tops the charts for weeks, you can easily fall into the trap of repeating that record. Over and over again. People loved your first album of love songs? Then go make many more albums about love songs and keep the cash flowing in. In your daily and normal life, this happens almost every day. People love your gorgeous makeup that took you 5 hours to do? Go spend 5 hours on makeup every day just to get more compliments. Really? Why not turn the Adele mode on? If you're not comfortable doing something, even if it's something people love you for, don't do it. They may turn their backs on you, or they may stick around. That's life. There's no running away from it, Hollywood star or not.

    5 When She Said She Loves Other People's Bodies

    In today's generation, it's almost always about "me me me." My hair. My makeup. My glamorous lifestyle. My freedom. My feelings. Okay, we got it already… you love everything about yourself. But when it comes to admitting your mistakes and failures, you don't want to do that, right? Only a few people can praise other people's lives. Adele is one of those people. You want to appreciate how others look without feeling so bad about yourself. You should be able to compliment a coworker's new hairstyle without feeling jealous of her. Being able to do this will help unleash the real you… yeah, the person that you never even thought was there in the first place And if you're unsure how to do this, check out Adele's statement about Lady Gaga and Katy Perry's bodies: “I love seeing Lady Gaga's boobs and bum" she said and later she said “I love seeing Katy Perry's boobs and bum. Love it.”

    4 When She Said She's Really Happy

    Adele has said of her own happiness, “I'm really happy to be me, and I'd like to think people like me more because I'm happy with myself and not because I refuse to conform to anything,” When was the last time you admitted to yourself and to other people that you're happy? As in, really happy? Have you ever experienced that moment when your friends aren't feeling okay and so instead of expressing how happy you are, you decide to pretend that your life sucks too? Just so you will seem like you're on the same wavelength and can relate? That definitely sucks. The more you do that, the worse you feel. We're not saying that you should be super heartless and brag about your awesome day while your friend cries over a bad breakup. We're saying be honest about your life and happiness. Share with everyone and especially your friends.

    3 When She Talked About Love

    Ah, love… the very tricky feeling we all have growing inside of us. You can deny it, sure, but we're pretty sure love is growing inside of you and one day, you will meet that person and the love in you will be in full bloom and you will fall for him. Yes. The difficult but fun cycle of life. And then, something will happen and the next thing you know, you two are not together anymore, and you feel horrible about it. You will spend nights crying on your friend's couch. Well guess what, Adele once said: “I think you only learn to love again when you fall in love again.” So yes, heartbreak happens. The most important thing is that you don't force yourself to fall for someone or date them just because you're lonely. After all, it's a lot better, to be honest than to trick yourself. You should never fake love or settle for someone that you don't even care about.

    2 When She Shared Her Mom's Advice

    In a article, Adele was quoted as saying, “My mom told me to only ever do things for myself, not for others” and we can't agree more with this statement. There are countless moments in our lives where we need this kind of reminder. Today, people tend to be obsessed with doing things to impress others. How do they actually do that? Over and over again? Don't these humans get tired? Because we're pretty sure it can be exhausting to force yourself to do something you're not entirely happy about but you do it anyway because you know it's what people want from you. It's kind of like working as a doctor even when your heart and soul is in architecture because your family and friends expected you to be a doctor. It's best to check in with yourself and what you really want before you do something for someone else.

    1 When She Said That She Hasn't Changed

    Adele has said, “Sometimes I think people worry about chatting to me, that I've changed. But I like to think I haven't. I don't feel like I have.” We have probably all been told that we've changed at different times in our lives. Sometimes life makes you busy and it's hard to get in touch with your BFFs all the time and keep them updated on your life. Friends can think that you've changed when you've really just been caught up with your own stuff. It happens. It's life. Don't feel bad and kick yourself because it's not even your fault. There's no easy way to deal with this, especially if your best friends are super sensitive. Reassure them that you will always be there for them. Honestly, be expressive no matter how cheesy and corny it sounds. Thanks to our modern lifestyles, most of us are crazy busy all the time. So when you get the chance to chat with your long-lost friends, let them know that you're only a text or phone call away, and actually mean it. People change. You will certainly change. But if not necessary, don't change the way you connect with your girlfriends. There, Adele just saved all your friendships.