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    15 Times Celebs Gave Us The CREEPS

    There are some celebrities that we generally get a creepy vibe from even though they've never really done anything to deserve it such as Marilyn Manson and Gary Busey. There are some actors who creep us out because they usually play creepy characters in movies and TV shows like Kathy Bates and Willem Defoe. There are the famous murderers like O.J. Simpson and Phil Spector who definitely creep us out. Then there are weird, creepy celebrities who have done some really strange stuff that will just make you go, “eww!” Whenever these celebs do something creepy, you almost don't want to know but you still just have to know all the details. It's like when you kill a spider with a newspaper and you have to look to make sure that it's dead

    These celebs are some of the creepiest of the creeps in Hollywood with some creepy stories that you may not have heard before. There's the story of a popular rapper who admitted to taking part in animal sacrifices and witchcraft, a 16-year-old pop star who married a fifty 50-year-old, and pretty much everything that Donald Trump has ever said. Most of these creeps are past the point of hiding it anymore so they are always entertaining us. They may have varying levels of creepiness but the one thing they all have in common is that they have a habit triggering your gag reflex. Here are some of the biggest Hollywood creeps.

    15 The Hough Siblings

    There has always been something a little creepy about the dancing duo Julianne Hough and Derek Hough. There is something really strange about the time that the two dressed up as Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling from La La Land for a birthday party (siblings should never dress in couple costumes). But what's creepy is that they just seem REALLY close. And they just got a whole lot closer. When it was announced that the Dancing With the Stars dancers would be going on tour together, they revealed their tour “Move Beyond” poster and not only do they have a creepy Aryan vibe with pale skin and horrifyingly bright blue eyes, but they also look totally naked. While, their photos were probably taken separately, there is something very disconcerting about seeing the siblings standing next to each other without wearing any clothes.

    14 Jared Leto Being Weird on the Set of Suicide Squad

    Jared Leto's creepy behavior on the set of Suicide Squad has been well documented by his cast mates, many of which were horrified by his disastrous and ridiculous attempt at method acting for his role as the Joker. He made it clear that he was not messing around when he sent the cast a dead pig at the very first table read and he would not let anyone call him by his actual name while they were on set. As if he didn't already take his role seriously enough, he continued to terrorize the cast by sending them adult toys, switchblades, boxes of bullets, dead hogs, dead rats, and used rubbers. Viola Davis even said she was so annoyed with his creepy and inappropriate gifts that she almost pepper sprayed him. Honestly, she would have done everyone a huge favor if she had.

    13 John Travolta's Awkward Kiss

    Most women, at some point in their lives, have awkwardly dodged a kiss from a creepy dude. It happens to the best of us. Unfortunately, there are just some guys out there who just try to go for it even though the girl has given no indication that she is interested. Scarlett Johansson was a victim of the creepy kiss at the 2015 Academy Award Ceremony. Apparently John Travolta just walked right up to her, gave her a side hug, then tried to kiss her on the cheek while his hand is on her waist! Though Johansson has since said that the kiss did not bother her at all and that there was nothing weird or creepy about Travolta at all. Another thing that happens when a creepy guy goes in for a kiss, you usually have to just brush it off like it was no big deal. You can tell by her face that she was totally not okay with it. We know the pain, ScarJo.

    12 The Blood Lockets of Angelina and Billy Bob

    Before there was Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, there was Billy Bob Thornton and Angelina Jolie and they were so in love that she not only got a tattoo of his name on her arm, she also wore a vial of his blood around his neck. The blood necklace is probably more iconic now than their relationship but, according to Thornton, it wasn't as weird as you may think. He said in an interview that she came home one day with two small, clear lockets and they sliced their fingers with a razor blade and smeared the blood into the respective lockets. According to Thornton, she wanted to do this because she was away filming Tomb Raider while he was filming Monster's Ball and she wanted them to feel connected despite the distance. Maybe it is a little sweet but it's creepy more than anything. Apparently the blood locket didn't work since they separated in 2003. Oh well.

    11 David Spade and Naya Rivera in a Pool

    David Spade's list of ex-girlfriends, ex-wives, and former flings is unbelievably long and full of very blonde and very beautiful women such as Carmen Electra, Heather Locklear, Pamela Anderson, and Julie Bowen. Why do so many women want to hook up with the Joe Dirt star? No idea. However, another young, beautiful woman has appeared in his life and it's super creepy. The 22 year age gap is already weird enough but the idea of anyone cuddling up with David Spade in a hotel pool is confounding. In fact, it's so strange that many people assumed it was an April Fool's Joke even though the news of their coupling was revealed while it was still March. Spade may have a history for hooking up with women who are way out of his league but this relationship just seems really bizarre and, considering his history with women, really creepy.

    10 A 16-Year-Old Marries a 50-Year-Old

    Buckle your seat belts because this is one wild ride of crazy. Aspiring pop star Courtney Stodden signed up for an online acting class taught by actor Doug Hutchinson where they claim they fell in love and started dating. Here's the thing though, Stodden was only 16. Hutchinson has said that he did not know her age at the time but it did not stop him from marrying the 16-year-old in 2011. After a five-month internet courtship, he proposed the day after he first met her in person. The most bizarre thing about all of this is that neither of Stodden's parents objected to the marriage, at least they didn't do anything to try and stop it. Stodden's mother appeared on Couples Therapy and said that she actually thought that Hutchinson was "perfect for her." Yikes. Though the creepy couple called it quits earlier this year, but they still live together. The whole story is like a horrifying, deranged fairy tale of creepiness.

    9 This Photo of Mary-Kate Olsen and Olivier Sarkozy

    Speaking of older guys with MUCH younger wives, Mary-Kate Olson and husband Olivier Sarkozy have a 17 year age gap between them which is not exactly as creepy as Courtney Stodden and Doug Hutchinson but that is definitely a big difference. However, the two have been married since 2015 and they seem very happy, at least, we think so. The Olson twins are known for their love of privacy. Honestly, so happy that Mary-Kate is happily married and working on her clothing label Elizabeth and James with her twin sister Ashley. Ashley, by the way, is dating 58-year-old Richard Sachs which is way more creepy. However, the aspect of Mary-Kate's relationship is the photo seen above. Why? Because it looks like all poor Mary-Kate wants to do is either sink into the floor and run for the closest exit. Though we know that the two seem to be very much in love and happily married, if all we know of them was this photo, we would assume the worst.

    8 Orlando Bloom Paddle Boards Naked

    Before Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom split up a few months ago, the two went on a nice relaxing vacation last summer. The Pirates of the Caribbean actor decided to get real comfortable while the two went paddle boarding by taking off his pants. Everyone on the internet lost their minds when photos of Bloom's completely exposed bod was plastered all over the internet. Bloom has since said that he had no idea that there were any paparazzi around and that they had been left alone during the days leading up to the incident. Bloom seemed a little embarrassed about the photo but there is no semblance of shame on his face in the photos. In fact, he seems quite proud. The only thing is… you should probably keep your pants on, dude. Seriously, it might be nice to be free of the confines of undies but we've all gotta do it. There's just something a little creepy about paddle boarding in the nude.

    7 Jamie Dornan Stalked a Woman

    It's fair to say that Fifty Shades of Grey is no Citizen Kane but don't tell that to Jamie Dornan. Maybe Dornan felt that the movie was going to be a much better movie that it would end up being but that would mean he had a serious lack of judgment. There really is not much to the character of Christian Grey besides the fact that he's handsome, manipulative, and into some kinky stuff. According to The Los Angeles Times, Dornan still felt that he had to do some method acting so he tried getting inside Christian Grey's mind by following a woman off of the train. He said, "I, like, followed a woman off the train one day to see what it felt like to pursue someone like that." Only total creeps think that stalking women is exciting. He may have thought that is was an interesting anecdote but it's as stupid as it is creepy and about as entertaining as Fifty Shades of Grey.

    6 Tom Cruise's Vaguely Menacing Laugh

    Let's face it, the entire Church of Scientology is pretty creepy, even the leader of the church, David Miscavige, looks like an evil villain in a movie--maybe even one of Tom Cruise's movies. At this point, Cruise is known for his involvement in Scientology as much as he is known for his films which is creepy enough considering that the religion's teachings involve an intergalactic overlord named Xenu but his antics on television (jumping on Oprah's couch, for example) have earned him quite the reputation as well. One of his creepiest moments is the "Black Turtle Neck Scientology Video" from 2008 in which he talks about Scientology very enthusiastically which is really unsettling. His vaguely menacing laugh in this video is almost creepier than the fact that he believes that tiny alien souls inhabit human bodies. Hail Xenu.

    5 Azaelia Banks Sacrifices Chickens in a Closet

    The downward spiral of rapper Azaelia Banks is a long and treacherous one. She is not one of the most popular people, especially on Twitter, and she is known for being racist, bigoted, and downright rude. Last year, Banks decided to post a video which depicted her wearing goggles while cleaning out a closet where she had been practicing witchcraft for years. She claimed that she has been routinely sacrificing chickens for the past three years. She reveals the animal sacrifice closet which is covered in feathers with blood stains coating the walls. She says in the video, "Real witches do real things." Whether or not she has actually been practicing witchcraft, the video is legitimately creepy. And considering that she is a mean and heartless human being, it makes sense that she would add animal-killing to her hate-filled resume.

    4 James Franco Hits Up a 17-year-old

    James Franco may not seem like a creepy dude but your opinion of him may change after read this creepy exchange between him an a 17-year-old. Way back in 2014, a Scottish girl named Lucy went to see James Franco in his Broadway Show, Of Mice and Men, and she took an Instagram video with him and he told her to tag him in it. Franco then slid into her DMs and asked how old she was. She said she was almost 18. Franco preceded to ask her for her phone number, if she had a boyfriend, when her birthday was, and if he should rent a room. She told him that she would meet up with him if he sent her a photo of himself with a piece of paper with her name on it. He obliged. Though the two never met up, he still tried to hook up with an underage girl and that is creepy, no ifs, ands, or buts.

    3 Hugh Hefner Rates His Girlfriends

    It's common knowledge that Playboy founder, Hugh Hefner, is the creepiest of the creeps since he, you know, has multiple young girlfriends who all live with him and do whatever he says. However, former bunny Holly Madison revealed all of the creepy details of being Hefner's girlfriend which showed the world exactly how much of a creep this creep really is. In her book she wrote that all of his girlfriends were required to sleep with him even though they were told to publicly deny it. He verbally abused them, gave them strict curfews, and he kept photos of each of his girlfriends and would label them an A, B, or C based on their looks. Hefner has basically built his fortune on selling photographs of naked women so it was pretty obvious that he is not the best guy. Madison's book depicts Hefner's ideal girlfriend as a woman who wears trashy clothing, has blonde hair and big boobs, is un-educated, and basically has no agency or confidence. He is a total creep.

    2 Tony Bennett Met His Wife When She Was a Fetus

    The Legendary Tony Bennett released a memoir last year in which he disclosed some information on his wife Susan. The 90-year-old told the story of the day that he and his wife met. Here's the thing though, she wasn't exactly born yet. The story goes that Susan's mother and father, Marion and Dayl Crow, were huge Tony Bennett fans and they attended one of his shows in San Francisco in 1966. Marion posed for a photo with Bennett and, well, Bennett says it best, "As fate would have it, Marion was pregnant at the time with… Susan!" When Susan grew up, she was the president of a Tony Bennett fan club and she eventually met the singer and they were married in 2007. Bennett probably thought their origin story was a classic "meet cute" but it is anything but. It's actually kind of horrifying and seriously creepy.

    1 President Trump Wants to Hook Up With His Daughter

    Despite your political leanings, most of us can agree that Donald Trump is a creep. If you don't think so, let's just take a minute to take a look at the creepy things that he has said about his daughter, shall we? He has talked about her body: "She's 6 feet tall, she's got the best body.” He said on an episode of Dr. Oz, "I kiss her [Ivanka] every chance I get." The clip was later edited out. And let's not forget the time that he talked about his daughter posing for Playboy, "I've said that if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her.” Gross. These are just a few ACTUAL quotes that Trump has said about his own daughter. It doesn't matter if you're liberal or conservative, Republican or Democrat, it's pretty obvious that President Trump is a total creep.