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    15 Times Corinne Had The Balls To Say What We're ALL Thinking

    The girl we just cannot get enough of-- she may be young and slightly obnoxious she has actually been more real than any of us could ever be. Pegged to be this season of The Bachelor's villain, was also the most vocal about her disdain for one of the group dates where they had to shovel cow manure. Let's be honest here, the last thing anyone would ever picture a date being is going to a farm and shoveling manure so we completely get where she is coming from, on the other hand, fans believe there are other ways to handle the situation.

    Still, every Monday night-- women all over the world gather to drink wine and watch The Bachelor. And every season has a villain, every season has crazy drama, and every season has someone that we all love to hate and laugh at. But this particular season, The Bachelor was blessed with the girl that is probably the most real out of all of them. Granted some things just should not be said--she has a point. As we watch the Corinne show-- just kidding that isn't real but it seems The Bachelor has paid an awful good amount of time on Corinne. And let me tell you, there are a lot of crazy moments involving Corinne-- as she states she is "Corinne-it to win it". If you love The Bachelor as much as we do, then you might be interested in learning all the ways Corinne from The Bachelor has been real AF:

    15 Sleeping Through All Major (Bachelor) Events

    So many of us can relate to this-- maybe not the whole sleeping through bachelor events but the whole napping ordeal. Corinne is by far the ultimate napping queen. If she isn't swooning over Nick, giving mean glares to the other women, talking about her nanny or even eating--she is napping. Several times on the show-- actually, make that every single episode of the season she has been found sleeping. Every time there is some event occurring--one minute she is there swooning over Nick and the next the women are asking "where's Corinne?" and to their surprise, or more like not so much a surprise, after all, Corinne is sleeping. How could one person be THAT tired all the time? But trust me, it is very possible. Corinne absolutely LOVES to sleep, but not only that, she has pretty much slept through some crucial moments on The Bachelor-- I'm talking about everything from rose ceremonies, group dates, pretty much any huge event during the show she had practically slept through. Not going to lie, now that is a girl after my own heart! Granted, she probably shouldn't be sleeping through rose ceremonies--but what can you do?

    14 Playing Up Her Appeal To The Ultimate Max

    "My dad would be proud. Even though I was naked, he would be proud" Not sure if that is an appropriate statement Corinne made but clearly she is very confident in her desirability. Leaving little to the imagination in a photo shoot on one of the group dates, Corinne decided to bare all--well, actually just her top area. Subtle? umm, we think not. Corinne is anything but a subtle person--however, her little stunts seem to be incredibly effective. Corinne is definitely a pot-stirrer and her most certainly has zero regrets--believing that her actions don't have consequences. She doesn't have any problem standing out from all the other women trying to compete for Nick Viall's attention. Corinne loves to make the other women feel uncomfortable and she isn't afraid to use her so-called best assets to get the job done. In a group date, Corinne was definitely not afraid to bare it all and show off her goods just for the sake of appealing to Nick a lot quicker. Throughout the season Corinne does some pretty crazy things but one that stands out happens to be her extremely bold move during a photo shoot, in front of all the other women might I add, she took her bikini top off and grabs Nick's hands holding them to her bare top from behind her. This was probably the most scandalous thing she's done (so far), but her results were oh-so-effective that you can't really blame her. Clearly, this little stunt worked for Nick.

    13 She Dreads The Idea Of Shoveling Cow Manure

    We don't blame you, Corinne. Honestly, who would enjoy shoveling manure-- I can already think of one person aka myself. It was during a group date, where the ladies got the pleasure of visiting Nick's hometown only to be taken on a date to a farm. Where they had to do chores--such as milk cows and shovel cow manure and other farm-like things. But Corinne was not having it-- I guess with growing up with a nanny she obviously lacked the ability to do chores. Corinne's immature side definitely shined in this episode and at one point she even walked away from the date-- I would not put it past her to go fall asleep in a barn somewhere. During this group date, Corinne just had enough of the "farm life" as she would rather "be in a spa right now being fed a nice taco. Preferably chicken.” Oh yes, how could you say no to spa tacos-- the fact that Corinne would rather eat a spa taco than do, "farm chores", well, actually, we can't really blame her. Wouldn't we all rather eat tacos than shovel cow manure? Corinne even mentioned how she would never make her nanny do farm chores, #thethingscorinnesays. Corinne could not handle the farm chores and decided to just walk away, she pretty much wanted nothing to do with the shoveling session. While Nick and the other ladies were busy doing farm chores, all Corinne really wanted was sushi.

    12 When She Believes Everyone Is Fake (Including Herself)

    If you didn't think that Corinne could get any more real--well she just did. And by the looks of it, she clearly does not care if she makes friends in the house or not, after all, her main purpose is to capture Nick's heart and ultimately be his wife. Normally I would say that dream is a long shot except for Nick seems to be taking a real liking to crazy Corinne--but fun and games only last so long before it is time to get serious. As for Corinne--she SERIOUSLY cannot stand the other women in the house. As Corinne decides to confront the other women, basically informing them that she knows she is not their favorite person in the house but if someone did have a problem with her that they should come to her instead of talking behind her back--which in all fairness, is totally and completely fair. And even if the women don't appreciate the way she acts, she clearly does not care. She is unapologetic and isn't there to make friends. The women question whether Corinne has the maturity level that Nick is looking for, considering she is only 24-years-old and Nick is 36-years-old. They wonder if Corinne is genuinely ready to even settle down and get married to a 36-year-old man. The possibility is pretty unlikely, Corinne lacks the ability to act like an adult--she can barely take care of herself. One of the Bachelorette's Sarah even confronted Corinne about her ill-timed naps which in Corinne's response was "Michael Jordan took naps. Abraham Lincoln took naps. And I'm in trouble for napping?" and to be fair here, she actually makes a valid point. Still, Corinne's motto from now on is to be fake to all the women because according to her, that is what they are all to her.

    11 She Is Terrified Of Cow Manure

    Being honest for just a brief moment, but you can't really blame her here-- especially, for wanting to steer clear of the cow poop-scooping portion of the date. Not exactly an ideal date, if I may say. Granted the way she acted wasn't exactly acceptable but we do kind of understand. Corinne basically wanted absolutely nothing to do with the cow-shoveling session of the date--and can you really blame her? In her defense, the last thing any woman wants to do is smell like cow manure while competing for a man's heart. But then again it is something important to Nick as it is his hometown. But leave it to Corinne to act like a big baby the moment things don't go as planned. Still, Corinne wasn't too far off line here as like mentioned before no one really gets excited over shoveling cow manure--that is if you live on a farm and are used to it. During that portion of the date, Corinne overhears the other women talking about her and how immature she is. Apparently, by the looks of Corinne's reactions during the group date and this overall episode, it is clear to us that Corinne must be deathly afraid of poop--what else would explain her crazy behavior and her screaming the word over and over again. Lucky for her, it is a good thing she didn't wear her designer shoes-- could you imagine getting cow manure all over your brand new Coach shoes! #disaster

    10 Calling The Other Girls Out On Their BS

    Generally, Corinne is just flat out obnoxious and immature but in this case, she actually is making a valid point. Signing up for The Bachelor can be slightly crazy-- the fact that you and about 28 women are competing for one man's attention is insane but so exciting to watch! Crazy Corinne is in the house-- but seriously, these women should watch their backs--no one wants the wrath of miss Corinne-- actually, perhaps watch out for her nanny, she might come after you too. But in all honesty, if anyone decides to cross Corinne, she will and does confront them immediately. While it is clear that Corinne does not care what-so-ever if she makes friends, she will not stand back and allow people to mistreat her. Which in all fairness, you kind of have to respect her for that. Being around all those women can obviously get overwhelming and she is just there for one thing--and that is Nick. Let's take a walk through this season so far, as you remember when Taylor decided to confront Corinne, she was saying that she doesn't have the "maturity and emotional intelligence and the coping skills" to be in a relationship. Corinne fired back by stating that Taylor's behavior was "disgusting" and the wrath of Corinne quickly exploded on Taylor for treating Corinne like a child. At one point, things took an unexpected turn and got a little scary, but clearly, in all honesty, it was a pretty audacious move to basically prove to the other women of what can happen when you talk bad about Corinne.

    9 That Majestic Hair Flip

    She whips her hair back and forth, she whips her hair back and forth-- well, Corinne obviously has the hair flip down! Ladies, let's all be honest here-- you all wish your hair flip was as flawless as miss Corinne's. Those luscious blonde locks sure know how to start a fire. Every time Corinne flips her hair you know that something is about to happen. This season of The Bachelor, it has only just begun and so much has occurred--especially all the drama with Corinne and not to mention Taylor. On this season Corinne has become the unequivocal villain on Nick Viall's season and her craziness gets crazier. The amount of hair toss this girl has is beyond powerful. Actually, Corinne's hair can make us a bit jealous of her majestic hair flips. Corinne tends to have an aggressive behavior throughout the show--but curiosity blooms within the fans as to whether or not her dramatic ways are real. According to USmagazine, Corinne's mom claims that her aggressive behavior is actually all for show. We all know this show can be a bit over the top but something tells me Corinne's aggressive moments aren't all the producers. As mentioned before, Corinne is never afraid to confront anyone that rubs her the wrong way and clearly, her hair toss means business. We all secretly wish we could toss our hair as majestically as Corinne does. Don't worry about the other women, Corrine-- you do you boo! One hair flip at a time!

    8 Just Being Herself

    When dating, it is always best to be yourself--and Corinne totally agrees. Corinne has zero filter and she believes that being full blown honest is key to winning Nick's heart. So far on The Bachelor, Corinne has been the first to kiss Nick, the first to take her top off, the first to seduce Nick with whip cream (well, she tried at least), and the first to nap through all major events--let's just say Corinne is definitely the first of many. The 24-year-old with a nanny has no problem being herself on the show. Ironically, fans wonder how real of Corinne's craziness is true-- we must ask the same question. Corinne--from the moment she stepped out of the limo has been almost too honest. According to Taylor, she lacks the emotional ability to commit especially to a man that is 36-years-old. After the most recent episode-- Corinne and Taylor battle it out only for Taylor to lose. **Spoiler Alert**:  Taylor gets sent home while Corinne gets the rose. Corinne felt she was just being herself around Nick and desperately wanted to show Nick that Taylor was not the girl for him. Clearly, Corinne is queen at manipulation as she schemed her way into making Nick fall even harder for her. We must admit, that takes some major skills. Just keep being yourself, Corinne!

    7 Kissing Nick On The First Night

    Remember the first night of The Bachelor, when Corinne desperately needed to be the first to kiss Nick? Well, she most certainly got what she wanted--determined as she is, she knew she had to be the first. It was only the first night at The Bachelor mansion where Corinne knew exactly what she wanted, her heart or more like lips--were set on Nick. It isn't very uncommon, yet completely a super bold move to kiss the bachelor on the first night! During the season premiere episode, Josephine said, "people have already placed a target on her back." And of course, the other women in the house are bound to get jealous especially if you are the first girl to kiss the bachelor. At the same time, can we really blame Corinne for making such a bold move? After all, that first kiss gives her a connection to Nick The Bachelor that no other contestants have. And hey, whatever you must do to stand out-- do that! Obviously, Josephine was right about one thing--Corinne's courageous move landed her a giant target on her back and clearly throughout the season (so far) Corinne has had a difficult time getting along with the other women of the house. If you were in Corinne's shoes-- would you choose to make such a bold move the first night or wait it out? Honestly, some fans commend Corinne for being so bold. She seems to in some ways appeal to the audiences by how real she is. Give or take a few moments-- this move is so minor compared to some of the other things Corinne has done just to get ahead in the competition.

    6 She Gets Nervous, Just Like Us

    Believe it or not-- but Corinne actually has feelings and we can only imagine how nerve-wracking all those rose ceremonies, date cards, and any other major event can really have an effect on your self-esteem. Granted, Corinne acts far from having a self-esteem issue--when her confidence practically has its own nametag. Waiting for that date card can really get to you-- as the women sit around twirling their hair they anxiously await their so-called destiny. As much as Corinne feels she has a super strong connection with Nick--there is that slight hesitation that he may not feel as strongly about her. And that could really be terrifying. We can all only imagine what it feels like being stuck in a house with all these other women fighting for one man and you have to wait for your name to be called. And what if it is a two-on-one-- those get even scarier because you know at least one person is going home. But looks like Corinne actually does not have anything to be nervous about (so far), considering she has already conquered her first two-on-one. With every airing episode, we learn more and more about Corinne-- we also learned that she gets nervous just like us. She may act all tough but you also have to realize that she is competing with other women and it can get a little scary putting your heart out on the line. There have been plenty of moments that left Corinne wondering if she will continue on or if Nick has decided he is over it. Only time will tell-- until then, try not to worry so much, Corinne. Besides those nerves--they are just butterflies after all!

    5 Always Eating

    It is official-- every episode so far of The Bachelor Corinne pretty much eats all the appetizers before any of the other women have a chance to grab one. The thing is--we never actually know what she is eating. Could be pizza rolls, chicken nuggets, mini hot dogs-- maybe even the producer snuck in her nanny Raquel to make her her favorite cucumbers or cheese pasta. But honestly, I still have no idea what Corinne had been eating during one of the cocktail parties. One thing is for sure, she was eating all of them--and sadly, that is probably something many of us would do. There are two things Corinne does that speaks to your soul--naps and eating all the food. Curious what exactly she is eating and we may never find out but she definitely seems to always be caught during these cocktail parties-- if she isn't napping, kissing Nick-- she is stuffing her face with whatever delicious appetizers are left on the table. Honestly, we still would not put it past her to find a way to get Raquel to be there making her whatever food she wants. Is that even allowed? It is The Bachelor--and anything is possible.

    4 Her Scheming Hair Twirl

    Let us be honest here for just a brief moment-- 90 percent of Corinne's evil genius comes from her hair. Remember that majestic hair flip? Genius! Now, her hair twirl? again, genius! She is the queen of manipulation and she knows it all too well. Something about the way a girl twirls her hair can actually come off as some superpower--well, not really but it seems to work for the most part. Corinne is kind of an evil genius-- her scheming ways come from none other than that little hair twirl she does so perfectly. Not to mention, her facial expressions when doing so are quite brilliant. Corinne may be the girl we often become annoyed at but it is obvious that we also kind of like her. And her hair twirl has definitely sparked many interesting and slightly crazy moments on this season of The Bachelor. Corinne, who is 24-years-old, has a nanny yet somehow has millions of dollars--is a total DIVA. And that hair twirl of hers is a clear indication that she means business--or perhaps is plotting her revenge on anyone that gets in her way. However, way you want to spin it--that hair twirl is not a good sign.

    3 Winking As Her Flirting Device

    Corinne knows how to make Nick feel all special and capture his attention-- that is one thing we all have learned from this season of The Bachelor. She flirts her way through just about anything and if she can't flirt she always has a plan B--Aka manipulation at its finest. This girl, if we are being upfront here, knows how to get everyone's attention. And she knows how to wink! That girl has the winking flirty look down--and curiously we want to know how she does it? Most people, when they try to wink it just comes off as awkward, the guy may think you have something in your eye maybe some twitch going on--not cute at all. But when Corinne flashes those pearly whites and winks she does it so flawlessly--we wonder if there was a class, taught by Corinne on how to wink--aka flirting 101 then we would all be signing up! She does it so effortlessly-- it isn't fair. I think it is clear that Corinne has spent a good portion of her life learning to flirt-- maybe perhaps that is her multi-million dollar business?! (aka details of her so-called business is still a bit vague). Where did she learn to wink like that? and if so, Corinne can you please teach us?!

    2 She's Not An Idiot

    In case you don't keep up with The Bachelor-- Corinne owns a multi-million dollar company, that no one really knows what it is. Ever since the show aired Corinne has numerous times mentioned her business but not ever what exactly it is she does. Another fact, it isn't actually her business-- it is her fathers and she just happened to take over. Most 24-year-olds don't own a multi-million dollar company-- but if this is real then props to her! Several times during The Bachelor, Corinne is questioned about her job and although she is extremely vague about the details she hates it when the other women in the house treat her like a child. She feels that they look at her as if she isn't smart enough--especially for Nick-- because she is only 24. In all fairness, there are A LOT of very mature 24-year-olds so age doesn't always mean your exact maturity level. And another fact, just because someone may act slightly immature does not make them stupid. We have to back Corinne up here in the fact that she may not have the greatest reputation on the show but if she does, in fact, own a multi-million dollar company, especially at 24-years-old then props to her! Because it isn't easy and to be able to run a business, it takes a lot of time, effort, and hard work.

    1 XoXo, Gossip Girl #Fan

    A good portion of us have watched Gossip Girl-- fell in love with Chuck and Blair's relationship roller coaster and possibly even read the books. Something about this scene made fans really obsess over Corinne--maybe it was the fact that she got a rose and well, we all know how exciting that may be. But the fact that she immediately whispers "xoxo, Gossip girl" while twirling her rose around and then practically smelling it was pretty funny and ironically, something many of us just might do. It is like-- a secret admirer leaving you love notes and then you finally find out who it is. Getting a rose made Corinne feel all giddy and clearly, in the episode, some of the other women became super jealous-- we must admit Corinne can get a bit overzealous every time she receives a rose. In the show, Gossip Girl--for those who have or haven't' seen it, Gossip Girl is basically the one that knows everything, slightly conniving, and finds a way to make or break someone. As if the winner takes all the glory kind of thing. Well, maybe that is what Corinne was talking about--to her, she has all the power and in some ways she wants all the other women to be her little minions. If you thought The Bachelor could get any more interesting just wait-- Corinne, so far, is here to stay. Xoxo.