Laman » Hiburan » 15 Times The Kardashians Failed At Fashion

    15 Times The Kardashians Failed At Fashion

    If you haven't heard of the Kardashian family, you might be in a medically induced long-term coma. Have you not seen a TV or a magazine cover in the last ten years? We assume you have and we assume you are familiar with the Kardashian brand. The Kardashians are all about the drama, the feuds, the endorsements, the shocking relationships and, of course, the fashion. They had their own clothing line and more seems to get written about what they're wearing than anything else these days. They're known for their skin tight outfits that leave little to the imagination. This family is always dressed to the nines because they know that they are going to be photographed wherever they go. There's no such thing as a quick trip to the grocery store with this family. Every excursion outside the house is like doing a photo shoot or fashion runway in Paris. But then there are those times when we see their pictures and think, "They wore that?" It's hard to be the first family of fashion and fail hard with a fashion miss. But it happens! No member of the Kardashian clan is excused. Every one of them has fallen on fashion hard times. Here are 15 of the biggest fashion sins committed by the Kardashian family.

    15 Kim In These Awful Pants

    What was Kim K thinking when she bought these pants? These are not flattering! We are pretty sure Kim is pregnant in this photo but that is no excuse for picking the most ill-fitting pants ever. If you are trying to mask your baby bump, this is not helping. Instead of making Kim look svelte and showing off her famous hourglass figure, these pants just accentuate her wide hips. The mini tutu, which is horrendous by itself, pretty much acts like a giant arrow pointing at Kim's wider middle section. And the all black skin-tight turtleneck is not helping. We lose Kim's neck which makes it look like she goes from head directly to uni-boob. Yeah, this shirt is not doing any favors for her famous chest either. We know Kim did not enjoy her pregnancies but maybe that is because she insisted on dressing like this the whole time.

    14 Kris In A Black And White Disaster

    Now this is pretty hard to look at. We're going to dissect this fashion look from head to toe, starting with the toes. Have you ever heard the phrase too matchy-matchy? Well, it was referring to Kris in this outfit. Yes, we get that you're going for black and white but you didn't have to paint your toenails to match. That's just trying way too hard. From there, let's move on to her pants. We're not sure what possessed Kris to put these on her legs. We don't even understand them. Are they see-through? Are they cuffed at the bottom? Is that lace and ruffles? What is happening with these things? As if the pants weren't bad enough on their own, Kris paired them with a boring black turtleneck and this shapeless oversized cardigan. Where is your body in this thing, Kris? Her top and cardigan look like something you might see in a nursing home. And then, of course, she is trying way too hard with the accessories. No outfit needs a giant Chanel clutch, motorcycle gloves, and dark black shades.

    13 Kim Caught In A Nude Net

    So we're definitely not here to trash on pregnancy fashion. We get that being pregnant is a ton of work and pregnant mamas should get awards for just putting on pants and leaving the house. We totally get that. But we do not get this outfit. It would be one thing if Kim came out of the house in sweats during her third trimester. We could give her a break for that because she's pregnant - she deserves to be comfortable. But there's nothing comfortable about this look. Kim clearly chose to shove her body into this and we are super confused. First of all, why are we rocking the all nude look? This is the exact color that nude spanx comes in. In fact, her skirt just looks like a pair of spanx that she stretched from boob to ankle. And then she had some extra material so decided to make a super long trench coat. And then to top it all off, in case we didn't understand the flesh theme, she decided to show off the good stuff with a mesh top and nude bra. We seriously don't understand anything about this look.

    12 Khloe Took The Ripped Jeans Too Far

    Remember when ripped jeans first came into style back in 2005? Everyone had the rips, the tears, and there were even those paint splattered jeans you could buy. But then we all realized it was silly to buy jeans that were already destroyed. We put on our normal jeans and called it a day. But in the last few years, the rips have been on their way back. Some pairs even go so far as to have rips up the entire thigh of the jean. And then there is Khloe Kardashian. She is no fashion follower; she's a trend setter. So when she heard that ripped jeans were back, she didn't want to be behind on the trend. Khloe wanted to take it up a notch. So she did one better than rips. Khloe decided just to totally cut out the front of her jeans. And the result? Ridiculous. It looks like Khloe was trying to make jean shorts but changed her mind halfway through. It looks like her thighs are trying to escape. Who told her this was a good idea?

    11 Kourtney In The Clown Collar

    Can we just say it? Kourtney looks a bit like a sad clown. Or she looks like she had a one night stand with a clown and was forced to do the walk of shame in his shirt that she's trying to pass it off as a dress. We're just not understanding this collar. Why is it so big and ruffly? Did she think this was flattering? We can't even see her figure in this thing. We just can't see how she made it out of the house like this. Someone in her life should've said something; it would've been the humane thing to do. The rest of the dress is pretty boring and shapeless too. It seriously looks like she took this from someone else's closet and just decided to go with it. You can do better than this, Kourt. We really love the well-fitted pant suits you like to rock. Go wear more of those!

    10 Kris Covered In Fur

    We physically shuddered when we saw this monstrosity on Kris. For starters, Kris Kardashian doesn't strike us as someone who would wear faux fur. We could be wrong, but we have a feeling this is real fur, which is a problem in itself. So many cute fuzzy animals had to give their lives for a coat that ginormous. But even if it is faux, it's still real ugly. Fur coats seem to only look good in old fashioned movies. They really don't have a place on the red carpet. And if you are going to rock a fur look, stay away from the floor-length, giant shouldered version. It literally looks like she is drowning in this thing. Or like she's trying to masquerade as an old-timey pimp. Bottom line, it's not a great look. We're not even that into the dress she's wearing underneath. Multiple little keyholes down the bodice seems a bit old-fashioned and boring. But it's better than the giant fur!

    9 Khloe Channeling Wednesday Adams

    We love Wednesday Adams as much as the next girl but this version of her is just too much. For starters, Khloe is looking extremely pale. We know that isn't exactly a fashion issue but the all black ensemble is making her look even more like a vampire. Is this before Khloe learned how to apply bronzer and sunless tanner? Maybe. But the rest of her outfit is just as witchy. We love a floor length black dress but we prefer one that fits. Khloe looks like she is drowning in this outfit. It's so shapeless! It's one thing to have a flowy skirt but to pair that with flowy sleeves is just too much. She might have been able to save it with a plunging neckline but she went and messed that up with the black scarf piece. And then she pairs this flowy frumpy frock with long wavy hair. There's nothing sleek or stylish about any of this! Which is a shame, because Khloe wore this outfit to the Style Awards. Awkward…

    8 Kylie In This GetUp

    Kylie, the youngest of the Kardashian-Jenner clan, wore this particular outfit to her sister Khloe's Coachella party. So, we guess we have to give her a bit of a pass since this is Coachella. But still, there is no excuse for this look. Our first question is just logistical: how did she get into this outfit? Literally, how did she put this thing on? Did it take a team? Did she get stuck? We don't even understand how one would try and get into this. And then we have to talk about why it's so awful. So a skin tight body suit reminds us of a superhero. Is Kylie off to save a fictional planet from destruction? Only if her power is how to butcher lace and lingerie. We don't understand the neck to ankle body suit and we don't understand why it has all of these weird lace cut outs and other strange blocks. Is it supposed to be sexy? We don' see it. And then we have her culturally inappropriate boxer braids, bad blonde highlights, and awful lace up heels. We hate all of this!

    7 Kendall & Kylie Wearing What To Coachella?

    So once again, we have Kardashians at Coachella. We get that Coachella is a time for celebrities to take fashion risks and bust out all of their favorite hippy outfits to beat the heat and the mud out in the desert. So we're not surprised when we see denim cut-offs, vests, and floral headpieces. But these outfits are a whole other level. Our biggest issue here has to be Kendall's shorts. Where did she even get those? Do they make knee length denim shorts anymore? Or were these a pair of jeans that she decided to cut off at the knee? This is not a flattering length on anyone! Even Kendall looks bad in them, and she's a model! And then pairing them with a tacky belt and leather vest probably didn't help. Kylie's outfit looks like it is just asking for trouble. You probably shouldn't wear all white to Coachella. And that all white outfit shouldn't include a long white cape. We want to see what that thing looked like at the end of the day.

    6 Khloe In Thigh Highs

    So we definitely don't like to pass judgment on a person based on their outfit. Sure, we'll judge the outfit, but we don't want to judge the person. But with Khloe's outfit, the first thing we're thinking is trashy. Which isn't to say that Khloe is trashy, but this outfit definitely is. It's hard to look sophisticated and put together in thigh high boots. It's not impossible, but it's hard. And it's even harder when you pair those stiletto thigh high black leather boots with Daisy Dukes. Khloe, why did you think this would be a good idea? This is a huge fashion sin. Please just throw those boots out. Or promise to only wear them with cute dresses or something like that. Daisy Dukes and thigh highs are just way too stripper-ella looking. And the worst part is it looks like Khloe is at the airport. Did she get on a plane dressed like this? That sounds like the worst plane outfit ever! We would be so uncomfortable in this, even if we were in first class.

    5 Kendall In Her Version Of Black And White

    Like mother like daughter! First Kris tried to tackle black and white and then her daughter Kendall decided to have her take. And unfortunately, she didn't learn too much from her mom because Kendall is also rocking an oversized black and white cardigan. At least Kendall paired hers with skin tight black bottoms and boots and a plunging neckline, which is way better than Kris' choice of pants and top. But we're still not loving this look. To be honest, the black and white is just kind of boring. The oversized cardigan isn't that nice to look at either and completely drowns Kendall. She can just do so much better! She's a fashion model, so you'd think she would pick up some tips and go for something more flattering and interesting when she's out walking the red carpets. And we're also not feeling this hairstyle. Sure, we've seen some runways where the slick back hair is a thing but we don't think it translates to real life so well. It looks like she just got out of the swimming pool or like she used a whole bottle of gel.

    4 Kim In This Mess

    We don't even know where to start with Kim in this mess. There is nothing we enjoy about this dress. The high neckline is not a great look on Kim, who doesn't have a long neck to begin with. The cut-out shoulders seem pretty dated. The see-through vertical stripes just seem like a mistake. The design around the chest is not very flattering and sort of confusing, actually. It doesn't show off Kim's impressive chest, which we know she likes to show off. But then there is the worst part of this whole thing: that horrible white section in the middle. Who came up with that design? Color blocking is supposed to help define your best features and minimize the ones you want to hide. We all know that black is slimming and white is not. So why in the world would someone design a dress where the middle section, the part around the stomach and hips, is white? It just makes no sense! And because of the gold detailing, it just looks like a pair of really bad and ill-fitting white shorts.

    3 Kourtney Trying Too Hard

    This outfit makes us cringe because it just looks like Kourtney is trying way too hard to incorporate a bunch of trends and patterns. And of course, the result is a disaster. She kind of looks like a doll all dressed up. So let's start at the top! Kourt's hair looks a bit messy, which usually wouldn't be such a big deal but it adds even more volume to her top half. The majority of that volume comes from her giant white shirt with the puffy sleeves. It's just a lot of volume on top! She pairs that with a flowly red velvet skirt, adding even more volume. She basically looks like she's going to fall over because the look is so top heavy. And then we have these patterned tights that are just too patterned. Plus those ridiculous platform shoes and she really does look like she's about to fall over. Hasn't anyone ever told you that less is more, Kourtney?

    2 Khloe & Kim Failing Fashion Together

    Sisters who commit fashion sins together stay together? It sure looks like it with Kim and Khloe in these rough outfits. Let's start with Khloe. We're not against animal print, we just think it should be used way more sparingly. Like maybe a zebra print skirt or a purse, and not an entire dress. Especially when that dress has a turtleneck and longsleeves. It's just a lot of zebra going on. And it doesn't help that Khloe has her hair down and messy. Plus, didn't we tell her to get rid of those boots? It's just not a great look for Khloe. Kim is doing a bit better. She went for a black and white pattern, not an all out animal print. Plus she broke it up with a belt and she has her hair pulled back from her face. But we're still not loving the high neckline or cut of this dress. It somehow makes her look shorter and her arms look big. And it's doing nothing for her chest. Ladies, we expected more from both of you.

    1 Kim Covered In Fur

    Can we all just agree that Kim's bleach blonde hair was kind of scary? She just looked a little bit more alien with this look, right? It kind of freaks us out and we're so glad she's back to her regular dark brown hue. And we especially didn't like the scary blonde when she paired it with this huge fuzy blush fur sweater. This thing looks like it would be a million degrees inside. She must be sweating like a pig! And it totally covers her up and makes her look really big. Kim's whole thing is her hourglass figure and in this top, we can barely tell she has a figure under there. The puffy shoulders and wide sleeves should have been enough to show her this wasn't going to be a winner. But then for some strange reason, she's carrying another piece of fur. Is that a scarf? Are you seriously going to put a giant white fur scarf on top of your giant pink fur top? It can't be that cold out because you're wearing strappy sandals. And then there are her leggings which look like they were just painted onto her body. It looks like someone took a shiny black lacquer and just covered her lower half. We're going to pass on the whole look.