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    15 Times The O.C. Saved Your Life

    No show is more classic than The O.C. and that is something we can all agree on, right? This show is just so real and human that a lot of people still binge-watch it even if the last episode was 10 years ago. If only Josh Schwartz and the entire production team would consider bringing this show back, that would be great. But so far, there's no news about that, and stars Adam Brody, Mischa Barton, Kelly Rowan, and Peter Gallagher have their own lives now. But we're not going to stop watching The O.C. This show may only have had four seasons but we can't stop binge-watching it. Remember the saying "If there's a will, there's a way”? Well, there is always a way to binge-watch an old show like this. Especially when it saved our lives countless times and comforted us no matter. Here are the 15 moments that we remember the most.

    15 When Summer Wore The Wonder Woman Costume

    If you don't love Rachel Bilson aka Summer Roberts, then we can't be friends. We're sure her hotness is one of the many reasons people watch The O.C. and we can't help but highlight episode 13 from the first season. When Summer wore that Wonder Woman suit, we knew it would be a great episode… and probably the best episode of the entire season. And when she delivered her lines while standing in front of Seth, who was totally surprised, that was really fun to watch and you didn't forget it. Aside from the fact that Summer did a great job with the role, don't you think anything that has Wonder Woman involved is automatically sexy? Seriously, whenever a scene involves Wonder Woman (or at least a Wonder Woman costume) somehow, it automatically turns into a sexy sizzling scene. Go Wonder Woman!

    14 Everything That Happened In The Pilot Episode

    What is there not to love during the pilot episode of this show? Nothing. Nada. Every single moment of it is pure perfection. See, while most shows and TV series have crappy pilot episodes, that is only because our brains are too lazy to examine every bit of it to have a great grasp of what this show is all about who the main characters are. This episode was so good it put you on the edge of your seat because you couldn't wait to watch more and get to know the characters even more. You knew that they seemed like fun people to spend time with (you know, through your TV screen). This pilot episode is perfect and there is no changing that fact. It's full of youth and innocence and it had just enough twists and turns and drama to pique your interest. Go ahead, check it out and bask in the nostalgia for this show.

    13 When Marissa And Alex Kissed At The Beach

    For most people, this scene was one of the best lesbian kisses on TV ever. And maybe they're right. Marissa and Alex are two gorgeous ladies and we all want them to be with some hot guy, like Seth or maybe Ryan (which happened later on). But apparently, they look more perfect when they're together. Even if you're not gay, you have to admit, this scene really did get to you. They are both super hot and their chemistry was through the roof. Since these two are not lesbians in real life, playing a lesbian role (or sort of lesbian role) can be a challenge. Well, obviously that challenge did not show on TV because when we watched, all we could see was some serious chemistry and love. Good job for these two and we must say, we'd love it for them to take on similar roles. They're just so good, period.

    12 When Seth Said He Loved Summer

    “Acknowledge me now or lose me forever." That line is probably embedded in all our brains. The moment we hear it, we know it's from The O.C. But who can blame us? All fans know that it was the best lines Seth ever said, and we know how much of an annoying guy he can be. Sorry Seth. But it's true. Great lines like this are really easy to remember. Whenever someone proclaims their love for someone else on a dramatic TV show, it's always an unforgettable scene. The writers definitely made this scene super special. The standards for this kind of thing are super high for sure and The O.C. did a great job because while Seth's line is pretty short, it was unforgettable. This was for sure one of Seth's best scenes and you should definitely go back and re-watch it so you can bask in the glory once again.

    11 When Movie Script Ending played

    Death Cab for Cutie is one of the best alternative rock bands ever and that is a fact. If you don't know them then you are missing a lot and you need to get to work and start listening to their songs. And while you're at it, why don't you listen to "Movie Script Ending"? It's one of their best songs ever. The band members got together in 1997 and their songs are absolutely perfect for The O.C. They are one of Seth's favorite bands and so their songs were part of the first season soundtrack. Summer was still a brat during this season and almost everybody was still super immature, but when a Death Cab For Cutie song was playing in the background, no matter how whiney Summer was, the song was still amazing. And a lot of people started to love Death Cab after this episode. So have you started listening to the band yet?

    10 When Marissa OD'd

    Okay people, now for the sad parts of the show that reminded us how human we can be. In the season one episode called "The Escape", Marissa overdosed in Mexico when she went to have that end of summer bonanza with Ryan, Seth, and Summer. In reality, we all want to go to Mexico for a fun beach vacation…  but we don't want to have something like this happen to us. Don't be like Marissa and overdose or do drugs, okay? Aside from the fact that is crazy dangerous, you're not going to actually solve any of your problems if you do that. So just go and have fun. Learn from what Marissa taught the viewers in this episode. This one was an emotional episode and we're pretty sure you cried a river and even get emotional even thinking about it. We know we did and we know this is the kind of episode that is hard to forget.

    9 When Spiderman Appeared

    If you're not a fan of Spiderman, you will be once you see this episode. Summer and Seth pulled off the super famous Spiderman kiss. You know, the upside down kiss. We're sure that if this kiss is easy to pull off, a lot of people would try. But it involves one person hanging upside down. But then again, he is Spiderman so he can hang upside down whenever he wants to. There is nothing that you can't love about this episode. Summer and Seth are so perfect for one another and we can't help but wonder what would have happened and if these two really did hit it off in real life. Not only is this episode romantic, it is also culturally relevant, which is why a lot of people can't stop hitting the replay button on this one. So if you think you're weird because you're the only one who loves this scene so much, think again. There are a lot of us, girlfriend.

    8 When The Best Chrismukkah Happened

    If you want us to define what the “best Chrismukkah” is, we can't. Because dear friends, there's just so much happening in this episode that it's impossible for us to have a single definition of the best Chrismukkah. In case you've forgotten, Chrismukkah is the combination of Christmas and Hanukah, two important celebrations for Christians and Jewish people aka Seth's parents. This combination holiday was first introduced in episode 13 of season one and it involves Ryan being officially introduced to said holiday and Marissa getting drunk. Don't worry, if you think this is a bad episode, it's not. In fact, it is so full of emotions we can watch it over and over again. Seth is super thoughtful since he's the one who sort of invented this holiday for his parents. But the fact that he claims to have some unknown forces within him, well, that's a bit weird but that's also why we love him so much.

    7 When Johnny Fell Off A Cliff

    If you're not a real fan of The O.C. then chances are you don't remember who Johnny was. Don't worry, we're here to fill you in and remind you about this super hot character Johnny was played by Ryan Donowho and he was mostly on season three of the show. He's a super great surfer but had to stop. Also, he and Marissa quickly became good friends and when his girlfriend Casey cheated on him (girls cheat too?), he knew it was time to end things with her. And then he fell in love with Marissa. And then he fell off a cliff when he drank too much and, well, stood too close to the cliff's edge. Why is this particular scene included on the list? Because it proves that love can either save you or mess with you and it depends on how you deal with and take control of it. If you don't remember this scene, go and watch it now.

    6 When Seth And Summer's First Time Was Awkward AF

    When Seth and Summer finally did it, it wasn't what they thought it was going to be. They actually got so upset about it that they wondered if something was wrong. In fact, it totally sucked and it was completely awkward. We love how honest this episode is and how the writers didn't shy away from the fact that this is a super common experience. This episode is a life-saver during those times when we're super bored and having the worst day ever. In that case, when life just isn't going your way, you can curl up on the couch and watch The O.C. That's the best solution to a crappy day. In fact, you should watch this episode in particular. Sure, your day will probably still be crappy (sorry, that's just the truth). But it will be much better than it was before and you will have this amazing teen drama to thank for that.

    5 When The Season One Finale Was Epic

    Similar to the pilot episode, a lot of things happened at the end of season one. Technically, every season finale is packed with emotion and action and everything in between, but what makes The O.C. special is that it is super natural. Just like all episodes, the finale was so bold and breathtaking and we can't stop watching it over and over again. This was when Caleb and Julie got married in an unconventional way and Seth and Summer were faced with a big problem when Summer's father said he didn't like Seth. And the most important of it all: the season one finale was when Ryan discovered Theresa was pregnant and there's a huge possibility that he was the father. Good thing he decided to move into her place instead of bailing on her. All guys should do what Ryan did here. He is seriously one class act.

    4 When Anna And Summer Joined Forces Against Seth

    Let's face it, Seth was an A-hole in a whole bunch of episodes and we can't deny that fact. This man sure knows what to do to make girls fall in love with him but he also knows how to screw things up super badly In fact, of all the characters on the show, Seth is probably the only one who managed to be friends and enemies with everyone. Which is why we perfectly understand the times when Anna and Summer decided to join forces to show Seth how much of a jerk he was being. And that is exactly why this show is the perfect show ever: the scenes are done so naturally and even in not-so-nice scenes a.k.a. two girls teaming up to beat a hot guy, everything still runs really smoothly. We know that what they are portraying actually happens in real life, and that's what makes the show super relatable.

    3 When Coldplay's "Fix You" Was In A Season 2 Episode

    Regardless of the show, whenever a Coldplay song is on, we are sure that episode is the best episode of the entire season. We're not biased. Okay, maybe we are. But what can we say? Coldplay is a great band and we're obsessed with all their songs. So when The O.C. chose to play "Fix You" in episode 23 of season two, we know then and there that it was the best episode of the season. And we're sure a lot of people would agree with us. The best thing about Coldplay songs is that they hit you right in the heart every single time. If you don't feel that way, then you need to do two things: you need to listen to more Coldplay songs (as in every single song that they have ever created) and you also need to watch more episodes of this glorious teen drama. Grab your friends because they will want to join you.

    2 When Seth and Ryan first met

    We know bromance wasn't much of a thing back when The O.C. was still on the air but if it was, we're sure people would agree with us when we say Seth and Ryan have the best bromance ever. The moment when they first met was honestly the sweetest moment ever. That whole episode is pure perfection. It's exactly how we felt when we met our own best friend: it was an instant connection. It's like love at first sight… minus, of course, the whole romantic kind of love part. Seth asked Ryan if he wanted to play video games and soon enough, they were totally bonding and it was amazing. Who wouldn't become best friends when you're playing an epic video game? We're sure lots of people have found their besties the same way Ryan and Seth found each other. And they will always be our fave bromance on a TV show.

    1 When Alex And Marissa Started Dating

    When exactly did Alex and Marissa start dating? If you can't answer this question, then you're just like us -- you were so into them that you didn't even notice when they shifted from being friends to a couple. But don't worry, you're not being quizzed. We're just here to remind you how awesome girl-on-girl relationships can be. Remember that moment when Alex and Marissa were watching a movie and Alex reached over Marissa and pulled a blanket over them? Now that is a perfect mix of sweet and innocent. And the time Marissa approached Alex while they were at The Bait Shop listening to Rachael Yamagata, and she laced her fingers with hers? That is yet another unforgettable scene, just like the kiss at the beach and the best of the best, the episode when Marissa moved in with Alex. Now that, people, is the epitome of true love. Yup, The O.C. has definitely saved our life and we love it!