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    15 TV Characters You Wish Were Real

    Some people may say you're way too attached to your favorite TV shows, but you think they're the ones who are crazy. Sure, maybe you talk about characters on your favorite TV shows as if they're actually real people and like you're BFFs. You're just so invested in Rachel and Ross's on-again, off again thing, you're hanging out with Mindy Lahiri in your mind, and you already consider Rory and Lorelai Gilmore to be part of your social circle. It's just a fact. It can be kind of hard to realize that these characters aren't actually real people. You're so interested in their lives, you want the best for them, and you wish you could scream at them and give them advice when it comes to their personal lives and career decisions. You know, the way that you would treat your regular best friends. So maybe you can't snap your fingers and have these characters be real. Sadly, that kind of magic doesn't exist. But you can dream about it.

    Here are 15 TV characters that you wish were real.

    15 Mindy Lahiri

    You may think that Mindy Lahiri is pretty much real since the woman behind her, Mindy Kaling, basically created The Mindy Project about herself. But there are some differences, even if they're subtle, and that means that you can definitely wish that Mindy Lahiri was a real person. She's just the best, right? She's not a size zero and proud of it, which is a really inspiring and awesome thing to see on television. She always knows where to get the best take-out, she's all about junk food, and oh yeah, she has absolutely amazing taste in popular culture. You would just talk to her about boys and dating all the time, you could get career advice because she's the best doctor ever, and you could watch Nora Ephron movies every single weekend. It would be so cool, you can't even handle it. And now you're sad that this will never happen.

    14 Juliette Barnes

    The pop star on Nashville may seem like a bit of a brat at first glance. Okay, okay, she seems like a total brat. But when you get to know her, aka when you keep watching the dramatic series, you see her change. You realize that like a lot of characters who seem to be totally icy at first, she's got a heart of gold, and she lashes out at people when she's insecure and hurting. She's actually a really good person and that's why you wish that she was real. You just feel like she would be such a cool person to know. She would always inspire you to be creative and work really hard since no matter what's going on in her crazy personal life, she's always totally committed to furthering her career. You could definitely stand to have a positive influence like that around, right? Sounds like a good idea.

    13 Angela Chase

    Back in the 90s, there was one girl who was honestly the coolest, and that was Angela Chase. Claire Danes played this role on the beloved but short-lived teen show My So-Called Life and you not only wanted to be Angela, but you wished that she was real as well. Angela has got it all: brains, beauty, and fiery red hair. She's also a really loyal friend and cares so much about her best friends Rayanne and Ricky, she will do anything for them and always try to make their lives better. She's also a good daughter and sister, even if she might roll her eyes all the time and even if it might not seem like it. You wish she was real because, sure, you're not in high school anymore, but she would be a cool teenager to have around. She could keep you young and always tell you what the young kids are talking about and what's trendy.

    12 Alicia Florrick

    If you could pick one television character to be your mentor, it would totally be Alicia Florrick. You can't even think of anyone else because no one would be as awesome as she would be. Alicia is so brilliant and so determined to be a successful lawyer, it's so inspiring to watch, and you would love to witness her greatness up close. You just know that she would meet you for coffee and give you career advice. Or she would meet you for drinks -- she tends to have this thing about red wine, which you might have noticed by now. Sure, you can ask your mom and your friends and anyone else in your life what to do about your work situation, but you just think that Alicia would be able to talk a lot more seriously about it. She wouldn't sugarcoat it since she never minces words, and since she's hit a few rough patches in her life, she has the experience to really tell it to you straight.

    11 Eleven

    You were totally captivated by Stranger Things this summer along with everyone else in the world. You loved the supernatural aspects, the adorable pre-teens, and how well-crafted it was. It was basically the exact definition of binge-worthy. You wish that Eleven was real because she totally stole the show from everyone else, no matter how much you enjoyed the other characters. She's super adorable, she's pretty magical, and she's mysterious. You wish she was real so you could hang out with her, make her feel better, and just be a really awesome friend to her. You get the feeling that she needs a positive female presence in her life and you would love to be that role for her. Plus you two could make actual waffles together and she could forget the frozen stuff. The actress who plays Eleven, Millie Bobby Brown, is supposedly going to star in the second season of the show, which is beautiful music to your ears.

    10 Miranda Bailey

    Sure, you're a fan of Meredith Grey, you think Alex is super hot and you love some of the interns… well, sometimes. But if you could pick one character on Grey's Anatomy to be real, you would choose Miranda Bailey. She's just the coolest, right? She's super powerful, she's confident, and she knows how to get the job done. She could be a kind of aunt/older sister/mentor figure for you, and you would love to grab cheeseburgers and beers with her after work one day and just have fun. She seems like someone who could really be a great friend… once she stopped working hard and worrying about everything in her life. You know, once that stopped. Which might be never. But you still want her to be real. Just look at how caring and compassionate she is about the interns and fellow doctors. She could totally help you with your problems as well.

    9 Jane Villanueva

    You love Jane The Virgin because it's just such a fun and girly show, and Jane is definitely a TV character that you wish existed in the real world. She would make a great friend and would just be a pretty cool person to know. There's also the fact that she has a lot of crazy things happening in her life… and let's be real here, sometimes it's fun to have that one friend or acquaintance who always has stuff going on. You're always entertained and you have a lot of good gossip to tell your other friends and family members (come on, you know that you gossip). She's a very determined girl with a great work ethic, big dreams, and a pretty awesome positive attitude. Plus you would learn some great tips on how to overcome any obstacle that life throws your way since, of course, she's gone through quite a lot in just a few short years. Now you're pretty upset that she's not actually real. Too bad, right?

    8 Kimmy Schmidt

    Sure, it might be a bit tough to deal with someone who has just left a cult… and who doesn't really know a lot of things about the real world. But that's exactly what makes Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt such a great show -- and that's what makes you wish that this character was totally and completely real. She's hilarious when she's not trying to be, she's quirky in all the best ways, and she's just always in a really great mood. You definitely need to surround yourself with as many positive, optimistic people as possible and you've probably been given the advice that you should show toxic friends the door. So Kimmy would be a great positive addition to your life. Plus she just has such a fun way of looking at the world since everything is all new and exciting. It's pretty much like she's still a child, right?

    7 Liz Lemon

    Is there a more fun and hilarious and quirky TV character than Liz Lemon? Probably not. No, definitely not. You would love to hang out with Liz Lemon and you totally wish that she was a real person. Just think about having a coworker like Liz Lemon. She would make you laugh 24/7, she would cheer you up no matter what was going on, and she would supply the best snacks. Plus you would be a lot funnier and quirkier just by association, which would be a nice bonus of the friendship. You always wish that you had better comebacks for your everyday situations and that you would be as quirky as some of the best characters out there, and knowing Liz Lemon would totally be your chance. You would become so witty and clever, you can't even handle it, and it kind of sucks that this can't happen.

    6 Carrie Bradshaw

    You know that Carrie's not perfect and that there are a lot of reasons to kind of hate her. But come on, she would be a great person to know in real life, don't you think? Just think about the perks. You would have so many perks if you knew this girl. You could borrow her amazing clothes and shoes (especially the shoes… just think about the shoes). You could get boy advice on a regular basis. You could talk to her about her awesome and fun columns and get even more dating advice. You would basically be a relationship expert thanks to one Cosmo-fuelled hang-out session. Just imagine the possibilities. You also wish that Carrie was real because maybe that would mean that Miranda, Samantha, and Charlotte would be real human beings, too, and you wish that you would hang out with all of them and make the foursome a fivesome. A girl can dream.

    5 Randall Pearson

    This Is Us is one of the hit shows of the fall 2016 season, and you are here for it. You watch it every single week, you bug your friends if they're not watching it yet, and you think that you have pretty much never loved another show as much as this one. Plus there's the fact that it makes you cry and not every show can do that. So while you love every character on the show and of course you're into the fact that Jess is back on TV, you have to admit that your fave character is totally Randall Pearson. He's sweet, charming, and dorky… and you love him because of that nerd status. Plus it's hilarious that he has this amazingly brilliant job and no one can really understand what it is that he does. You would love to hang out with him and he could be a kind of older brother/uncle/cousin figure in your life. You know, you would joke about your jobs and lives and hang out at holiday parties. It would be awesome.

    4 Ginny Baker

    One of your new favorite shows is definitely Pitch since this baseball drama is taking the entertainment world by storm. Kylie Bunbury is an amazing and talented actress and her portrayal of female catcher Ginny Baker is insanely good. You know that Ginny doesn't have a ton of time for friendships and that she doesn't really seem to focus on anything except for her baseball career. You totally get that. But you would really love to hang out with her even just once, and you just think that it would be cool if she was just part of your social circle in general. She could be the kind of person that you see a few times a year at random parties and events, and you would catch up and have some small talk going on. You would also get to hear some dirt and gossip about professional baseball and that would be fun.

    3 Rory Gilmore

    Oh Rory. Sure, she may not be doing too well in the Netflix revival Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life, but back in the good old days of this beautiful and charming small town show, she was someone that you definitely wanted to be real. She would give you great advice about how to get your life on track and make your goals happen since, of course, she got into Chilton, she got into Yale, and she was always such a good student. You would also love to know what it was like to date Jess, let's be real here. Plus now that you've seen that crazy cliffhanger/the final four words, you really wish she was real so you could ask her what's going on. It really sucks that she's not real and that you can't text her to ask what's up because come on, you've been a loyal fan. You've been there since the beginning. You really do deserve to know.

    2 Lorelai Gilmore

    So you can't wish that Rory was real without hoping that Lorelai could become a real human being, too. After all, these two go together and it's impossible to think about one without the other. It's also impossible not to watch Gilmore Girls and not wish desperately that Lorelai Gilmore was real. She's just so much fun. She's absolutely hilarious, she talks like words itself are going out of style, and she seems to make any old situation so much better. Even just running errands with this girl would be so amazing, right? She would create stories about every stranger that you walked by, she would turn shopping into a game, and she would cheer you up no matter what kind of mood you were in. Sigh. If only wishes really did come true, if only there was magic in the world, and if only you could close your eyes and open them and find Lorelai Gilmore standing in front of you, ready for an epic hang-out.

    1 Rachel Green

    Topping the list is none other than Rachel Green. She is a super beloved TV character and you have loved her ever since you first watched Friends. It's impossible not to fall in love with Rachel Green and not have a super massive girl crush on her. She's just such a cool girl. She's funny even when she's trying not to be (and especially when she's trying not to be). She's also a really good friend since you just know that she cares so much about Monica and Phoebe and the boys and she would literally do anything for them. And she does, since that's pretty much the premise of the sitcom. You think she would make a great addition to your friend group and you would also love to work with her (despite the fact that you probably don't work in fashion). She would just make any work day so much more fun.