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    15 Unforgettable Famous Feuds

    Nothing makes headlines like trouble in paradise. Perhaps we like to be reminded that even famous folk are really just humans… and just as capable of getting into conflict and throwing temper tantrums as the rest of us. Maybe we just love some drama. Okay, we definitely love drama. There is probably a ton of celeb beef that goes down after the cameras are off, but luckily for the hordes of interested fans, some arguments escalate and even the best publicists in Hollywood can't keep these things quiet. Sometimes pop stars and movie stars bother each other so much that they can't resist jumping on Twitter and airing their business, or dropping names in interviews. Some of them might even enjoy a little rivalry every now and then, seeing as they get in trouble all the time. Whether they're standing up for what they believe in or trying to boost ratings, here are 15 unforgettable famous feuds.

    15 Mariah Carey vs Eminem

    In a classic "he said, she said" situation, Eminem claimed that he dated Mariah in the lyrics in a few of his songs, and this went as far back as 2002. Mariah let the world know that she only hung out with the rapper a couple of times and didn't consider that dating. It wasn't a feud just yet, it was mostly a misunderstanding. But then Mariah went and made fun of Eminem with puppets on tour, and the two threw cryptic insults back and forth through their music. It all hit the fan when Mariah released her song Obsessed, with an accompanying video which had her dressed like an Eminem-type figure who appeared to be her stalker. That did it! Eminem then released The Warning, which is a whole song dedicated to insulting her and threatening to release her voicemails. It's lethal enough to make everybody else think twice before getting into the ring with Eminem.

    14 Donald Trump vs Rosie O'Donnell

    These two definitely did not have a problem arguing in public. Everything began when Rosie criticized Donald on The View, and questioned his morals after he had forgiven the Miss USA winner for underage drinking and hard partying in New York City, and reportedly had two affairs and left both wives. Donald came fighting back relentlessly, unleashing a tirade of insults at Rosie on television, and threatening to sue her for making false claims. Which really is nothing new for Donald Trump these days, because he is the true definition of #nofilter. His comments became really nasty too! In an interview with People, Donald said, “Rosie's a loser. A real loser." He then called her fat. Yikes. He then attacked her appearance and blamed it for her negative stance on beauty pageants. Rosie took to her blog to comment back, and eventually, Donald's daughter Ivanka publicly stood up for her father and defended him.

    13 Perez Hilton vs Lady Gaga

    Former friends Perez Hilton and Lady Gaga got into such a heated tiff that some concerned fans even got involved with making death threats. Perez claimed on Australian television that Gaga got inebriated while he was trying to interview her, and became so angry that she drunkenly stormed off the set. He then went on to say that her colossal rise to fame had changed her personality, that fans couldn't relate to her, and that he wasn't interested in rekindling their broken friendship. It all blew up when a fan allegedly noticed Perez in Lady Gaga's apartment building and she condemned him on twitter (all in caps!) for trying to stalk her and urged him to leave her alone. Gaga's loyal army of little monsters then attacked Perez and sent him death threats online, until Mother Monster stepped up like the true anti-bully spokeswoman she is and put a stop to it.

    12 Keri Hilson vs Beyoncé

    Singer Keri Hilson majorly aggravated the BeyHive in 2011 when she refused to hold a copy of Juicy J magazine. After seeing Jay Z and Bey on the cover, she told the interviewer she couldn't hold the magazine. Beyoncé fans decided that was serious shade against their Queen, and stood up for her online. Unfortunately, what began as questioning her behavior spiraled into bullying, and Keri pretty much disappeared from the music scene until 2016. Bey is yet to comment on the situation, so maybe this feud is between Keri and the fans instead of the superstar herself? It's not totally clear why she refused to hold the magazine in the first place, but fans have brought up past lyrics where she's dug at Bey, including: “You can dance/she can sing/but need to move it to the left. She needs to go have some babies.” Seems a little bit shady!

    11 Louis Tomlinson vs Zayn Malik

    This rift between former bros Louis Tomlinson and Zayn Malik from the band One Direction had many poor Directioners in tears! When Zayn infamously left the band in March of 2015 to live life as a normal 22-year-old, he'd already started to rub fans up the wrong way. He soon started collaborating with the producer and DJ Naughty Boy and this angered the fandom even more! Louis caused a stir when he subtly made a comment about a picture the producer had posted with his former bandmate, making fun of the filter he'd used on the photo. The two got into a little argument in front of millions of fans, with Louis accusing Naughty Boy of using Zayn to advance his career. Then, in a comment to end all comments, Zayn tweeted Louis saying “… remember when you had a life and stopped making b!+c*y comments about mine?” And that was the end of Zouis.

    10 Nicki Minaj vs Lil' Kim

    This fight basically began with Lil' Kim feeling like Nicki had stolen her image, and wasn't paying her enough homage for her success. When asked about this, Nicki said that she had nothing but love and props for Kim, which confused everybody! Nicki claimed that when the two met backstage, everything was cool, but on the other hand, Kim claimed that Nicki was super rude and failed to address the tension the media had started between them. Who do you believe? Anyway, vicious shots have been fired since then, which have transformed the tension into downright beef. Nicki has aggressive lyrics in many of her songs, but fans speculate that Stupid Hoe in particular is aimed at Kim. Kim's single Black Friday is an obvious reference to Nicki's record Pink Friday but just in case you didn't get it, maybe check out the decapitated Nicki Minaj head on the front cover.

    9 Madonna vs Lady Gaga

    The media went crazy over the supposed feud between the Queen of Pop and Mother Monster, but Madonna claimed that it was nothing more than the result of a sexist world where women are encouraged to fight over jealousy. There were claims in the papers that Gaga was after Madge's hard-earned crown, and Gaga hit back saying she wasn't interested in Madonna's throne and it didn't bother her that she wasn't liked by the Rebel Heart singer. Despite labeling Gaga's music as “reductive” in 2012 and posting a few possibly shady images on Instagram, Madonna's words about the media blowing the feud out of proportion were wise. Even if a little bad blood is already there, it must suck to be provoked into fighting with someone! Madge claims that the only substance to the rumors regard Gaga's Born This Way, which she openly believes is ripped off her Express Yourself.

    8 Nicki Minaj vs Miley Cyrus

    Whether this feud was a setup to enhance ratings, fans still can't decide. But either way, nobody can deny that tensions seemed high at the 2015 Video Music Awards. Miley hosted the show, but after Nicki accepted an award, she looked to Miley and said, “And now… back to this b***h that had a lot to say about me in the press. Miley, what's good?” Too awkward! Apparently, Nicki's comments were a reaction to an interview Miley had given prior to the VMAs, in which she said that Nicki Minaj is not “too kind” or “polite”. After her on-stage outburst, Nicki did an interview with New York Times Magazine, criticizing Miley's appropriation of her culture. “… You're bringing out black women on your stages, but you don't want to know how black women feel about something that's so important,” she said. It doesn't look like this feud will resolve any time soon!

    7 Christina Aguilera vs Kelly Osbourne

    The stand-off between pop diva Christina Aguilera and television personality Kelly Osbourne carried on for years and years, but certainly had a few moments worth noting. It's no secret that the ladies were never fans of one another, and things came to blow at the MTV Europe Music Awards in 2003 when Christina attacked Kelly's outfit by subtly comparing it to a Halloween costume, and throwing darts at a picture of the Fashion Police star. The two never really patched things up, and years later in 2011, a picture of Christina wearing a black Givenchy dress appeared on the Fashion Police screen. Kelly just about jumped off her seat in excitement! “She called me fat for so many f--king years, so you know what? F--k you, you're fat too!” she said, after suggesting that maybe Christina was “just becoming the fat b--ch she was always born to be.” Ugh, what happened to sisterhood?

    6 Rihanna vs Ciara

    Fashion Police was the scene of more than one famous feud! Maybe a show dedicated to judging people's clothes wasn't the best idea in the first place. When a photo of Rihanna appeared on the show in 2011, guest-judge Ciara made some comments about how the Bajan superstar “wasn't the nicest” and ignored her at a party. Rihanna was quick to defend herself, and tweeted Ciara saying “My bad ci, did I 4get to tip u?” The spat continued over Twitter for a while, but amazingly, Rihanna was the first one to throw in the towel and apologize like a grown woman. “Ciara baby, I love u girl! U hurt my feelings real bad on TV! I'm heartbroken! That's y I retaliated this way! So sorry!” Ciara accepted her apology, and the feud was done and dusted! Their years of friendship were seemingly too important to lose over something silly.

    5 Chris Brown Vs Drake

    Both R&B stars have beefed it out with other celebrities from time to time, but their high-profile violent fight which allegedly erupted over Rihanna has to be one of the most severe! At nightclub W.i.P in New York in 2012, an argument involving the throwing of bottles broke out after a note reportedly circulated between Drake and Chris saying “I'm f--king the love of your life.” It is alleged that the entire crews of both men got in on the action, resulting in a lot of broken glass for the poor club owner to sweep! Drake has since stated that they have moved on and he no longer thinks about Chris. Despite that, Chris went on to make comments insinuating that he gets Drake all his publicity, to which Drake responded by taking a jab at Chris on stage. It seems that things are not so good in the hood after all!

    4 Shannen Doherty vs Alyssa Milano

    The Power of Three was supposed to be the strongest force in the world, but looks like it wasn't strong enough to keep the feuding stars of Charmed on air together! Nobody knows exactly went down because all three stars of the hit show declined to comment, but when Shannen left the show in 2001, fans believed it was due to the bad blood between her and Alyssa. In an interview in 2013, Alyssa finally commented on the situation, saying that "… there were definitely some rough days. Holly [Marie Combs] and Shannen were best friends for like 10 years before the show started so it was very much sort of like high school.” However, Alyssa didn't specify whether the feud drove Shannen away or if she was fired. Whatever happened, thankfully Rose McGowan came in to take her place or fans would have been in a bit of a pickle!

    3 Mariah Carey vs Nicki Minaj

    These ladies have both appeared on this list already, and being two of the most successful and headstrong artists in the music industry, is it any surprise that they had a little tiff themselves? Things were fine in the beginning, with Nicki even appearing on Mariah's 2010 track Up Out My Face. There was talk in the press that the ladies were feuding in 2012 once Nicki was confirmed as an American Idol judge alongside Mariah, but rumors were quickly dismissed. It didn't take long for footage to be released, involving the women arguing in between seeing contestants, and other footage aired on television even shows Nicki walking off the panel out of anger at one point. Mariah then allegedly claimed that Nicki had threatened her with a gun! Unbelievably, the situation seemed to diffuse from that point, and Nicki has since said that Mariah is one of her “favorite artists of all time.”

    2 Kanye West and Kim Kardashian vs Taylor Swift

    This feud has been in the making since the 2009 Video Music Awards, a.k.a. the night Kanye stole Taylor's moment. Though Taylor was understandably hurt after Kanye hijacked her award at the VMAs, he apologized and she seemed to accept his apology, even offering him the Video Vanguard Award at the 2015 VMAs. In 2016, Kanye released his track Famous, which included the lyric: "I made that b--ch famous." Taylor claimed that she had not given approval, while Kanye begged to differ, stating that he had personally called her to request permission. Things turned even more sour when Kim stepped into the picture and released a video of Kanye and Taylor on the phone that she'd secretly filmed. Despite the footage of the happy conversation, Taylor denies that she gave actual approval of being called a "b--ch". The world has since divided into Team Taylor and Team Kimye, for real.

    1 Azealia Banks vs Everyone

    When it comes to famous feuds, what list is complete without Azealia Banks? She's gotten into so much conflict over her career, that she couldn't possibly feature at any place except number 1. Twitter seems to be the 212 singer's preferred method of communicating with other artists, and despite the backlash she often receives, she is never afraid to offer her true opinion. She's had it out with other female rappers including Iggy Azalea, Lil' Kim and Nicki Minaj, about everything from bad grammar to accusations of ripped off lyrics to cultural appropriation. She's also lashed out at singers like Zayn Malik because she believed he plagiarized her work, and Rita Ora for reportedly sending dancers to spy on her backstage. Perez Hilton, Skai Jackson, T.I., Kreayshawn and Sarah Palin are others that have angered Azealia at some point, and it's now at the stage where the public wants her twitter account deleted.