Laman » Hiburan » 15 Upcoming YouTube Celebrities You Should Be Watching

    15 Upcoming YouTube Celebrities You Should Be Watching

    Many of us that use the internet everyday have strayed away from television and turned to online media to fill that void in our hearts. Using social media platforms to get our fix when it comes to consuming media, and using sites such as YouTube! I don't know about you, but YouTube has been my main source of entertainment and news, watching informed and real news shows, and the occasional beauty guru, it has it all with just a click of a button, how could you not love it? Throughout this list, there is everything you can imagine for entertainment, design, lifestyle, art, fashion, and vlogging! Some of the most popular categories when it comes to what's trending on the ever popular site. Focusing on styles such as minimalism and going out on adventures to challenge their creativity every moment, it never gets boring with these upcoming YouTube celebrities. You should definitely tune in!

    15 Simply_Kenna

    Kenna is a cozy DIY expert! Her YouTube is filled with beautiful fashion videos with strong influences from Harry Potter and other cozy films you want to watch curled up in a blanket with a cup of cider. Her work ranges from outfit of the day videos, to full on lookbooks and hauls. She is a master at presenting a cozy environment that makes her viewers feel safe and calm whenever they watch. Kenna's personal style comes through strongly within her work, she knows who she is as a person and promotes self-love and confidence, self-acceptance and love in each of her videos. Kenna is an inspiration to close to millions, and she deserves it will all the love and care she shows to her very dedicated videos. Check out her videos and settle in during this autumn and winter months, because her work is a beautiful treat and stands out completely unique.

    14 Jenny Mustard

    Her dedication to style and her personal aesthetic is extremely inspiring. She has been a huge inspiration to those out there trying to find themselves and their own personal style. Jenny Mustard's focus is on food and food photography, but also on the aspect of minimalism she incorporates into her life. Her black and white aesthetic that comes through more than just strongly, Mustard works hard to follow these guidelines she has set, making sure she never steps out of line. In return she presents a peaceful environment in each of her videos, telling her viewers tips and tricks on how to be a minimalist and declutter the stress and material things in an individual person's life. She also regularly talks about fashion and food as well, both important aspects of her life. Also known for her unique look, you do not want to miss out on her talented work!

    13 Lauren Toyota

    Known from her first channel and company Hot For Food, she is a vegan vlogger that has worked on TV and in other culinary ventures. Lauren Toyota has created an empire of vegan food recipes that everyone loves, vegan or not. Since she has worked in television for such a long time as a TV personality, she is sure to let her personality shine in all the videos she creates, while she might not be as bright and cheery all the time, that is perfectly fine because she is being herself and real with her viewers, she does not like to sugar coat anything, she prefers to be upfront and truthful about aspects of her life she does not have to share but chooses to do so anyway because of the strong connection she has with her audience. It is nice to be able to connect with someone, even if you do not know them personally, people use this type of media as an escape. 

    12 CatCreature

    An artist that's currently attending art school and uni, her vlogging most days captures the spirit she has for her art, while also capturing her personal sense of style and thoughts. CatCreature has had multiple videos gain popularity because of her cat videos when she used to live at home before she went off to art school. Her fine art work shows pure expression at it's finest and her audience is always eager to see how her work progresses with real life art school assignments. She's currently set to graduate in 2020, and with her persistence and strong will, I just know in my heart her work will make it big, whether that's her art or YouTube, her overall work ethic is something to be admired. CatCreature has over 4 million subscribers and she grows her channel everyday, it's no surprise she's on her way to making it big. Her charcoal work to the way she films her professional and stylish videos, she makes a point to stick to her aesthetic which is extremely amazing because of the fact of living in a dorm. Since most of her belongings are limited due to being in a dorm, the way she makes everything she has count the most as she can, it's also a nod towards minimalism, whether she meant for that or not.

    11 Rachel Aust

    Her lifestyle, health, and minimalism videos inspire and create a beautiful contrast when it comes to the sea of media across the YouTube site. From videos of her discussing her struggles with acne to makeup essentials for fair skin, and of course, tidy habits that will change your life. Her tips and trick come in handy when you're looking for some design inspiration! Rachel Aust's style stands out from the rest with her neutral tones mixed with a hard contrast between white and blacks. She's the queen of staying organized, and getting her life together, from her apartment tours to her fitness routine. She's inspired millions to stay in shape while also doing it in a healthy way while eating good food that's good for your body. How could it get any better than that, I don't think it can! Head over to her channel and check out her videos, you might be watching a while, be sure to take notes!

    10 Bumble Baylee

    A personal favorite and a bit of a unique addition to this list since this is her vlogging channel. She's a daily vlogger who is a full-time artist! Her love of Disney and toy collecting has also brought thousands to view her channel, making her YouTube growth quite amazing. Her consistency when it comes to styles and challenging her art and work schedule, that in itself is an inspiring aspect of her daily life she shares with the world. Bumble Baylee, has been able to inspire so many aspiring young artists when it comes to being able to make a career out of what they love most being art. She's constantly inspired me to push myself in every way possible when it comes to what I do every day, making the best out of every minute and never letting myself be lazy in the process of working towards my dreams.

    9 Kiera Rose

    Grabbing viewers attention because of her bright hair colors she has had a hard time, but she's brought in many views that have decided to stay because of quality content. Her content focuses on lifestyle ideas, question and answer videos, vegan recipes, and great advice tattoos when it comes to everyday thoughts and struggles we can all relate to. She's made her audience view veganism in a new light, in a way that makes the lifestyle trendy yet sustainable and inspiring. She's done amazing work with her style and self-confidence she portrays in her videos. Even though I much prefer vloggers, I still am in love with Kiera Rose's work simply because of her amazing and inspiring personality, and her love of what she does. Plus she throws in a few vlogs here and there so that's always a bonus! P.S. she always pulls off green hair with style, #goals.

    8 Lavendaire

    What brought me to discover this amazing upcoming YouTube celebrity was her unique and stylish travel advice videos. Ranging from how to properly pack a carry on (probably one of the most important, but the hardest thing to do), to what you should and should not bring (always a hard choice to make), her dreamy aesthetic stands out from other contracting minimalists here on YouTube. Lavendaire focuses on the success of creativity and how to be productive and make every moment within the day count. Lavendaire constantly shows her audience how much she dedicates her time to being productive and putting effort into what she loves. With her minimalism series, she constantly shows her creative side while still maintaining her own personal style. She offers practical advice to those who need financial advice, Lavendaire constantly reassures her audience that with enough courage and willpower they can make it through anything.

    7 Taylor R

    With such an interesting story, Taylor lives in Japan, originally from the states, she traveled to her current home because of modeling opportunities. It's so interesting to see how her constant daily vlogging has inspired her to open up more to the community that's growing around her, there's such a noticeable difference that anyone can see if they watch her older videos and see her work now. While she's known for daily vlogging, she also has an amazing fashion style and makes tons of lookbooks and videos focused on her personal style and shopping. Her life seems as dreamy as can be as she roams the streets of Tokyo! Taylor R is constantly working towards her goals and enjoying every second of her life that she spends in Tokyo. From her everyday fashion styles she showcases in her daily vlogs, she isn't afraid to experiment with different trends that pop up across the sea!

    6 Savannah Brown

    Her personality shines through every video she creates whether it is good or bad, she has been one hundred percent real in whatever she discusses on her channel. Savannah Brown constantly inspires her audience with poetry, her fashion style, and personal stories that she chooses to share with the people who watch her videos. Not only is she helping her audience connect with her by being this real, but it is also a way to help express herself. While her videos have a more natural feel to them rather than being over stylized and staged. She discusses her art and her writing, and while she struggles with social anxiety in a number of videos she's discussed how she's been working towards overcoming it, it shows in everything she does, she constantly reminds us that we can do anything we set our minds towards. From her sit down talks to slam poetry she inspires with every work she speaks!

    5 EveryDayJim

    Yes, that's right, we have a guy who made this list too! Known for his writing with Gleam Magazine, he has made a major breakthrough by starting up his vlogging channel! Jim Chapman who is married to another YouTuber by the name of Tanya Burr, he has recently joined the ranks of Youtubers who have over one million subscribers. His vlogs follow his life as he experiences amazing opportunities every day, such as speaking at large events and being a personality on the red carpet, interviewing other stars (talk about fun!). His rise to fame is every growing and he has been honest along the whole way, showcasing his personable personality to his millions of followers. Jim Chapman is constantly going to events and gaining more and more followers every day, he is another example of an individual that is focused on success that boosts them forward, making every second of their day count towards their goals.

    4 The Sorry Girls

    The Sorry Girls are a DIY duo that focuses on repurposing unique finds they discover from thrift stores around their local community. While sponsored videos are most people's favorites on YouTube, even though they do sponsored content regularly, they make it work for them and you can tell they love everything they create. They recently reached one of their goals of having an actual office space for their company, and you can bet as soon as they achieved that goal, they started the lifestyle and homeware DIYs, amazing content perfect for college students or just individuals that want to spice up their home with organization, clean lines, and trendy styles. Kelsey and Becky both have unique styles that perfectly meld together to create the company's aesthetic. Their industrial twist on simple DIYS will make any space in your home become more practical, less cluttered, as well as beautiful! Who doesn't love that? 

    3 ANDERZ

    She's more than just her purple hair, she's a beauty, lifestyle, daily vlogger, and fashion icon! Her upcoming fame as a YouTube celebrity has been boosted in recent months due to her very successful main channel and her daily vlogging routine. While her vlogs might be short, they capture exciting moments within her days and they give us a great glimpse into the hard work she puts into her main channel. Her main channel focuses on fashion hauls and design, a great contrast to her daily routines, and when together, her overall style and filming techniques fully capture the essence of her life. Currently, she's been working on redesigning her house with her fiance, her vlogs are full of the tasks at hand, which are quite frankly, inspiring and very cozy to watch. From visiting the outstanding LUSH factory and learning how to create their famous bath bombs to her experiences with personal trainers and getting in shape, her life has it all. She goes through everyday and shows her audience her real life and that's why she's been growing with every video she posts.

    2 ToThe9s

    From simple DIYS to complex ideas that we question, 'Why didn't I think of that?' ToThe9s constantly puts out great content on their YouTube channel, boosting their audiences creativity and love of fashion and all things exploration. Incorporating high fashion mixed with a splash of adventure has not been done successfully before, until now, a wonderful combination that uniquely comes to life on their beautiful channel. In recent weeks, they have been constantly unloading wonderful fall and autumn hacks to prepare us all for winter (because let's admit, every girl just loves finding hacks for anything!), including their fantastic lookbook featuring blanket scarves (ugh who doesn't love that?) and how to make them towards the end of the video, it is easier than you might think, but you might not have thought of this before because of the fact that it's so simple! Thankfully you found their channel and never have to worry again!

    1 Monami Frost

    She's more than just her tattoos, she's an amazing mother, wife, model, and vegan!

    She first gained popularity because of her amazing blackwork tattoos that cover her body, from the very different black tattooed arm to her very unique face tattoos that will always make her stand apart. Monami Frost currently focuses on makeup tutorials while also making a lifestyle inspired video every once and awhile, staring her extremely smart child Gaby! She also constantly dives into the food she chooses to eat, exploring various aspects of her vegan lifestyle full of health and happiness. She also is married to her husband that is an amazing tattooer, who sometimes stars in her videos to add a bit of comedy when it comes to a makeup challenge or whatever else she might feel like doing that day! She constantly explores her life, herself and her dreams, which is why she's growing so quickly on this platform. Settle in and grab some popcorn while you binge watch all of her videos, (make sure it's vegan)!