Laman » Hiburan » 15 Ways To Know If You Would Fit In With The Kardashians

    15 Ways To Know If You Would Fit In With The Kardashians

    Do you have what it takes to be part of the glam family known as the Kardashians? Through this list article, you can think hard about the qualities that you have and figure out if you have what it takes to fit in with the trendiest family out there. You already know that you love their chic style, unique personalities, and love of all things fashion and glam. You should be proud of your own style of course, but so many women look up to the Kardashian family for more than just their looks. They admire their positive attitude, work ethic, and family connection. Think of it as a lifestyle. Whether you love or hate the Kardashians, the truth is that they know what they want from life… and they're not afraid to go and get it. They know how to come together and create something huge and they have a platform that inspires others and could definitely spark innovation out in the world around them. They have a space where they can speak their mind and also influence a positive message to those around them. So let's get on with it! Will you fit in with the Kardashians? I wonder who will make the cut in the end!

    15 Amazing Hair

    How could you think of amazing hair and not think of the Kardashian family?! This also falls under the category of taking care of your body. Having nice hair takes a lot of work, but surprisingly, doing what you ned to do to make your luscious locks shine does not have to cost an arm and a leg! Having amazing hair can be as simple as drinking more water every day, taking multivitamins, and keeping up with your hygiene. Even just having more water everyday can seriously increase the shine! Also, try using organic dry shampoo to give yourself some amazing texture and volume! Before you know it, you'll have long locks that will help you fit right in the Kardashian family! It's never too late to feel fabulous with amazing hair and overall just feeling great! Try out these tips this week and I bet you'll notice a difference.

    14 Loving Family

    The close ties of the Kardashian family definitely don't go unnoticed. This is one of their most defining qualities when it comes to their reputation and who they are in the media. They're always together and they're always supporting one another no matter what. When it comes to supporting each other they're the queens of it all, no matter what comes in their way they have each other's backs because in the Hollywood world it's tough to be out there by yourself. It's reassuring to know you have a ton of people behind you that will always be there for you. You have to have the love that they share, and it doesn't have to be with a biological family it could even be with a group of close friends. Just surround yourself with amazing people who love and care about you and you'll fit right in with the Kardashian crowd!

    13 Fitness

    Taking care of your body not just to be slim but to be fit and healthy is a very important aspect when it comes to the Kardashians. I really believe that they keep working out not because they're in the spotlight 24/7 but because they really do want to take care of themselves the best way that they possibly can. From Khloe starting her fitness journey a few years ago to Kim always trying to eat the best she can, these celebs definitely can inspire you to be healthy. Pressure can be hard and the embrace of their curves while putting their health first for health only not just weight loss is a seriously inspiring message they're sending out to those who look up to the Kardashians. Just take care of yourself and you'll fit right in, do what's best for you and your body. Start with exercise, the right amount of sleep, and eating right and you'll be right on track!

    12 Events

    When you come face to face with fame, you'll be presented with tons of opportunities to go to events and be very social! Push yourself out of your comfort zone and I bet you'll actually have fun. This can easily be translated to a smaller scale such as going to a party that your friend invited you to or going out to have drinks with some friends from your past. You might feel too nervous to go but if you push through it, you'll have fond memories that you can always look back on instead of taking the risk of regretting not getting involved when you had the chance. Just like the Kardashians, just be yourself and have fun, go out and explore what the world has to offer, you never know what might happen, just keep an open mind! So will you be going out this weekend? I know I will and I'll be having a blast too!

    11 On Trend

    Trendsetting can seem harder than it actually is. People tend to overthink this when all you need to do is focus on what you feel comfortable in and not holding back when it comes to your own personal style. Use your style to your advantage. Don't be afraid to rock those skinny jeans just because people stare or you think they're staring at you. Who cares even if they are, don't worry about what other people think, you're only here for you and what makes you feel good because you deserve it. So many individuals today hold back their style choices and never want to deviate from what is expected. Take your time and really think out the outfit you want to try, try it on in your room and hold yourself with confidence. Before you know it you'll be ready to rock your look out in the real world with your head held high, just like the Kardashian family!

    10 Attitude

    No matter who you look up to in life, you can strive to be like them and that's the end of the story. You need to be yourself all the while being carefree and not caring what others think of you! Having a carefree attitude is literally the difference between being stressed out over every little thing, and simply just caring about yourself when it really matters. It's actually quite simple to develop if you just keep working at it and giving yourself positive affirmations. Start by writing down in a journal you can carry with you in your purse, a list of positive thoughts that you feel about yourself. Keep that list with you at all times and whenever something positive happens or if you have a good day and feel great, journal about it! Keep those memories and build off of them, building your confidence and the fact that you don't need people to validate how you feel about yourself.

    9 Confidence

    Confidence is key. It's the key to success and also the key to loving yourself for who you are and who you want to be. Having confidence is sometimes easier said than done. But when it's done, you'll fit right in with the Kardashian family because of how calm, cool, and collected they are. All eyes are on them and in a spotlight like that it can be very hard to come to terms with issues you feel about yourself when it seems like everyone is waiting and watching. Even in real life when there's really no fame involved, you can definitely feel like all eyes are on you. Just remember to take a calm and deep breathe and really sort out what is making you feel so bad about yourself and blocking your journey to confidence. Take this time to reflect and soak up as much self-insight as you can! Use it to your advantage just like the Kardashians!

    8 Being Chic

    Taking some extra time to think about what you should wear will get you one step closer to fitting in with the Kardashians since you will get inspired by their chic style. It can seriously be as simple as color blocking and making sure that your clothes work well together. The Kardashians are known for their chic and simple style and that's seriously their brand, so taking inspiration from that will totally keep you in the loop. A great look that always looks great is a dark wash denim with a light shirt, tucked in, cuffs rolled on your top and jeans, with a chunky boot heel and oversized jacket. This is a fantastic and casual look you can pull off at any time of the year, just mix and match your favorite pieces to see what works for you and your personal style, you'll surprise yourself! Give it a try and you'll feel much more put together through your daily routine!

    7 Not Caring What Others Think

    I know I sound like a broken record but you seriously can't pay any attention to what other people think about you! When people see success they either support or try to tear it down because of their own personal issues with themselves. You need to stick up for yourself and not care what goes on around you. Wasting your own time with other individual's opinions and stressing over issues that should not even come in contact with your life is only going to hurt you. If you just step away from the drama you will have more time that you can dedicate to being productive and other important things, that way you can be motivated and successful without anyone hindering the process. That is what the Kardashians would do and do do! You do you and don't let anyone stop you no matter what! Slay girl slay, just like Kim K!

    6 Priorities

    Family is, of course, super important to the Kardashians and many people today in the world always seem to have this idea that family is there no matter what so it doesn't need to be a priority. But that couldn't be farther from the truth. Like I mentioned before, family and the individuals closest to you should come first no matter what. They are what keep you grounded in the end and they will always stick with you no matter what trouble you get yourself into. Friends and other strangers you want to be close with will come and go, your real friends and family stick around no matter what and they will help you reach your goals and cheer while you're on your journey toward success. Family should always be first, and yes, that includes best friends. Just remember to support them too. Be there for them and you'll get what you deserve!

    5 Successful Crowd

    Staying close with your siblings or even your best friends can be a game changer when it comes to accomplishing your goals. When you have people on your side who believe in the same concepts and are trying to reach similar goals, it can seem so much easier. It's crazy how much easier following your dreams will feel! This can be translated in many ways. Having a strong bond with someone other than your blood family, which can be in the form of friends or even other creatives in your field that you connect with on a business level, can really make a difference in your life. The Kardashians pair up with other brands to forward their success and mutually benefit from it so you can look for people around you and surround yourself with people who love to put passion towards what they work on and I bet you'll notice an almost immediate difference in your work and lifestyle.

    4 Taking Breaks

    Taking the appropriate amount of time that is necessary to take care of yourself is what will make you stand apart from the rest. Doing simple things like going to get your nails done just like Kylie J and Kim K will really show yourself the love that you deserve. Even if you get your eyebrows done or go for a mini-makeover at the salon, you'll notice how better you feel just by taking some time out of your busy life to focus on just you. This is all about showing yourself the love you need. I know everyone is always so busy all the time and it can be hard to find time to give yourself when so many other things need to be done. If you feel like that, then that's when you really do need to just take a break and pamper yourself for once. It doesn't even have to be once a week and you can just splurge once a month and see how you feel after experimenting with something like that. Kim K would be proud!

    3 Lifestyle

    Sticking to a lifestyle is a great way to get your life on track and really figure out the direction that you want to head in. Changing your lifestyle can seem like a scary thing, but it really doesn't have to be so stressful! A lifestyle change can really improve your way of life and can turn your life upside down in a snap. You need to start off by asking yourself what you want out of life. A great way to figure this out is to look at others and what they're doing, what do you like about their life, what do you want that they have, and what inspires you. If you look at the Kardashians and want their style, confidence, and work ethic, then that's the first step. Start planning out the steps you're going to take to achieve those things. If you focus and plan eventually you'll fit in the with Kim K and her family, you'll be on the same page as them in all aspects if you just do you!

    2 Work Ethic

    Working hard and staying motivated about the projects that you develop can be what makes you stand above the rest in your journey toward success. Sure, this is true when it comes to your job or career, but this also is relevant when it comes to your daily life and the lifestyle behind your everyday goals and dreams. Pushing yourself can be a great way to see what you're really capable of and it can show you just how far you're willing to go for something and how you can even improve yourself in the process. Plan, plan, plan! Schedule as much as you can and you'll slowly find what you're doing right and wrong in your schedule and from there you'll be able to find a balance just like the Kardashian family. They have so much to balance in their lives so this is a great way to emulate a similar schedule as them and really push yourself to do great work in the world around you.

    1 Personal Style

    Having your own style no matter who you look up to is a great way to set yourself apart from the world around you. You can want to fit into the Kardashians all you want, but taking that inspiration and placing it in your life in a way that fits how you want to live is what's important. Find an outlet to express your personal style. That can be saving up for something you've been wanting for a long time, grabbing some new wardrobe additions, or even expressing yourself creatively when it's always been something that you've suppressed. These are great ways to really find yourself and your personal style. While it might seem like the Kardashians have a similar way of dressing themselves, they all do have their own personal style, they express themselves differently and work on projects they have a passion for which they don't all share in most cases. Forming an identity is a perfect way to create a life you want to live. Don't hold back and don't be afraid of taking a risk!