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    15 Whisper Confessions - My Mom Is Too Thirsty

    Let's face it, most of us do not manage to get through this life without being embarrassed by our parents. Even if their doing something that wouldn't bother us if it was someone else, just the fact that is it our parent doing it is enough for it to be embarrassing and annoying. Sometimes parents go out of their way to embarrass us because they have no shame and they think its funny, which we in turn do to our children and the cycle goes on. This is all a normal part of the parent child relationship, and usually by the time we reach adulthood we can see the humour in it ourselves. Then, there are actually embarrassing parents that do things that make you wish you were never born, or at the very least related to them. People took to Whisper to vent about about their thirsty moms who do some next level stuff that is not in the slightest bit funny. Mothers trying to reclaim some semblance of youth and being 'cool' is a running theme, and then there are the moms who you actually don't even want to leave your boyfriend around. Yikes. We thought that when you became a parent you just don't do certain things, or at least you hide some stuff from your kids. Not these moms, who seem to prioritize themselves first. If you thought being thirsty for attention was something that only happens with young people, look no further than these Whisper confessions. You will want to go give your mom a hug after this, because you'll realize that it could always be worse. The thirst is real folks, the thirst is real.

    15 Mom Competition 

    Life is competitive enough, but imagine feeling like your mom is trying to compete with you? It's just a bit too close too home. This mom clearly thinks that she is doing something right if she tries to emulate the younger generations fashion, but the whole thing just has a massive cringe factor. Can you imagine walking down the stairs of your house in your cute outfit getting ready to go out, and then seeing your mother wearing something similar? When you try to hold on too tightly to something that has been gone a long time, like your youth the end result is usually really bad. People who wish their boring normal moms would be cooler, just look at what the other end of the spectrum is. Still want a cool mom?

    14 When You Don't Trust Your Mom 

    These days with how popular social media is, relationships have gotten tougher just because there are so many more avenues now to cheat, and cheat discreetly! There are also all kinds of different ways to cheat and flirt now too, you never have to meet a person face to face but you can still have an entire relationship online. What we're saying is, its rough out there for relationships because it seems like there is temptation everywhere. Now imagine if you have to worry about your own mother flirting with your boyfriend?? Gross. And sad, the mental gymnastics that a mother must to do justify 'acting hot' infant of her daughters boyfriend are astounding. Or, more likely she is just kind of insane and very insecure. Nothing like feeling jealous of your own daughter and her relationship.

    13 When Your Mom Doesn't Dress Her Age 

    If you have ever watched the Maury Povich show, you will be familiar with the fact that he would have 'out of control' kids and teens on it. They were usually foul mouthed, getting into a lot of trouble, and always inappropriately dressed. Well it looks like someone needs to dedicate a show to 'Moms out of control' because the other end of the spectrum can be just as much of a problem. Listen, ageing is definitely hard especially for women so its understandable everyone has their own ways of dealing with it, but ladies dressing in a way that not even your teenager would is not the way. It has the opposite effect when someone tries to look and act younger than they are, it just really exposes your age!

    12 Creepy

    This is just a whole other level, did the Mom tell the daughter she was using her photo? Did the daughter happen to find out? This Whisper confession breeds so many questions, and it kinda seems like it would be a great premise for a movie. Catfishing is such a strange and weird thing to do already, but to use your own daughters photo is taking it to a whole other level of crazy. The Mom probably thinks she is only kind of lying since she did create the photo of the person she is using, but this is just too much. Next time your mom annoys your or embarrasses you, just remember it could always be much much worse. It's more acceptable to use a picture of yourself from 20 years ago rather than resorting to using your child's photo for your fake profile!

    11 Serious Issues

    We've established that parents are annoying and embarrassing. Somehow though, dressing like a teenager when you are a middle aged plus woman is still better than neglecting your children entirely like this Whisper confession purports. When you are so desperate for attention that you leave your kids on the back burner while you go out and about and seek attention from various men, you have some real issues. Give us a Mom in a tube top any day over a mom that is just a bad a Mom. It's one thing to be embarrassing and a whole other ball game when you choose men and attention over your kids.  Being that thirsty is detrimental. Someone get this Mom a big bucket of ice water.

    10 When Is It Time To Step In?

    Girl! You need to talk to your Mom ASAP. The kind of insecurity that drives someone to flirt with their child's significant other requires some serious therapy. We're sure it happens all the time, but so does murder. The Mother in question here is at fault for making it weird, and her poor child feels like she is the one that will make it even weirder if she calls out her Mom on her poor and gross behaviour! When we're kids we all assume that when someone is a parent they just, kind of have to behave and always do the right thing. Then we grow up and realize that our parents are flawed just like every other human, and some like this Mother are seriously flawed and just because they are a parent does not mean they should be allowed to get away with it.

    9 When Mom Is Way Too Thirsty 

    We are getting secondhand embarrassment just reading this confession. There is nothing worse than knowing your parent is acting in a way that just sucks, and everyone else knows it too except for the parent in question. In a way, life must be easier to go through if you have no shame and you do whatever you want it just sucks for the people aka your kids that have to be around you and feel their shame and make up for the lack of yours. Desperation at any age is never a good look, but it is compounded when its an older person  that has kids who are supposed to look up to them. It seems like the kids making most of these confessions though will be okay in spite of their thirsty and desperate moms.

    8 Married, but still on the prowl 

    Okay, the first sentence in this Whisper confession is pretty bad on it's own. It's awkward and kinda gross to be around anyone that has to constantly flirt with anything that has a pulse. It comes off, well as thirsty. Then the second half of this confession just really takes it home. A home of shame and wishing the world would open up and swallow you. Or your Mom. So not only is this mom super embarrassing to be around, she is also kind of horrible person. Flirting with someone is okay when you are in a relationship, flirting constantly with people in front of your children just shows poor character. At least most cheaters with kids have the decency to try and hide it, and they have a very different family persona from their, more adventurous one lets say. When those lines are blurred it's not fun for anyone.

    7 Is Mom Having An Affair? 

    A lot of you are reading these and probably going, I should really be nicer to my Mom because at least she doesn't do this. And you're right, you should be nicer to your mom because she could be actively trying to start an affair and not even bother trying to hide it from you. While married to your Father. One has to wonder what the boss and Mom in this scenario even have to talk about so much and what the Dad is left thinking in all of this. A lot of these Whisper confessions seem like great plot lines for a soap opera! Intact we're pretty sure writers scour these confessions for some fresh and organic inspiration. Nothing like drawing inspiration from other peoples sad reality.

    6 When You Are Ashamed Of Your Mother 

    At what age does a Mom say to herself, okay my kids are old enough now to watch me throw myself at every man that I come across. If anything maybe they can learn something about flirting! No. Most of us prefer to live in a world where are parents are asexual, so any reminder that they are in fact not asexual and actively seeking out that kind of attention would be too much for almost anyone to bear. Kids never need to see that side of their parents and parents never need to see that side of their kids, its the way the rest of us do it! We all just imagine our parents shook hands one day and that's how they made us.

    5 Wow…

    There have a number of Whisper confessions here about moms that are seemingly crossing the line of appropriate behaviour with their children signifiant other, but so far it was all flirting. This Mother went all the way to home base. Whose worse here though? The mother or the boyfriend? Or have they both done something so horrible that it really doesn't matter whose worse since they are equally gross and guilty. Well, if we are going to play at judge and jury we are going to say that while they both carry the blame in this situation, a Mother that sleeps with her daughters boyfriend is a special kind of crazy and thirsty. How does this even happen? Where does it happen? It's one thing when you get cheated on and you break up and never have to see the person again, but it's kind of hard to break up with your Mother but in this case it is definitely warranted. Just because she gave birth to you does not mean you have to keep her around, especially after doing something like this.

    4 Do You Just Ignore It?

    Is this the boyfriend from the confession right before it? If it isn't, don't do it man! Temptation is all around us and no matter how much we love someone we are still going to be attracted to other people, but there has to be a line drawn somewhere where you let your rational thought process takeover any kind of physical inclination you may have. This situation sounds like a good time for the guy to take a step back, several steps back, and think long and hard about how he will approach this situation because it sounds like it is about to go so, so wrong. There are some things that should just never ever happen, no matter how strong the temptation is. The word taboo seems pertinent for this circumstance, stay away from your girlfriends newly single Mom brother.

    3 Is Her Mother's Husband Her Father?

    Another Whisper confession that just raises so, so many questions. Is her Mother's husband her father? The ew at the end seems to indicate that it is, or maybe her daughter just doesn't fancy older men and especially no ones that are at the very least her step father if not her father. Another disqualifying factor for her maybe the fact that she doesn't want to sleep with someone that has slept with her mother already. Maybe after menopause women just feel less shame and more crazy so they are more open about how thirsty they really are, thirsty enough to not deny that they are flirting with their daughters husband and to offer up their own. In this confessors words, ew.

    2 Cheaters Cheating 

    Chronic cheaters are dealing with some kind of emptiness inside of themselves, and they are trying so hard to fill the hole in all the worst ways. They are thirsty for attention and love but they are too damaged to do it in a healthy way and get it from one person. The thing is, cheating will never fill the hole so it gets the stuck in a perpetual vicious cycle of always trying to fill up their emptiness and get what they think they are looking, but since they are looking in all the wrong places they will never actually be able to feel better. It takes a lot of self reflection and emotional intelligence to get to that point. Your kids should never have to be anxious about whether you are cheating. This mother needs to find a better way to quench her thirst.

    1 This Is Bad 

    There is nothing wrong with having multiple partners, intact its your prerogative to do so. Some people engage in some really risky, unhealthy, and borderline dangerous behaviour. Sleeping with strangers checks all three of those boxes. The kind of desperation and thirst that drives someone to this kind of behaviour is honestly pretty sad, but it is especially sad when your kids are aware of it. So if you have the kind of parent that uses slang the wrong way, wears weird clothes, or just generally makes you roll your eyes just remember what kind of parents other people have to deal with. These mothers are like a burning forest fire, and they are going to need a lot of water to be quenched. Hopefully for their kids they find a way to do that without doing even more damage than they already with their for real, 100% thirsty actions.