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    15 Whisper Confessions That Will Give You Hope For Humanity

    With the world in the shape that it is today, it's easy to lose sight of all the good things. We tend to focus on negativity and it can be super hard to remember that there are still great people out here. If you've never heard of the Whisper app, you're missing out on something great. Anonymous people send in their deepest confessions (no matter what they are) for the world to see. These can be anything from a cheating scandal to their deepest desire to be understood. These secrets can be read by anyone who has the app or anyone who comes across the website. Some Whispers have become so relevant to the lives of so many people that there are memes and photos of them circulating the web. Most of these confessions just so happen to be negative, shameful secrets. However, there are the occasional gems that pop up and are created by people that will give you hope for humanity. Here are 15 Whisper confessions that will totally give you hope for humanity. And we could all use some of that, right?!

    15 Hope for Romance

    We can't deny that this generation has lost sight of what romance truly is. Millennials have become so far removed from what traditional love and romance is that we instead focus on who can please us the best instead of finding a partner that we can truly build a life with. There are some (very few) of us out there who still believe in real romance and building a prosperous relationship. Thankfully, this person has become so distraught by the idea of hook-up culture that they took to the Whisper app to bring light to an issue that many millennials don't believe are there. There is still hope for those of us who believe in true love and romance. There are still people out there who value a real relationship over the physical, shallow stuff. Don't ever feel like you're alone in wanting to develop a long, lasting relationship because you're definitely not.

    14 Respect For The Lost

    There are some of us who haven't lost anyone in our lives and therefore we don't go to cemeteries. This makes us ignorant to the fact that there are some graves that are never visited. Unfortunately and tragically, some people who have long since passed away don't have any visitors to their graves and they don't have anyone out there who remembers and misses them. There is still hope for those people, though, because of people like the one who wrote this Whisper confession. It's comforting to know that there are strangers out there who would take time out of their day and money out of their pocket to pay their respects to those who have lost… and they don't even know them. Even in death, people won't be alone thanks to this stranger's random act of kindness. The next time you go to visit a loved one's grave put some flowers on the graves that have none because even if you didn't know that person, it will still be appreciated.

    13 Unconditional Love

    There are still far too many people that just don't accept the fact that some people don't like the opposite gender as they think they should. It's with regret that we have to point out that most of humanity is still struggling to accept someone as they are instead of being happy they've found love at all. Therefore, it can cause rifts within families and there's not much worse than losing your family. It's people like this, who go out of their way to make sure their siblings and family members feel loved no matter what that gives us hope for humanity. For all of you out there who think you can't be who you truly are because of some “standard”, just know that there is hope out there on the horizon because there will always be someone like this anonymous Whisperer who will love you for you no matter what.

    12 A Stranger's Silent Prayers

    No matter what you believe in, the fact that there's a stranger out there, someone who knows nothing about you, who wishes you well when you're riding in an ambulance on the way to a hospital. It can be for something minor or something major and life-threatening, the fact that there are people in this world who take the time to not only acknowledge this but wish you well gives us hope for humanity. If there are people out here doing this in silence, just think about all of the people willing to run to your rescue during a life-threatening time. Not everyone is out there ignoring the horrible things that are happening to others. It gives me hope for humanity knowing that some people think of others so much they pray for complete strangers to be well. You can sleep easy knowing that even strangers are wishing you well.

    11 True Love Still Exists

    If you've ever wondered what true love looks like, this Whisper confession hits it right on the head. No matter who you are or what condition you may have, your significant other should love you no matter what. There are too many people in today's world who forget how to truly love someone and there are even more who don't know what true love is supposed to look or feel like. This confession gives me hope because although millennials are focused on the hookup culture right now, there are still people out there who will give their everything for the person they love. They will be by their side and will do whatever is necessary to make them happy. There is no love that could compare. You, anonymous Whisperer's boyfriend, give me hope for humanity and true love in a world that seems to have forgotten what is truly important in a relationship.

    10 Baby Talk

    There are a lot of stereotypes out there about guys. There are probably way more than there are about girls, actually. The biggest one has got to be the idea that guys hate babies or will freak out when they're about to have one. And this stereotype is sometimes true depending on the guy and, more importantly, their age. However, what gives us hope for humanity is the fact that there are still guys out there who will behave this way when expecting a baby. You wouldn't really expect a guy to sit there after their girlfriend or wife is already asleep and talk to the fetus inside of her about his day. It's something that shows his commitment, respect, and excitement for having a child of his own. This gives me hope for humanity because this world is far too focused on the shallow aspects of a relationship and it's nice to know that there are some guys out there who still value a family.

    9 Generosity

    If you've never worked in the food industry, you probably don't know this, but most companies, especially big ones like Pizza Hut, usually have a policy about throwing away food at night. AKA, the policy is that employees aren't allowed to take the leftover food home or give it away because it's “company property” and doing this is sometimes even enough to get you fired. This manager took it upon himself to not only defy that rule but do so for a really good reason. He could take that pizza home and feed himself or his family but instead, he chooses to give it away to the less fortunate and help those in need. People like this gives us hope for humanity. When there are so many people focused on themselves and making sure they have enough, there are other people out there willing to risk an awful lot just to help people who are less fortunate.

    8 Acts of Kindness

    If there's something people don't think about enough, it's other people. We never know what other people are going through or what their lives are like. We're so focused on making a living ourselves that most people we don't know usually get passed without even a glance in their direction. Something we should all strive to do is understand that everyone has their own problems with their own ways of handling them. We may never know the power we could have to make or break someone else's day because we don't really think about it much. This person, however, did. They saw a girl on a bench who was crying and upset and they didn't for a second think about themselves. Instead, they did something that they hoped would make her feel better and even put a smile on her face. They not only give us hope, but they gave a completely stranger hope, too.

    7 Love Of All Sizes

    There's really no denying that our society today is focused on women who are thin, fit, and not even close to being big. It's really easy for us to feel super bad about our weight and the way we look just by going online for a few minutes or opening a magazine. It's really awesome and gives us hope that there are still boyfriends out there who value their girlfriends for who they are and not for what they look like. This guy took it a step further and purchased his own jacket that was too big for him so when he gives it to his girlfriend (swoon), she feels better about her size and herself. It's really hopeful that there are guys out there who just want to make their girlfriends feel good about themselves no matter what society is telling them. This sets the standard for all guys out there because this is how women should be treated and it gives me hope for humanity that this man is out there.

    6 Helpful Fathers

    Yeah, this is another stereotype that's out there about guys. We tend to think that all men want to have sons instead of daughters. This makes sense because it's what they know. They have no idea what women think, like, or want. However, men don't have a choice in what gender their child is and will sometimes be disappointed when they're expecting a girl. However, this man was different. Sure, he could've thrown a fit about wanting a boy and went in a corner and sulked all day, making his significant other feel bad for something she can't control. However, this man embraced the gender of his baby. He even took it a step further and was looking up videos on how to braid hair because he knew he would be doing it someday. The fact that there are men out there willing to embrace having a daughter and who will prepare to be a great father gives me hope for humanity.

    5 Random Acts of Kindness

    We're sure all of you have heard of this random act of kindness by now because it's been pretty popular and trendy. The idea is that you pay for the person's food/drink/whatever it is they're getting behind you in order to make their day a little brighter. The funny thing is that the person is usually so grateful, they then return the favor to the person behind them. Basically, it turns into a chain of kindness from one stranger to another. This is just one example of a bigger thing people are doing that gives me hope for humanity. There are still people out there who will just take the free food without doing the same for another person, but there are more people out there who continue the trend in order to be kind to a stranger. That's why this is such a big thing at drive-thrus. This gives me hope because even with all the selfishness that is seen in this generation, there are times when people want to be good to one another and make a stranger smile.

    4 Family is Family

    The thing is that adopted kids go through a whole lot in their lifetimes, no matter what age they are. Sometimes they have such complicated and sad childhoods that it's really hard not to cry the moment we hear their stories. Obviously, they love the family who took in a child who needed a home. However, they also feel rejected and even neglected because their biological parents weren't able to raise them on their own. Therefore, it can be difficult to feel like they belong in a family, especially if there are children who aren't adopted. The fact that this mother showed her adopted daughter the same (if not more) love than any biological parent ever could gives me hope for all adopted children in the world. It shows that even if you're adopted, you're still loved the same way you would be in any other situation. This mother passing on something so meaningful to her daughter shows humanities best side.

    3 Loving Husbands

    Relationships without something so intimate as this can be really difficult to maintain because that act is something that brings a couple together and provides the intimacy most people need to be happy. It's true that there are husbands who cheat on their wives when they're not getting enough bedroom time and the fact that this husband would rather give it up forever just to stay with his wife proves that there are good men out there. It gives me hope because this world is so focused on the physical stuff that some may say he wouldn't be happy without it. The truth is that this man loves his wife so much, there is nothing that could get in the way of their relationship. This kind of love is so rare nowadays that when you do see something like this, it gives you hope for the rest of humanity, too. May we all find a life partner as wonderful as this.

    2 Random Notes of Encouragement

    This isn't so much a confession as it is someone trying to brighten the lives of many people. Do you ever look at your friend and give them a reminder of how great they are and how much you hope they accomplish everything they want to? We're assuming that if you're anything like the large majority of people, you don't. Not all of us do (guilty!) and it's a shame because we truly believe that we do want our friends and family to live a great life and be happy. The thing is, we don't always say it, so how are they to know? This person gives me hope because they took the time out of their day to not only reach out to people they care about, but to reach out to completely strangers and give them this message. This confession may have saved someone from a terrible day and that gives me hope for humanity.

    1 Simple Gestures

    If you've ever been caught out in the rain, you probably know first hand just how terrible it can be and therefore you know just how amazing these people are for taking their own time and money to make sure people stay dry on a rough day. Sometimes we can't plan for the weather and facing a rainy day can ruin a lot more than just a great day. This is something that seems rather insignificant, but it will make people think about the kindness random strangers offered them. They'll reach their destination (mostly dry thanks to the umbrellas) and proceed to think about how kind it was of them. This may then prompt them to go out and do something kind for strangers. It's a cycle of good deeds that will make others have hope not only for their day but for humanity. Something as simple as an umbrella can make all the difference.