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    15 Women Scott Has Been With VS Kourtney

    Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick on-again and off-again relationship is definitely one for the pop culture history books. It seems like every time we turn around, they've ever broken up, gotten back together, or some confusing blend of the two. Of course, we think that these two lovebirds were absolutely made for each other and that they are true soulmates. We don't see why they ever have to be apart. After all, they have the most adorable children and they make a beautiful family. Then there's the fact that when they were broken apart, Scott and Kourtney continued to hang out. Not only that, but they went shopping together, he still spent time with her family, and oh yeah, they went on more than one seemingly romantic vacation. Hmmm. They were together for nine whole years and broke up for good in 2015… although recently, it seemed like they had reunited. So where do they stand now? People are claiming that they are each dating other people in order to make either other super jealous.

    We're not sure what's going on… but we are sure that Kourtney is the only one for Scott. And we're even more sure of that when we see the other girls that he has dated. No offence to any of these lovely ladies, but they just aren't Kourtney Kardashian. Here are 15 girls Scott Disick has been with vs. Kourtney.

    15 Makayla Yarbrough Vs. Kourtney

    Makayla Yarbrough says that she dated Scott back in the summer of 2015 for a month. She talked to the media after they stopped seeing each other and said that his hard partying ways were honestly too much for her. She was surprised by how often he seemed to be going out and drinking. She was 21 years old at the time, so there was an age difference between her and Scott. And yes, as you will see from this list, Scott definitely has a thing for models! He has definitely dated a ton of them. Sorry Makayla, you're absolutely beautiful but the thing is that Kourtney Kardashian absolutely wins this round (and every round). She is so poised and perfect-looking and she and Scott are meant to be together. A month-long summer fling can't possibly compete with that kind of romantic history and destiny.

    14 Bella Banos Vs. Kourtney

    Another model! Surprise, surprise! It seems like Bella Banos and Scott dated pretty recently and hey, maybe they're still together. In February 2017, she told In Touch Weekly magazine,  "Scott calls me his girl and we have said, 'I love you.'" She continued, "Scott will call and say 'I miss you, I want to see you.' He always flies me to wherever he is. We spend so much time together." Bella also said that she went on a family vacation with Scott and the Kardashians and, yes, Kourtney in Costa Rica. Hmmm… You're not sure if Scott is serious about Bella and you hate to say anything negative about a 20-year-old who seems pretty young and innocent (and who definitely seems to have fallen pretty hard for Scott). But, come on, Kourtney is definitely winning this round once again. In this photo especially, Kourtney looks absolutely awesome, form her choker necklace to her lace outfit to her perfectly pulled back hair and gorgeous makeup. Sorry Bella!

    13 Megan Blake Irwin Vs. Kourtney

    Scott was seen with Megan Blake Irwin in April 2016 in L.A. Yup, she's a model (and from Australia) and at the time, she was 21 and he was 32. So that age difference strikes again! The two were grabbing dinner and the press were obsessed with the fact that she a.) has super long legs and b.) was wearing a dress that showed off those legs. Sure, she's pretty (of course she is, she's a model!) and yes, she has beautiful blonde hair, flawless makeup and a cool fashion sense. But guess what? So does Kourtney! In fact, Kourtney is so much more stylish. Just check out this picture… and now that she's been working out on her new bod she is so small and tiny you can't even compete with her nice legs! Sorry Megan. She wins. You love Kourtney's look here with her sleek dark hair and stripped top, and that choker! She honestly knows how to dress and looks amazing no matter where she's going.

    12 Chloe Bartoli Vs. Kourtney

    Sure, this is a pretty glamorous photo and Chloe Bartoli is a pretty glamorous girl. No surprise, she's a model, and in what might be a surprise, people claim that she and Scott are hooking up again these days. The latest is that they were together literally 24 hours after Scott was spotted with actress Bella Throne (more on her later). Oh Scott! While you can agree that Chloe looks amazing in this snapshot and that she seems to be living the most sophisticated and fabulous life ever, you still love Kourtney more. You're pretty attached to Kourtney at this point because you've been a fan of hers for years upon years. And that's not going to change just because you see that Scott has been with some gorgeous women. You don't think that Scott should be with anyone other than Kourtney. She's just the best.

    11 J Lynne Vs. Kourtney

    Jessica Hariss, aka J Lynne, is a model (but you knew that already!) and she was considered a bit of a "mystery girl" for a while. The two were spotted cuddling in a pool in Miami back in January 2017 and they definitely look pretty comfy and cozy. In some more photos that were released online, she was spotted smoking a cigarette and wearing a pretty revealing one-piece bathing suit. She also was showing off her super curvy butt, which, as you definitely know, is something that the lovely Kourtney does as well. If it's going to be a competition, you think that Kourtney wins every single time. Her butt is flawless. And no, we don't feel weird saying that because, well, if you have it, you should totally flaunt it. And flaunt it Kourtney does! When you compare these two photos, you have to admit that Kourtney and her amazing butt look much better with Scott.

    10 Lisa Sandberg Vs. Kourtney

    Yup, no doubt about it, Swedish model (of course… ) Lina Sandberg is absolutely beautiful! She's got amazing brown eyes and epic long brown hair. But… she's still no match for Kourtney. Because Kourtney has amazing eyes and hair too. Also, it's totally possible that Lina and Scott never even dated at all! Well, at least according to Scott. He claims that Lina is telling everyone that they were together but he claims that they never were romantic at all. You're not sure what to believe but something that you do know? Kourtney is the best and you want her and Scott to be together forever. You can't even think about the two of them dating other people. You know that they have (this list is proof, after all!) but it's really sad for you. It's like seeing your best friends break up and knowing that they are absolutely made for each other. It's frustrating AF.

    9 Ella Rose Vs. Kourtney

    Does Scott date girls who aren't models?! It definitely doesn't seem like it! Ella Ross is another model that has been seen with Scott this year (yup, he's been spotted with a large number of models in 2017 alone). Scott and the British model seem to be getting pretty close. Well, you don't want to speak ill of Ella because let's face it, she's incredibly gorgeous and has the best hair ever (and you're kind of jealous of how awesome her locks look in this photo). But you have to give Kourtney this one. Kourtney looks epic anytime that she's on a beach. She seems to always be going on some amazing family vacation and, yes, you're pretty jealous of that. Kourtney is seriously #goals no matter where you see her. She could be lounging on the beach, walking in the waves, running errands in L.A. or just hanging out with her kids and you will think that she looks incredible.

    8 Ellen Robinson Vs. Kourtney

    You don't even need to guess what Ellen Robison does. It's pretty obvious by now, so let's just move on. Scott has apparently been dating Swedish Ellen Robinson and they were spotted kissing in a pretty amazing and exotic location: Cannes. The photos are pretty unmistakable -- Ellen is lying down on a lounge chair and Scott is on top of her and they're definitely making out. So you can't mistake the fact that these two definitely hooked up. But again, Ellen is super young (she's 20 years old) so you have to say that Scott is better suited to dating someone more his own age aka Kourtney. You also have to say that Kourtney looks amazing in any kind of bathing suit but especially in this bright yellow one-piece, like who can look this good in this color! Because she's the best. And because she always knows how to look flawless.

    7 Lindsay Vrckovnik Vs. Kourtney

    The 18-year-old and Scott are pictured here in a snap that was posted on Instagram. It's unclear whether they actually dated. She claims that no way, they have just been super platonic, and that nothing romantic has gone down. The internet says otherwise, of course, as the internet tends to do! So this one is still in the rumored romances category but it still counts since when it comes to Hollywood, you never know who is actually together and who just seems to be. You have to say that no matter how pretty Lindsay is, she's way too young for Scott. And since Scott is in his 30s and so is Kourtney, they are a much more age-appropriate couple. Plus there's the fact that the two of them have so much shared history and that Lindsay can't possibly compete with that (through no fault of her own, of course -- it's just the way that it goes).

    6 Kimberly Stewart Vs. Kourtney

    Kimberley Stewart (Rod Stewart's daughter) is also in the rumor category since it's not 100 percent that she and Scott dated. Some people claim that the two of them have definitely hooked up a few times. But she and Kourtney are friends (at least, according to the internet) so you're not sure if she would break girl code like that. Because girl code is a pretty big deal. Since it's not clear if these two have ever been a real thing and at the very least it was probably just a casual hook-up, you have to say that Kourtney wins this round once again. Kourtney is just such a lovely celebrity. Besides the fact that she's got good looks, she's definitely a good person too. You can tell that she's a good mom and that she really cares about her family. Sure, she might get some really bad press sometimes like the rest of her famous clan, but she doesn't seem to let the haters get her and that's something that you really respect.

    5 Amber Davis Vs. Kourtney

    Of course Amber Davis is a model. It's not even a question at this point. Scott and Amber have been spotted out together and in this particular snapshot, they definitely seem pretty cozy. there's honestly no contest between her and Kourtney. You don't know anything about this girl other than the fact that she models for a living and you know so much about Kourtney. You've followed her life for years now and you know her family like they were your own. You're not going to say that Scott should keep dating another girl, even if you like them. You don't even now this person, though, and you don't think that she and Scott need to be dating. It's just not possible for him to be with someone other than Kourtney. You don't care if they don't seem to realize that yet. You swear that it's only a matter of time!

    4 "Mystery Blonde" Vs. Kourtney

    Yup, this girl has no name. Well, she totally has a name, but not according to the internet! People are calling her the "mystery blonde" that has been seen around with Scott. Yes, she's pretty and she has nice blonde hair and sure, she's got a cool outfit on. But… she's no match for Kourtney. Because no one even knows her name! Everyone knows Kourtney Kardashian's name! She's literally the definition of a "household name." It's not even a contest but you're going to say who wins just for the sake of it: Kourtney, of course! You can't wait for the day when Scott stops dating all these girls and starts realizing that he has the best person ever and that he's being ridiculous. He honestly can never find someone better than Kourtney. She's beautiful, stylish, sweet, and just lovely in every single way. He literally already has what he wants!

    3 Kendall Jenner Vs. Kourtney

    Okay, so this is most likely just a crazy rumor because you can't get more dramatic and juicy than saying that Kendall Jenner has dated Scott. But… this deserve to be on the list because people claim that this really is a thing! You don't actually believe that Kendall would date Scott or even just sleep with him because #sisters and #familygoals. But let's give this one a try and see who would win this round. Of course, it would have to be Kourtney! Since she's the real love of Scott's life, you would say that he and Kendall would only have a pretty casual connection and that it would never turn into another real. After all, can you imagine those family get-togethers and holidays?! Things would be awkward AF and that's just not something that you can see happening. The Kardashian-Jenners would never want to jeopardize the family life that they have worked so hard to keep intact despite all the fame and fortune.

    2 Christine Burke Vs. Kourtney

    Wait… is that Kendall Jenner?! Nope, it's not, but it makes sense that you would think that because model Christine Burke looks just like her! Do you think that Scott has noticed?! People have been going pretty nuts over the fact that the two look absolutely like twins, and it's pretty hard not to notice. These two have been seen hanging out in Cannes and they were making out on a yacht… which is definitely a pretty fancy and glam place to make out. Yup, he's definitely been making the rounds and hooking up with a whole bunch of ladies this year and it seems like he's been with the majority of them in Cannes. Is there something in the air or water there?! Of course, Kourtney wins this round because it's too strange for Scott to date someone who looks just like her sister Kendall. It's just a non-negotiable.

    1 Bella Thorne Vs. Kourtney

    And finally, here's Bella Thorne, an actress who's currently starring on the juicy drama Famous In Love. Scott has been seen out with her most recently and apparently she's getting sick of how much he drinks and parties as well, like another one of the lovely ladies on this list. You might be a fan of Bella because she's been in several awesome movies and maybe you're a fan of her television show. But no matter how much you like her, you like Kourtney that much more, and of course you have to say that Kourtney is still the perfect partner for Scott. There's literally no reason for Scott to date someone other than Kourtney Kardashian. After all, one thing is super sure: he may have hooked up with a lot of other women after the two went their separate ways… but he hasn't found love with any of them. He's not in a long-term relationship and he's not getting married. So come on Scott and Kourtney, when are you going to get things figured out?!