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    16 Embarrassing Things Kim Kardashian Wants You To Forget About

    The Kardashian-Jenner family has a ton of haters, but the sheer fact that they're able to continue thriving in Hollywood and are making bank off of pretty much just living their lives shows that they obviously know what they're doing. However, there's one downside to being in the public eye as much as Kim Kardashian is - while people are there to witness all your successes and good hair days and gorgeous red carpet moments, they're also there to witness your most embarrassing moments. And, if you reach the level of fame that Kim Kardashian has reached, they'll even dig through the past to bring all the embarrassing moments from years ago back into the public eye.

    Now, every individual likely has moments they wish they could forget - but Kim Kardashian has a long list of moments she probably wishes the public would forget, like, ASAP.

    Some are just missteps from her earlier days in the entertainment industry, some are mistakes she's made over the years (highly publicized ones, at that), and some are just strange things she's done or that have been done to her.

    Nowadays, she's cultivated an image of herself as a chic mom on the arm of rapper Kanye West, but over the years, Kim Kardashian has done plenty of embarrassing things she wishes everyone would forget about. Here are just 16 of them.

    16 The fact that she used to be a celeb closet organizer

    The Kardashian-Jenner family are all over the place nowadays - it can be downright impossible to find a tabloid without at least one mention of one of the family members in it. So, it can be easy to think that the Kardashians have been around forever because it kind of seems like they have. However, back before she was one of the stars of a reality television empire, Kim Kardashian rubbed elbows with celebrities… in their closets. That's right - Kim used to help celebs like Paris Hilton organize their closets. At the time, it probably involved folding a lot of velour Juicy Couture jumpsuits. Her clients included celebs like Rob Lowe and Nicole Richie, and it all apparently started when she helped Sugar Ray Leonard's wife Bernadette organize her closet. Now, the Kardashian family routinely give publications access to marvel at their own insane closets - and we have a feeling Kim probably doesn't do much of the organizing herself anymore.

    15 All the butt memes

    Sometimes, something that may seem like a good idea at the time turns out to be a huge disaster, and that's pretty much what happened with one particular photoshoot Kim Kardashian was involved in (we have a feeling you know exactly the one we're talking about). Back in 2014, Kim Kardashian did a cover shoot for Paper magazine that she and her team figured would break the internet and get everyone talking about her. Well, it did - but perhaps not in the way, she would have liked. One of the most shared images involved a shot of Kim from behind with her most well-known asset oiled up and completely exposed. Her team likely thought it would be seen as provocative and buzzworthy - instead, the internet took over by making meme after hilarious meme basically making fun of the image. Rather than releasing a sexy cover spread into the world, as she may have intended, Kim quite literally became the butt of everyone's jokes

    14 The SNL sketch

    Getting parodied on Saturday Night Live isn't necessarily a bad thing - countless big name celebrities have been the subject of a skilled parody. However, there's a big difference between getting parodied for your star power, and seeing how well you could nail someone's persona (for example, when the cast parodied Jay Z and Beyoncé) and then there's getting parodied for embarrassing things you've done. Kim Kardashian has done her fair share of embarrassing things, and actress Nasim Pedrad has been able to absolutely nail her persona, from the California dialect to the look. Now, in the long run, there are enough funny sketches and memes about the Kardashians that they've probably learned to just tune it out - after all, all press is good press, and they're laughing all the way to the bank. However, it can't be that pleasant to see an actress nail a perfect parody of your persona for comedic value - so we're betting Kim hopes everyone forgets all about the sketches starring a faux-Kim.

    13 That time she endorsed toilet paper

    The Kardashian family, Kim in particular, have put their name on a whole lot of products, some of which haven't exactly been the most successful - just think of Kylie Jenner's lip gloss disaster. However, Kim Kardashian's toilet paper endorsement took things to an entirely different level. While some celebrities endorse make-up lines or something with a bit more glamor, Kim signed a celebrity endorsement deal with Charmin - and even cut the ribbon at the red carpet opening of a bathroom in NYC. That's right - all those jokes people made over the years about the Kardashians willing to go even to the opening of a bathroom if it meant getting on the red carpet? There's a little kernel of truth there. This was way back in 2010, before Kim Kardashian reached the level of fame she's at today, but nonetheless - toilet paper? Hopefully, she received a lifetime supply of double ply for all her trouble.

    12 The awful sunburn

    Kim Kardashian doesn't keep too much private. After all, she's made a living on basically putting her entire life on display for the public, from the family's reality show that's been going on for years and years to their various reality spin-off shows, and her active social media presence. That means, while the public gets treated to a ton of picture perfect selfies, they also get to see a few of Kim's embarrassing moments perfectly documented - for example, the awful sunburn. The story is that when Kim was vacationing in Mexico, she fell asleep while sunbathing and had left her big Prada sunglasses on (we know, we know, her life is so tough!). As a result of her sunny snoozing, she got a terrible sunburn on her face - except for the area that was covered by the glasses. You think a farmer's tan is bad? A sunglasses tan is even worse.

    11 Her weird suing of Old Navy

    There are a few celebrities who seem to think that everything is about them, and Kim Kardashian might be one of them - at least, she certainly put her foot in her mouth! A while back, Kim saw an Old Navy advertisement featuring a woman, Melissa Molinaro, who apparently looked just like her (there are definitely resemblances). Instead of thinking that Old Navy just wanted a gorgeous brunette with curves, Kim figured that Old Navy was trying to essentially cast Kim Kardashian without casting the actual Kim. So, naturally, she decided to sue Old Navy for misappropriation for a staggering $20 million because… why not? In the end, the whole thing didn't get too far legally - it was settled in 2012 and not much has been heard of it since. We're not sure what Kim's issue was - maybe she didn't want to be associated with an affordable brand? Maybe she didn't want her name attached to clothing she wasn't actually benefiting financially from? Whatever the reason, it was a bit cringe-worthy to sue someone because you assume every brunette with curves is supposed to be you.

    10 The Mastercard disaster

    The Kardashians have gotten involved with pretty much every industry they're able to, and the credit card world is no different. A few years back, there was a prepaid Kardashian Kard credit card that loyal fans could purchase. However, turns out it was kind of a ripoff - there were fairly high activation costs of about $60 to $100 dollars, and there were tons of surcharges and small fees that most cards don't have. Business Insider even stated in 2010 that the Kardashian Kard may be the worst credit card in the world - and given the amount of cards on the market, that's quite a statement! A financial analyst by the name of Zilvinas Bareisis had a few choice words to say about the card: “I am baffled, this card doesn't seem to make any sense at all, it appears to be targeted at teenagers, yet with ridiculous fees.” The Kardashians have had a few successful ventures, so they seem to think that anything they put their names on will turn to gold - but in this Kard's case, that wasn't true.

    9 Her blink and you'll miss it marriage

    Nowadays, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are a thing. She's upped her fashion game, she's controlled her public image a bit better, and they're trying to cultivate a certain identity as a power couple. We're not saying that they're trying to be the next Jay Z and Beyoncé, but… they just might be. So, it only makes sense that Kim Kardashian would want you to forget all about that 72-day marriage to basketball player Kris Humphries. I mean, at the time, she made an absolutely huge deal about it, having an over the top wedding and televising the whole thing. Then, it didn't work out - and Kim tried to move on. When it came time to marry Kanye, the wedding was even more extravagant, she got even more press involved, and basically just tried to ensure everyone remembered that wedding as opposed to her previous failed marriage to Humphries.

    8 Her music 'career'

    We're betting Kim Kardashian would prefer to hide this from even her husband, given his success in the music industry. Now, Kim isn't the only celebrity who has tried to start up a successful pop career - socialites like Paris Hilton and reality stars like Heidi Montag have released saccharine pop songs in an attempt to launch a new career in the music industry. She took to the studio and released a single entitled “Jam (Turn It Up), and even pulled in The Dream for backup vocals. Her heart was in the right place, and rather than trying to rake in even more money she donated half the proceeds from digital downloads and sales to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. However, there's no nice way to put it - it was a huge flop, and even Kim later confessed that she regretted the entire project. Now that she's with Kanye West, if she ever wanted to star in a music video, we bet he's more than happy to include her - after all, she appeared in “Bound 2.”

    7 Her time on Dancing with the Stars

    Dancing with the Stars is a bit of a strange show. For some celebrities, it gives them a chance to experience a bit of a comeback, as they re-enter the public's consciousness, earn new fans, and stun everyone with their killer skills on the dance floor. For others, it's just a highly public way to flail week after week with choreography that they just can't seem to master. While Kim can likely hold her own in the club, thanks to her many years on the scene partying with socialites, before she became a true celebrity, she wasn't the greatest at all the technical dances that the show requires contestants to master. She wasn't the first to go, but she also didn't come anywhere near the finale of her season - she lasted a mere three weeks and didn't seem to be improving much as the episodes went on. We're betting she'd rather just everyone forget she was on the show at all.

    6 When she flashed everyone on Project Runway

    Over the years, Kim Kardashian has had quite a few wardrobe issues, partially because of the style of clothing she favors - she absolutely loves to show off her assets, and that means possibilities for disaster when she's squeezed into a skintight skirt or busting out of a low cut top. However, what happened on Project Runway was perhaps one of the most embarrassing. Back in 2011, Kim Kardashian was called to be a guest judge on one episode of the popular reality television show. She came in a teeny tiny mini dress, and when she was sitting in the directors' chairs belonging to the judging panel, that teeny dress just couldn't contain all those curves. It slid up her legs to the point where she started flashing her underwear at the camera. Look, we're not saying you need to go knee length - Heidi Klum was also a big fan of shorter skirts over the show's run - but at least do the sit test to make sure you're not showing the camera guy the goods.

    5 When Prince told her to get off the stage

    The music legend Prince earned countless celebrity fans over the years, and it seems like Kim Kardashian was one of them. At a performance way back in 2011, the late legend brought her up on the stage to dance with him while he performed. And then, a few seconds later, Prince asked Kim to get off the stage. Kardashian later explained that she simply froze because she was so starstruck, and apparently got a second shot on stage and redeemed herself by dancing with some friends while Prince played the piano. However, unless you do some digging, most people likely don't know how it all turned out - they just know that Kim Kardashian was sent off stage by one of the most talented musicians in the world, and that's got to be embarrassing. Now, she can likely look back on the moment as a wonderful memory of the deceased star, but in the days after the incident when all the tabloids were sharing how Prince sent Kim off stage, she probably wished no one knew what had happened.

    4 Her literal disaster movie

    Oh, you thought singing was the only other facet of the entertainment industry that Kim K has attempted to break into? You thought wrong - she also fancied herself a bit of an actress at some point. Back in 2008, Kim was in a film called Disaster Movie, which aimed to be kind of like what the popular Scary Movie series was, except for Hollywood disaster films. While parodies can get away with a bit more silliness than the average film, Disaster Movie was just plain awful. Kardashian played the girlfriend of one of the main characters, and she wasn't exactly slipping into a lab coat to play a world-renowned scientist - she spent most of her time on screen in a cheerleading uniform and was painted as a bit of an airhead. Not exactly the kind of role that leads to you breaking into the acting world and earning roles in Oscar-caliber films. Perhaps television is the better medium for Kim.

    3 The vampire facial

    Celebrities will do pretty much anything in the pursuit of youth - I mean, how else can you explain things like painful surgeries and treatments that involve smearing your face with bird excrement? Well, Kim Kardashian joined the club of celebrities undergoing questionable treatments in the pursuit of beauty when she got a blood facial. It's basically exactly what it sounds like. The procedure, which lasts about an hour and a half and costs well over $1,000, involves taking syringes of your own blood, which are put in a centrifuge, and then getting it injected into your face. It's supposed to help the patient look younger, but when Kim Kardashian shared a selfie of her blood-covered face to Instagram, people didn't think it was cute - they just thought she was bizarre. Hey, if you want to get all kinds of crazy treatments in order to stay looking young, by all means, do so - just maybe keep it to yourself if you're a major celebrity with a huge following on social media. No one wants to see a blood selfie.

    2 Getting flour bombed

    Everyone has heard of celebrities or fashion insiders wearing fur getting attacked with blood or paint by animal rights activists, but Kim Kardashian got caught in an entirely stranger line of fire. When she was at a hotel in West Hollywood back in 2012, Kim was on the red carpet for an event when a woman came at her and threw flour on her. Yep - flour. On the one hand, it's far more innocuous than being doused with something like blood (although, based on her choice in facials, she may not be entirely opposed to that). On the other hand, it definitely made for some unflattering pictures, and no celebrity really wants to be singled out and publicly hated like that. Kim let the incident pass as quickly as possible, choosing not to press any charges for the woman's actions, but we're betting she'd rather not be remembered as that woman who got flour bombed on the red carpet.

    1 That tape, obviously

    Kim Kardashian has done a lot since entering the entertainment industry. She's appeared for season after season on a hugely successful reality television show, she's been featured in countless magazines, she's released clothing collaborations and popular apps and anything you could imagine. However, the way she initially got her 15 minutes of fame is something she'd rather everyone forget about - her infamous tape. Obviously, the fact that she managed to turn that 15 minutes into a hugely successful career proves that she's pretty savvy - or at least her momager Kris is. At the end of the day, though, Kim Kardashian first became a household name because of a homemade tape she starred in with then-boyfriend Ray J. Not exactly the most flattering way to enter the public eye. And, no matter what she does, no matter what kind of fashion transformation she undergoes, or how many businesses she builds, many will still remember her as that girl whose tape made her famous.