Laman » Hiburan » 16 Hilarious Photos Of Miserable People

    16 Hilarious Photos Of Miserable People

    Sometimes you just have one of those days where you hit traffic on the way to work, forget your lunch at home, get called into a boring meeting that goes on for hours, and you finally get home to find out that your DVR didn't record the latest episode of The Bachelorette. Bad days happen but we get through them and hope that the next day won't be so terrible. However, there are some bad days that put all other bad days to shame and they leave a wake of misery in their path. Fortunately for us, these miserable moments were all caught on film so that we can enjoy them. You may feel bad to laugh at the pain of other people but it's okay to laugh since no one was permanently hurt, though some of these events hurt worse than others.

    On this list you'll find the most miserable people ever as they are caught in the middle of the worst days ever. There's one guy who tried to kiss a vicious animal and ended up paying the consequences and another guy whose day goes from bad to worse when he not only gets pulled over by the police, but is then involved in a hit and run. Though some of these events are blown way out of proportion, hopefully these bad days will help you get through your next bad day. At least, maybe you won't feel as miserable as these people did.

    16 This Guy Who Dropped a Pizza

    There are few things that are better than a pizza, especially after having a few drinks. However, when the pizza is ordered, it's very important that a sober person answer the door when the delivery guy comes or else you'll have a situation similar to this one. Intoxicated people tend not to have the best hand-eye-coordination so they shouldn't be the ones handling the food.

    Though we may not have any context, this photo tells one of the most tragic stories ever told. No one should have to see a delicious pizza come to such an end. This guy is so distraught over the loss of his pizza, it looks like he threw himself onto the ground in sheer agony. When they ordered another pizza, hopefully they got one with some more toppings because who wants a plain cheese pizza anyway?

    15 This Dude Who Dropped Fries on His Computer

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    Apparently it's not enough to just take a photo of your food but you have to take a video too? However, this guy didn't exactly think this through when he held up a plate of fries up to his camera. This incident may not have been as disastrous if there wasn't some kind of sauce all over it. Getting that sauce out of the nooks and crannies of the keyboard must have been a difficult task. Honestly what was he thinking holding up his fries like that? And who on earth wants to see a plate of his carb-loaded lunch?

    The best part of this video is that not only do we get an initial reaction but we also get a good view of the aftermath since he takes his video cam off the top of his computer and shows the viewers the disaster. It's like you can see him go through all of the stages of grief in just a few seconds.

    14 This Girl Who is Probably Never Going in the Ocean Again

    It's officially summer which means that it's time to head to the beach. Hopefully, your beach adventures won't be anything like this though. This girl getting pummeled by waves looks like she had been boogie boarding when a wave rolled in that pushed her back to shore. Sometimes waves come out of nowhere and she was definitely not prepared for this one. The ocean is brutal and nothing is worse than getting salt water up your nose.

    The best part of this photo is the look of sheer misery on her face as she comes up for air. You can just tell that she's having a horrible day. At the time she probably didn't see this incident as funny but she probably laughs about it now. Of course, if she knew that we were all looking at this photo and laughing, she may not find it very funny anymore.

    13 This Guy Who Forgot To Close the Door

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    For a guy who looks like the takes his squirrel-catching seriously (note the Go-Pro on his head), he should have known better than to leave the sliding glass door open to the house. Or at least he should have released the critter much further away. Of course the squirrel would rather be in the house with all of the food than out in the backyard and this little guy knew exactly where he was going.

    Without context, it looks like this guy had spent a long amount of time getting this squirrel out of his home and he was ready to finally relax knowing that his house was squirrel-free. The best part of this video is the guy's look of disbelief and misery while also appearing kind of amused. He was probably just thinking about how many more hours it would take for him to catch that squirrel again. Hopefully next time he'll remember to close the door.

    12 This Man Who Was Bitten by a Snapping Turtle

    For some bizarre reason, this man tried to kiss a turtle. However, this is no ordinary turtle. It's called an alligator snapping turtle. He should have known just by hearing the name that it is not the kind of animal you should put your mouth on. When he was posing for a photo with the turtle, he put his mouth by it and ended up looking like Kylie Jenner. The turtle latched onto his lip and would not let go. Apparently this kind of turtle has such a powerful bite that it can take a person's finger off.

    This guy definitely had some instant regret when this turtle latched on and his look of misery in the photos of the aftermath are kind of hilarious. He may be okay now but this should be a lesson to you: don't try to kiss snapping turtles. It's hard to believe that it needs to be said.

    11 This Guy Who Was Probably Lunch

    It's hard to tell exactly what's going on in this photo but it looks like this guy is in the middle of some kind of demonstration or training with a military dog but wasn't prepared for when the dog actually attacked him. Though he's padded head-to-toe with some heavy-duty protective wear, he is still terrified of this hardcore military dog. Dogs are man's best friend, unless it's an army dog, in which case, it will hunt you down if you're a bad guy.

    The best part about this photo is that his buddies are just sitting back with smiles on their faces, laughing at their friend being chased by this dog. They don't even bother to help him at all. The guy in the orange jacket looks like he's having the worst day of his life.

    10 This Lady Who Didn't Want to Get Her Feet Wet

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    You may be wondering why on earth this woman didn't just go around the puddle instead of straight through it but apparently she had somewhere she needed to be and she didn't have any time to waste. What makes this video even more hilarious is that she obviously knew that she was at least going to get her feet wet which is why she took off her shoes. However, she obviously had no idea that she was about to get swallowed up in the murky brown water that was probably full of sewage.

    It's already bad enough when you have to spend the day with wet socks or wet shoes but it's even worse when everything gets wet--even your purse. Though this gif is hilarious to us, this is probably the worst day of her life and now she's afraid to go anywhere near a puddle again.

    9 This Baseball Player That Got Beer Dumped On His Head

    This is a famous photo from the 1959 World Series when White Sox player Al Smith had a beer dumped on him. In the first game of the series, the White Sox were up by two when Dodger player Charlie Neal tied the score with a two-run homer. When one of the fans in the stands tried to catch the ball, they knocked over a cup of beer which fell on Smith's head. Poor guy didn't even see it coming. What makes it worse was that the Dodgers ended up winning the game and the World Series.

    Even though you can't see his face, you can't just tell that he's absolutely miserable. The photographer, Ray Gora, who immortalized the moment by snapping a photo later said: "“I gotta say that it was the greatest beer I never had." That really was a bad day for Al Smith.

    8 This Kid Who Broke His Skateboard

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    There are few things more enjoyable than watching kids wipeout on skateboards because dumb people plus gravity is always amusing. However, this kid comes so close to nailing the landing but ends up putting too much wait on the front of his board which causes it to split. What's funny about this incident though is that he doesn't even bother to look at the board, he just keeps walking and falls into the bushes, utterly defeated.

    Honestly, have you ever seen such misery on someone's face? He knows even without looking that his trick didn't go as planned and, honestly, he should have seen it coming a mile away. That's a pretty long drop and applying too much pressure to the front of the board is a bad idea. This is one of those gifs that only get better and better the more times you watch it.

    7 This Kid Who Regretted Pointing Out the Jumbo Screen

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    The misery on this kid's face may not be as obvious as the rest of the people on this list but you can see it creep onto his face near the end of the video. He goes from having a great day to having the worst day of his life in just a few seconds. In the beginning, he excitedly points out to his goofy dad that they're on the big screen and this dad is ready to put on a show. He immediately begins to dance like dads do and he gets a high five which, apparently, adds fuel to the fire. This gif ends way too soon because it looks like he is just getting started.

    Once the son slowly begins to realize that he made a huge mistake and his dad is only becoming more and more embarrassing, you can see the misery and regret behind his eyes. The thing about dads is that most of them never miss an opportunity to embarrass their kids.

    6 This Kid Who Damaged School Property

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    It's hard to tell exactly what this guy was thinking when he jumped over two recycling bins but it's safe to say that he didn't think that the floor was going to crumble underneath him when he landed. It seems like it was a boring day at school and the teacher wasn't around so that means it's time for some jumping competitions. The look on his face when he sees the hole in the ground is absolutely priceless.

    You can tell that he is in complete disbelief and he has already started coming up with excuses to tell the teacher. Seriously where is the teacher? Who allowed them to do this? Not only does this kid have to live with the fact that he damaged school property but he also has to live with the fact that he's big enough to put a hole in the ground. However, he shouldn't feel too bad about it, that floor looks so flimsy that it could easily crumble under anyone's weight.

    5 This Man Who Lost a Bet

    We may not know what the bet was but we do know that this guy is pretty upset that he lost--and for good reason. It's also a good thing those doors are closing on the train because this guy looks like he's angry enough to smack that camera out of the photographer's hand. Or maybe he's just too miserable to even care anymore. What makes it worse is that his outfit doesn't even fit him correctly.

    He probably would feel a lot better about his situation if he had a nicer outfit and if his wig were blown out. The wig that he has in the photo looks like an animal that died on his head. Maybe this embarrassing ensemble will make him think twice before making a bet. Or maybe he should just get some new friends. Either way, this was definitely the worst day of his life.

    4 This Woman Who Can't Rollerblade

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    It appears that this girl has either never rollerbladed before or she was intoxicated because the way she comes flailing into the video is not something you would see an experienced and/or sober skater do. The best part is when these dudes come over to help her up and they only make matters worse as she falls again. You can see the way she held her face when she got up that she smacked it on the sidewalk which definitely had to hurt.

    Not only does it look painful but it's also really, really embarrassing especially since there are so many people around. The way she face planted onto the ground is painful enough but then she had to fall again. At least the second time, she fell on her elbow instead of her face. This girl definitely had a bad day and let's hope that she took those rollerblades off for good.

    3 This Girl Who Got Her Head Stuck

    This is the sort of photo that makes your bad day not feel so bad after all. You may have had a long work day or you had to take a test that you forgot about, but at least you didn't get your head stuck in an overhang. Even though you can't see her face, you can just tell that she's completely miserable and probably having the worst day of her life.

    There are few things more embarrassing than having to call the fire department to get your head removed from an overhang at the bus stop. The best part of this pic is the Snapchat caption with the laughing emoji. Obviously whoever took this photo found the situation both sad and amusing. But hey, at least the girl is okay. As long as no one was permanently hurt, you can laugh all you want and not feel bad about it. After all, comedy is just tragedy plus time.

    2 This Guy Who is Bad at His Job

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    This gif leaves its viewers with many questions. Why was the truck being unloaded if there was no ramp? Why did the guy think that he could keep the boxes from falling by holding up his hands? How could he not know that this was going to happen? One thing we know for sure is that this guy knew that he messed up and all he could do is stand back and watch the boxes fall to the ground.

    You can see that when the packages fall, he moves out the way and his shoulders fall. Then he puts his hands on his waist as if he's thinking what excuse he can come up with to make it seem like he's not a total idiot. This whole situation could have been easily avoided if there was actually a way to get the shipment off of the truck. How was this process not thought through?

    1 This Guy Who Couldn't Catch a Break

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    Not only did this guy get pulled over by a cop but while he was pulled over, a truck hit his car while it was on the side of the road! This guy just couldn't catch a break on June 20, 2014. He is very lucky though that he didn't get hit by the truck but he looked completely shocked when it barreled into his car out of nowhere then just sped off.

    He looks toward the camera and shrugs in disbelief then throws up his hands as if cursing whatever cruel forces allowed such a thing to happen. At least there was a police officer nearby to capture the incident and hopefully catch the person driving the truck. You can tell the way this guy looks hopelessly at the camera that he was both completely surprised and miserable due to this unfortunate twist of fate.