16 Plastic Freaks Who Became Celebs

Body image is a very subjective topic, and the idea of having extreme adjustments to change or correct aspects of your physical appearance is still quite controversial. People defend or condemn the practise, because they believe that people should be able to do as they please, especially if they feel like it will improve their self-esteem and quality of life, while others feel that extreme cosmetic adjustments is unnatural, and people should be happy with the looks they're born with.
However, whatever your opinion is about plastic surgery, people get different procedures done everyday, and some even go to great lengths to achieve some extreme looks. Whether it is to look like a famous celebrity, or perhaps like a doll, people have caught media attention for their extreme body transformations. Sometimes, the transformations are highly successful and (depending on who you ask) improves someone's appearance, but other times, it just makes people a laughing stock, or worse, has a negative impact on their health and well-being. Let's take a quick look at some of the most notorious plastic surgery enthusiasts, and see how much money they had to spend and how many extreme adjustments they had to have in order to become famous - for better or for worse.

16 Justin Jedlica Is A Self-Proclaimed Ken Doll

Justin Jedlica rose to fame as a minor celebrity because of his tailor-made physique. Jedlica's first procedure was a nose job at the age of 18, because he was unhappy with the look of his nose. Since then, he's had over 100 procedures, and says on his website that he, “has no intention of stopping his surgical alterations.”
Part of what does make Jedlica unique, is his approach to his cosmetic surgeries. In Jedlica's search for the perfect body, he has actually began to design his own customized implants. He's even appeared on the reality show Botched on more than one occasion, even returning as a consultant for another patient's plastic surgery. He has said that he believes plastic surgeons are basically just “glorified tailors,” in that they are just a means for him to achieve his ideal physique.
15 Rodrigo Alves Is Also A Self-Proclaimed Ken Doll

Rodrigo Alves is another Botched alumni, which is his claim to fame. Like the other human Ken doll, Justin Jedlica, Rodrigo has also appeared on the show on more than one occasion. He's undergone over 50 cosmetic surgeries, as well as over 100 aesthetic treatments to achieve his Ken doll looks, and has spent almost half a million dollars in the process. Unfortunately, for Alves, his second return to the show wasn't at all like Jedlica's.
When Alves returns to the show, it is because he's had a third, botched nose job. During the episode, Dr. Nassif, whose specialty is rhinoplasties, wasn't even able to properly examine Alves' nose because the damage was so severe that he couldn't get his otoscope into Alves' nostril. Alves was warned that another nose job could cause his nose to “turn black and fall off,” so hopefully he doesn't become more famous as the man with no nose.
14 Pixee Fox Wants To Look Like A Barbie Doll

A lot of people say that they want to lose weight. Whether it's for health or aesthetics, weight loss is typically seen as the way in which people can alter their bodies for a slimmer figure - unless of course, you're Pixee Fox. Fox's rise to fame has a lot to do with her waistline, or lack thereof. A self-proclaimed “plastic surgery celebrity,” Fox has had over 100 cosmetic procedures in attempt to resemble an animated Disney princess.
Of all of her surgical procedures, her most notable one is when she got six of her ribs (three on each side of her body) surgically removed. The reason behind this procedure was so that she could achieve a severe hourglass shape, as well as shrink her waistline to a shocking 14 inches!
13 Martina Big Went So Far As To Change Her Skin Colour

People who have multiple cosmetic procedures often gain some fame because of the extreme nature of their appearance. Whether it be oversized body parts or extreme body modification, it's as though people can't turn away. For Martina Big, her head-turning transformation isn't even from the many surgeries she's spent tens of thousands of dollars on, but rather, the new (yes, new) colour of her skin.
28 year-old Big, who is caucasian and of German decent, has used copious amounts of tanning injections in order to permanently alter the colour of her skin. She has said that she wants to test the limits of how dark her skin can get. While her previous surgeries to augment her breasts are already quite shocking, her "extreme tan" is even more shocking to look at.
12 Susan Sykes Makes A Living Crushing Things With Her Implants

The phrase, “If you've got it, flaunt it,” could not be more true for a woman named Susan Sykes. She has literally used her artificially enhanced 34M chest to make a living in show business. However, Sykes' act is a little bit out of the ordinary from the actors and singers you think about when you read the word show business.
Sykes has gained fame and made a living for the last 30 years by crushing objects with her chest. She literally lifts one up and drops it on anything from a soda can to a watermelon to crush them. While her act might seem like a novelty, she has been able to make enough money with what she does to buy an island, as well as a cabin on a mountain top!
11 Donatella Versace Is Arguably More Famous For Her Face Than Her Label

Donatella Versace is a household name. She has been the artistic director of fashion house, Versace, since 1997. However, her fame can arguable be credited to her face and body, more so than her actual talent and contributions to the fashion world. While she has never openly admitted to having any cosmetic procedures, rumours have never stopped swirling about her plastic surgery, because of her ever-changing appearance.
It seems that over the years, the 60 year-old designer's face looks like it has been pulled and tucked and filled. Whether she admits to getting surgeries or not, it's hard to ignore the way her face seems to defy gravity. Her face has even reached the point where she looks like a whole different person, and not necessarily in a good way. Perhaps it's time for her to consider aging gracefully, and without the help of fillers and surgery.
10 Brian Zembic Got Implants Because Of A Bet

There are people who like to gamble, people who make a living as a gambler, and then there is Brian Zembic. At first glance, Zembic looks like a totally normal man. However, upon closer inspection, you might notice that there are two protruding mounds on his chest. In 1997, a friend of Zembic's bet him $100,000 to get implants, and he did. He even managed to have the procedure done for free, as he also won another bet with a plastic surgeon who was going to do the procedure, because of course he would bet on his own surgery.
Since then, Zembic has used his implants to gain some fame and exposure as a gambler and magician. And of course, it totally works! After all, it's not often that you see a man with actual breast implants.
9 Jordan James Parke Just Wants To Look Like Kim K

Jordan James Parke thinks life in plastic is fantastic, as he has spent well over $100,000 in the quest to look like reality television star Kim Kardashian. His reason for wanting to look like Kim K is simply that he “loves her so much.” He began getting cosmetic procedures at the age of 17, and hasn't stopped since.
Now at 24, Parke has had multiple procedures done, including lip/cheek/jaw/chin fillers, botox, two rhinoplasty operations, and even neck liposuction. He has also leveraged his fame to get free cosmetic procedures, like a true entrepreneur. Of course, his ultimate goal, aside from looking like a Kardashian, is to become a celebrity and have his very own reality television show. Until then, you can watch him on an episode of Botched where the doctors warn him against getting more lip fillers, as his have already begun to leak.
8 Kami Osman Actually Does Look Like Kim K

Now here's another celebrity look-alike that's actually eerily close to the real thing. 22 year-old Kami Osman claims that the comparisons to the reality television star began even before she knew who Kardashian was. She said that growing up, she and her family didn't have cable, so she had to go on Google to search and see what this Kim Kardashian person looked like.
While she says that she hasn't had plastic surgery to look like Kardashian, he has gotten a nose job “to fix a deviated septum,” and lip fillers “to look more like her mom.” Whether or not she wanted to look like Kardashian, she's certainly cashed-in, gaining fame and landing promotional gigs on social media because she looks like Kardashian. She even appears on an episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians.
7 "Vinny The Alien" Is Instagram Famous

Vinny “the alien” Ohh just wants to serve you “intergalactic realness,” okay? Apparently, Ohh's ultimate goal with plastic surgery, apart for the fame and popularity it has brought him on Instagram, is for his outer appearance to reflect how he feels inside. Inside, it seems, Ohh feels as if he is a “genderless alien.” Since the age of 17, Ohh has had multiple cosmetic surgeries in the hopes of achieving his out-of-this world appearance.
Whether or not this is a person who is just looking to get famous, he is certainly going through some extreme lengths to achieve his body goals. It is rumoured that Ohh is currently in the works of planning procedures to have his genitals, nipples, and belly button removed - all for the price of upwards of $100,000.
6 Rajee Narinesingh Used Her Plastic Surgery Experience For Something Good

Rajee Narinesingh is a Botched alumni for very different reasons than a lot of the other people mentioned so far. Narinesingh is a transgender woman who merely wanted to achieve a more feminine appearance through some cosmetic procedures. Unfortunately, in 2005, at a “pumping party,” a fake physician injected her face with a black market substance that she thought was regular filler, but was actually a mix of cement and tire sealant. The procedure disfigured her face, and it took over a decade before the injected materials could be removed, partially restoring her looks to how they were before.
Now, Narinesingh uses her terrifying and nearly life-threatening experience to talk to others in the transgender community, and she's even written a book about her experiences called, Beyond Face Value.
5 Tobias Strebel Wanted To Look Like Justin Bieber

For the late Tobias Strebel, the goal was to become famous as a singer and songwriter - all while looking like pop star Justin Bieber. The interesting thing about Strebel, was that he was in his 30s and wanted to look like 18 year-old Justin Bieber. He said, “I want to look like Justin Bieber used to look when he was really young,” supposedly because he wanted to maintain a youthful appearance as well.
In his lifetime, he spent over $100,000 in order to have multiple surgeries to look like Bieber. Unfortunately, like many people who have surgery to look like famous celebrities, it earned him fame as something of a joke in the entertainment industry, because he didn't really resemble the singer at all, even after multiple procedures.
4 Lacey Wildd Claimed To Be "Half Pig"

Lacey Wildd, whose real name is Paula Thebert, had a simple goal: to have the world's largest chest. She attempted to achieve this goal by undergoing multiple cosmetic procedures. Her procedures did bring her some fame, which lead her to get more and more surgeries all over her body. He has claimed to have had over 100 procedures in her lifetime.
Appearing in an episode of Botched, she talked about the physical toll multiple surgeries to increase her cup size to the extremes has had on her body. In order to support the weight of her chest, doctors have had to use skin and tissue from pigs, and attached it to her body. While some people might liken this situation to a horror film, Wildd makes light of it by joking that she is now half human, half pig.
3 Janice Dickinson Became More Famous For Her Plastic Surgeries Than Modelling

Supermodel Janice Dickinson is one of the original supermodels, beginning her career in the 70s as a runway model. Dickinson's beauty was something to be marveled, and it certainly paid off. In 1978, she was reportedly being paid a salary of $2000 a day as a model, making her one of the highest-paid models at the time.
Unfortunately, even the most beautiful people have insecurities, and Dickinson's was about her chest. After getting implants to increase her cup size, Dickinson also underwent multiple procedures that landed her in some “worst plastic surgery” lists online. However, wanting to have a more natural appearance, she recently appeared on the show Botched to have her previous plastic surgery on her breasts fixed. She's also said that she promised her son that she would no longer get anymore surgeries.
2 Nadya Suleman Wanted To Look Like Angelina Jolie

Nadya Suleman made quite a splash in the tabloids in 2009 when she gave birth to octuplets (eight children) and earned the name octomom. There was a lot of controversy and backlash surrounding her pregnancy, as it came to light that she already had six other children, and had used unethical methods of IVF in order to become pregnant with her eight babies.
While all of this was going on, Suleman also underwent plastic surgery, and people speculated that it was done to look like actress Angelina Jolie. However, Suleman denied this, saying that she didn't even think they looked alike at all. In a strange twist, she then participated in a photoshoot for In Touch magazine, dressed as Jolie - a perfectly normal thing to do after you insist that your plastic surgeries weren't done to look like Jolie.
1 Valeria Lukyanova Looks More Like An Anime Character Than A Human Being

And of course, what plastic surgery list would be complete without mentioning model and plastic surgery celebrity Valeria Lukyanova. She earned the title “The Human Barbie Doll” because of her almost appearance makes her look more like a doll than an actual person. She became famous because of her Barbie-like physique and her face which looks more like an illustration than a real-life face.
However, Lukyanova stirred up some controversy because she claimed that aside from a breast augmentation, she hasn't had any other plastic surgeries, and that she actually doesn't look that different from when she was a lot younger - the before and after photos tell a different story, though. She has also claimed to be a 'breatharian,' which is someone who doesn't believe that they need food and water to live.