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    16 Things Kendall Jenner Really Wants You To Forget

    Kendall Jenner is a new brand of celebrity for the millennial era. With a desire to branch away from the Kardashian-Jenner reputation of "famous for being famous" she has established her own career as a supermodel and social media superstar. At just 21-years-old, she has featured in campaigns for top fashion houses including Fendi and Calvin Klein. Now with 77 million followers on Instagram and 21 million followers on Twitter - she's considered one of the most famous people in the world.

    Fame is something Kendall has always lusted after. She told Vogue Australia, "When I was a little girl, I was always tall and lanky, and supermodels were my superheroes. I would look through my mother's fashion magazines and dream of making that my reality." Before adding, "I would never in a million years complain about what's been given to me. This is my dream… I'm incredibly blessed."

    Well, Kendall might be eating her own words now, because, with the most recent controversy attached to her name, things aren't looking so great. Her PR team is always on hand to bury the bad news and they have had their work cut out for them - making these the moments over her career that she seriously wants everyone to forget about.

    16 When The World Agreed "She's Not A Model" 

    When Kendall launched her Fendi campaign she was met with quite the backlash as many branded the campaign "horrible" and "cheap." One commenter on The Fashion Spot labeled it "hands down the worst Fendi campaign I've seen in a while."Another wrote: "There is no tension in her body. She just stands there. It really bugs me. That house deserves more and Kendall deserves nothing. She's not a model. Period."

    X-Men actress Rebecca Romijn told Entertainment Tonight that Kendall's huge social media following doesn't mean she's an instant supermodel. She revealed, "No one has proven yet that numbers of followers translates to revenue. So it is frustrating. I know a lot of people - legitimate fashion people - can't stand it. Hate it that these, you know, social media stars are now the supermodels in fashion. They are not true supermodels."

    15 When She Faced A Backlash From Dancers 

    Last year, Kendall posted a video of her Vogue photo shoot that saw her dancing around like a ballerina in a dance studio. Then the backlash came from real dancers with one tweeting: "Ballet dancers don't train 7+ hours a day, 7 days a week, to be represented by Kendall Jenner & her dodgy feet." Another wrote, "Ballet is such high art, it's almost offensive to see Kendall act "cute" in it."

    Many agreed that Kendall's technique was so terrible they were embarrassed by the whole shoot. She even managed to anger the Queen of Dance Moms herself - Abby Lee Miller. On Instagram, she re-posted Kendall's shoot and added the caption: "I cannot be a fan of this shoot. There are so many amazing dancers in the world - Kendall Jenner is not one of them!" 'Fake it till you make it' clearly doesn't wash in the dancing world.

    14 When Frances Bean Cobain Called Her A "F***ing Idiot"

    A couple of years ago, there was a huge clash in celebrity land when Frances Bean Cobain - daughter of Nirvana's Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love - slammed Kendall Jenner for being a f***ing idiot" and "self-involved."

    Kendall tweeted to her Twitter followers, "Just wish things could be easier sometimes." Frances fired back, "Praise good taste & awareness about the state of the world." She added, "Oh ya, not to mention, CANCER, famine, poverty, draught, disease, natural disasters, Death. Humans are so self-involved." Then ended with, "Oh shh. There are kids on earth abandoned (and) homeless who forcibly drink contaminated water because clean water isn't accessible."

    Kendall joins a long list of celebrities who have been accused of not using their mega celebrity and their millions of followers to speak about serious social issues.

    13 When She Had To Face The Victoria's Secret Backlash 

    As a supermodel - you need to get your walk nailed down on the catwalk (especially as that's pretty much 99% of the job.) Kendall clearly didn't get the memo but she still landed a Victoria Secret's Show and joined the big leagues of modeling. Once again, Twitter was not impressed and one fan wrote: "Her walk was absolute trash."

    Fans were also angered that both Kendall and her BFF Gigi Hadid got their 'wings' in the show - something that is usually reserved for Victoria's Secret veterans like Adriana Lima and Alessandra Ambrosio. One fan wrote: "Kendall Jenner & GiGi Hadid are average models, not angels and shouldn't have gotten wings." Another added: "Clearly money talks." Not something Kendall would be happy to read on Twitter after finishing one of the most important shows of her career.

    12 When She Bullied Kylie 

    The problem with reality television is the audience will usually get to see every side of you - whether it's good or bad. On an episode Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Kylie refuses to allow Kendall to wear one of her dresses which causes a huge bust up between the sisters. Kendall then screams at her younger sibling, "You're just literally the biggest f****ng b***h I've ever met." Before turning to Kylie's dogs and telling them, "I'm sorry your mom is such a c***."

    Later Kendall also called Kylie "jealous" and that she "loves attention." She told Cosmopolitan magazine, "(Kylie) loves attention and it bothered her that I was getting attention in terms of my modeling." She added, "I think that's a natural younger sister thing - to be jealous." As if Kylie doesn't have enough to worry about with haters online, now her own sister is slamming her in the press.

    11 When She Failed At The Billboard Music Awards - Twice 

    There's one award show that probably won't be calling Kendall back ever again - the Billboard Music Awards. In 2014, she was asked to introduce the band 5 Seconds of Summer but for some reason, she had a complete memory block and announced One Direction instead. Either that or Harry Styles was just on her mind that evening.

    The next year she was invited back to present again but this time with Kylie by her side. While introducing their brother-in-law Kanye West on stage, the live audience erupted in boos aimed at the two sisters. An insider told Hollywood Life, "Kendall eased Kylie's thoughts, and told her that there's nothing they can do about it, so stressing over it would be a waste of time." Just another embarrassing moment to add to her growing list.

    10 When She Quit Her Actual Job 

    Kendall Jenner's job, in a nutshell, is - being famous. Then late November last year, she quit and shut down her Instagram. On The Ellen Show, she revealed, "I just wanted a little bit of a break. I'm always on it. I feel like I would wake up in the morning and I would look at it first thing, I would go to bed and it was the last thing I would look at. I felt a little dependent on it. It's a detox."

    The model said she didn't believe "anybody would care" most likely forgetting that companies pay her big money to post to her 77 million followers. She earns up to a staggering $300,000 for a single social media post and likely following some stern advice from her Momager Kris Jenner - she quickly switched her Instagram back on. Trust us Kendall, there are worst jobs out there that people don't just quit from.

    9 Kendall Jenner Dreadlocks 

    During New York Fashion Week last year, Kendall ended the Marc Jacobs show as she walked down the catwalk posing in dreadlocks. The fake, brightly colored dreadlocks caused a lot of controversies online as many called the model out for cultural appropriation. One Twitter user wrote: "Dreadlocks are part of black culture, something you have no business trying to sell or appropriate. Do better."

    Another tweeted: "Why does Marc Jacobs think its okay to hire a bunch of white models and give them faux dreadlocks for his show. Why couldn't Marc Jacobs hire black models with real dreadlocks? Is that so hard?" Marc Jacobs himself argued back that his real inspiration for the hairstyles was "rave culture, London 1980s' fashion and Japanese Harajuku girls" but that didn't stop the backlash.

    8 When She Took Her Diva Behaviour To Fashion Week 

    During Paris Fashion Week in 2015, Kendall was called out on her "diva behavior." Grazia reported that she showed up late to the Diane von Furstenberg show by 15 minutes and even had to shave her legs in the taxi on the way there as she wasn't fully prepared. There were also constant reports of her demanding a private backstage area, although during a busy fashion week most models just pile on top of each other, and photos of her with a personal umbrella holder - although there was no rain.

    Her Momager, Kris Jenner, was quick to jump to her daughter's defense claiming on Instagram that Kendall did everything with "exhilaration and excitement and professionalism and intensity and focus" and that she "worked damn hard to get here… tireless endless days and nights, doing whatever she is asked, to follow her dream." So that means she has the right to be a diva - or not?

    7 When People Were Too Scared To Work With Her 

    Makeup artists, you have been warned - if you don't get Kendall's makeup absolutely perfect then you will likely be fired. Kendall told People magazine, "I'm a perfectionist. If someone is doing my eyeliner, it has to be exactly the same on both sides, super-straight. If there's a tiny little bump, it has to be fixed. Our family makeup artists are scared of me sometimes!"

    One makeup artist who has dodged the wrath of Kendall is Victor Henao - Estee Lauder's global director of makeup design and also the man behind some of Kendall's best looks to date. He recommends to ditch the powder and go for a more oily look as he revealed to Buzzfeed, "I need my makeup to move because that's what faces do. I stopped powdering about two years ago. Now, even if Kendall's a little oily on set, I just let it be. I let her skin look like skin." Let's hope she doesn't read that.

    6 When She Did That Santa Photo Shoot 

    Kendall was just 19-years-old when she stripped off to lingerie and laid across Santa's lap in quite the suggestive pose. It caused a lot of controversy as many accused the star of being a bad role model for teenage girls and growing up too quick.

    Three hard-working college-bound seniors, Sydney Arnold, Nygeeba Gasque, and Victoria Wehr, wrote an open letter to Kendall online. When Kendall announced she was "the worst reader" they pleaded with her to help girls realize that a college education is more important that sexualizing your body. They wrote: "The only things that seem important to you are shoes, clothes, modeling, and parties. No one ever mentions school work - except to complain enough so your mom let you drop out." They added, "From the outside, it may look like you have it all. But come the end of the month I'll have something you don't have - a high school diploma." Ouch, Kendall would definitely want to bury this public letter.

    They added, "From the outside, it may look like you have it all. But come the end of the month I'll have something you don't have - a high school diploma." Ouch, Kendall would definitely want to bury this public letter.

    5 When She Revealed Her Not So Perfect Complexion

    Earlier this year, Kendall stepped out make-up free and revealed to the world that behind the filters and contouring she is actually less than perfect. She tried to keep her head down but the paparazzi caught both her and this shocking outbreak - which the star is known for being prone to. On her official website, she wrote to her fans: "I had such bad acne when I was younger. It completely ruined my self-esteem. I wouldn't even look at people when I talked to them."

    Kendall's dermatologist, Dr. Khristie Kidd, shared a video on Kendall's official YouTube channel that revealed how she helped her get rid of the acne. Dr. Kidd advised, "I never want you washing your face with anything abrasive. Not a scrub, not a rotating brush, not a washcloth. You want to treat it very delicately and just wash with your hands. Wash really well with your hands." Hopefully, in the future Kendall can avoid another embarrassing breakout like this one.

    4 When She Started "Bully-Gate" During Fashion Week 

    Kendall comes from a family who have made a living out of creating drama and she was just as guilty of stirring up trouble during her first ever Fashion Week. In 2015, Kendall accused many models of 'bullying' her - even going as far as claiming that they put cigarette butts out on her body. Although according to Australian model Madison Stubbington there were a lot of conclusions that were jumped to…

    Stubbington was accused of being one of the bullies, but she revealed on an Australian chat show, "I've never really spoken to (Kendall) in person. I had an incident once at a show where one of the girls behind me had said something, quite, I guess you could say, rude." She continued, "Kendall has turned around to see who has said it, she's made eye contact with me, thinking I am the one who has said this horrible thing to her." Stubbington was upset at the hate she received online when her name was mentioned as one of the bullies - hopefully, this interview helped clear things up.

    3 When Harry Styles Cheated On Her  

    One Direction's Harry Styles is well-known for being a playboy - although Kendall clearly didn't get the memo. The pair started dating at the start of 2016 but he was up to his old tricks again and cheated on her with an American air hostess named Megan Smith. She told The Sun that she won over the singer because she didn't fall for his charms straight away. The 22-year-old revealed, "I fought with him and he really had to convince me otherwise and I don't think he's come across a girl who has been so hesitant to date him."

    The 22-year-old revealed, "I fought with him and he really had to convince me otherwise and I don't think he's come across a girl who has been so hesitant to date him." She also revealed, "(He) started referring to (Kendall) as his girlfriend." Kendall was heartbroken when the news broke that behind her back he had been seeing the air hostess - but she obviously learned her lesson when it comes to bad boys.

    2 When She Stole Justin Bieber From Selena Gomez 

    Selena Gomez was reportedly furious when she discovered that her long-term boyfriend, Justin Bieber, had been stolen by Kendall. An insider told Hollywood Life, "Selena knows Kendall and Justin hooked up behind her back because one of his really, really close friends told her."

    The source added, "Kendall is super charming when she wants to be, and Selena got sucked in by her. Selena wanted to believe Kendall, so she did for a little while. But she knows they hooked up - a bunch of people have told her, and these are people that saw it go down with their own eyes. One of Justin's best friends told Selena that he and Kendall have been hooking up since they all went to Coachella last year."

    Kendall quickly called off the secret romance when she found out it had been made public - although if she had respected the girl code this should never have happened in the first place.

    1 That Pepsi Advert 

    Unless you have been living under a rock this week, Kendall has faced a serious backlash after starring in a Pepsi commercial that might have left her entire career in jeopardy. The advert featured Kendall joining a protest and handing a police officer a can of Pepsi. The ad was pulled after it received five times as many downvotes on YouTube as upvotes and was criticised for appearing to trivialise the Black Lives Matter movement.

    At the time of writing, a Google of Kendall's name brings up pages of criticism following the advert. She removed all Pepsi promo from her Twitter and Instagram after comments stretched into the thousands asking for her to publically apologize.

    Currently Kendall has not apologized, clearly sitting and waiting for this all to blow over so business can be as usual - sticking to looking pretty for fashion campaigns. She would have known the general concept of the commercial and could have pulled out at any time. Time will only tell if Kendall can either bury this controversy or if it's going to have a long-lasting effect on her career. One thing we know for sure - it's certainly left a bad taste in everyone's mouth.