Laman » Hiburan » 19 Times Bella Thorne Looked Trashier Than A Street Rat

    19 Times Bella Thorne Looked Trashier Than A Street Rat

    Bella Thorne has been acting for over a decade and it's obvious she's a talented girl when it comes to her craft. When it comes to picking her outfits, though, she's not that talented. More often than not, it seems like she gets dressed in a dark room and pulls whatever she can get her hands on from her closet. Is Bella trying to get attention? Is she genuinely expressing herself through her weird and mostly trashy clothes? Maybe we will never know… but at least we can be entertained by her wardrobe choices.

    She seems to focus on wearing outfits that show off her body, which we can't really blame her for because, let's admit it, her body is totally rocking. The problem isn't that her clothes are anything but modest, and it's almost impossible to be almost naked out in public and not look trashy. The thing is that Bella finds a way to be almost naked and super trashy at the same time. Clashing patterns, mixing and matching colors, weird and wild hair color choices, and lots of ripped fish nets seem to be staples for Bella when it comes to putting her look together. Oh and bralettes - lots and lots of those. Her style is actually somewhat reminiscent of 2007 Britney Spears when she was walking around bare foot at a gas station. If Bella wants to look trashy - and it's hard to believe that she doesn't when you see all these outfits that she intentionally wore - then that is her prerogative. She's making it seem that it takes a lot of money to look that trashy. Here are 18 of her trashiest looks.

    19 Just Rolled Out Of Bed Elegance

    Even though Bella didn't have a ton of fame back when she was a child actor, she was one nonetheless. Like many other child actors before her, when she started getting older and turned 18 (she is currently 19), she was determined to show the world that she was grown up. This, of course, means that she wants to show off her body as much as possible, because nothing screams adult like allowing people to objectify you. This look was taken from her Instagram, which shows Bella doesn't really care what state you see her in. In fact, she literally promotes some of her trashiest looks because she posts them on social media. Everything in this photo works in perfect harmony to make her look like someone you would see sleeping on a park bench in Venice Beach.

    18 Jean + Fish Net Nightmare

    As we mentioned, Bella LOVES fishnets! There is nothing inherently trashy about fishnets but they can very easily look awful, depending on the rest of the outfit. An all-denim outfit with fishnets? Yup, we're a looking at a trashy outfit. Is the worst part of this outfit that flame print belt which looks very similar to a dog collar pattern? Or is it the jean crop top that you would find in a street market? The combination of all of these elements is what really makes it horrible. She looks ready to star in an '80s rock music video, and everyone knows '80s rockers were the epitome of class and grace, right?! The chain link purse finishes everything off and is the piece de resistance for the entire outfit.

    17 Why Bella?

    She obviously loves her key necklace, as she is seen wearing it on a regular basis. Yes, we realize that Bella is a very pretty girl and that the above photo is capitalizing on a bad angle and awkward moment. What makes it trashy though, again, is the combination of everything in this photo. Her make up looks totally scary, and if your face looks scary then you can bet the rest of you will too! It doesn't matter what clothes you're wearing. The clothes just can't save you. The combination of her hair, septum piercing, top, dog collar necklace, and make up make her look like someone you wouldn't want to run into in a dark alley. She literally looks like someone who will come after you for 5 dollars and a half empty pack of cigarettes.

    16 Tragic Pink Hair And Red Hat Combo

    We had to show you this outfit from another angle, so that you could see the little yellow panda purse that is just the cherry on top of the trash sundae. She obviously didn't feel that her fuchsia pink hair and red hat and matching fishnets clashed enough. So she decided to add the color yellow into the mix to really make sure that when you look at her, it hurts your eyes. There is always just so much going on with her outfits, it's like she thinks about every accessory that she can possibly wear and then multiplies it by ten. We are going to juxtapose this photo with another one of Bella looking normal so you can truly see the difference!

    She looks so nice and pretty in pink here, right?! She's wearing accessories that are definitely minimal, and she has chosen one color to stick to as well. We miss this Bella a little bit. It was back when she used to really live up to her name of "Bella". Even her facial expression here is so angelic and innocent, which is quite a stark contrast when you compare it to the one in the photo before it.

    15 What Are These Tights Bella?!

    This is a very pretty picture of Bella's face… but even that could not save her from falling into the trashy category. Just look at those shoes. It looks like she stole them from someone who went through a goth phase in the '90s. Those tights just don't need to exist. We appreciate her effort trying to combine flowers with fishnets but sometimes people should stop and think to themselves, "Do I really need to do this? Is this something that is lacking from the current cultural zeitgeist?" And maybe this part is just us, but it always looks like she needs to at least brush her hair before she leaves the house. But please wash your hair, Bella. She has even said in interviews that she's not the most hygienic person, and unfortunately in photos like this, it totally shows.

    14 We Call This The Florida Lot Lizard Look

    What is a Florida lot lizard, you may ask? It's someone that spends a lot of time in a Florida parking lot. It's basically another term for human trash. It seriously looks like Bella wakes up and thinks to herself, "What would someone that enjoys spending their days in a parking lot outside of a convenience store wear?" She always succeeds in creating that exact look. We get that v-necks are a thing and most of the time, this look can seem gorgeous and classy. But Bella's top is so widely split down the middle that it literally looks the parting of the red seas. And as everyone knows, if your shirt already comes with a bunch of accessories like chains, you don't need to wear even more chains around your neck. It's just too much.

    13 This Is Just An Injustice To Fashion

    We've come this far in the list without bringing up the ton of bracelets that Bella wears on her right hand, even though they have already made a few appearances above. That's because they deserve an entire paragraph dedicated just to them. Most of the time, when people wear this many cheap looking bracelets that just scream "rave", they are either a child, or you know, at a rave. And mostly likely very intoxicated. Bella wears these loud and proud all the time even though they rarely match her other jewellery or her outfit. We are starting to think that Bella is just trolling the entertainment industry and the world with her outfits because it's a bit much. Special mention goes to the hat in this picture which she probably took from her grandfather.

    12 Like Beetlejuice, But Worse

    Beetlejuice is a beloved and iconic movie from 1988 that is a dark comedy about the undead. Beetlejuice is still a very popular character today, especially on Halloween which is the appropriate time to channel him. Bella will channel Beetlejuice any old day, and she hardly does his undead glory any justice. Again, her face seriously looks like it needs to be washed or least given a nice clean up with a face wipe. We will say those pants are super cute and she could have done so many other things with them that would have looked so much better. But nope. She chose some kind of weird top that we aren't even sure what we should call it. Is she wearing two tops? Is that some kind of crop jacket over her crop top? Maybe we will never know!

    11 No It's Not A Rat, Just A Sweaty Bella

    We've established that Bella apparently draws inspiration from Beetlejuice when getting dressed in the morning sometimes, and it seems she always draws inspiration from Harley Quinn for her make up. If you can't tell, she is wearing two different shades of eyeshadow in this photo! One eye has blue eyeshadow and the other has red and it's all a hot sweaty mess on her face. Why is she so shiny and why does she always look so sweaty? Homegirl has access to all of the best beauty and skincare products in the world at her fingertips and she can absolutely prevent makeup mishaps like this from ever happening. Whatever look she was going for with this make up fell flat and ended up looking trashy. Of course, that might have been the effect that she was totally going for.

    10 When You Get Dressed In The Dark

    Guys, guess what: Bella is wearing fishnets again and this time she has made them look even worse than she has before by wearing them under a pair of sweatpants! Now, most of us have been in a position where we wake up half asleep, it's still dark outside and we just throw some clothes on. Then we find ourselves in public after we have woken up a bit more, and in the starkness of daylight we realize that we have put together a totally mismatched outfit. And even under those circumstances, we are positive that not many of our outfits look as mismatched as Bella Thorne's does. And it seems that she does this intentionally. We could even maybe forgive this outfit as a sloppy outfit to work out in, if only we didn't know that she didn't work out in it and put on a pair of fishnets.

    9 Bella Channels Julia Roberts In Pretty Women

    Pretty Women is an iconic movie, and it is one of Julia Robert's most iconic roles as well. It also has one of the most iconic outfits in it as in people can't get away with wearing jean shorts and thigh-high black boots without someone bringing up the movie. Of course, this was something that Julia's character wore when she was still a "working girl" and needed to advertise her wares to potential buyers. So when Bella chooses to wear an outfit that is almost identical to one that a character who is a working girl wears, there is really only one thing it can look like. And that is trashy. Come on now Bella, we know you aren't hard up for cash so why you advertising so hard?!

    8 Looks Like Someone You Would See At A Truck Stop

    Let's just be real here, the caliber of people who choose to hang out at a truck stop is not going to be so high. Bella is wearing fishnets once again (but pink ones this time, which makes it even worse) and she's definitely not looking her best. If you were to walk by her on the street and you saw her dressed like this, the only way you would realize it is Bella Thorne is because no one else would wear such a trashy outfit, or have every single aspect of their outfit be trashy. And when you compare these photos of Bella to what she used to wear when she was younger (and probably still controlled by various entertainment industry execs), the difference is pretty astonishing! Just take a look for yourself and compare!

    See how nice Bella looks when someone throws her into a bath and fixes her up nice? We almost forgot how pretty she actually is!

    7 Her Bare Stomach Is Her Favorite Accessory

    Listen, Bella clearly has an amazing and enviable body but when you see it all the time it tends to have the Kim K effect. Basically, because we have seen it way too much, we have become desensitized to it. That is probably why she feels the need to trash up her outfits to keep the attention focused on her. Even just ignoring her the weird tie dye genie pants, the bathing suit top, and the jean jacket tied around her waist, her hair alone is just trashy enough by itself. Why don't you like to brush your hair, Bella? Do you think that not brushing your hair makes you look wild and free? Because it does make you appear wild but not in the good sense of the term. More like bush wild!

    6 Triple The Trash

    When news broke that they were hooking up, Bella Thorne and Scott Disick initially seemed like the most random couple in the universe. Some pictures of the two canoodling hit the inter webs and people couldn't stop talking about it. Then when we thought about it, the more we realized that this pairing made perfect sense. They are both super thirsty for attention… and they are both human trash. Scott not so much because of the way he dresses but because of his association with the Kardashians and his own trashy personality. Combine that with Bella's trashy fashion sense and it all just becomes a cringe-inducing picture. No idea on who the friend in the middle of the trash sandwich is, but she certainly adds to the overall theme of this pair.

    5 Boss?… Ummm… Yah, NO.

    This girl must have bought up the stock in flame print, because she very clearly loves it! Well, that would be flame print AND fishnet tights! Here we have some kind of weird rendition of an old-school cowboy with a touch of some classic rock and cheap prints. Whatever the overall goal of this look was, we think it's safe to say that it fell flat because she doesn't look anything other than trashy and kind of weird. And there is just something about wearing pants that are just a little too short on you so your ankles stick out that honestly should be illegal for crimes against decency. Either wear shorts, capris, or pants! Don't go for some weird tacky length like this. If we didn't know that the girl in this photo was Bella Thorne, we would guess from this look she is on her way to a payday loan place so she can buy new pants that fit.

    4 Grunge Ft. Street Worker Ft. Take-Out

    Let's ask this again: have you noticed that Bella Thorne has a six-pack? Of course you have! Bella gives new meaning to street style with her outfits, and that's true of this outfit in particular. This time, she isn't wearing a red hat that clashes with her pink hair, but she's sporting blue hair and a green hat. And while the colors do go together slightly better than red and pink, it's still not okay. At least she kept the variety of colors to a minimum for this outfit. Well, for her, at least!  She also managed to leave the house without putting on every single piece of jewellery she owns which we imagine makes her feel more naked than not wearing any clothes ever could. This picture could be a still from the reality  show Intervention about someone with a heavy drug addiction. You shouldn't look like you do drugs if you don't, Bella!

    3 Captain Fire Trash

    Oh good, she has a shirt version of her dog collar belt! There is something about the flame logo that instantly reminds one of a dog collar and an old man sitting with his shirt open wide with his beer gut sticking out while he sits in a lawn chair guzzling Bud Light.  You know, what ever 19-year-old girl wants to look like and channel with her outfits. She also has brought another grandpa captain hat into the whole mix, but this time in a more traditional white color rather than just plain black. White jeans are also a bit of a gamble. They can look really good and elegant but too easily they end up look up looking totally trashy, like they do in this photo where they are combined with some flame print and a captain-style hat.

    2 What A Complete Mess

    Yup, here's that lovely dog collar belt again, and she's paired it with a nice blue army print shirt that belongs on no one past the age of five. Why does army print exist any other color pattern but camouflage? It literally just fuels trashy people like Bella! The shirt appears to come with some kind of weird netted material, because you know if she isn't wearing fishnets on her legs, then she's going to a way to incorporate the net pattern into her overall look. The thing is that she is rich and famous and we can't understand why she doesn't go get her teeth whitened. The grey/yellow look doesn't work on anyone, but especially someone who goes out of their way to look trashy. Actually, that is probably why she doesn't get her teeth whitened!

    1 When Trying To Be Edgy Ends Up Being Trashy

    Hey, were you aware of the fact that Bella Thorne has an amazing flat stomach with a six- pack as well? The answer is probably "yes" because she tries her best to make sure that you never, ever forget this! In this photo, she is also flaunting some underboob - you know, to class up the whole look. This look is something you would see in the WWE, which we all know has a great reputation for treating women well and not objectifying them. And there is something about white jeans that just can't ever look that good, or at least look classy at all. At least her make up is kind of nice for once, and the jacket is cool. We're going to give credit where credit is due.