Laman » Hiburan » 20 Photos Of Kylie We Will NEVER Get Sick Of

    20 Photos Of Kylie We Will NEVER Get Sick Of

    Since Kylie Jenner has basically grown up in the spotlight, it's impossible not to notice that she's gone through a lot of phases. She's always sporting new fashion trends… and then promptly disregarding them. From having mint green hair to choosing a more mature black bob, it's safe to say that her style has changed quite a lot over the past few years. Sure, she's gotten a ton of hate about the changes she's made, but she's the only one who can decide how she wants to dress! The following 20 photos tell a story about Kylie Jenner's life. They show you how she expresses herself, how she manages with fame, and how she deals with the pressures of her life. On some level, we can all relate to her when it comes to people judging us at some point in our lives when they have absolutely zero reason to. Hopefully after seeing these pictures, we can all find a bit more confidence in our ourselves. We can learn to own how we look and show ourselves some love… and maybe we can even get some fashion inspiration!

    20 Minty Green

    We've all seen the dozens of selfies of Kylie Jenner with her mint green hair. When she first dyed her hair this color, it was around the time that her fame started to become something more than just a shadow of Kim Kardashian's. She has become more and more relevant ever after this point, which is why this photo has such a soft place in everyone's heart. And if you're a huge fan, then you love this hair too! Her minty green hair really was a turning point in her career since it was also around the same time that she launched her lipsticks! This time in general was amazing for Kylie and everyone who was rooting for her from the start. Many people started to ridicule her for her surgeries around this era as well, but guess what? It's all been her choice and what she's doing now really shows how far she's come. The truth is that it all started here! Talk about a #throwback!

    19 Golden Globes

    How adorable is it to see Kylie with her loving sister, dressed to the nines in their finery! Look how adorable they both look posing for this photo -- how can you not love it?! Not only are they super stylish and glam, they even decided to have matching hairstyles this evening, which really captures both of their personalities! The dresses that they each chose to wear had very high slits and they basically looked like dolls. This photo made headlines and was even featured in People magazine. Why? If you can't tell, they look super glam but also real since they're holding pizza like an additional fashion accessory. Kylie's decked out in a silver dress and Kendall's in a gorgeous burnt orange dress, and these colors really complement each other. They're a duo that is 100 percent unstoppable!  Would you have the guts to rock a dress like these two sisters?

    18 A New Look

    This look really speaks volumes about how much Kylie Jenner has changed in recent years. You can see how much she's matured even by the way she carries herself. She's a strong and independent business woman and no one can stop her! Wearing a beautiful crystal-inspired evening gown, short, and edgy hair, and a natural makeup look, Kylie Jenner looks super fab! When Kylie first wore her hair this short, it was plain to see that this red carpet photo would go viral because of how much she's changed. This photo was seen on millions of blogs which put her looks up on a pedestal because of how daring it was that she cut her hair this short! This new look has inspired many to go shorter than usual and honestly it's worth it because this look would look good on anyone! Going for a new hairstyle is always a good idea.

    17 2017 Calendar

    Kylie really made waves when it came to this look. She turned heads and really surprised everyone with the amount of confidence that she exuded. Kylie's 2017 calendar was a huge success for the Jenner brand because of how Kylie has transformed her style once again! Plus look how bomb that blonde hair looks. We don't think anyone could pull off hair this great, especially with a messy look like in this photo! She is a huge inspiration for bronzed skin and blonde hair, reinventing the stereotypical persona many people think about that description. And in case you weren't sure that you should be a Kylie superfan, here's a great quote: “I've realized through the years that I just find happiness in other things, whether it's my dogs or my friends or, like, looking at the sunset. So if I were to wish for something else, it would just be to be happy all the time, to have a superpower of not letting things affect me, and to be true to who I am, always.”

    16 Boots Galore

    Talk about confidence! Being able to pull off a look like this really takes some guts. This was another shot from her 2017 calendar because we simply can't get enough of this girl's confidence. What's even more impressive? When you find out about her daily workout routine and how she keeps in shape. Not only is it motivation for you to be healthy and turn over a new leaf too but she is also spreading a super positive message to her fans. Her confidence affects more than just the fans that respect her and her creative work, but also those around her that are younger and need a role model to look up to! She's constantly in the public eye and although we don't know her personally, we feel like we do because we love everything that she says and does. It's important to have a good role model and she's proven that she can keep up with the challenge.

    15 Mirror Selfie

    You can never go wrong with mirror selfies! Kylie Jenner is the girl who brought them back into fashion so we have her to thank for this fun activity! It's always hard to pull off a mirror selfie in style, but of course, Kylie Jenner does so with major style points. But we already knew that she would, of course. Not only is her faux fur on point, but so is her dramatic makeup and tousled hair. Together, these all create a look that's absolutely to die for! A bold orange lip and glossy gold eyes create a look so unique and striking, you might feel the urge to try it out yourself this weekend! Here's another fun Kylie quote for good measure: “What I think is so amazing about having everything, and feeling like I have everything, is that I don't really find happiness within materialistic things. Like, it's cool if I can buy myself a new car, and I think it's amazing for a week, but then the thrill is over, and I'm like, 'Oh, so I guess that wasn't really happiness.'”

    14 Long Hair For Days

    Switching it up and connecting with her roots, Kylie decided to have long flowing locks again instead of a short dyed bob. We can't pick which one of her many hairstyles is our favorite because let's be honest, we love her hair every which way, but this is a pretty amazing look too! This is a more natural look that looks so fantastic with the throwback of her very long locks. Here she's sporting a nude lip, rust-colored eye makeup, and a beautiful gold silk blouse. Even her head tilt has been an ongoing theme for the past few months thanks to this picture. How amazing is that?! Being able to start a trend of just tilting your head and using your hand as a prop on your selfies!? Not everyone will get it, but for those who do, it's just another reason why Kylie is as big as she is in Hollywood. And if you thought that Kylie was all about rocking tons of makeup, think again: she has said, “If I'm going to see people, I won't wear heavy makeup. It's not attractive on me. When you see those pictures on my Instagram, they are usually for when I'm doing a photo shoot or an interview.”

    13 More Golden Globes

    You can't help but want to see more of these beautiful gowns and the strong connection that these sisters share. We just had to share another 2017 Golden Globes red carpet picture! You have to witness the entire look (aka a full-body shot) because the whole look is needed to fully appreciate how stylish these Jenner sisters are. Seriously. Just look at how happy these two look. While we know Kylie Jenner has mentioned many times that her fame really does give her insecurities, she overcomes them daily despite the hate she constantly receives. It's really no wonder that she has the following she has, and she deserves it. So in case you were thinking that she's super cocky and loves her fame, it's really not true. She has shared about her insecurities: “We have all eyes on us, all the time, so especially for me, at my age, trying to find myself - it's hard to not let it affect you. Having older sisters with some of the same insecurities as me helps me a lot, and makes me feel like it's okay."

    12 Happy New Year

    Happy New Year! Kylie really rang in 2017 with a bang. Here she is again with a mirror selfie. Kylie posted this one in her bathroom at the beginning of the year. She was having a casual night in when she posted this classic look on Instagram. She has a love/hate relationship with fame for sure, but at the end of the day she puts on her best face and does what anyone would -- she continues to be proud of herself and doesn't want to take any crap from anyone. Because it's true, no matter what you see about anyone online, you never know who they really are. Kylie has said, “People think they have a perfect idea of who you are from a four-second Snapchat video… and fake blogs, stories, magazine covers. In reality, that's not the case. Nobody knows who I am except family and my close friends.”

    11 Pink Hair

    Even though this look was short lived, aren't we super glad that it's captured in these selfies? Because this look was one of Kylie's best ones! It's amazing how well the pink suits her because not many people can pull off such a bold look like this. Maybe it's her total and complete confidence or maybe the shade is just a perfect fit. Either way, this is a look that inspired many people on the red carpet of Hollywood. We think we can all agree right now after seeing this iconic photo that we wish we could all see her with pink hair again. Or maybe we're even thinking about dying our own hair pink. There's just something about her photos that really make us all feel a bit more confident than normal and we honestly love that! She just has a specific air about her that encourages everyone around her to just be themselves and love who they are! As Kylie says, "I'm still growing up, learning, and making mistakes, just like any other teenager would - yet millions of people are watching and judging me. That's the part I don't know if I'll ever get used to."

    10 A Natural Look

    This natural look of Kylie's where she's rocking hair that's longer than a bob but not super long is probably one one of our fave top fives ever. That's because she holds herself with so much confidence and assurance. This casual look didn't really provoke a causal response when she posted this photo -- people definitely reacted super strongly (and positively) to this photo! Tons of people said this was the best photo of Kylie Jenner that they had ever seen and many fell in love with how she's barely wearing any makeup and she's showing off her unique fashion style. We'll just go ahead and say that we agree with all of that. We just really love this look on her. As Kylie says, "Nobody knows who I am except family and my close friends. But it is what it is. People have to be sensitive to - I hate using the word 'celebrities' - people in the spotlight. Because there's so much more than what you see on the cover of a magazine."

    9 Couple Selfie

    Seeing a cute couple photo of Tyga and Kylie is adorable of course because we love them and we love couple selfies (especially celebrity ones!). But we really love it when couples take it to a whole new level and get creative with how they show their connection and love. We know that many people have gotten all up in arms about the Kylie and Tyga situation, for various reasons, but let's forget about that for a moment. You can just see that she's practically glowing with happiness here, even though she's not even smiling. There's no use getting angry about someone's life choices when they are obviously very happy. That's the only thing that should count and that should matter. This was one of the first photos of her and Tyga when the two of them started dating. After that, she started to fully embrace her personal style on her social media accounts. Sometimes, it can take another person fully supporting you that allows you to really find yourself and learn who you are. So we say this is a great relationship for her!

    8 Instagram Mirror Selfie

    Instagram is always where the best selfies live, but Kylie makes sure to stand out from the crowd (but we already knew that she would do that!) She's been constantly touted as Instagram's new beauty standard because she's paved the way for many other individuals with similar body types to be able to embrace their ability to shine in the model industry or even just on social media and their own personal branding. Not only has she created a new beauty standard, she's also seen here sporting her pink pastel hair that looks almost rose gold in this photo. We wonder if she'll go back to dying her hair all sorts of crazy colors again? We can only hope, right? We think it's awesome when someone is not only famous but also a good person and that's honestly how we feel about Kylie Jenner. She really inspires us each and every day to be who we are. And yeah, we're wondering if we should dye our hair too!

    7 Coachella 2015

    In this epic photo, not only does Kylie inspire us to embrace our curves as independent women, but she also looks super carefree and confident. Let's take a quick detour and look back on this amazing photo from Coachella 2015. Here, Kylie is seen wearing black and white braids and a fitted net body suit. We can see that she's growing into her super awesome personal style thanks to the fact that she has enough confidence to wear something like this… not to mention the fact that she wore this at an outdoor concert where millions of people would see her! It's hard to imagine the guts it takes to be able to pull off something like this… and with such style, too. Do you think you'd ever wear something like this to a concert? Or anywhere, really?! She has said of her social media brand, "On Snapchat I show people what I think they want to see. That's not me. It's a projected image. A brand. I'm not a different person. I just don't show all of me."

    6 A Cozy Sweatshirt

    Don't we all just want to cozy up in a big sweatshirt? We know we do! Kylie Jenner was one of the first individuals to bring back the sweatshirt as something that you can wear outside your house, and you don't have to simply wear a sweatshirt watching Netflix on your couch. If you combine a huge sweatshirt with minimal makeup, you're left with a surprisingly chic outcome. This is something that's been coming back in style because of youthful celebs such as Kylie Jenner. Pair the look with some classic combat boots and of course an adorable doggy and you'll be on trend! But seriously, this look is a classic King Kylie look and even though it was posted on her Instagram last August, it's still as stylish as ever which is why so many people adore this picture of Kylie! Do you think you could pull off this trending look? Let's just all bundle up in our huge sweatshirts and call it a night, shall we? We shall! (Let's just all take a moment to appreciate the cute dog!)

    5 Faux Fur

    We just can't get enough of Kylie Jenner's ultra glam selfies in faux fur! Kylie is known for her love of faux fur jackets and coats and for good reason -- they totally fit her style and personality! While she might seem like she has a soft personality, she's also very reserved and keeps to herself. Many people see her as completely relatable because of how she really does value her daily routine and little things that we all enjoy. That's one reason why Kylie is different from other starlets. She's real, despite all the haters out there that bully her about their wasted free time. As for Kylie, she thinks that she can learn a thing or two about youth from her famous sisters: “Khloe has the youngest hands. You can tell a woman's age by her hands, and she taught me that. She has way younger hands than I do because she's addicted to wearing sunscreen on them. I'm not consistent with it, but maybe that will be my new year's resolution.”

    4 Looking Strong

    This definitely deserves to be one of Kylie Jenner's top photos simply because of the strength she shows here! It takes a lot of guts to rock a look like this at the gym and Kylie has overcome that fear. She fully embraces her curves despite the hate she gets about her body. In this ad for Puma, she shows how strong she really is and we think it speaks volumes about the real Kylie behind all the glitz and glam. Her strong personality matches her strong exterior and she totally inspires and motivates us each and every day to get into the gym (or into the yoga or barre studio -- whatever we're into!) and live our own healthy lifestyles. Plus when she's saying awesome quotes like this, we just have to love her even more: "If I could do whatever I wanted, I would have a successful makeup line, and I would want to hopefully start more businesses, and just be, like, a businesswoman, and then, hopefully, I'll go off the map. When I'm, like, 30, I want to go off the map, have a family, and live in Malibu and have a farm, and just raise my own chickens."

    3 Bronze Beauty

    You can't go wrong with bronzer any time of the year! How can you not love this classic look?! We definitely do! Thanks to Kylie's little black dress, bronzed makeup, and a natural wave in her hair, this picture really shows how chic her style is and how elevated it is compared to others on the red carpet. Like we've mentioned a few times in this article, it's scary how often Kylie Jenner gets hate just for being the face of her own personal brand. She's constantly putting on a smile for those around her to keep sane when people should just mind their own business. It's wonderful to be able to support the people we love on social media, but it's even better when we can also ignore those we don't agree with, which more people should honestly do. As she says, “I'm always down to share my secrets, share my beauty tips. Most of the stuff my fans never knew I get from CVS and stores like that. It's fun sharing all the stuff that I use! I don't use crazy stuff. There's always ways to do it for less.”

    2 Sisterly Love

    Honestly, we can never have enough of these two! They really love each other and are creative in their collaborations too. These famous sisters are totally unstoppable and this ad campaign for the PacSun Holiday 2015 collection is one of our favorite photos. It really reflects that these two constantly inspire each other… not to mention the fact that Kylie Jenner has mentioned how much her family inspires her. They motivate her not with only thanks to their insecurities but with their classic and minimalist style, as well as their support system for each other. They're always there for each other and that's something we think we should all learn how to value a little bit more than we usually do. These sisters are here to stay even if they continue to go down their own paths with what they want to create in this world. Do you agree that this bond is super inspiring? We definitely love it and can't get enough!

    1 Classic Denim

    This classic denim look deserves the number one spot because of how effortless she looks! Also, Kylie started this trend a few months ago. She's never afraid to say what she thinks and feels and wants and she's definitely not afraid of wearing what she wants. She constantly is being innovative with the way she wears her clothes and how she styles her daily outfits, from red carpet gowns to casual gym clothes. This classic denim look isn't any different because once this photo was posted and people spotted how she rocks a denim jacket like no one else, she sparked a trend that's still currently relevant. Buttoning the last button on a baggy jean jacket and wearing it on your shoulders is something that's currently in style because of King Kylie! Overall, you either love or hate Kylie Jenner and what she does. But it's hard to loathe her when the fact is, she's worked hard and earned what she has. She's a confident woman who can't be shut down and she knows what she's doing… and she inspires us each and every day!