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    20 Photos That Show Khloe's Drastic Changes

    Khloe Kardashian was never as big as her sisters. While these rich sisters have grown up in the spotlight, it's surprising to look back and see how much they've all changed. And wow, has Khloe ever CHANGED. She's the most dramatic “ugly duckling” story out there right now, culminating in her recent weight loss and hair change. If you haven't seen her recent pics, don't worry; we've got a trip back through time of the most shocking Khloe Kardashian looks right here, starting with her beautiful new image. You'll see why she talked about being bullied as a kid, and why she wasn't as popular as her sisters in high school. You'll also see some baby pictures that really make you shocked at how she's changed. And some photos that make the claim of her not being related… kind of make sense. While we're not taking sides, we certainly find it hard to believe when you see some of these family photos.

    20 The Present Day

    Let's take a look at Khloe Kardashian nowadays. It's undeniably still her; her face looks almost the same, despite the huge amount of weight loss. Her diet/work out routine is clearly working for her, as the revealing clothes she's been rocking has shown. This blonde hair is also helping her in so many ways. It's made her look lighter and brighter, and really brings out the warmness in her skin. It also makes those pinks she likes wearing look less washed out and cheap, which is always a plus. Overall she just seems more confident and happy, which we have to support. While some might have pegged this look as her “revenge body”, we beg to differ. We think she did it to take ownership of herself and her style. Hopefully that means she'll stick with it; weight loss is hard, especially when you're working with a dramatic work out routine.

    19 Getting Used To It

    This is at the end of her adjustment period, where she's got the hair and the body out and embraced. She looks confident and sexy, though we had to put this second because it's still not perfect. In the first photo she's let herself be a little more natural. In this shot? Orange skin, caked on gloss, and eyelashes that look almost like spider legs. While it might be the way it's shot, we're not really feeling this mixing of past style and new confidence. She looks like she could be on Jersey Shore, if she still had her dark hair. It's nice to see her go a little more relaxed with the makeup, and to stop this over-filling of eyebrows and dorito-dusted skin. Criticism aside, she does look happier. No doubt her confidence has skyrocketed, which is really the goal of dramatic life change.

    18 Less Flattering

    While she's lost some weight in this photo, and she's got her hair change on the way, it's not the greatest shot. If we had to guess, we'd say that she's stuck in the awkward adjustment phase. When someone loses a lot of weight, or just changes their look dramatically over all, it takes a while for them to really see that it's different. These changes haven't really sunk in yet for Khloe, which you can see through the way she's holding herself and doing herself up. She's still got the same style as before her weight loss (ill-fitting and not flattering), and her hair is being hidden through slicking it back instead of being worn forward and embraced. We're glad she worked through this phase, as she really does look pretty now. But in this photo? No way. Keep trying, Khloe.

    17 Good Beginnings

    Let's talk about this photo. Khloe's lost some weight, and while her hair is still long and dark, she seems to be owning her body a little bit more. She might even be hotter than Kim in this photo, which is a shock. While some people might argue with us on that, we think Khloe's outfit does way more to help her body. She's also got the height, which is wicked hot for a lot of people. It also makes her dieting easier, in a way, because it's easier for her to eat at a deficit. Her frame also lets her carry a little extra weight, which can be hidden easily with a well-tied scarf. Kim still has the curves and the beauty, which everyone loves. But you can see Khloe starting to own her own look, and test the waters with her new body!

    16 The Husband

    Okay, the ex. We'll only put one of these shots in here, since it was a pretty recent, pretty sad break up. Khloe was happily married for a while, though we're not sure how satisfied he was. Their break up had to come from somewhere, and we won't pry into the nitty gritty details of it. We're only looking at how she's changed, which means we had to show how she looked during marriage. This is where things start to get good. While she's certainly trying to make herself look good here, it's just not enough compared to how she looks now. Her full potential was definitely not being met, even though she had a lovely family to support her. It gets worse, too. Look at the photo before this, and you'll see what we mean. She really was trying to look good, especially compared to…

    15 Pre-Weight Loss

    She's dressing well, and her hair is still looking passable. While she's not putting as much effort in as the shot with her (now ex) husband, she definitely has the beginnings of looking good. She's learned how to dress herself a little bit better, at least, with this outfit coming in at the waist and plunging to just the right spot. She's also got some nicer makeup going on, with her eyeliner looking smooth and even. Though her eyes are a little hidden through that weird kind-of squint she has going on, we believe that she's in a good place. The earrings are a little much, though. That's just details though! No doubt she's been getting help from a stylist to help build her up to her sister's level. Still, you put the two of them beside each other and unfortunately Khloe still gets the short end of the stick.

    14 Genetic Lottery

    Sometimes people hit it big, and sometimes people… Don't. While other people in the family might be these breathtaking goddesses that know exactly how to charm a camera, other people… Are wearing a grey sack and hide behind ropes worthy of weirdly highlighted hair. She's definitely not killing it in this shot, and we're not really sure who let her leave the house like that. It looks like her dress is falling off, or that it was taped on too low to make for a nice cleavage line. While we don't doubt that she has some motivation to make herself look good, we're not seeing exactly where that is right now. You'd think being sandwiched between Kourtney and Kim would be enough to make you step up your fashion game, apparently that's not the case. It gets worse, too…

    13 Lady In Red

    Hold on. Let's slow down here, and find something redeeming. Yes, matching doesn't mean just wearing the same colour. Maybe we're not the fashion goddesses featured on Instagram or Vogue, but we're pretty sure we know how to match clothes. This photo might not be totally chronologically correct in the grand scheme of this list, but we had to add it in because of how sweet it is. While we made fun of her fashion in the last shot, we definitely need to give her points for trying. She's made such an effort here, with a red jacket, red nails, and red lips. She's not totally hopeless, and we hope that that's clear. Especially with the shots we're about to show you. These are not for the faint of heart, or for those that want to use Khloe as their new style icon. Read on, but you've been warned!

    12 THIS

    What is going on here. She's got these weird kind-of bangs, weak eyebrows, and hoops that aren't big enough to be a statement piece, but are big enough to catch attention. And what's up with that eyeliner? It looks like she used a permanent marker to outline her lashes, and it's a little disturbing. Not to mention that gross gloss. It's baby pink, and makes her lips disappear. And the EYEBROWS. Those are NOT Kardashian brows, and we're sorely disappointed that she went to a red carpet/public event with those on her face. She looks tired too, with a kind of vacant expression. Maybe she didn't want to smudge her thick liner, or maybe she didn't have the confidence she has now. Either way, this is the beginning of the BAD Khloe pics. She's in her ugly duckling phase here, and you'd be surprised how much worse it gets.

    11 Cornrows?

    More like “Oh Nos” We don't care what she was promoting. This girl wearing cornrows makes us cringe. Not only does it not flatter her, but white people who appropriate black hairstyles (including cornrows) is problematic on the whole. Especially if it's in a context like this, where she's on a red carpet promoting a brand, only using the cornrows as a fun, flirty style. When the hairstyle is stripped down to a “look” rather than respecting its necessary, cultural value, it's erasing the experiences (and backlash) Black folks have had due to wearing cornrows throughout history. The worst part? Her sisters have also taken this style on, with Kylie Jenner and Kim Kardashian having rocked the cornrows at different points in time as well. Just another questionable shot in the long line of Khloe hairstyles.

    10 Snooki? Is That You?

    Maybe we're exaggerating, but it's hard to not think about the fact that she really could pass as a Jersey Shore actor. Does anyone else remember that show? We mentioned it in an earlier discussion about Khloe, but we had to drive that point home with this picture. If her skin was just a little more dramatic, and her lips just a little more pale, it would easily be a twins situation between her and Snooki. It's something about the way her mouth is pushed forward too. If anyone used to do the duck lips in photos, that's what we're getting the sense of here. Also, we have to mention the hair. It's such a flat, fried black that we're not sure how she managed it. Even box dyes usually give you some multifaceted color. But this? It's just like that wool you arm-knit blankets out of. Yikes.

    9 Uh… Seriously?

    The only word we have for this is “how”. How does Kim Kardashian's sister ever get away with having a blonde-to-brown crimped (or maybe even permed) hairdo? Seriously. While she might not have had a stylist at this point, she at least had her up-and-coming fashion icon siblings to consult with. We think it was a family affair, making her look like this. The only redeeming factor is that she looks happy. While we can judge her horrible hair all we want, she's still doing better than a lot of us would be. She's spending time with friends, smiling and laughing like there's nothing wrong. While it's not the most attractive photo of Khloe, it's definitely a lesson in looks aren't everything. Besides… Maybe it was a themed 80s party. We can always hope, at least.

    8 A Little Bit Younger Now

    Yes, this is the famous Khloe Kardashian. Isn't it wild how much she's changed? Even between this photo and the one before there's a huge jump. Unfortunately it's not quite enough though, and her look is still somewhere between young lady and Disney child star. The dress is really not flattering, and her hair is making some weird lines on her chest. At least it's better than the flat black color she eventually worked her way into; that's probably because anything is better than that terrible dye job. She looks nervous in this photo too, which doesn't help the outfit. She definitely needs a little more confidence to walk on this carpet, which her sisters no doubt had. She just needs some time to grow up, get confident, and find herself… Right?

    7 Khloe?!

    Yes! Throwback Thursday indeed. This shot is from when she was even younger than the one above, and we're shocked that it's still allowed on the internet. We thought she would have gone all Russian on these photos, disallowing them from making an appearance online (and banning anyone from the internet who posts these things). But no! We found one that really shows how much she's grown past her ugly duckling phase. Even the simple action of growing out of her kid clothes made her look a little bit better. While we won't fault her for having a childhood, we will let our jaws hit the floor because of how much she's changed. It's too much to handle. The eyebrows, the smile, and now the body. While you can tell it's Khloe, she's really grown into so much more than this photo shows.

    6 You'll Never Guess…

    Just kidding. You totally will. Kim and Kourtney look good, with the beginnings of their fashion icon styles appearing. They look stylish and well put together, while Khloe looks not at all on the same level as them. While she took a little longer to grow into herself, she certainly grew up quick. In this photo she's already taller and bigger than both sisters. She's not nearly as developed though, which isn't surprising for how young she is. Her smile is still the same though, and the family is just as accepting and supporting of her as they are all their kids. She just took a little more time to really support herself. It's wild to see this photo when we think of her now as always being covered in makeup. She's too young to rock anything but the fresh face, and we're shocked. Totally would never have guessed.

    5 Hair Down

    Okay, with her hair down (and a few more months on her) Khloe is starting to look like a Kardashian. She certainly takes after her dad more than her Mom, but that's nothing to be shocked by. Kids are always a mix of both parents, but sometimes one of them comes out a little bit stronger than the other. In this case her Dad's side is the prominent one, as seen by her nose and her eyes. It's not a bad shot… She just doesn't really fit in with the other two girls. They're so much more developed than she is, and she's stuck in the almost manic energy young girls get going in front of the camera. It really speaks to Kim's personality, and how she's been calm and collected from the start. Don't worry; we know it's not terribly ugly. There's definitely more coming, and you'll be shocked to see how she was as a kid.

    4 Messy

    Who's that little one tucked in the corner? It's Khloe! She's so small, so sneaky, and so messy. Look at all that hair! She's got the wildest, most dramatic curls of all the sisters, and we're surprised she doesn't wear it like that now. People would kill for that kind of hair, and no doubt she'd make a huge amount of money developing curl products and frizz management serums. While there's a chance that she just grew out of it, we don't know how likely that is. We're more inclined to believe that she's got a group of elves with straighteners going at her hair every day to make it seem silky and smooth and manageable. That's no fun. If only Khloe would go back to this style! It's totally chic, and totally twisty, and totally fun. We also think she'd have more fun with herself if she brought back this old look… Though maybe skip that lace shoulder cover.

    3 This Depressing Christmas Card

    Let's take a good, long look at this Christmas Card. Merry Christmas! It says, and features the kids and their dad. It's kind of sad for a lot of reasons. Firstly, let's look at the hair. Not just of Khloe, but of all three girls. One of them has a triangle style, one of them has a high-up front ponytail with a bow, and the other has these weird half-frizzy-half-perfect ringlets draping down from an updo. The clothes are also a little strange, with black velvet being the style. The weirdest part about this? The card itself. This off-olive color does not scream Merry Christmas, and we wonder if Kris (the Mom of the kids and ex-wife of Rob Kardashian) was just photoshopped out. There's so many questions, and very little holiday joy. Plus Khloe's name is spelled wrong. Sigh.

    2 Dancing Queen

    This lovely little lady is indeed Khloe Kardashian. She's got her tutu on and is ready to go dancing. One of the things we love about this photo is the fact that it looks totally impromptu. She looks like she was caught doing a ballet recital in her living room, which is one of the most adorable things we've ever heard of. While we're not sure if she actually kept up with dance or she just liked to wear the costume, we know that she definitely had a mind of her own in this shot. Her creativity totally comes through, even as a young kid. It's no surprise she embraced the life of fame and fortune her parents handed to her. She now calls herself a model and writer, as well as being a part of Keeping Up with the Kardashians. While it's not exactly the same type of art as dancing her toes off in her living room, it's still performance. This little lady was born for the screen, and that's something that hasn't changed.

    1 Phase 1

    It wouldn't be a journey through time without one of the first photos that's kicking around the internet. This beauty comes to us from the original Kardashian files, featuring a very grumpy Khloe. Is she sad because she knows the years of pain and dislike headed her way? Probably not. This is from a time of innocence, when she was probably more upset about dropping her ice cream in the sand than she was about the future media attention and problems that would arise. Needless to say, it's wild to think about how far she's come. From these curly, messy braids and pouty lips to a shining grin and blonde bob, Khloe has finally blossomed into her beautiful self. Confident, cool, and absolutely gorgeous, she's still got tons of time ahead of her to enjoy her new look; and relish in how far she's come!