Laman » Hiburan » 2016's Top 15 Fail Moments

    2016's Top 15 Fail Moments

    2016 was a wild ride, there were amazing moments but it honestly seemed like there was more bad than good! I've heard many people say the same thing as well, that 2016 seemed to be the year that dragged on and presented some of the most memorable fails we've ever had to deal with. Many people have questioned why this year seemed so bad and that's even spawned some really intricate conspiracy theories! Whether it's aliens or we're just actually headed in the wrong direction, either way, 2016 has made a lasting impression on the people in the world! From pop culture meltdowns to the outrageous disrespect of animals, everything is covered in this list! You might even find some things you weren't even aware of that occurred this year and you might wish that it stayed that way.  I'll apologize in advance if this just made your year worse!

    Let's just hope that 2017 goes a bit smoother and we can gather ourselves together to create a world that's worth living in! After reading through this list, from pop culture to mainstream media news, I hope we can grow and expand over the next few months, creating a positive community and teamwork that moves our generation forward and away from all this mess. Let's leave this bigotry behind and flourish in 2017, but in the meantime let's review some of 2016's biggest fails! Hopefully, we move past all this nonsense in the future, but I won't hold my breath!

    15 Bigots

    This year wasn't the year of the monkey, it was the year of the bigots!

    2016 overall has been a rough year that many of us have had a hard time getting through. While I won't specifically dive into politics just yet, the after effect of the very insensitive media coverage has brought out a lot of closeted idiots! Many people this year have seen how racist, misogynist, and homophobic people have been in the media and have taken it upon themselves to replicate that behavior or even just be more open about how they really always have been. It's not right and it's not just an opinion, an opinion is to add input in a constructive way and it's never welcome to behave in a way that causes harm and distress towards a specific group of people. I am deeply saddened by people this year and how they've presented their true selves to the world around them, causing so much offense towards minority groups only to boost their own self-worth.

    14 Kim's Robbery

    It's so disappointing how the assault of a woman has been deemed fake or for attention just because of the outsider's idea of Kim Kardashian. Victim blaming is never an okay thing to do regardless if it's a celebrity or 'regular' person. Because guess what, celebrities are people too, they're not some kind of superhuman that isn't affected by mass negative opinions. Regardless of who Kim K is, making fun of or completely disregarding someone's safety as an individual is never an okay thing to do. This is one of the biggest fails of this year, not because of Kim K, but because of the public's reaction to something so tragic. It's hard enough being in the public eye 24/7 and she in no way asked for something like this to happen because of her status. I think it's important in a situation like this to imagine it was your mother, sister, or wife, and how would that make you feel to know that no one is on their side.

    13 Icons Dying

    Bowie, Prince, Alan Rickman, and Gene Wilder, and many many more.

    The death of any individual is a very hard moment in life we all have to face at one point or another. Seeing the great souls that have passed this last year makes us realize how much we took those individuals for granted. It's such a tragedy knowing that these great icons that changed the world into what we're living today are gone forever. From the everlasting love that was shared by Prince to the acceptance and activist David Bowie, these people turned their hearts outward towards all of us with the creative influence they had and continue to have. Honestly, 2016 failed so badly because of all the talent that's now gone from the world. The only reassuring fact is the inspiration they passed down to those who had the openness to soak it all in, taking a part of that creative idea and putting it into their own projects.

    12 Politics

    Where do we even begin?

    The political circus that was 2016 has just been a complete failure in most cases. From the over dramatic drama that's been plaguing what should be real mainstream media to the exaggerated and unnecessary name calling. There has been a huge divide that's been forming over the last year that has turned a lot of people against each other. Like I mentioned before with racists, misogynists, and homophobes running wild, many have been forced to stay quiet about who they are because of the fear of being hurt by extremists. It's been completely insane this year, more than usual! We can only hope that people get it together before 2017 so we can actually have a progressive and inclusive year ahead. Let's just all take a second and send positive thoughts to all of those around us and that this divide across the country heals soon!

    11 Feminism Put On Hold

    Many people this year have been disregarding feminism. While this generation's definition of feminism has morphed from equality to social justice warriors, it's a very blurry line regarding the morals of feminism. While it is sometimes easier to just disregard a whole gender because of stereotypes that continue to be true in most cases, many have decided to give up on change and head in their own direction full of hate and exclusion. Many past feminists that have been amazing activists are now calling for feminism to either change back to its original mission or to go away for something new to come forward for a change. From people not supporting women of other races besides white and also shaming all men, maybe it is time we take a step back and try to figure something out that's more dedicated to real equality, not what just works out best for us.

    10 Kanye's Mental Health

    Similar to the points made about Kim Kardashian, just because a celebrity is a celebrity, doesn't mean that it's a free for all! From his multiple speeches he's taken upon himself to do on many shows and interviews, his constant rants, and trying to convince everyone around him that no one understands him and is misunderstood, it's all signs that he's dealing with something deeper than just an ego problem. Once again the fail is because of the people who are supposed to support him but instead writing him off as a confident a-hole and an egomaniac when it's very possible it's neither. Many doctors around the nation have taken his actions and words into account and have stated multiple times that Kanye is struggling with something deeper, something maybe because of his mother passing away or even just depression. Regardless of what it is that's affecting him so much, I think it's time to give him some space in 2017.

    9 Disrespecting Animals

    Harambe was a living creature that died a horrible death because of bad parenting, let the memes stop.

    The killing of Harambe was a huge fail when it came to parenting in 2016, the risk of not paying attention to a child as they fall into an enclosed animal sanctuary with gorillas was an unforgivable mistake, but believe it or not that's not the biggest fail in this story even though it comes close. The biggest fail is the culture that exists on the internet that has turned the death of this beautiful animal into a running joke that's been running rampant on the web. People have turned this death into a funny picture that's spread across millions of individuals screens, making light of the situation and even causing the Cincinnati Zoo to delete their social media because of the harassment. This has all gone way too far and it deserves to be on this list of failures.

    8 Fuller House

    Just let it die already, please.

    Honestly, the nostalgia isn't worth it. While this remade show that was supposed to capture that innocent humor that once existed in Full House just doesn't cut it when it comes to this new project. The kids that use to enjoy Full House have spoken up on the internet and have all come to an agreement that Fuller House is honestly just plain dumb. When there is such a large selection of new media out there today for us to consume, why would we want to watch something that completely does the original no justice? With so many new TV series such as Stranger Things and House Of Cards, do we really need a show that just shows us a fake kind of family that hardly even exists in real America anymore? With all trending things today aimed towards being relatable, this is probably the most relatable things that came out this year!

    7 Angelina and Brad Divorce!

    The original OTP.

    The original true pairing equals Angelina and Brad Pitt! In all of Hollywood these two always seemed as the perfect couple, and honestly, that kind of reputation can cause stress in itself. I wouldn't even be surprised if they had to stay under wraps due to publicity and staying true to the brand they've grown all these years. It's been rumored that this nasty divorce was caused by the foundation they built together being rocky from the start, possible cheating, and mixing business with pleasure. To the media, they have always presented themselves as the picture of marriage when anyone ever thought of a married couple in Hollywood it was their image that came to mind. The biggest failure that's hit the red carpet is the lying and fake stories they came up with to try to maintain that mysterious elitist dynamic that we're trying to hold onto. Hopefully, the media can idolize a couple that actually deserves it in 2017.

    6 No Diversity Oscars

    Why would anyone think this is okay?

    For the last two years this has been an issue but recently came to the media's attention this year, the lack of diversity in this year's Oscars has really been, sadly, not a shock. With no actors of color being nominated for any, ANY, of the acting categories, it's been a very disappointing year for those fighting for what's right and fighting for equality. There have been so many actors and actresses on the mainstream screens that deserve so much more attention and recognition for their hard work and dedication to their craft. Their work shouldn't have to go unnoticed and that's why this is one of the biggest fails of 2016! I just hope we can bring a sweeping change to the Oscars next year with nominations for all people of color, so it's an event that celebrates diversity. I know we can do it!

    5 Melania Trump The Copy Cat

    Are you really okay with this? When someone copies someone else's hard work and they don't get called out on it, it's such a disgrace, but in this case, Melania Trump was majorly called out on her BS speech during the presidential election! Her speech completely copied the beautiful speech Michelle Obama made previously! Can you believe it? Honestly, it just sounds like a total joke, because how could anyone think they'd get away with that on national television? She plagiarized something and people still support her, as if her beliefs weren't enough to disown her, something is drastically wrong with this situation. Now here's what's even funnier, she plagiarized a second speech after all of this chaos she caused originally! I just hope with all the failure happening blatantly in politics this year, that next year proves us all wrong. What would you do if someone stole your work on national television?

    4 Jay Z 'Cheating'

    It's just art.

    With the release of the album Lemonade by Beyonce, she explores the dynamic of her relationship with Jay Z. While there are no facts available to the public on this issue that arises in the series of music videos she's created for this album, many have come to the conclusion that Jay Z has actually cheated on the queen B! Regardless of if it's true or false, some have also come to the conclusion that the exploitation of fake drama for the press isn't right, especially when it's about something as taboo as cheating. Many actually don't know that they've split up due to rumors back in 2005 with Jay Z cheating with Rihanna! Either way making something so personal public is never a great idea if those two individuals are looking to heal the history they have.

    “I'm not a 'Business-Man'! I'm a Business… man! Let me handle my business, damn!” - Jay Z

    3 Alt-Right & The Internet


    If you've been living under a rock, the Alt-Right movement has grown on the internet in the dark corners we don't even want to peer into for a moment. Harboring white nationalism, Islamophobia, homophobia, anti-feminism and many other horrible and toxic communities, the alt-right movement has turned into the umbrella term for those who fall under all of those categories. They've grown on sites such as 4Chan and Reddit, expressing their very harmful beliefs and harassing those who have different opinions. Largely internet based, these individuals have been involved in various hacking sprees, mobbing other individuals websites with hate-speech, and various other acts that have yet to be stopped. Many choose to use internet memes as a way to express themselves and their awful ideals. Many of these individuals have also shown a large support system for Republican President-elect Donald Trump, and also hate the idea of immigration, culture, and the idea of political correctness. Please, just stop.

    2 Everything Azealia Banks

    The biggest troll of 2016.

    From bullying a 14-year-old Disney star to alleged romance with Russell Crowe, Azealia Banks has done it all through social media. She's caused countless Twitter rants and many people to turn away from her music since she's begun expressing her inner thoughts on her social media accounts. She's been known to be surrounded by drama, particularly when it comes to racism and bullying other artists. Her Twitter beefs are what she's become known for, forcing her to make an announcement to only use social media to discuss her upcoming music. It's such a fail that this creative artist that once had a huge following for her unique sound is now the running joke in the rap community. Whatever happened to the old saying that goes, “If you don't have anything nice to say, just don't say anything at all.” Maybe she'll take that advice in 2017!

    1 Trump

    Just kidding, Trump is the biggest fail of 2016.

    Many see him as an opportunist because of the way he worked the system in his favor during the presidential election this year, but many others see him as what he really is, an awful person that uses negative attention and ideals to further his agenda. He's exploited and separated this country more than anyone and has even more plans once he's fully in office to continue this toxic agenda, hence why he's the top fail of 2016! He's inspired many closet racists and misogynists to come out of the closet and express their true toxic nature, making others feel unsafe and scared for their well-being. While he was all smiles being elected president, it's brought so many saddening tears to those around us, to our families and friends who deal with hate on a daily basis just because they leave their home. I can only hope that we keep trying to all come together in 2017 to make a difference that counts and pushes us in the right direction to make a positive change.