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    Evidence That Kylie Has More Plastic Than Barbie

    At just 19-years-old, Kylie Jenner may be the youngest member of the Kardashian/Jenner empire, but she may also be the mightiest member as Kylie's reach is really pretty impressive. With 95 million followers, she's the 8th most followed person on Instagram, right behind big sister Kim, who has 101 million followers. Kylie, though, isn't just a reality television star and social media personality. Nope, girlfriend has expanded her brand to include clothing, accessories and - of course - makeup. I mean, if you haven't heard of the Kylie Lip Kit, who even are you? No really, even my grandma has a favorite Kylie color and it's Posie K.

    Let us all not forget the scandal that made us all talk about Kylie Jenner to begin with… her lips! HER LIPS, GUYS! Remember LipGate 2015? Kylie Jenner debuted very plump, full lips that would make even Angelina Jolie do a double take and then she lied about having work done. Let me just be clear, the first rule about having work done is not to lie about it because then it becomes a bigger deal. And, it did become a big deal, until she finally admitted to having work done.

    At this point, there's been speculation not just about Kylie's lips, but also about her waist, breasts, chin, butt, eyebrows… basically everything. It's not that we want to slam Kylie Jenner for having plastic surgery because you do you girl, but just be honest about it. Simply telling girls they can wear a Victoria's Secret bra or over-line their lips to achieve her look is giving young girls unreal expectations for how they should appear.

    So, let's take a look at some of Kylie's more, err, plastic looks, shall we?

    16 Throwback To Pre-Plastic Kylie

    So, this is young Kylie Jenner, LOL. Okay, this is actually a terrible picture of Kylie, even for when she was young. She has a spectacularly awful haircut and the hairstyle is not helping. Her makeup isn't flattering her. OH, and the chains around her neck are a big no. But, it's fun to include a photo of young Kylie getting so much wrong. It reminds us all that fashion icons are not born fashion icons. Sometimes fashion icons have regrettable hairstyles and outfit choices.

    The unfortunate hair, makeup and everything else aside, you can clearly see that Kylie used to have… uh, different features to say the very least. Girlfriend does not look like this anymore. She does not look like that AT ALL anymore.

    15 Pre-Plastic Kylie Owning Her Looks

    Since I included that tragic photo of young Kylie, it's only fair to also include a gorgeous photo of young Kylie. Side note: It's hilarious to say “Young Kylie” when Kylie is still only 19-years-old. Like, she's still young Kylie.

    Anyway, this is a photo of Kylie owning her natural look. She clearly knows how to apply makeup in this photo since her cheeks are carved out to thin her face. It's a natural makeup look with subtle beauty that totally worked. It also totally complimented her features. Now, Kylie almost always shows up with a bold AF lip color on. When she had thinner lips though, Kylie would wear more nude shades to almost camouflage her  thin lips.

    Guys, let's all just be clear, Kylie was very attractive before her surgeries. The above photo is proof, right?

    14 And Then These Lips Happened

    Cut to the lips. Oh, the lips. The lips felt like the biggest celebrity scandal of all time. Kylie's lips suddenly looked much, much fuller and plumper. I mean, they look good but they were clearly not her natural lips because lips don't just, like, grow.

    If Kylie wants to be someone with full lips, go for it, Kylie. But, don't lie about it. When asked about her lips in an interview, Kylie explained that she simply overlines her lips to make them appear fuller. UH, NO WAY. People (mostly teenage girls) apparently believed Kylie and started overlining their lips too. Only, their overlined lips looked nothing like Kylie's plump lips because Kylie clearly had work done. At one point, there was basically an army of young girls with lipliner down their chins and up to their noses, all thinking they looked like Kylie. It was a dark time.

    Finally, Kylie came clean about having had lip injections, because duh.

    13 And Then Her Lips Kept Growing

    Kylie even admits that she went overboard when she first got her lips done, which is normal. I mean, it's not necessarily normal for teenage girls to go overboard with getting surgeries, because teenage girls usually don't get elective plastic surgery. However, when we find something we like, we indulge. When you first learn how to color in your eyebrows or contour, you likely did too, too much. It's human nature. So, Kylie admitted that she went overboard with the lip injections, which you can totally see here. Now, Kylie still has her injections but they are much more subtle than the plumpness in this photo.

    Also, shout out to the Kardashian/Jenner klan who know how to turn scandal into $$$. Kim's sex tape launched Keeping Up With the Kardashians and Kylie's lips launched Kylie's Lip Kits. There is nothing they can't turn into lemonade.

    12 A Little Before/After Lip Comparison

    Just for funsies, here is a little before and after comparison, y'know just to remind you how much Kylie's face - especially her lips - has changed.

    Yes, we all grow into our looks as we get older. We usually learn to embrace our “flaws” instead of rejecting them. We learn how to apply makeup in a way that highlights our best features. That's all well and good, but Kylie didn't simply grow into these looks. It's pretty obvious that he face as gone through a lot of change that wasn't necessarily natural. In these photos her jaw line, eyebrows, and even eyes look different. Like, her eyes look like they're a whole new shape. Her eyes are just so much bigger in the “after” photo. I mean, this could be because of how she applies her makeup now, in which care I'd like to know all her secrets since my eyes are squinty AF.

    11 Guys, This Is Pretty Crazy

    How is this the same person? It's mind-boggling. I will give her credit for getting some excellent work done, though. She looks great, and e've all seen some awful Hollywood surgeries that have turned A-list hotties into… well, not hottie. Most recently, Renee Zellweger revealed a completely new face that made everyone say WTF. Renee Zellweger completed owned her plastic surgery, simply saying she's happy now. Also, everyone made fun of Renee Zellweger's face, saying it looked like she bit into a lemon, and then they made fun of her for getting plastic surgery too. How exactly does a woman win when she's made fun of for her natural looks and then made fun of for getting plastic surgery?

    Back to Kylie though, her face is v. different. In fact, I kind of miss her adorable freckles sprinkled on her nose. Now, she's #kween of makeup and doesn't usually let her freckles shine.

    10 No Makeup, But Still Plastic

    Kylie will sometimes credits her new face to makeup. Just like how she credited her new lips to over-lining, she'll also say that her face shape, nose, eyes and eyebrows look different because she contours and uses makeup. Actually, many of the Kardashian sisters use makeup as an excuse when asked about plastic surgery, so it's not just Kylie. However, no one really believes Kylie (or Kim or Khloe) when she says she's changed her face with just makeup.

    This makeup free selfie is proof she's had work done, as she still looks different. That's because even without makeup, her face has been changed. Her lips are obviously injected. Her lashes have extensions on them. Her eyebrows were likely shaped and dyed. Hell, she may have gotten her nose and jaw line done.

    Moral of the story is that we shouldn't feel bad when a celebrity posts a #nomakeup selfie, because they still has a lot of other things helping them look beautiful.

    9 Her Whole Face Is Different

    Kylie has owned up to the lip injections but she hasn't confessed to any other major plastic surgery. However, some pictures (like the above) make you wonder what else she got done. These side-by-side photos of her side profile show that, other than her lips, there are quite a few changes.

    Her lips are obviously bigger. Quite honestly, from the side profile, it's alarming to see how much bigger her lips are. I mean, front-on, they are bigger too but from the side, you see how much more they stick out. It's crazy.

    Kylie's chin area looks different too, though I'm not a plastic surgeon to say exactly what kind of surgery she got done to achieve her less Jay Leno-like chin. The most obvious other change is her nose, which is much thinner on the tip than it used to be. People sometimes do grow into their noses, but Kylie's nose as thinned out an alarming amount in the short time between these photos. It's not a Blake Lively or Jennifer Aniston style nose job, but I'm going to guess she got her nose slightly thinned out.

    8 Did She Get Her Eyebrows Done Too?

    There's some speculation that Kylie Jenner has had work done to achieve her eyebrows. Yes, people think even her eyebrows are fake, which may sound crazy but there's reason for their suspicion. I mean, they are some GOOD eyebrows and, as you can see, they weren't always such good eyebrows.

    Microblading is a popular treatment for eyebrows now. It involves a semi-permanent tattoo under your brows to add pigment. Kylie certainly could have had them microbladed to achieve the new shape. Some have questioned if Kylie went as far as to have gotten Botox injected into that area under her arch to help make her brow pop (because apparently that's a thing).

    Kylie has openly admitted to tinting her eyebrows, but is there more going on here? It's hard to say, but it's easy to say that her eyebrows are #goals.

    7 Kylie Has 100% Had A Boob Job

    I enjoy Kylie Jenner. I'm not a fangirl but any means, as I'm more into Kourtney's sass and Kendall's elusiveness. But, I can get down with Kylie. However, I cannot get down with Kylie lying about plastic surgery.

    Kylie's a teen idol. She is worshiped by almost everyone under 18-years-old. If she puts her name on something, it sells out. Girls want to be her. Because young girls literally want to be her, I think it's best for Kylie to be straight-up about how she achieves her looks. If she maybe gets a boob job, she should probably tell young girls that they aren't going to suddenly grow amazing, fully, perky breasts overnight. I mean, I've prayed to naturally grow exactly what Kylie has going on and, trust me, that does not happen naturally and/or overnight.

    6 She's 100% 100% Had A Boob Job

    I AM DEAD. Those are not natural boobs. Power to Kylie if she wants to get a boob job. Kylie, get all the boob jobs the world has to offer. Do whatever you want to do, but be honest.

    To deny her - very obvious - boob job, Kylie has used quite a few excuses. One excuse being that she had her period and so her boobs were bigger. Kylie, my boobs get bigger too when I'm on my period but not like that, honey. Also, I guess that means Kylie had been on her period for about a year now, right? Because her boobs have been like that for about a year.

    On her website, Kylie went as far as to do a video tutorial of the Bombshell by Victoria's Secret, which she also credits to her new breasts. I'm just wondering how much Victoria's Secret paid for that endorsement… ?

    5 Before And After The Boob Job

    I swear, I'll just talk about her boobs this one last time and then move on. I think I'm so obsessed because Kylie keeps denying that she's had a boob job. Kylie, it's not the scandal that's the scandal, it's the cover up that's the scandal (or whatever that phrase is). If Kylie was just like, 'Yeah, I had a boob job,' I wouldn't care about it. I'd think, good for her. Plenty of popular celebrities have publicly talked about having their breasts done, but instead Kylie goes to get lengths to deny it.

    On her website Kylie has also attributed her new breasts to weight gain, writing, "No, people - I haven't gotten breast implants! Everyone is obsessed with that. Truth is, as I've gotten older, I've gained 15 pounds and my body has changed; I've definitely filled out."

    So, there you have it. Kylie's gained weight, had her period and wears a push-up bra. That's why her boobs exploded. Riiiiight, Kylie.

    4 Look Back At It, Kylie!

    Ah, those famous Kardashian behinds. And, I wrote "Kardashian" because it's not the Jenners who are known for their backsides. In particular, Kendall doesn't have much going on in the back. I mean, Kendall has a drop dead amazing model figure. Like, I'd consider losing a pinky if I could magically have Kendall's body, but Kendall is also very athletic looking and not very curvy. Kendall clearly has Jenner genes. Kylie, on the other hand, is a different story.

    When she was younger, Kylie looked like she had Jenner genes. Like Kendall, she was thin and athletic looking. The photo on the left shows off this slender figure. Now she looks like the photo on the right and it's pretty much a whole new body. In particular, she got a donk.

    I'm sure Kylie would probably claim that she gained weight, but does anyone else simply gain weight in their breasts and butt? Um, I wish.

    3 Why Is Kylie Literally Turning Into Kim?

    Honestly though, which side is Kylie and which side is Kim? They're basically the same person.

    It's crazy how much these two half-sisters look alike nowadays. The craziest thing is that they look more alike than their full-blood sisters. Kylie and Kim are only half sisters but Kylie looks more like Kim than she does Kendall, and Kim looks more like Kylie than she does Kourtney or Khloe. It's weird, right? It's been speculated that maybe Kylie is… uh… trying to turn into Kim? Talk about taking sibling love too far. The thing is, Kim is gorgeous. She has amazing features, so we can't blame Kylie is she aspires to look like her glam big sister.

    The real tragedy is that Kylie didn't embrace the features she was born with, though it's understandable that she would be hyper-critical at a young age. This is a girl who grew up on a reality television show in front of America and, as we know, America isn't too nice to women about their looks.

    2 The Before And After EVERYTHING Photos

    These side-by-side photos are a perfect example of the before and after EVERYTHING. The lips, the nose, the BOOBS! It's all been altered, my friends. ALL OF IT.

    Quite frankly, she hardly looks recognizable from her young photos at this point. She's, like a whole new person. But, at this point, Kylie can do whatever she wants. She's making millions of dollars. In fact, she was placed at 59 on 2017's Forbes Celebrity 100 List, which lists the celebrities who have made the most income that year. Yes, at 19-years-old, Kylie Jenner is the 59th most profitable celebrity. She also has her own E! show, The Life of Kylie, set to premiere in August 2017. Way to turn lip injection into an empire, Kylie.

    More pictures of her transformation below.

    1 Just Trying To Follow In Her Sister's Footsteps

    It's the Kim K and Kylie J show and we're just living in it. Both sisters - the two most successful of the family, btw - have the same physique, but it's speculated that they've enhanced their physique with Brazilian butt lifts. This is a procedure that takes fat from other places, like the stomach area, and puts it in your butt. So, you get a nice, big booty and a flat stomach. It's also speculated that both Kylie and Kim have had fat injected to their outer thighs to give them that hourglass figure. Quite frankly, their hour glass figures are extreme, so it's no wonder why people assume it's not natural.

    At the end of the day, it's Kylie's body and her life. She can do whatever she wants. We'll just all be here to speculate about her each and every move every single step of the way.