Laman » Hiburan » How You Will Survive The Apocalypse Based On Your Zodiac Sign

    How You Will Survive The Apocalypse Based On Your Zodiac Sign

    Do you ever sit back after watching back-to-back episodes of The Walking Dead and think - I wonder how I will survive the apocalypse? A zombie apocalypse is nothing to look forward to but there is no harm in being as prepared as possible. The good news is, if you look toward your own zodiac, the answers are all there for you.

    There are practical ways of surviving, as according to TV Scientist Robert Waugh, he told Metro, "The best way to survive is actually to run for country areas - in particular sparsely populated mountains." Whereas scientists from Carnegie Mellon University, Pennsylvania, advised to "keep quiet", explaining, "Zombies would have very little memory and poor concentration, so if you hide, something else would likely capture their attention, keeping you safe."

    Then there are personal means of survival, how you will assert yourself in the group and play to your own strengths to help others. You'll be surprised, but your personality is one of the most important things to get you through and beyond doomsday. Your zodiac sign says everything about you - even what kind of survivor you really are.

    12 Aries - The Lone Ranger 

    A strong, independent Aries (20 March - 19 April) woman can do it all - and she prefers to go it alone. When doomsday arrives, there will be no teaming up for as you know working alone is your key strength and others will just hold you back. Much like Michonne in The Walking Dead, you would rather just pick up your sword and head out into the wilderness as a party of one.

    The rise of Mars in Aries is what gives you the inner strength to survive. This is one of your most appealing traits, however, it can lead to stubbornness.  Simply put: if you don't want to do something - then you won't do it. By the time others have grouped together and spent too long talking about survival, you're already building your own shelter and making your own weapons. You go, girl!

    11 Taurus - The Emotionally Stable 

    The female Taurus (19 April - 20 May) is feminine, powerful and emotionally strong. Even if it is the end of the world as we know it - you're the one who will keep the group together as a whole and never lose your composure. You rarely crumble under pressure, hardly complain and will never show signs of being upset. Those who are looking for sympathy will always come crawling to you and your role would be the shoulder to cry on.

    Much like Charlize Theron's character Furiosa in Mad Max: Fury Road, you provide the group with a new hope but everyone knows not to push you. The bull sign is stubborn and the more people push then the more resistance you will give back. You're the mother of the group - but a strict one. You'll survive because you won't let emotion rule you or those around you, so better decisions can be made.

    10 Gemini - The Creative 

    Much like Ellen Ripley in Alien, a creative Gemini (20 May - 20 June) woman will think outside the box and become the construction genius that keeps everyone alive. A true Gemini can think of better plans to build shelter, make fierce weapons out of just twigs and string, and create protective clothing from whatever they can find laying around. You are one the most important members of the group and that pleases your inner Gemini ego.

    Your open-heart-open-mind persona naturally will attract a lot of people to be around you and we all know strength in numbers works well for survival. Even when you're in true survival mode and things begin to look their bleakest - you'll be the one to start planning the party games. No rest for the true creatives!

    9 Cancer - The Provider

    If you want to be provided for during the apocalypse then team up with a Cancerian (20 June - 22 July) woman. She will be the ultimate mother figure, providing for everyone around her and won't think twice about spending hours foraging for food just so her group can have enough to eat that night. She will return to the camp, light a fire and make sure everyone's beds are made before even thinking about herself.

    In I Am Legend starring Will Smith the character Anna knows there is a deadly virus around but she's still at her happiest making poaches eggs for everyone in the morning. There could be zombies clawing at the front door and a true Cancerian will be calling everyone calmly to the breakfast table - after all breakfast is the important meal of the day.

    8 Leo - The Leader 

    Leo (22 July - 22 August) women are the leaders of the Zodiac. They are fearless, powerful and will stop at nothing to become the leader of the pack - even if it means destroying the competition. They face all problems head on and just like Daenerys Targaryen in Game of Thrones you will lead from the front - war cry and all.

    The great thing about Leo's is they will face anything that is thrown at them head first. End of the world? They can deal with it.  All they need in return for their strength and resilience is a lot of praise. A true Leo woman not only loves being the center of attention but also that she is well-admired amongst her peers. Keep her confidence levels up high and she will protect you for life.

    7 Virgo - The Problem Solver 

    Virgo's (22 August - 22 September) have excellent analytical skills and can see solutions to problems others cannot. A true Virgo will likely have heard "you're so smart" or "how did you solve that?" many times throughout their lives. They become engrossed finer details and critical thinking is one of their strongest points. When the apocalypse comes, Virgos will be in high demand to make practical decisions which will keep everyone safe - it's a huge responsibility but they always rise to the occasion.

    They enjoy having their minds stimulated and the one thing they will miss the most is a good book to read. If there's an abandoned library to take refuge in then they will be settled for a very long time. Just think of them as the Hermione Granger of the group.

    6 Libra - The Peacemaker 

    Those who manage to survive doomsday will be left feeling a lot of tension and anxiety - fights could break out. During times when survivors need to stick together, it's crucial that there is a peacemaker who will stop all help from breaking loose - and that person is a true Libra (22 September - 23 October). They are an air sign - sociable and focused. Libra's are also known for their fairness and beauty, much like Galadriel in Lord of the Rings.

    They keep hold of the middle-ground and don't enjoy taking sides, being in their presence instantly calms people. Don't be mistaken - they will still argue when necessary but they are so chilled out that people won't even realize they are disagreeing with them. You will most likely hear them saying, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all", "There are two sides to every story", and "All's fair in love and war."

    5 Scorpio - The Warrior

    Scorpios (23 October - 21 November) are the ones to stick with when it comes to the apocalypse - they will fight till the bitter end if it means survival. Basically, anything they get their hands on can become an instant weapon. They are controlling, driven and fearless - if it comes down to battle then expect to see them on the front line (the rest of us will just hide behind.) This water sign is not afraid of chaos - in fact, they crave it.

    True Scorpios are not afraid to hurt another person's feelings, they will make sure they have the strongest team and if anyone is not pulling their weight then they will cut them off. They also need to be surrounded by people they can trust - just a sniff of unfaithfulness will drive them into a fit of rage.

    4 Sagittarius - The Brave 

    Saggitarians (21 November - 21 December) are natural optimists and they always put on a brave face. They are full of energy, drive, and ambition. If there is a cave that needs exploring or an unknown place to check out, then a typical Saggitarian will be the first to put themselves forward. They also have a great sense of humor, so even if they do face the worst during the apocalypse, they will be the first to laugh about it later.

    This is one of the most honest signs of the zodiac, so they will always speak their feelings to the rest of the group. If they see trouble up ahead, or that a plan of action is doomed, then expect to hear about it. Bold, brash, and brave - what more can you want from a fellow survivor.

    3 Capricorn - The Engineer 

    Capricorns (21 December - 19 January) are one of the most practical signs on the planet. They prefer to work with machines and materials for building than interacting with others as they are painfully shy. During the apocalypse, if the group decides to settle somewhere then expect a full village built in a matter of months as they are a "sleeves up and get stuck in" kind of sign. Their sweet nature also means that they are happy to do anything for anyone.

    Think Samantha Carter in Stargate Atlantis who is able to design and prepare spaceships (that if doomsday is taking you out of this world!) As a Capricorn yourself, you will be very driven and always willing to finish any task that you have started. Even if the world has almost been destroyed, you're the one who is eager to fix it.

    2 Aquarius - The Explorer 

    You'll know a true Aquarius (19 January - 18 February) because they are hard to pin down. True to their air sign they will turn anyway the wind goes and travel far with it. Don't expect during an apocalypse for an Aquarius to stay in one spot, they will climbing mountains for a better view or heading deep into the woods in search of a new path.

    Aquarius girls have such a wild imagination their curiosity always gets the better of them. They can't help but think, "If I walk just a bit further maybe I will find somewhere new?" If you like to talk a lot, then join them on one of these long journeys, as they love to listen to others, however, do nudge them now and again as they are such daydreamers you will have to make sure they are still present.

    1 Pisces - The Caregiver 

    Pisces (18 February - 20 March) are one of the most gentle and caring signs of the zodiac. Following doomsday, they will have a clean space ready for those who are in need of medical attention. Even if they have no experience, they will do all they can to make sure the injured is as comfortable as possible - they have a "no man left behind" attitude in life.

    You don't even have to let a true Pisces know that you're hurting, they have some of the best intuition on the planet and can tell how you feel just by looking at you. Just like Maggie in The Walking Dead, they wear their heart on their sleeve and are not afraid if someone sees them cry. In fact, they expect others to open up about their true feelings too.