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    Kendall Jenner And 12 Other Celebs Who Are Anti Taylor Swift Squad

    America's sweet heart, Taylor Swift has built quite the celebrity squad since becoming the Grammy award-winning artists that she is today. With friends like super model Karlie Kloss and actress/singer Hailee Steinfeld they've supported each other through it all. They've been seen together ripping down the runways, having some laughs at award shows and making all-star cameos in Swift's music videos. If you're not quite sure about this star-studded friend group check out the video for her song “Bad Blood,” you'll get the idea. The video includes BFF Selena Gomez, Girls star, Lena Dunham, models Gigi Hadid and Cara Delevingne and even actress, Jessica Alba to name a few. While it may seem like these powerhouse celebs are kicking a$$ and totally have each other's back, there are a handful of celebs that aren't buying it and refuse to join the T-squad. Here is a long list of celebs that don't f*$%s with Taylor Swift's crew:

    12 Katy Perry- Is “Swish Swish” a dis track towards Swift?

    You would think that pop stars Katy Perry and Taylor Swift would get along famously and be the best of friends. They both are strong female pop singers that are blowing up billboard charts, but these two have been reported to have some major beef. Don't hold your breath for any collabs. Apparently these bubblegum divas have had issues for years, the feud goes as far back as 2008 and it began over a dispute with three of their backup dancers. Fans believe that Katy Perry's recent single “Swish Swish” is a dis track towards Swift. With all the rumors surrounding Perry and Swift's tumultuous relationship its no surprise that Perry isn't at all anxious to be apart of Swift's elite girl gang. It's been reported that Perry wants to end the quarrel because she feels that women need to stick together. While these two may have ended their nearly 10-year-old feud we're not expecting Perry to make any cameos in any of Swift's music videos.

    11 Nicki Minaj-The two have gone head to head for quite some time

    We're almost certain that Ms. Nicki baby has no plans to be apart of Taylor Swift's squad as the two have gone head to head for quite some time. The feud reportedly began back in July of 2015 when the MTV video nominations were released and long story short Minaj was feeling some type of way because her video for “Anaconda” wasn't nominated for video of the year. Swift and Minaj began going back and forth via twitter after Minaj tweeted “If your video celebrates women with very slim bodies, you will be nominated for vid of the year.” Swift immediately replied assuming the tweet was directed towards her and her video for “Bad Blood.” The two went back and forth on twitter while some other nominees and celebrities got in the mix. Eventually they squashed it and came to the conclusion that it was all a big misunderstanding. While the two don't seem to have any more bad blood we don't think Minaj ever wants to be apart of Swift's skinny girl crew.

    10 Demi Lovato- She wants nothing to do with Swift

    Former Disney star, Demi Lovato seems like she would be the perfect member of the Taylor Swift squad. However, Lovato has been very open about how she feels about Swift's girl group. In Glamour magazine's November 2016 issue Lovato stated that “To be honest, and this will probably get me in trouble, I don't see anybody in any sort of squad that has a normal body. It's kind of this false image of what people should look like. And what they should be like, and it's not real.” Lovato criticizes Swift's feminist brand because her all girl group is made up of mostly super models which is an unrealistic image of women and she doesn't use her platform to speak out about issues. Lovato has spoke out about having an eating disorder and her issues with mental illness. It's no secret that Lovato wants nothing to do with Swift's squad and she makes it very clear that she doesn't agree with her movement.

    9 Rhianna- Isn't interested at ALL 

    Bad girl, Rhianna has slayed the Billboard charts and her super star power fits all the criteria to be a member of the T-Squad but Rhianna isn't interested in joining Swift on stage. Rhianna stated in an interview that she doesn't think it makes sense for her to join Swift on stage because their brands are completely different. Rhianna also said that Swift is a role model whereas she isn't, she's raunchy and NSFW. The two have also faced some dispute over Swift's ex boyfriend Calvin Harris' single “This is What You Came For,” after Swift claimed that she co-wrote the song that features Rhianna. And supposedly Rhi Rhi wasn't happy about the fact that Swift even brought it up. It has also been reported that even thought Rhi is friends with Katy Perry she never took sides during Perry and Swift's ongoing feud. While Rhianna remains neutral we're pretty sure she doesn't want to join Swifts click.

    8 Ariana Grande might be changing her mind  

    Pint size pop sensation, Ariana Grande has gone through a lot this year after the tragic bombing that took place at her London concert. It's been reported in the past that Grande has been eager to be apart of Swift's girl squad but with the recent London tragedy it may seem as though her mind has changed. Some reports claimed that Swift sent one of her private jets to get Grande and her mom after the tragedy and returned them to the U.S. but some sources close to Grande have reported that is just not true. Could this be the start of a feud or a friendship? Grande said in an interview "All those girls are really nice," she added. "I would just be so down," when she was asked if she would join Swift's gal group. However, with the recent rumors of Swift coming to Grande's rescue perhaps her eagerness to join the T-Squad has shifted.

    7 Bella Hadid- No new friends 

    Super model Bella Hadid may be tall and beautiful but she's not joining her big sis Gigi in Taylor's squad. One obvious reason may be the fact that one of Swift's BFFs, Selena Gomez is Hadid's ex boyfriend, the Weeknd's current girlfriend. If Hadid joined Swift's group that may cause some tension between the group and leave Swift in a very awkward and uncomfortable position. We also get the impression that Hadid is too cool for Swift's girl gang. Hadid has a pretty close-knit group of friends that includes Kendall Jenner and fashion designer Alexander Wang. Hadid has her own elite squad and she doesn't need to join the likes of her ex-boyfriends current girlfriend to have friends. While sources have said that Swift remains mutual when it comes to the love triangle, it seems as though she is defiantly siding with Gomez.

    6 Hailey Baldwin- “I don't understand the Taylor Swift squad at all"

    Another model beauty that certainly wants nothing to do with Swift's squad is Hailey Baldwin. In fact Baldwin doesn't even believe that Swift's squad should exist. Baldwin said in an interview with Yahoo “I don't know what having a squad means,” she also said “I don't understand the Taylor Swift squad at all,” umm burn! It also seems as thought Baldwin's group of friends are all the babes that don't want to be in Swift's gang, she's often seen hanging with Bella Hadid and Kendall Jenner. “I just have my friends and that's it,” said Baldwin who doesn't feel the need to label her group of friends. If it wasn't any clearer that Baldwin is not down with Swift's squad she also said, “I don't think that you need to create a public squad. I don't know what that proves.” Don't expect Baldwin to join Swift on stage or make any cameos in her music videos… ever.

    5 Miley Cyrus- “I'm not trying to be in the squad”

    Disney star turned pop sensation, Miley Cyrus doesn't hold back anything and she has made it very clear that she not trying to be in Taylor Swift's squad. In an interview with the New York Times Cyrus said, “I'm not trying to be in the squad,” she said Swift's elite group just isn't for her. “None of my friends are famous and not because of any other reason than I just like real people who are living real lives, because I'm inspired by them,” said Cyrus of Swift's group of models, actresses, musicians and entrepreneurs. Cyrus also wasn't at all impressed by Swift's music video for “Bad Blood.” Cyrus said she doesn't understand the violence revenge thing. “That's supposed to be a good example? And I'm a bad role model because I'm running around with my titties out? I'm not sure how titties are worse than guns,” said Cyrus in an interview with for Marie Claire.

    4 Rita Ora- Ex boyfriend drama 

    America's Next Top Model host, Rita Ora isn't keen on joining the T-squad because they both have something in common. They were both in relationships with DJ and producer Calvin Harris. Both of their relationships with Harris ended ugly but after Ora and Harris' public breakup it may have been hard for Ora to swallow the fact that he was publicly dating Swift. There have also been rumors floating around that Ora once dated Gigi Hadid's current boyfriend Zayn Malik, which also might cause some conflict for the T-squad. Rita When Ora was asked if it was weird for her to see her ex out with other women on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen she said "Well I don't really read magazines anymore all that much," she said. "But to be honest, I think, it's kind of like obviously a usual break-up you don't really see your ex all over the place. But you just kind of take it with a pinch of salt and keep going with your own life and make the most of what you are."

    3 KimYe- NEVER

    No time soon are we expecting Kim and Kanye to be in Taylor Swift's squad. Taylor and Kanye have had an ongoing beef ever since the infamous VMAs interruption made by Mr. West. It was an iconic moment that we'll never forget and people were very upset about it, especially Swift. Kanye took a huge sh*t on Swift's parade and even if you're not a fan you felt for her and while Kanye made several public apologies he eventually took every single one of them back saying “I don't have on regret.” Later on the two make up what seems like for real this time and they even make plans to get in the studio together. However when Kanye releases his song “Famous” that includes the lyrics “I feel like me and Taylor might have sex / Why? I made that bitch famous,” the two are back at it and this is where wife Kim gets involved. Of course Kim is going to stay by her mans side stating in an interview that Taylor totally approved the lyrics that Swift's camp claimed they did not approve and she later releases a recording of the phone conversation Kanye had with Swift discussing the song. Kim also adds fuel to the fire by saying that Kendall Jenner was never apart of Taylor Swift's squad.

    2 Kendall- Blood is thicker than water

    Reality TV star and model Kendall Jenner fits the profile for the perfect member of Taylor Swift's squad but this tall beauty is in no hurry to be apart of any squad that doesn't start with the letter K. We all thought Kendall Jenner was a part of her Taylor's squad; the two seem to be pretty close. We've seen Kendall Join Taylor and her gal pal's on stage but after the release of “Famous” Kendall's big sis set the record straight. During an appearance with on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen Kim said, “I don't know if Kendall was a part of her squad, I don't think she was.” The shade was thrown but we're not surprised that after Kanye and Taylor's public feud Kendall sided with her brother-in-law. So if you ever thought Kendall was apart of Swift's girl crew you thought wrong. Blood is thicker than water right?

    1 Lorde- “It's like having a friend with very specific allergies”

    You might be completely bewildered and confused to find New Zealand born singer, Lorde on this list because she's totally in Taylor Swift's squad and they're practically sisters right? We all thought Lorde was apart of Taylor Swift's squad but she recently revealed that she's not apart of the squad anymore and we are shocked to say the least. Lorde has us all shook after she told The Guardian “It's like having a friend with very specific allergies.” She then went on to say, “There are certain places you can't go together. Certain things you can't do. There are these different sets of considerations within the friendship. It's like having a friend with an autoimmune disease,” She later clarified in a Twiter post that she didn't specifically mention Swift in regards to her allergy comment but c'mon! Lorde reiterates that her and Swift are still very good friends but she has a hard time with the concept of a 'squad.' She says that the squad was never some an exclusive club or secret society but just a wide circle of people, some of whom she's never met.