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    Kim And Kanye Baby Number 3 All You Need To Know

    If you haven't been living under a rock, you know that Kim Kardashian has wanted to have a third baby for a while now. And that's exactly what is going to happen. No, she's not pregnant again. She's using a surrogate for this third baby. The news broke super recently and, of course, everyone is totally freaking out. Any Kardashian news is a big deal and if there's going to be a new Kardashian baby, then you know it's an even bigger deal. You must have a ton of questions, right? Don't worry. Read on and find out the answers to all of your burning questions. Here is what you need to know about Kim Kardashian's third baby, the surrogate that she has hired, the money that they are paying her, the rules, and the problems that she had in the past when trying to conceive. What do you think she and Kanye West are going to name the baby?!

    12 Kim Has Had Pregnancy Struggles

    In 2015, Kim opened up about the struggles that she had when trying to get pregnant for a second time. She was able to give birth to a second baby, but it wasn't easy. She has said, "I had so many complications. I had this condition called placenta accreta. There were a couple little operations to fix all that, so that created a little hole in my uterus, which I think made it really tough to get pregnant again." It sounds like she went through a really hard, painful, and stressful time. She has talked about going to her doctor at five a.m. to test if she was ovulating. She was also super open and vulnerable about how when she learned that she was ovulating, she would tell her husband and he would say that he was recording in the studio so they would have to wait to try until later. She said that made the process anything but enjoyable.

    11 She Can't Have Another Baby

    If you're thinking that Kim is using a surrogate so she doesn't have to deal with weight gain or any unpleasant side effects of being pregnant, think again. That might be why some people go that route, but in this case, that's not it at all. It sounds like she would absolutely love to give birth a third time and have a baby naturally, but unfortunately, that hasn't been in the cards for her. Since she has a condition called placenta accreta, having a third baby herself was honestly out of the question. She has said, "They think I'll have placenta accreta again, so if the placenta grows a little bit deeper than it did last time, then they are prepared to have my uterus removed, which is a little scary for me." That definitely sounds pretty scary so it's really no wonder that she chose to go the surrogacy route.

    10 The Surrogate Is In Her Late 20s

    It seems like age would obviously be a factor when it comes to choosing a surrogate, so it probably makes sense that this surrogate is in her late 20s. That's definitely fairly young when it comes to being pregnant and giving birth. While not a ton of information has come out about the woman that they have hired to be a surrogate, it has been made public that she's in her late 20s. Her actual age hasn't been released and her name hasn't either, which is smart since that would be a serious invasion of privacy, so hopefully that doesn't happen. The general feeling is that no personal information should be released about the surrogate since she's not a public person and she definitely wouldn't be a fan of that. Of course, she's a surrogate for not one but two incredibly famous celebrities, so there is going to be some information out there. It's just the way that it goes.

    9 She's A Mom

    While not every woman who signs up to become a surrogate already has kids, that would definitely be a total advantage in this type of situation, right? There are so many things that come up during a pregnancy and there are so many random and strange things that can go wrong or go awry. The woman who Kim and Kanye have hired to be their surrogate is already a mom, according to the reports that are circulating. Since this obviously means that she's been down this road before, then she can definitely deal with anything that comes up during the process of the pregnancy. Everything would be fairly familiar, even though each pregnancy is probably pretty different. She was hired through an agency, in case you were wondering about that, which is of course the typical and traditional way to go about this whole thing.

    8 They Are Paying Her

    Are you wondering what Kim and Kanye are paying the surrogate? Of course you are, right?! That's pretty much the million dollar question (even though, no, they aren't giving her a million bucks). They are paying her $45,000. She will receive $4,500 per month for a total of ten months. If the surrogate gives birth to twins or triplets (or more, it would seem, even though that's pretty rare… ), she will be given $5,000 per each other baby. In a bit of a creepy and disturbing part of the contract, if the surrogate ends up losing anything related to her reproduction as part of the whole deal, she will be given $4,000. There is also a fee for the agency that Kim and Kanye have hired and that fee is $68,850. Based on what they are paying the surrogate and the agency (without the additional and possible fees), that would be $113,850. Whoa.

    7 There Are Food-Related Rules

    You probably know that pregnant woman aren't supposed to drink coffee, are definitely not allowed to drink alcohol, and are supposed to ignore the fact that sushi even exists. There are some rules about what the surrogate can and can't do, and that includes not having more than one coffee on a daily basis or eating raw fish. Those diet-related recommendations are super typical, so this stuff makes a lot of sense. The one coffee a day or one caffeinated drink a day thing might be a bit controversial, though. Some women drink one coffee or another kind of caffeinated drink each day during their pregnancy and they are totally fine, but others totally abstain from any kind of caffeine. It seems like one coffee each day is safe, so it must just depend on what you feel is best for you and your baby.

    6 There Are Lifestyle Rules

    There are some rules that have nothing to do with coffee and raw fish, though, and this are more lifestyle-related rules. What do you think they are? Do you think that the surrogate is allowed to dye her hair, use a sauna, use a hot tub, or deal with cat litter? No, she's not allowed to do those things. Pretty random, right?! And super specific. Definitely super specific. The idea about not using hair dye is probably that it's fairly toxic, and if you ever see a sauna or a hot tub, there is supposed to be a sign that warns pregnant woman that using it isn't a good idea. As for the cat litter thing… well, that seems kind of strange, but hey, they must have a good reason. Now you're wondering why this is part of the list and you won't be able to get it off your mind… Sorry about that. The cat litter thing really is part of the list, though.

    5 The Surrogate Can't Get Busy For Three Weeks

    Another part of the contact? After the surrogate got the embryo and it was good and successful, she wasn't allowed to sleep with anyone for a period of three weeks. Yes, that's actually part of the contract. This is when it seems like hiring a surrogate gets a bit tricky, right? You have to tell them what to do and what not to do and things can get super personal, such as having to comment on their bedroom activities. You have to think that she wouldn't even be thinking about doing it during this time period. Of course, this is probably super normal and traditional medical advice and any doctor might say the same thing, so it's really not a big deal. It's no wonder that people are focusing on this part of the contract since let's be real, nothing gets people talking like getting it on. That's why people always say that it sells.

    4 The Due Date Is January 2018

    When the news broke that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West were going to bring another baby into the world via a surrogate, it was made clear that the surrogate is three months pregnant. Her expected due date is in January 2018. If you're a huge fan of Kim K, then that honestly feels like forever to wait, right? It can be kind of hard to learn when one of your favorite celebs is pregnant (or going to have a baby another way, in this case) because you know that you have to wait a really long time to see the adorable baby. You just know that it's going to be one of the cutest babies that you've ever seen, if not the absolute cutest, and that baby is going to be much more stylish than you are. That's just a fact and you just have to learn to accept it. Have you seen someone more fashionable than North West?! Yup, that's a rhetorical question.

    3 Kim and Kanye Started Looking In June

    Kim and Kanye have been talking about having a third baby for a long time, and they started the official search for a surrogate back in June. They hired an agency and started exploring their options and deciding who to use. When the news was announced that the surrogate was three months pregnant, people focused on the fact that Kim was photographed grabbing lunch and wearing a crop top. Why did it matter what she was wearing? Maybe because those photos proved that she wasn't carrying the baby herself? Who knows?! It must be tough to be in the public eye when dealing with something as personal as hiring a surrogate to add to your family. No matter how famous she is and how used she is to being in the spotlight in some senses, she must still find it pretty difficult to handle.

    2 Kris Jenner Is On Board

    If you're wondering what Kim's family thinks about her using a surrogate, it seems like they are on board. Well, at least her mom Kris Jenner is, but it honestly seems like there's no way that she wouldn't be incredibly supportive. Anything is possible, but if she hated the idea, that would be pretty mean. Thankfully, it seems like she's cool with it. An "insider" told People magazine, "Kris never wanted Kim to get pregnant again. But Kris will be very excited about another baby and thinks using a surrogate is a great idea." It seems like everyone in the family would be super excited since, let's face it, they are honestly all about family. Although Khloe doesn't have any children, Kourtney has three kids, and people have known for a long time that Kim and Kanye have been wanting to add to her own family.

    1 There Was No Instagram Announcement

    The wind you guys… is this necessary

    A post shared by Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian) on Jul 27, 2017 at 9:55am PDT

    You might think that Kim K would share the good news on her Instagram account, but she didn't. Her latest Instagram post is this one: a photo of her looking beautiful as usual and the caption reads, "The wind you guys… is this necessary." Maybe she has chosen to stay fairly quiet and private about the whole thing and she doesn't want to share any more than she already has, which is basically that she is using a surrogate, the surrogate is three months pregnant, and the baby will be here in January 2018. Which is totally and honestly her choice. Even though her loyal and loving fans want to know as much as they possibly can, it's ultimately up to her and to her husband what she chooses to share about this whole experience. Let's just be happy for her and her growing family (and be jealous of the baby, who again, will be stylish AF).