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    Kylie Vs. Kendall Who's The Better Jenner?

    Which Jenner has it better? We all love to compare celebrities, but particularly the Kardashians. They all have similar personalities, but at the same time there's something different about each of them. However, the siblings who really take the cake are the Jenner sisters. People from all over the world go crazy for the youngest sisters of the Kardashian clan, although, they are Jenners.

    Kendall Jenner and Kylie Jenner are hot and successful in their own right. They have both made a name for themselves without really falling under the Kardashian light. Kendall is a high fashion model who has walked many runways, including the Victoria Secret Fashion Show, and gets to travel the world. Meanwhile, Kylie is a mega successful business woman with her cosmetics line, Kylie Cosmetics, and a pop culture icon.

    But like all other sisters, there is some obvious difference between the two, which we can't help but point out. We also can't help but compare who's better than who. So we gathered 15 things one sister might be better at than the other. Check out below to see if you agree with us or not. You can even tally the scores if you want to.

    15 Nicest Whip Goes To?

    The Jenners share the same taste in a couple of things, but one thing they don't really have similar taste in cars. It's not surprising that Kylie loves sharing her whips with the world, so we've seen her Range Rover. We often watch her drive on the reality show her Ferrari 458 Convertible (which was a birthday gift from ex-boo, Tyga), a Rolls-Royce Ghost, and yes there's more. We can quickly jump to saying Kylie has the most car game, but have you taken a look at Kendall's unique taste in cars? We've seen the model driving in her vintage red Mustang, but she also has a Rolls-Royce, which was given to her on her 21st birthday. We barely see her driving in that, though, because Kendall is all about old-school. She much rather ride in her aqua 1957 Corvette Stingray convertible, which was given to her last year in September. We have to give this to Kendall because of her unique taste in cars.

    14 Best Clap-Back

    It's no secret that the sisters have haters trolling them and the media spreading rumors about them 24/7. With all this animosity towards them, which Jenner sister is the best at clapping back? In 2016, Kendall subtly shaded Taylor Swift during that whole debacle between her and Jenner's sister, Kim Kardashian. Jenner obviously took her sister's side by liking all the tweets regarding the unfolding drama, hinting she wasn't a part of Taylor's squad anymore. Like her sister, Kylie also claps back in a low-key way. During the same T-Swift debacle, Kylie decided to use social media and display a magazine cover of Taylor with the words “LIAR” on it. This was not just a coincidence, this was Kylie responding to the whole drama. So who comes out on top of the best clap-back? We have to say Kylie because it was the most obvious, but generally, the Jenner sisters prefer to respond to dirt in a calmer fashion compared to their Kardashian sisters.

    13 Make-Up Queen

    This one is pretty obvious. The one who has a huge make-up empire probably pulls off the best makeup. Yes, we're talking about Kylie. If you've been living under a rock, the 19-year-old first came out with her infamous lip-kit, which became a hit. Now, she has expanded her make-up line with an all cosmetics brand called Kylie Cosmetics. Her make-up line has a controversial twist though to it.

    Not only were people skeptical of her wearing too much makeup at such a young age, but also her lips in particular. Kylie then admitted she did have lip injections, but that didn't stop the success of her cosmetics brand. In fact, it pretty much helped her business, and people couldn't help but wonder if that was a marketing strategy of her team. Regardless, everyone loves Jenner's look, which is what she is mainly famous for.

    Even if Kylie wins in the cosmetics department, that doesn't mean Kendall isn't right behind her. She may not have her own line of makeup but she has been a part of creating some seriously popular shades for high end cosmetic lines. Kendall was part in creating an orange lipstick called 'Restless' by Estée Lauder, which was a total hit!

    12 The Most Loyal Fans

    It seems like the Kardashian's fans are pretty passionate, but we can't help but admit that Kylie's fans take that passion to a whole other level. The 19-year-old's fans go bananas over the star whether she's on a red carpet event or she's caught by the paparazzi out and about. Plus, her cosmetics business isn't successful just because of her. It's really been a hit because of the loyalty of her followers. If you do keep up with Jenner, you'll know that every makeup launch she organizes, the products are sold out within hours. That's how committed her fans are to the reality TV star. They are there to make her the richest Kardashian/Jenner in the family and making her siblings question their work ethic - even Kim's, who started the family's empire. The 36-year-old recently announced her new makeup line, KKW Beauty, basically following her baby sister's footsteps. Kylie owns it in the fans department for sure.

    11 Real-Estate Game

    We've followed the Kardashian girls since they were little kids and have seen where they've grown up. But time flies, and now they each have their own pads. Kendall upgraded from her Westwood condo to a house in the Hollywood Hills, which she purchased from Emily Blunt and John Krasinski for $6.5 million. Kendall probably saw how her baby sister, Kylie, was conquering the real estate industry as she began purchasing home after home like nothing.

    Kylie bought her first house at age 18, like it was no big deal. Actually, it was a huge deal, but now that house seems a like a dollhouse because Kylie has upgraded her house game to mansion status. In 2006, she was seen purchasing homes in the Hidden Hills area three times. Her last real estate move was actually a rental in Beverly Hills, which according to TMZ, was on the market to rent for $125, 000. It's a no brainer that the youngest of them all is the real estate Queen.

    10 Best Squad

    To be honest, this one's hard to figure out because Kendall and Kylie share mostly the same hot model friends. However, who do we see hanging out with them more often? It would have to be Kendall. You can catch Kendall walking the streets of LA or NYC out to lunch with model friends like Gigi Hadid or Karlie Kloss. Kylie, on the other hand, likes to pop out of nowhere when they are all hanging out. It seems like Kendall is more of the girl's girl compared to her baby sister. Kendall has been open about being friends with everyone and not try to burn bridges, while Kylie likes to keep things to herself when there's drama going on. Oh well, at least they still belong to one of the most fabulous families on the planet. If anything, they have that going for them.

    9 Style Icon

    Fashion is almost everything when it comes to the Kardashians and Jenners. But when it comes to the style of the youngest sisters, we can confidently say that Kylie owns the style game compared to her sister Kendall. Although, Kendall is the high fashion model, Kylie pretty much got famous because of her unique style. In fact, it was really through her Instagram posts that got her well-known because she was seen posting several photos a day of herself in different outfits and looks just for fun, which her followers absolutely loved. Whenever Kylie would change up her style, everyone became obsessed. Today, millions worldwide can't help but try to mock the style of the 19-year-old and can't wait to see what she will come up with next. Her taste in fashion has definitely earned her the crown for style compared to sister, Kendall.

    8 Most Successful $$$

    Like we said before, the two have made a name for themselves by proving they can create their own brand and can make it in this world. But between the two, who has the most success? We'll start by counting the success stories of each sister. Kendall first started her career as a commercial model for K-Mart and Forever 21. Then she climbed her way up to shows for Versace, Givenchy, Ralph Lauren, Victoria's Secret and so much more. She has not only made a name for herself in the family but in the modeling world, too. On the other side, Kylie took a different route and decided to pursue her dream of owning her makeup line. We can't deny that her dream became an actual success story worth $18 million in 2016, according to Forbes. This is a tough one to decide but we'll hand it to Kylie for creating her own brand despite how young she is. Although, out of the two of them, Kendall is definitely more visible in the public eye.

    7 Best Bare Face

    With all that make-up, we're always shocked whenever we see the Jenners au natural. So who looks better all natural? Considering Kylie's plastic ventures that everyone loves to bring up, we have to hand it to Kendall. Kendall has always come off as the most natural sister out of all the sisters, not just between her and Kylie. Even if she is a fashion model, she genuinely prefers to keep looks natural, and it certainly suits her. Kylie, on the other hand, is known for altering her face, so when we get a glance of her without the extra glam - which isn't often - people love to point out the areas that were obviously surgery. Perhaps Kylie will one day acknowledge her natural beauty, like her older sister has, and tone down the makeup and plastic surgery. Still, both of them look pretty good.

    6 Best Career

    We all know Kendall Jenner is a high fashion model. In fact, her job requires her to travel almost all the time that she can't make it to some family events. While Kendall is out working, Kylie is usually Snapchat-ing and Instagramming away with a bunch of selfies or shots of her cosmetics line. So who has the more established career here? Obviously Kendall. The 21-year-old model has walked the runway from Balmain to Versace to Ralph Lauren to Chanel, we can go on. Kendall has seriously made a name for herself in the modeling and fashion world, but with that reputation comes a lot hate as well. Many like to discredit Kendall's path to success, saying it's all because she has the Kardashian advantage. But the reality TV star continues to defend herself, insisting she has done all the hard work she is supposed to do to get to where she is today.

    5 Playing the Field

    Out of the two Jenner sisters, who is more of a hit with the boys? In other words, who has had more luck with relationships? Surprisingly, Kylie seems to have been in relationships longer. Meanwhile we can't keep up who we're going to see next walking besides Kendall. With that said, we have to hand it to Kendall for being the best at playing the field. The model has been seen with a basketball player, rapper, actor, singer, you name it. Kylie has only really been seen with rappers, who usually end up being her boyfriends, such as Tyga and recently, Travis Scott. Although, Kylie's relationships seem to get a lot more buzz, it's Kendall who keeps us guessing who she's going to be with next, and we love it. Why settle down when you're young and beautiful and have the world at the palm of your hands? Maybe Kylie should seriously step away from the relationship department and follow her older sister's footsteps and do her own thing for a while.

    4 Best Sister

    So many sisters, so little time. Who's the best at being a good sister? Growing up on television, we watched them be spoiled by their older sisters. But now that they are all grown up, the little ones have their older sisters' backs. In particular, Kylie Jenner and Khloe Kardashian have always had this close bond where Kylie would side with Khloe when she would get in an argument with Kim, based on the reality show. But Kendall usually plays the neutral one and likes to avoid as much drama as possible. When the two were going through the transition of their father becoming a woman, Kendall took her role as “big sister” seriously and made sure she was there for Kylie. In the end, the one with the less drama is probably the coolest, best sister and that has to be Kendall.

    3 Personality

    The Kardashians and Jenners are mostly known for their looks and beauty. We can't deny that these girls are gorgeous, and it's no wonder women all over the world are obsessed with them. So it's kind of hard to tell who has the best personality when their beauty overshadows it. But over the years, we've got to known each sister and what makes them stand apart from each other, especially the two youngest ones. Kendall is a model, so her looks are what people see first. But Kylie loves posting photos of herself, so we also first see her looks before any personality. However, from what we know from watching the reality show and their social life, it seems like Kylie is the most fun one out of the two. She comes off as more spontaneous and daring, while Kendall likes to keep it practical. It looks like Kylie wins overall personality for being more out there.

    2 Sexiest

    This is probably the question everyone wants to know the answer to. One on hand, Kendall is the model who gets to wear all these clothes on the runway and travels the world. Yet, the 21-year-old seems to be more conservative when she's not working. She will tease us with a few butt pictures here and there on social media which, we all love because she doesn't do it often. In contrast, her baby sister is a little more comfortable with her body and sharing it with the world. Kylie is pretty much the Queen of Instagram. She loves posting risqué photos of herself and gets the media talking about her the very next day. The little one has followed the footsteps of her older Kardashian sister, Kim, and it has worked for her in the long-run for her career. All Kylie needs to do is look beautiful wearing clothes or nothing at all and she's got the world talking. Kylie takes the ultimate crown of the sexiest sister.

    1 Family Favorite

    We recently caught up with the Kardashians and Jenners with their dad - turned woman - Caitlyn Jenner on Keeping Up With the Kardashians during an awkward exchange. Kendall confronted Caitlyn about feeling hurt whenever her dad was in favor of Kylie joining them for some activities. The model felt left out and unloved because Caitlyn couldn't get over Kylie not being present. This obviously sparked some tension and made us think Kylie is definitely the favorite of the family. She is the most popular of the family, sorry Kim. Plus, if you haven't noticed, it's usually the youngest one who becomes the most spoiled, so it's not surprising Kylie gets all the attention from the media to her family. She is the ultimate example of being the youngest and the most spoiled. It seems like the baby member is the family favorite.