Which Reality Show You Belong On Based On Your Zodiac Sign

There are very few things that I find extremely fascinating such as who does not love binge-watching on reality shows and gossiping with your friends on if you could which reality show would you be on? If you have ever read your horoscope-- you know it can often be addictive, hilarious, and in some way inspirational in its own right. But have you ever wondered if the stars could predict which show you belong on?
Take an adventurous Aries-- they need to be out in nature and what about calm Capricorn and all the other signs. What if I told you which reality show best suits you, based on your zodiac? While astrology can often be unpredictable it is quite fascinating learning more about each sign. If you love horoscopes and reality television then you may be interested in knowing which reality show you belong on just by your zodiac sign. Here are the 12 zodiac signs and their reality show, take a look:

12 Aries (March 21-April 19)

Like most signs-- they have their strengths and weaknesses, for an Aries, their strengths entail courage, determination, honesty, and passion whereas their weaknesses entail impatient, a bit impulsive, slightly aggressive. With these strengths and weaknesses, only one reality show comes to mind-- Survivor. I say this show because it gives this firey sign as a way to express their passion and determination while also testing their patience which may cause some temper-tantrums on television and well-- we all know scenes like that, drama, makes for GREAT television. Aries are super competitive-- and this show is all about competition. Plus an Aries loves freedom and being out in nature which is another great reason why this fire sign belongs on Survivor. Another great reason they belong on this reality show is because they are one of the most active zodiac signs and Survivor is about competing for various things and constantly being on the move-- perfect for an Aries. Another great sign that an Aries should be on Survivor is it is in their nature to take action-- they love being in charge and make for great leaders.
11 Taurus (April 20-May 20)

A Taurus is known for being reliable, devoted, patient, and practical while these are wonderful traits to have-- they too have their weaknesses such as being stubborn and possessive. This Earth sign loves cooking, music, and anything that they can use their hands. Which is why they belong on Hell's Kitchen-- they are always up for a challenge and yet they are excellent cooks. They aspire to be around all that is love and beautiful and they are great at maintaining long-term friendships. The reason a cooking reality show would be great for a Taurus is they can use their artistic traits and make for some (hopefully) delicious meals. While their stubbornness may not go over so well with Chef Gordon Ramsay -- it would definitely make for an interesting season and at the end of the day, this Earth sign just wants to create things that everyone can enjoy. They are so determined to do better in everything they do that they will not give up no matter how difficult things get.
10 Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This air sign can be affectionate, curious, and adaptable whereas their weaknesses entail indecisiveness and nervousness-- they absolutely dislike being alone and confined as they crave freedom and they love music, traveling, and socializing. These social butterflies belong on the reality show The Bachelor/Bachelorette-- as even though it can seem like a competition, Gemini's are the most charming zodiac. They can easily charm their way into anyone's heart. They love love and are incredibly affectionate creatures-- The Bachelor/Bachelorette is about romance with lots of drama and with this Air sign's adventurous nature and charming demeanor they would be a surefire win as in winning anyone's heart. Gemini's love meeting new people and exploring the world-- with all the incredible trips and dates that the contestants on the show get to go on this would be the perfect reality show for the oh-so-charming-free-spirited-passionate Gemini. Not only is a Gemini charming and adventurous but they are also incredibly wise-- which means when they love someone, they mean it. A Gemini won't ever tell someone they love them unless they truly mean it-- even if they are huge flirts they are also extremely honest creatures.
9 Cancer (June 21-July 22)

As a Water sign, Cancers are tenacious, loyal, imaginative, and emotional creatures-- their weaknesses consist of being pessimistic, manipulative, and insecure. Talk about super "crabby". But deep down, with all their mood swings, this crab is probably one of the most loyal zodiac signs. The type of reality show a Cancer belongs on would be Keeping Up with the Kardashians. The reason for that is because Cancers can be extremely dramatic and with all the drama that goes on with the Kardashians you would think the whole family is a Cancer! But the show isn't just about drama as it is also about family unity-- deep down-- this family loves each other and that is the number one priority to a Cancer. Their family and friends mean everything to them-- and even if they have their moods from time to time they love their family and would pretty much do anything for the people they care about. And if you have ever watched an episode of KUWTK then you would know that no one messes with a Kardashian--especially, Kris-- unless you are her children. And it is known that a Cancer absolutely dislikes anyone messing with or criticizing mom.
8 Leo (July 23-August 22)

Much like an Aries, this Fire sign is known to have its strengths in being passionate, creative, and warm-hearted but their weaknesses entail being stubborn, arrogant, and inflexible. A Leo wants to be treated like a King or Queen and they love theater, having fun with friends, holidays, and expensive things. They were born to be natural leaders-- which is why the perfect reality show for this fire sign to be on would be Shark Tank. The reason for that is, for instance-- their ability to lead-- they would be perfect as actually being a Shark. But if they weren't a shark and were instead a contestant then most likely they would have created something that is rather expensive and something that appeals to others as well. A Leo knows how to get everyone on their side-- they are known to be dramatic, creative, and incredibly difficult to resist. If they were a Shark they would most likely come up with the best deal whereas if they were a contestant they most likely will reel in any Shark they wanted with the result of the best of the best.
7 Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Let's talk about this sign's strengths-- they are loyal, hardworking, kind and practical. Now let's talk about their weaknesses-- shy, insecure, and judgmental as they tend to be overly critical of themselves and others. While generally speaking, you would think hardworking is a wonderful thing-- except for a Virgo they are more like all work and no play. They love animals, healthy food, and nature whereas they dislike rude people and asking for help. The best reality show that this Earth sign belongs on would be The Biggest Loser. While that may not sound right they would most likely be the trainers on the show-- which DOES make sense. As they are really into helping others and perhaps their criticizing would actually be beneficial as they may be able to get their clients into shape faster than anyone. And the fact that they love eating healthy and being in nature this would give them the opportunity to work hard at something.
6 Libra (September 23-October 22)

This Air sign happens to be very gracious, social, and diplomatic, their weaknesses happen to be indecisive and they tend to hold a grudge. A Libra loves being outdoors and sharing with others while they hate violence, injustice, and people who are a bit of a loudmouth. The perfect reality show that a Libra belongs on is Million Dollar Listing. They would be perfect as realtors and they are so social that they most likely can sell any home. Libras are generally known for being socially adept and oriented-- which is why being able to work in an environment where you are selling and also customer service-- this type of environment will enable this air sign to truly shine. Plus they have a good eye and excellent artistic sense which is something you want especially when you are trying to sell a home. For that, a Libra should definitely be on Million Dollar listing-- whether it is in New York or LA.
5 Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Scorpio's happen to be very resourceful, brave, passionate creatures-- while those traits may be their strengths, their weaknesses entail jealousy, secretive, and distrusting. This water sign is also very stubborn but above all, they can be a true friend. Which is why the perfect reality show for this crazy creature is The Hills. Remember Lauren Conrad and Kristin Cavallari from Laguna Beach?-- well, The Hills is a spin off from LB and is full of juicy secrets, love triangles, friendships, careers, and the LA Lifestyle as we all like to think is exactly like that. Scorpios are passionate and assertive people-- The Hills need strong-minded people such as this water sign. With water signs, you almost never know what you are going to get-- much like waves-- one minute they are calm and the next not so much. That is a Scorpio for you--they are fierce individuals. And don't be fooled by a Scorpio's cool and calm behavior as their appearance is rather mysterious in itself. Which is why The Hills is the perfect reality show that a Scorpio belongs on.
4 Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

These creatures are known to be generous, funny, and idealistic, they love to travel, freedom, and philosophy while they dislike clingy people and are very impatient and they have zero filter what-so-ever as they will say anything they please no matter how diplomatic it may be. For this, the best reality show that a Sagittarius belongs on would be The HouseWives-- it does not really matter which housewife show as they all at some point travel and not very many of them have filters. The best one for this fire sign though would probably be The Housewives of The OC-- it is full of drama and well, this Sagittarius can be a handful at times. But deep down, all this fire sign wants to do is travel and see the world from a different perspective and they like exploring with their friends too. They tend to have an open mind to things and feel the need to wander. Never a dull moment if this Fire sign were to light a flame on The Housewives of The OC-- watch out Tamara you may have met your match!
3 Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

This Earth sign has its strengths by being well-mannered and responsible and they like things such as family, art, and tradition. Their weaknesses, however, entail them for being know-it-alls, condescending, and they always expect the worst--they also dislike practically everything at some point. The best reality show that a Capricorn belongs on would be Chrisley Knows Best-- while this show is hilarious it also is about family which is the number one important thing to any Capricorn. Plus because often the father on Chrisley Knows Best tends to act like a know-it-all and so does the son-- therefore, could you imagine if this Earth sign was on the show how much more interesting things could get. A Capricorn strives to get to the top and often, so do the Chrisleys. Capricorns feel the need to control people and certain situations but at the end of the day, nothing is more important to a Capricorn than family.
2 Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

A true humanitarian, independent, they are great listeners, love helping others, and adventurous. Their weaknesses, however, consist of temperamental, aloof, and they dislike dull or boring situations, limitations, and people who tend to disagree with them. This Air sign can be so up and down sometimes you won't know what to say or do-- as one minute they can totally go with the flow and the next they are yelling at you about something that has been bottling up for so long. With that being said, the perfect reality show that an Aquarius belongs on would be Vanderpump Rules. This wild and dramatic show is perfect for the eccentric Aquarius-- they know how to grasp anyone's attention, which means they know how to put on a show. While they may be temperamental they also are capable of noticing others problems and then acting fast to help solve them. While an Aquarius may not be super dramatic they definitely belong on a reality show such like Vanderpump Rules.
1 Pisces (February 19-March 20)

This water sign is extremely compassionate, artistic, musical, and intuitive. They love music, romance, spiritual themes, and sleeping but with strengths comes weaknesses as they dislike being criticized and cruelty of any kind and they tend to be overly trusting and a martyr. While a Pisces may be a bit on the bumpy side of the road they also have their highs and they are actually very talented creatures. Which is why the best reality show for a Pisces to belong on would be The Voice. This is a no brainer considering how musically talented most Pisces are, plus they are super friendly creatures. The only downfall would be that if a judge didn't like something, the odds of a Pisces handling it could be a long shot-- considering, they are compassionate creatures and perhaps they may understand but because they hate to be criticized it'll probably really get to them. The one good thing about a Pisces though, is that they are the least judgemental of the zodiacs and they are extremely forgiving. This artistic and musically talented sign would be perfect for any talent show really-- but The Voice is by far where they belong.