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    Semua artikel - Halaman 1567

    15 keluarga selebriti yang menjalankan Hollywood (selain dari kaum Kardashians)
    Apabila kita memikirkan keluarga terkenal, tidak ragu lagi bahawa minda kita secara automatik pergi ke keluarga Kardashian. Terkenal kerana kita masih tidak tahu apa, mereka benar-benar mengambil alih segala-galanya! Tetapi...
    15 Celebrity Exes We Wish Would Get Back Together
    Celebrity couples are the gossip we love to read regardless if it is good or bad. We cannot get enough of the details about their undying love or their sordid...
    15 Celebrity Dads You Didn't Know Have Hot Sons
    When you're a major Hollywood movie star, platinum-selling musician, or beloved athlete, you've resigned yourself to living a life in the spotlight. But what about your kids? A lot of...
    15 Daddies Selebriti yang Memiliki Pasukan Switched
    Di dunia yang semakin menerima kepelbagaian dan keperibadian, kita melihat lebih ramai selebriti "keluar dari almari" atau mengumumkan bahawa mereka adalah gay atau lesbian. Sudah tentu, berita ini menjadi berita...
    15 Pertempuran Penjaga Selebriti
    Kanak-kanak boleh menjadi kegembiraan besar kepada pasangan, walaupun pasangan selebriti. Tetapi mereka juga boleh menjadi tulang perbalahan yang menjadikan rakan sekaligus penyayang penuh musuh. Salah satu masalah ialah selebriti sering...
    15 Celebrity Couples Who Don't Give AF
    Relationships are tough - that nobody can deny. Celebrity couples have their relationships carefully documented by the press and their every move will be scrutinized. Under the pressure many couples crumble...
    15 Celebrity Couples Who Are Adorably In Love
    You see it each and every day. Couples all around you. Truly, madly, deeply and hopelessly in love. With some of them, this is infuriating because you wish, just for...
    15 Celebrity Couples Who Actually Look Like Siblings
    Though people say that opposites attract, this may not be the case. According to science, we are attracted to people who look like us. Statistician Emma Pierson studied the matches...