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    15 Celebrity Exes We Wish Would Get Back Together

    Celebrity couples are the gossip we love to read regardless if it is good or bad. We cannot get enough of the details about their undying love or their sordid affairs, but it is much more than that. The celebrities of the world whether movie stars, athletes, or otherwise, are what most people envision when they think about a successful life. Celebrities become the ideals of achievement, and we want to know everything about these icons. With that, it makes sense why people become enamored with celebrity couples. They represent the ideas about love that others hope for and strive to reach or on the flipside of the coin, they use as an example of what to avoid. Celebrity couples embody the modern ideas of love and prove to be role models where others find everything from hope to hard lessons learned. It is like having a public spectrum of relationship health. People use these relationships as references in their own lives, and it makes them feel that much closer to understanding the internal thoughts and feelings of the people they so envy. Especially in break ups, people want to get up close and personal, sympathizing with their favorite celebs and seeing what went wrong in hopes they can avoid the same fate. Everyone wants love, and they cannot help but root for the couples that once upon a time seemed so truly happy. Here are fifteen celebrities we can't help but hope to reunite.

    15 Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake

    These two marked a simpler time in life and a simpler idea of first love. They were icons of pop culture, and it seemed to be the best part in the life and career of Britney Spears. She began to lose her way after she and Justin ended things. There were accusations about why it ended, mainly it seemed the professed virgin had not been so innocent. After they split, Britney traveled down a dark road finding struggles with love, drugs, family, children, money, and everything she had worked her entire life to build began to crumble. It is sad and difficult to watch someone destroy themselves in the public eye. Today, Britney has come a long way, but she isn't the same bubbly pop princess that once reigned. While Justin and Jessica make such a great couple, there is something about Britney and Justin coming together once again and rebuilding the glory of the early 2000s when denim was king, and happily ever after was easier to believe. It most definitely won't happen, but it is fun to think about the crazy path to that reconciliation.

    14 Heidi Klum and Seal

    These two lovable goofs seemed so perfect together. The drop dead gorgeous model and sexy singer that came together and graced the red carpet like Greek gods were such a wonderful couple. Even if they did profess their love to each other in a ridiculous amount of vow renewals almost every year they were married, they always appeared to have so much fun. Their devotion to each other and their adorable kids gave them an aura of a great family centered on good morals. There was no ridiculous drama or feuds just people enjoying their amazing lives and sharing it with others. When they decided to call it quits, the normal slew of rumors took over the celebrity news cycle, but eventually died down. Their split proved how difficult marriage can be even in the best of circumstances and that good looks aren't enough to base an entire marriage upon. It would be great to see them get the whole family back together. We would even put up with the over the top vow renewals for the rest of their lives.

    13 Jason Schwartzman and Zooey Deschanel

    This wasn't much of a spotlight relationship, but it lasted for about two years. The loveable, creative and one of a kind Zooey is like the perfect best friend. She is bubbly and spirited and down to earth, all at the same time. As for funny man Jason Schwartzman, he is the goof you can't help but find totally adorable. The dark-haired duo were a match made in heaven, and one can only imagine how silly and playful their relationship must have been. So why did they split after two years together (which is longer than most marriages in Hollywood)? There was never a public statement made about their split, and the two went on their way. Both are married to other people and each of them have kids now. Even though they have moved on, the two still seemed like such a great pair, and maybe one day they will get back together as the fun-loving creative team. Maybe they will return to each other and collaborate on a quirky new TV show where Jess meets the love of her life.

    12 Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne

    What a whirlwind these two were together. After 34 years, it came as a surprise that they were truly going to divorce. With three kids and over three decades with one another, the two appeared to be completely woven into each other's lives. However, Sharon had finally grown tired of Ozzy's various ill behaviors that have infiltrated their marriage from the start. Why it has become too much after more than thirty years will remain something only Sharon really knows. Despite their craziness, it was as if they were truly happy together and understood each other… Well, at least Sharon seemed to understand Ozzy more than anyone else can. Considering both parties are late in life, it may be that Sharon finally had enough and wanted to have a life away from Ozzy's antics. Better late than never. Yet, it is still hard to imagine throwing away an entire lifetime together. Ozzy needs to straighten up, go after Sharon and apologize for all he has done wrong by her. These two might be the only people on the planet that can stand each other… They might want to give it another shot.

    11 Bruce Willis and Demi Moore

    These two are probably one of the most well-known former couples only because of their unbelievably amicable divorce. Married for about 13 years, the two had three daughters together and flourishing careers in the spotlight. When they divorced in 2000, they remained close for the sake of their children. However, when Demi ended up with Ashton Kutcher, it was almost bizarre at how happy the whole family seemed as they attended red carpet events together and went about life as if it were the most normal thing in the world. In the years to come, the saga of Ashton and Demi would slowly unravel and so would Demi. With a very public breakdown, and Ashton out of the picture, Demi was once again single. Bruce has moved on, and welcomed another child with his new wife, but he still has strong connections to Demi. She and Bruce were such an appropriate couple with a long history together. Both have survived decades in Hollywood, and it would be fantastic to see these two of them reconcile and rebuild their marriage.

    10 Joshua Jackson and Diane Kruger

    At first, these two seemed like somewhat of an odd pairing. The Dawson's Creek cutie and the blonde bombshell were anything but the perfect match. Over time, they began to grow on fans, and the couple looked genuinely happy as they attended red carpet events with one another. While Josh did propose, there was never an official ceremony since neither were religious or needed a marriage license to validate their love for each other. They were dating for quite a few years before Diane recently made a move to New York to be near Josh. Only a couple of months into their move together, they have decided to end their relationship. Around her fortieth birthday, Diane made an Instagram post that hinted at a split. Shortly after, the couple announced a separation after almost ten years together. Relationships between normal people are hard enough, toss in high profile careers and constant traveling, and it is often more stress than two people can handle. A little time apart might give them some clarity, and maybe this cute couple will be able to make it work a second time around.

    9 Amy Poehler and Will Arnett

    These two famous funny people were quite the partnership with a marriage that lasted about nine years that produced two sons as well as many fans that envied the light-hearted couple. Then, when they split in 2012 both parties kept relatively quiet about the details. It was sad to see such a happy couple full of laughter suddenly struggling with the painful effects of divorce. We'll never forget their portrayal of Stranz and Fairchild Van Waldenberg in Blades of Glory or when Will made a guest appearance on Parks and Recreation as Leslie's creepy blind date. Their love whether on screen or off appeared to be genuinely fun and unforced. While the unavoidable passage of time brings change, it often means that people grow apart. Regardless of the reasons these two split, one can only help that maybe with the passage of more time, whatever changes pulled them apart might soften. With that, they might once again find the love with each other and reconnect as America's funniest couple. If it doesn't happen, we will always have Blades of Glory.

    8 Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner

    The all American Affleck family looked like the people behind the white picket fence. For ten years, Ben and Jennifer were married and raising their three children, two daughters, and a son, together. The fact that they seemed so devoted to one another and normal made people think they might actually make it. Regardless of how they seemed, people usually aren't truly as happy as they make themselves appear to others. When news of the split was announced, many began speculating that it had something to do with their twenty-eight-year-old nanny. While Jennifer said they had been separated for months before she heard that news, it wasn't exactly denied. She claims the decision divorce was made long before the nanny was thrown into the mix. Few people may know what truly happened, but it is always sad to see a family pulled apart. As the years go by and their careers settle a little more, maybe these two will return to each other once again, and in doing so they will revive the American dream where love reigns.

    7 Miranda Kerr and Orlando Bloom

    It was no surprise that the gorgeous Victoria's Secret model snagged the man-beautiful Orlando. Apparently, opposites don't attract. These two unreasonably good looking people seemed as happy as ever as they embarked upon a life together. They were married for three years and even welcomed a son together. Then, out of nowhere, the two called it quits. Despite the fact that they split up, they can often be seen together with a rather unusual demeanor towards one another considering they are exes. From smiles to a quick peck on the cheek, the two have remained close for the sake of their son. When asked about their relationship after the divorce, Orlando was quoted as saying, “We're not friends, we're family.” That kind of gentle, mature, clarity is heart melting and very attractive in a man. If these two kids could figure it out how to harness that tenderness they have for each other even after the end of their marriage, maybe they could build it back into eternal love for one another. Their beautiful looks compliment each other so well, it is almost a shame that they aren't together.

    6 Drew Barrymore and Will Kopelman

    Fun, beautiful, unpredictable Drew. She has seen her fair share of relationships and marriages. When she met the handsome Will Kopelman, an art consultant, fans wondered if the third time was a charm. Already pregnant with her first child, she wed Will, and the two embarked on happily ever after. After their first child, Drew and Will had a second daughter, and the foursome appeared to be picture perfect. Living in New York, Drew and Will were married for four years and constantly shared moments of PDA around the city. It gave fans hope that love was still out there and family life still possible even later in life. So when news of their split hit the media, it came as a shock. The happy little family wasn't so happy. While the details remained quiet, the two divorced and worked to co-parent their daughters. Divorce is hard enough, but when kids are involved it can be much more difficult. It is hard work for many parents to remain civil, and it takes even more effort to maintain a sense of family for the children. Hopefully, these two will find their way back to one another one day.

    5 Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton

    What happened to country's happiest couple? These two were together for ten years and married for four of them. They just seemed like a wonderful match and so down to earth, even in their demanding careers. When their abrupt split became public, many rumors of infidelity were flying around but each of them denied the allegations. Many also wondered if infertility was a role in the split, but some say it was the life in Hollywood. With Shelton's role on The Voice, he was enjoying his time in the limelight while Miranda wanted a more laid back, private life. Only they really know what happened, but we miss these two. Now, Blake is dating Gwen Stefani leaving people scratching their heads. His relationship with someone so polar opposite makes him seem less like the good ol' fashion country boy he seemed to be. Most country lovers would agree, Miranda and Blake were such a perfect fit. With so much in common they dominated the country star niche, and it would be awesome to see these two reconcile.

    4 Kaley Cuoco and Johnny Galecki

    These two were absolutely adorable! While starring as each other's love interests in The Big Bang Theory, these two fell in love. They managed to keep their relationship relatively quiet while on set. For about two years, they dated without many people even realizing it. Then, it became public when they decided to go their own ways. Most people would find it awkward to have to continue working in close quarters with their ex, not to mention, the fact that they now play husband and wife on The Big Bang Theory. From Galecki's beginnings on Roseanne and Cuoco playing air-head Bridget in 8 Simple Rules, these two have always seemed like polar opposites. In fact, that is the running joke on The Big Bang Theory, but for some reason, they just work. While Kaley was married briefly, the two have moved on from their once steamy, secret love. It might be over for now, but it wouldn't be surprising if these two eventually came back to one another. After all, they do get to work everyday as husband and wife.

    3 Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber

    Once upon a time, the Biebs was a nice boy. The boy next story that stole your heart with that legendary hair flip. He and Selena sizzled together, and she made him step up his game. However, his inner bad boy got the best of him, and he has slowly changed from the boy next door to the annoying neighbor kid that won't turn his music down. What was once happy, puppy love has transitioned as both people approached adulthood. Selena is working on her craft and struggling to cope with the autoimmune disease lupus as she recreates her image. Life is moving forward for her while Justin is slowly becoming another celebrity lost in his own narcissism. Despite the fact that their worlds are moving in opposite directions, they can't let each other go. They go back and forth with each other hoping to maintain the spark that attracted them. If Justin could get it together and spend as much time moving his career forward as he does acting out like a child, he could be the next Justin Timberlake. With a little growing up and Selena by his side, they could be quite the power couple.

    2 Lady Gaga and Taylor Kinney

    Their recent split has fans hoping for the two to get back together. After meeting in 2011, the sexy Chicago Fire star and the eccentric Gaga were head over heels for each other. They became engaged on Valentine's Day, and their fantastic love was almost sickening. The two celebrities are amazingly hard working, and their careers began putting pressure on their relationship. Gaga recently starred in the American Horror Story: Hotel for which she won a Golden Globe, and she has been working on another album. Their chaotic schedules proved to be too much, and the two needed at least a break to figure things out. Gaga's recent Instagram post make it sound as if the two will be back together in the not so distant future and asking fans for support. When both people are sexy, talented stars with everyone fighting for their time, it seems impossible to have time for anything else. Without each other, it might put things back into perspective and give them a chance to realize they truly want to be together. Don't fret just yet monsters, there is still time for them to get back together.

    1 Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston

    Not only were they America's Sweethearts, but they seemed to be truly in love. Their down to earth personalities and amazing good looks made them a power couple you couldn't help but envy and appreciate all at the same time. When their seemingly perfect life was exposed as a sham, you couldn't make it through a grocery store without seeing it splashed across almost every magazine cover. The idea of true happiness and love took a hit when they broke up. If they couldn't make it work, who could? Then, when the rumors of his relationship with Angelina Jolie came to light, it felt even more shocking. Were there no more good guys in this world? Despite all that has happened, who wouldn't like to see a reunion? If these two came back together professing their undying love that was just temporarily derailed, it could unite a divided nation… Well, maybe. It would at least make for a really great movie if only on the Hallmark channel. As much as we might wish it, it looks like this relationship is yet another sad ending to something that was once so great.