12 Of Our Fave Kardashian Workouts
Want a body like the Kardashians? Of course you do. Everyone wants to look as fit, beautiful, and super healthy as this super famous family. What we love about the reality TV clan is that they make no secret of the fact that they love food, but they love feeling good and working out as well. That's a really awesome message, especially to their younger fans. In a world of plastic surgery and crash diets, it's pretty amazing to have a group of gorgeous female celebrities who inspire you to be healthy and focus on good food and exercise. So of course we wanted to find out what workouts these women actually do. If it's good enough for them, it's good for us, right? Here are 12 favorite Kardashian workouts. Try any one of them (or all of them, you overachiever!) and you can truly keep up with this clan.
12 Khloe's Crazy Push-ups
Can you do a push-up? Maybe you fake your way through it and do it on your knees instead of your toes. Which is totally fine. It's a pretty hardcore exercise move, so naturally, Khloe Kardashian excels at a version that is even harder than a normal one. The girls' trainer Gunnar Peterson came up with Plyometric Push-ups for the star. As he explained, you do a push-up off something like a bench and it's basically like jumping right into the air. Sounds kind of scary, but it's obviously super effective.
11 Khloe's Squat Jumps
This is one killer move, and Khloe seems to love it. Her trainer suggests waiting for about a minute in-between reps. The goal is to repeat it a few times, so you probably want to try this one out and build up your stamina so you can do it properly and truly benefit from it. Basically, you do a bunch of squats while jumping your feet out and then back in, so it's exactly what it sounds like.
10 Khloe's Arm Moves
Gunnar again: he designed a bunch of arm moves for Khloe that we think sound painful. But again, the moves sound super effective, so we're definitely willing to give them the old college try. Some of the moves: bench and shoulder presses (which seem to be push-ups against something, like a bar), hammer curls and arm rows. You need small weights or resistance bands for these moves, so you can definitely make an investment in your long-term health and buy those, or you can just do the arm moves at your local gym since they already have the equipment.
9 Kim's Cardio
Would you expect Kim to do any kind of exercise that has nothing to do with her lower region… basically, her butt? Of course not. So naturally, she's got a workout DVD called “Butt Blasting Cardio.” You can also check out the moves and routine on YouTube. We watched a bit of it and it doesn't look too tricky, but it does involve stepping on and off something, which is where the butt part of the cardio comes in we guess.
8 Kourtney's Running On The Beach
It looks like, at least from the pictures we could get, that Kourtney's favorite form of exercise is running. But more than that - running on the beach. Sounds pretty good to us. Since running kind of sucks sometimes (okay, most of the time), we think it sounds pretty awesome to be able to run in such a beautiful setting. When you get tired of it and feel like you just can't possibly go on any longer, and breathing seems like a super foreign concept, then you can just smile at the beach.
7 Kourtney's Step Cardio
Not to be outdone, Kourtney has her own version of cardio. Well, to be fair, in this snap she's doing a step cardio workout right beside her sis Kim. It basically looks like that old-school step workout from the 1980s, but it must be effective because, again, she looks pretty awesome. It seems like Kourtney really loves her outdoor workouts, and we can totally get behind that. Now that it's spring and almost summer, we swear we're going to start breaking a sweat more often. No, really we are.
6 Kourtney's Bosu Ball
Never heard of a bosu ball? Us either. It sounds kind of terrifying. But it's Kourtney's new BFF. This object apparently works basically your entire body, so it's all about working harder and smarter at the same time. It doesn't really look like a ball at all, but a circle that's been cut in half, and you press both hands into it. It doesn't look like too much fun. Beauty is pain?
5 Kendall's Hiking/Running
Kendall Jenner often talks about her love of running, eating well, and staying fit. From this beautiful picture with super stunning scenery, it looks like the girl enjoys a good hike as well. Is there some kind of rule that if you live in L.A. you have to love hiking? It sure seems like it.
4 Kylie's Ab Workout
The star is super proud of her flat abs, and it seems like she's definitely worked super hard to get them. What a surprise, she also swears by her trainer Gunnar. She has said that she does lots of "weight training" and also, of course, runs. It definitely seems to be working for her as she basically has abs of steel. She has also credited getting rid of dairy and eating better, so she proves that "abs are made in the kitchen" as people love to say. You just can't have a fit, toned body without focusing on both working out and eating properly. Don't you just hate hearing that? Goodbye pizza, we will miss you.
3 Khloe's Reformer Pilates
Ever seen or used a Reformer? It's basically an object out of a horror movie, but it's all the rage in Hollywood. Basically, a Reformer is a weird machine that you use in a certain type of Pilates class, and Khloe (and her sisters) are all about it.
2 Kim's Variety Of Workout Classes
Think that Kim is content to just work out with a personal trainer? Of course not. She's got an insane body and that means she does a ton of different workouts. She has apparently been trying a lot of different types of workout classes over the years. One of those? SoulCycle. Makes sense, since spinning is insanely popular with the rich and famous and beautiful.
1 Kim's Bride-To-Be Squats
Want a butt like Kim Kardashian? Obviously, right? How is that even a question? Kim had a workout specifically designed for her right before her wedding by her trainer Gunnar. We're pretty much obsessed with the squats he came up with. He calls it a “squat press” and you use dumbbells. Okay, this is so going to be our new weekly (or even daily) workout move.