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    13 Celebs With Super Weird Phobias

    Phobias are weird. We don't choose them and we certainly don't always get to control our reactions when we're faced with them. Phobias are persistent and irrational fears, and about four to five percent of people have such bad phobias that they are clinically significant. Many more have mild ones that can still force them to avoid certain situations, depending the triggers. The good news is, we are not alone. Celebrities are full of phobias, some probably even weirder than any you might have. Here are 13 celebrities with really weird phobias.

    13 Megan Fox And Germs

    Megan Fox doesn't like germs, and public restrooms in particular. But restaurants bother her too, because of all that shared dishware. Guess she doesn't trust the dish washing process. She has said, "This is a sickness, I have an illness. Putting my mouth where a million other mouths have been, just knowing all the bacteria that you carry in your mouth? Ucch!"

    12 Brad Pitt And Moving Backwards

    There's no doubt that Brad Pitt has his eye on the prize and continues to move forward in life, but it sounds like it might have turned into a bit of an obsession as he is now afraid of moving backwards in all ways. As he says, "If I'm walking out the door and I've forgotten something, I can't go back and get it. It is something in my nature. If I'm driving down the road and I miss a turn, I have to keep going forward. I can't reverse. It's some kind of psychological defect. I don't know the reason why… But it's just that, for better or worse, I want to keep moving on. I don't like to go backwards. It's not what I'm good at."

    11 Matt Damon And Snakes

    Turns out Matt Damon is super scared of snakes. His We Bought a Zoo costar Scarlett Johansson recalls, "He was definitely sweating a bit, and maybe the sweat formed in the corner of his eye. I said, 'Matt, these kids are practically juggling the snakes. Hold it together.'" She also said she saw him "cry like a baby and rock back and forth when the snakes were spread all over the set."

    10 Orlando Bloom And Pigs

    Orlando Bloom suffers from swinophobia, which is the fear of pigs. Supposedly when Orlando was on the set of the film Kingdom of Heaven, one of the pigs got loose and he actually made a run for it. That's when his phobia first became known. For some people, swinophobia is activated merely by the sight of a pig, and sometimes because they are perceived as dirty animals. One good question we have for Orlando is if he eats bacon, or if all things pig are totally off limits for the star.

    9 Jennifer Love Hewitt And Elevators

    Jennifer Love Hewitt has admitted that she really doesn't like elevators, especially if they are crowded. She has said, "Let's fit 90 people in and go up to floor 68 - not my thing." Do you think she take the stairs? That's a pretty good way to stay fit, although not very time efficient if you're really on your way to floor 68… not to mention the sweat. The fear of elevators usually comes down to two things: the fear of falling and of being trapped.

    8 Britney Spears And Reptiles

    Britney Spears may have famously strutted her stuff on stage with a giant snake wrapped around her neck, but the star has herpetophobia: the fear of reptiles. She has a problem being around large reptiles and lizards, and specifically can't deal with the Komodo dragon. Herpetophobia does usually extend to snakes however, so we're not exactly sure how that went down. The phobia can cause slight to severe reactions such as anxiety, panic attack, and nausea which is cited as the most common response.

    7 Matthew McConaughey And Revolving Doors

    Matthew McConaughey is so afraid of revolving doors that not only does he not use them, but he gets uncomfortable even just being around them. He has said, "I don't like revolving doors, and I really don't like that blind spot when you're driving and go into a tunnel. You know that spot where you can't see for about 10 feet. You can't see what's in front of you or if someone's broken down or something in front of you."

    6 Kelly Osbourne And Being Touched

    Kelly Osbourne suffers from hapophobia, which is basically the fear of being touched. People with this phobia don't like their space to be infringed upon, and it sometimes can be linked with sexual fears as well. Kelly's brother Jack has spoken out about how easy it is to set her off, saying, “All you have to do is just touch her collarbone. It's awesome, she starts dry-retching.” Other symptoms include anxiety, dizziness, numbness, rapid heartbeat, dry mouth, trembling, and the feeling of being trapped.

    5 Madonna And Thunder

    Superstar Madonna acts like she's not afraid of anything, but she is -- she suffers from brontophobia which is the fear of thunder. People with brontophobia are aware that the thunder is not causing them a risk but can't seem to quell their anxiety. Brontophobia actually makes the list of one of the top ten phobias in people, and it is also very common in animals as well. Hopefully, she's never had a show scheduled during a big storm.

    4 Oprah And Gum

    Oprah Winfrey has a phobia of chewing gum that stems back to her childhood, and as an adult she bans it from the buildings that she works in: "My grandmother used to save it in little rows in the cabinet. I'd be scared to touch it because it was so gross, so I have a thing about gum. One guest in my home sat at the dinner table, took out some gum from her mouth, and put it on her plate - after she left, I threw the plate out." Chiclephobia usually starts with a dramatic event that spurs the fear.

    3 Tyra Banks And Dolphins

    Mogul Tyra Banks has a huge fear of dolphins, which is known as delfiniphobia. Apparently she has been afraid of the sea mammal since she was a kid, and has the bad dreams to prove it: "I've been afraid of [dolphins] ever since I was 8 or 9. I have dreams that I am in a pool and there are dolphins bumping me and I'm frightened." Hopefully that hasn't gotten in the way of her many photo shoots staged at the beach.

    2 Pamela Anderson And Mirrors

    Pamela Anderson supposedly has a phobia of mirrors, although that is kind of confusing when you consider the amount of work she puts into her appearance. Although she has recently admitted that she dyes her own hair, and maybe she just gets her makeup done? "I have this phobia - I don't like mirrors… " she said once. "I don't watch myself on television. If anything comes on, I make them shut it off, or I leave the room."

    1 Nicole Kidman And Butterflies

    Nicole Kidman is afraid of perhaps the least likely predator in the world… the butterfly. It began when she was a kid and saw huge butterflies and moths on her front gate. As she's said, "I have tried to get over it… I walked into the big butterfly cage at the American Museum of Natural History and had the butterflies on me, but that didn't work. I jump out of planes, I could be covered in cockroaches, I do all sorts of things, but I just don't like the feel of butterflies' bodies."