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    13 Super Sober Celebs

    It's no secret that alcohol is a huge part of our culture, especially when it comes to social events. Food and booze just seem to go together in tons of different situations, and what's a celebration without a champagne toast? It seems like everyone on the planet drinks. But the truth is, some people just don't, and it's not just because they're recovering alcoholics. Some people just don't like the way it makes them feel, look, act, or they might hate the taste of beer and vodka. Here are 13 celebs who are pretty open about the fact that they don't drink, and they all have a bunch of different reasons why.

    13 Demi Lovato

    For the singer, she doesn't drink anymore because she headed to rehab in 2010 -- not only for alcoholism but for drug abuse, an eating disorder, and cutting. She has admitted that the threat of not being able to see her little sister got her life back on track. She recalls an intervention with her parents and her team that was pretty eye-opening for her.

    12 Bradley Cooper

    The charming actor felt his partying ways were holding him back from living his best life. He's said that he felt he was going to "sabotage" everything if he kept drinking so much. Once he became sober, he enjoyed the experience of acting in movies so much more: "I'm like, 'Oh, I'm already myself. I don't have to put on this air to be somebody else, and this person still wants to work with me?"

    11 Christina Ricci

    Christina Ricci started acting as a teen and admits that she went through a pretty normal phase of drinking alcohol but now considers the hobby to be a destructive one. Now, she's more of a homebody.

    10 James Franco

    James Franco has been sober for a while, which has been confirmed by his reps. In 2011, when James hosted the Oscars, some people thought that he seemed a little intoxicated, but his reps came to his defense explaining that he was tired and that "James does not drink or do drugs ever.” His reasoning? He got into trouble as a teen and just decided the stuff wasn't for him.

    9 Florence Welch

    The Florence and the Machine star used to drink but figured it was better to stop once it threatened to affect her singing career. She says she's a pretty shy person, which might have been why she would drink to excess in the past.

    8 Eva Mendes

    The actress spent some time in rehab in 2008 and hasn't drank since. She never confirmed the reason for her rehab stay, but she's expressed some pretty strong views about her support for rehab in general. She says, "I'm proud of people who have the determination and the fearlessness to actually go and face their demons and get better. This is a life or death situation."

    7 Chris Martin

    The Coldplay star reportedly gave up booze when the band was recording their first album. He even avoids caffeine as well these days (not sure how he does that). He's admitted that the band has experienced a lot of drug and alcohol abuse.

    6 Calvin Harris

    Calvin Harris stopped drinking despite being surrounded by it at work: "Everywhere you go there's a bottle of Jack Daniels. If you turn up for a DJ set there are two, you turn up for a band gig and there are six. Where does it all go? Well, someone's got to drink it."

    5 Kat Von D

    Kat Von D quit drinking in 2007 after feeling that it was negatively affecting her work ethic. Since getting sober, she's found new friends who support her newer, healthier lifestyle. When she reached six years sober, she tweeted, "Today marks my 6th year of sobriety! Yay for not being a drunken a**hole!! :)”

    4 Jada Pinkett Smith

    Jada Pinkett Smith gave up alcohol several years ago after realizing that she was overdoing it. She didn't go to rehab or anything, she just quit on her own. She has confessed that she could drink two bottles of wine all by herself.

    3 Johnny Depp

    You might not think that the hunky actor is totally stone cold sober, but in fact he is. In 2013, the Pirates of the Caribbean star told Rolling Stone that although he wasn't exactly addicted to booze, he knew it was a bad habit that he should probably quit and fast.

    2 Blake Lively

    The Gossip Girl star has admitted that she's not into the taste of alcohol or how it makes you feel, so she chooses to totally avoid it… except when it comes to cooking. If you didn't know already, she's quite the foodie and adores cooking. She's no stranger to alcohol, though, as she's played several characters with addiction issues. She finds that pretty interesting since she's completely sober and has never tried drugs, not even once.

    1 Jennifer Lopez

    Jennifer Lopez abstains from alcohol because it's not great on your skin and leads to aging. But that's not her only anti-aging trick up her sleeve. She stays looking and feeling totally awesome by avoiding caffeine (again, why???), sleeping as much as possible, meditating every day, eating tons of green veggies, working out with personal trainers, and staying out of the sun unless she's got on gobs of sunscreen. She has no issues, however, taking a single sip of something during a toast since she thinks it's just the polite thing to do. Food (or booze) for thought?