Laman » Hiburan » 13 Things Every Boyband Fan Girl Is Guilty Of

    13 Things Every Boyband Fan Girl Is Guilty Of

    Being a fangirl is a full time job, and girls all over the world know it since the rise of Elvis. Anyway, being a boyband fan girl is slightly different, since your favorite boy - aka your “future hubby” - is competing with rest of the band in terms of beauty, intelligence, personality and, well… voice. Not to mention the competition between your favorite boyband and other bands, that you'll always try to win on a definitely subjective field, like just saying to your rival friends “ Mine are better than yours, no way!”

    As girls, we've all been fond of a boyband in our teens, and the experience makes different generations confront on the same plan: unrestrained love feelings. As a fangirl you'd do everything to support your boyband idol, you feel you owe him your happiness and one of his tweets or any other social updates can make or break your day.

    Sometimes the moment comes that you meet the boyband boy, and while your body suddenly stops to respond to your brain, and your brain simply stops to be there, you'll make a memorable impression to everyone in the room.

    We've all been there, desperately fangirling our music idols, and we've all come across these 14 fangirl guilts!

    13 Fangirl Wars

    You literally go to war if someone dares to question your favorite boyband's talent. Fangirls wars can happen anytime, anywhere, at school or at home, and they're just fired up from simple statements like “I didn't like their latest song” or “he's not that good looking anymore.” Anyone who dares to say anything like that has to be taken to trial to justify those undeserved words, and then you simply ban him/her from your life. That's how a fangirl's life works since the age of The Beatles… and The Rolling Stones. So, your granny will probably understand!

    12 Basically, Everything You Own Is Boyband Related

    Your schoolbag has your favorite boyband's faces on it. But this is just the beginning. What about proudly wearing a set of seven different tees with seven different poses of your beloved band, one for every day of the week? And if your mom skips hand-washing them for some reason, and you start to notice some unexpected wrinkle and yellow teeth appearing on your idol's face, that's a good reason to make a scene with hysterically confused affirmations and random tears. At that point there's only one safe place to recover: your boyband-printed blankets!

    11  You Jealously Keep Every Boyband Souvenir

    If you have such good luck to come in contact with something, basically everything that your boyband's idol might have touched, you'll jealously keep that souvenir, as if it was a relic, for the rest of your teenage days. When I was 13 I was crazy about Take That, and a friend of mine boasted about having a perfumed bracelet that Mark Owen had randomly thrown to the fans during a concert. It was clearly a fake, because none of us had ever been to one of their concerts, and she gave the bracelet to me telling me she was fond of Gary Barlow, so she wasn't interested in that souvenir. I secretly kept it in my bedroom desk and smelled it once a day until I felt in love with Oasis…

    10 You Cry Only At The Thought of Your Favorite Boyband

    Can you imagine what it would be like if you ran into your idol while you're at a store? You see him, but you're so shy and don't know what to do, you're thinking about what to do and what to say when he notices you ( maybe because of your tshirt?) and comes in one direction, yours, to say hello. If this typical daydream is enough to make you cry like a baby, then you're officially in the fandom drama. You'll cry when you see them on tv, you'll cry when you hear your “future hubby” singing his solo in your fave song, and you'll cry basically everywhere, for no clear reason.

    9 Your Twitter Handle is @MrsStyles12345…

    And I wrote 12345 at the end because when I used a random number indicating the last decade, a true profile came out! Telling the world you're in love with your idol is just one spontaneous demonstration of your evangelizing mission. And since you are, because there's no doubt about it, the future wife and true love of your idol, you have to state it on every social network, with specific posts and, clearly, an unmistakable profile name!

    8 Your Crush Is Hopeless

    You have a hopeless crush on someone you'll probably never meet in your life. But you'll never realize it, never ever. And the chances are, your hormones come in connection with the neurons in your brain to create a rational thought on what is really going to happen are a round and bold ZERO. You'll simply contradict anyone who tells you that's an impossible love affair with a “you can't understand” statement and move forward. And that time you'll be telling the naked truth!

    7 You Force Your Dad To Bring You To The Gig

    Chances are you'll force your whole family to bring you to the stadium and tirelessly assist to the following: seven days hysteria before the gig and growing hysteria episodes while the date is closer, panic of the gig day because you MUST be there before the doors open, AND before anyone else, random moments of tears, drama and discomfort, your heart attack when the lights go down, a second heart attack screaming out your idol's name when the boyband comes out, random falling into faint when they start dancing and sweating on the stage, and so on. And you're still convinced your mom won't be there because she doesn't want to be your rival in love.

    6 Your Bedroom Is Plastered With Posters

    Posters are a common sign that you're in your teens, even though you'll end up posterizing your dorm bedroom also at university. But the real difference between a common teenage bedroom and a boyband fan girl bedroom, is in one tiny, simple detail. Not a square inch of your bedroom wall is actually a white wall. You'll plaster it with posters, photos, gigs scarves, accessories, boyband tees, their song lyrics, and so on. If it's true, the things you put in your mind end up manifesting themselves, chances are you'll find your idol waiting for you in your room very soon!

    5 YouTube Is Your Home

    YouTube is a diabolic magnet for millennial teenagers who have the possibility to watch their idols 24 hours a day, seven days a week. And if you're a passionate fangirl, you'll repeatedly watch every video where your idol is featured, talks, coughs, sings, walks, has breakdown, has a haircut, meet a fan ( she's clearly much luck than you have, cooks a meal, eat a cheeseburger, and does other important things to contribute making the world a better place. You'll never ask yourself WHY you're living on YouTube, because it's so clear, you just can't lose a moment of your beloved's perfect life.

    4 You'll Sell Your Soul For A Pass

    This is another common thing of fans, in general. Even if you're passionate about classic music or ballet and you're 46, you'll sell your soul for a meet-and-greet pass. But when you're a boyband fan girl, you'll sell your soul, your family, and even your dog to meet your idol and desperately cry to his face, unable to match subject+verb on what you're going to say, namely NOTHING that makes sense. Anyway, if you're in that situation, don't worry, there's millions of people like you on planet earth.

    3 When They're On TV, Every TV At Home Is Yours

    People go away, go out tonight, go to the cinema, eat a pizza, read a book, listen to the radio with your earphones, but don't try to touch my TVs tonight! That's the fangirl statement to the family when her favorite boyband is performing on TV. When you're a fangirl, you'll turn on all the TVs in your home and pump up the volume until you can perfectly hear everything from every secret corner of your home. Not that you'll keep your eyes off the TV for a millisecond, but because you want to support them! You want to raise their audience-share, even if you don't know what it is, and you'll be glued to the TV screen until they end their performance.

    2 If You Ever Meet Them, Your Synapsis Stops Working

    If the only thought of meeting your boyband idols makes you cry, be sure that your true reaction will be way more embarrassing. Chances are your brain will stop working the usual way, and you just won't be able to say anything sensed, not even remotely sensed. You'll cry and he'll be worried he's not as beautiful as when he's photoshopped by his marketing team. These things happen continuously when you meet your idols. Like me, when I met my fashion idol Giorgio Armani in Rome and asked him for a photo ( actually my boyfriend asked… ), I was unable to say anything to him other than “you are a myth!”, in a trembling voice. And I was 32!

    1 If The Band Breaks Up You're Simply In Grief

    The break-up announcement is one of the worst days of your young fangirl life, you'll probably remember it for the rest of your life, because it's a real pain. When that moment comes, and it usually comes after five to seven years off the boyband's launch, you just feel disappointed and empty. Maybe you heard some rumors, but you couldn't imagine the news would come with such a painful announcement. The next thing you do is you start tweeting delusional messages to your idol, asking him to reunite with the band, because you just can't live without their songs!